SEVE BALD-RUST LAND CO. WE BUY AND SELL WESTERN LANDS AND RANCHES "lU'SlNKHS IS flOOI), THANK YOU" FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF. BY RUSS WESTOVER. I.OOKS THAT WAY "Who won th war?" sked tho ' -igV yr.ung jawf behind the Boda counter. "Huh," ejaculated the ex-nergeanf. gruffly as he dug up the war tax, "I think we bought It." American Lcg lon Weekly. Pome day the much abutted, lontc suffering public will strike, then profeBBlonal strikers will find their occupation Kone. Every time the unspeakable Turk Is handed his hat he wonder whether somebody wants him to get out of Europe. THi: ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER. 5. 1920 . y j i . ' Women have a good precedent for wearing furs In summer. The orig inal owners of furs wore them the year around. . . i I WANT TO BUT something? Hun I treda of people scan tbeae Want I Ad columns looking for what you J r others have to offer. Get flJck J results by advertising In The erald Want Ad department. 4ATES Two cents per word per In aortinn. Costs more than other newspapers, but we guarantee that ran reach several hundred more readers. Buy "irculatlon. not hot air, 8ALH CITY PROPERTY to every farmer. If you own auto or tam can give bond, write today for information where you can get territory for selling products of larg est Institution of kind In worl" Twenty million users. J. R. Wat kins company, Dept. 110, Winona. Minnesota. NOTICE TO CREDITORS II KIRS. AM' In the County Court of box Butta County. Nebraska In the Matter of th Estate of ELIZA CLYBORNE. Deceased. State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss To all persons Interested in the Estate of Eliza Clyborne, deceased, ALLIANCE city property to trade for both creditors and heirs, take novice n n,.tfo rmintv farm. See Ne-liai w u " ' . . . r - - ... . .-.,, i Tlirn in iqu wuuui iuun ui riVE room Bungalow, all modern, Butte County, Nebraska, cetiiEg close In; bargain Co. See Nebr. Land I forth that Eliza Clyborne, deceased. tf I deDarted this life intestate on the 0fh Hnv of Jnlv. 1918. at her resl- FOR SAXJt USED OARS . . ,h . Benton Harbor. Bldg. FOR SALE-Oood used cars. A. H. "" ' ,",1. Jones Company, Masonic Temple l" " - " i . . Harbor. Berrien County. Michigan; FOR SALE Ford touring car, in and was possessed in fee simple at good condition, winter top. Cbeap the time of her death, or tne follow if tkpn thia week. Terms on good ine described real estate, to.wlt: An security, office. Inquire No. 512 Herald 89-90P FOR SALE SEWIXd MACHINES. FOR SALE New and second hand sinepr Rewine machines on J3 a mnnlh nnvtnonta I'hnilP 382. A. J Mil FORD Act 86tf I er Is a daughter of the deceased and undivided one-third (1-3) interest In and to tae northwest quarter (NW !4) of section eight (8), In town ship twenty-six (26), north of range fifty (50), west of the sixth principal meridian in Box Butte County, Nebraska; that the petition deceased, died intestate on the 29th day of July, 1918 at Benton Harbor, Derrlen County, Michigan, being at the time of her death, a resident and inhabitant of said City of Benton Harbor, Berrien County, State of Michigan, and that more than two years has elapsed since her death; that the said Eliza Clyborne, at the time of her death, was the owner of an undivided one-third Interest in and to the northwest quarter (NW. 4) of section eight (8), township twenty.slx (26), north of range nfty (50), west of the sixth principal meridian In Box Butte county, Ne braska, and that your petitioner Is a laughter of the said deceased, ad the owner of an undivided one-ffth interest in said lands; that no appll cation for administration uio:i the estate of said Eliza Clyboru-i has been made in the State of Nobiaska: that the sole and only heir at law of the said Eliza Clyborne, at the ti-no of her death were her children, Ed ward Clyborne, a son of South Bend. Indiana; Fred Clyborne, a Bon of Benton Harbor. Mkhlgan; Lou Cly borne, a daughter "of Benton Harbor. Michigan; Ethyl Clyborne Snell grove, a daughter of Elgin Ellinols, and Mae Quillianis, a daughter ot Benton Harbor, Michigan; each tf vhom Is over yarn of age and are the persons to whom said lands decended at the time of the death of the said deceased. It Is hereby ordered that a 'ioi.r- ing be had on said petition In tie Court room In h City of Al liance, Box Butte County, Nebraska WANTED TO BUY. the owner of an undivided two flfteenthd Interest In fee simple in and to said lands and derives her title to the same through the said Eliza Clyborne, deceased. The petitioner further states that more than two years has now elapsed ha vp. hnvpr for desirable dwelling since the death of the said tnza house at right price. John O'Keefe ciyDourne, ana inai no appncauuu 85tl has Deen raaue ior lue apyoiiumem WANTED To hear from owner of Kood farm for sale. State casO nrice. full description. D. l Bush, Vf Innon nnl la Minn. 90 A" lltMVH"- 1 & Son. WANTED ROOMS WANTED To rent 3 or 4 unfur nished rooms. Call 386 or at Im- riprlnl ticket office. 83tf WANTED MEN WANTED Car Men Apprentices Aee 16 to 21 to serve four years Rate first 6 months 42c with zc in- Benton crease each 6 months thereafter and I clyborne Snellgrove, a daughter of full rate at end of fourth year, rre- Elgin. Illinois, Mae Quilllams. daughter of Benton Harbor, Michl gan; each of whom Is now more than twenty-one years of age and entitled to an undivided one-fifth part or Bhare of the estate of the of an administrator of her estate, In the State of Nebraska, either by her heirs or persons claiming to be creditors of her estate, and that at the time of her death, she left sur vlvlng her, as her sole and only heirs at law, the following named child ren, to.wlt: Eft ward Clyborne, a son of South Bend, Indiana; Fred Cly. borne, a son of Benton Harbor, Mich igan; Lou Clyborne, a daughter of Harbor, Michigan; Ethyl sent full rate 80c. Apply to MaBter Mechanic. C.B.&Q. Alliance, Neb. 80tf ... . - a t 11 T" , n was mea ror recoru m no uuc County. Nebraska on the 27th day of July, 1914, and recorded in Book 28. of the mortgages on page 214, Mortgage records of Bald county. That the Bald mortgage has been fully paid; and asking that the court enter a decree, cancelling the same of record In said Box Butte County, and quieting the title to said premises in the plaintiff, with such other and further relief as the court shall deem just and equitable. You are required to answer said petition on the 18th day of October, 1920, or the statements therein will be taken as true, your default en tered and decree rendered as prayed S. A. MILLER. Plaintiff By L. A. BERRY, Attorney. Sepll0-Oct5. TWP has been a ireraenuous vlump in the price of raw wool, but It Is a long, devious, mucn n- road from raw wool to the con Burner's back. Speaking of transportation facili ty, because of these new high Bklrts many germs are deprived of their regular travel from the street to the homes. Now it, the time to rise superior to the thermometer and take thought of next winter's coal supply; other wise there may be no coal supply. ONE ROAD TO SALVATION I Sea y ! 3ea For Expert Driving and Livery J. W. CARROLL Phone: Day, 118; Night, IS Sturgeon's Oarage Let Me Cry Your Sales R. A. YVYLAND Auctioneer Phone 1070 Quick Service Electric PHONE 250 First National Bank Bldg. Alliance Nebraska Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopath Dr. Annie Q rah am Jeffrey Chiropractor ralmer School Telephone 865 Wilson Building L. A. BERRY , ROOM RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Phone 604 , Alllnnex Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock, (General Farm Sales The fact that a sewer digger can buy lilac perfume to use as a mind easing beverage Is an eloquent com mentary on the present wage scale. You can't blame the man who buys your Liberty bond at 80 cents on the The two fishing guides had In vain dollar. He was Just naturally born tried to impress upon the stingy mil- with more sense than you have. lionalre that a tip would not be amiss. Finally, as they paddled over The books will never balance satls the lake one had an Inspiration. ' fajctorily bo long as you try to oper 'Bill," he gasped, pointing to a ale a crepe de chine taste with a small fluffy cloud In the distance, cheese cloth Income, "there's a storm coming up. Can i , you pray?" J An expert has given six ways to "No" avoid eatinK noisonous mushrooms, "Can you sing a hymn?" I but the seventh and the best is to "No." I leave them on the stem. "Well, we've got to do something! religious. Let's pass the hat around. Tjie nfxt thing in order will be an American Legion Weekly. Besides withdrawing much needed investigation of the high cott of In vtstigating the high cost. J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor 1 have the only set of Abstract Books In Box Butte County. First National Bank Bldg. Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance, r. c bkduisu, KeaoisD Block. . tf MOVE H KNITVItK SAFELY ' We have yu!pped our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances for moving furnttur without marring, scratching or dam aging. Up-to-date wagon fads wlU be used by, us on all moving Jobs, tf JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone 15. labor from farms, the automobile on the 16th day of October, 1920. at ' industry is making serious inroads the hour of ten o clock A. M. anu upon the coal supplies of other In that notice thereof be given to al' dustries. Men connot live by auto- persons Interested in said estate both mobiles alone. creditors and heirs, of the time and j place fixed for Bald hearing by the publication of this order for three successive weeks prior to said hear ing. In the Alliance Herald, a news paper printed, published, and circu. lated in said county. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hav hereunto set my hand and official seal this 10th day of September, 1920. IRA E. TASH. (SEAL) County Judge Lee Basye, Attorney. Sept. 14. Oct. 8 There's enough coal in the ground to last 7,000 years, says the bureau of mines. At the present rate of delivery It will stay in the ground 7,000,000 years. An American has Just won the world championship in tennis at Lon don. Something Is always happening to make this country unpopular in Europe. WANTED POSITIONS. LOST WANTKn-llv man and wife with said Eliza Clyborne, deceased boy 12 years old, cooking Job on ine ODjeci anu prayer oi buiu pe. ranch. Address W. A. TAYLOR. Ard- tition Is that the court will appoint more. S. D., Box 5. 88-9iPa time ana piace ior a uearuiK ui.uu eaia petition anu iuai nonce may uc given and issued to all persons Inter, ested in said estate, both creditors and heirs, to the end that the regu lar administration may be dispensed with and that the estate of the enid Eliza Clyborne, deceased, be fully administered In accordance with the T.OST A small brown mink fur neck piece, Wednesday or Thurs day evening. Finder please return tn TIprnlA. 87-88 PliACE TO LIVE. NOnCE TO DEFENDANTS In the District Court within and for Box Butte County, Nebraska. S. A. Miller, Plaintiff, vs. Green Wheeler Shoe Company, a corpora tion, Its heirs, assigns or legal rep resentatives; the west thirty (30) feet of lot nine (9), In block twenty six (26), original town, now city of Alliance: also lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), and five (5), in block four (4), Hills Addition to i the city of Alliance; also lot seven t7), In block two (2), In Hitchcock Hill & Snedekers Addition to the city of Alliance, Box Butto County, Ne braska, and to any and all unknown claimants in and to any Interest in the said real estate, Defendants. To the Defendants above named: You will take notice that on the 7th day of September, 1920, the Plaintiff above named, filed his ' Another trouble about raising boys on the farm is that they get lost In the brush that the extinct hired man no longer cuts. Have it . WELDED with the OXY-ACETYLENE PROCESS Cylinder Blocks, Frames and Tranmlsslon Cases a Specialty ALL TRACTOR PARTS Geo. H. Breckner New Location 210 W. Jd BL Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted FOR SALE Household goods, com Tin fnr housekeeping, cheap Tf taken at once. Can rent house in ad dltlon If desired Herald office. laws of the State of Nebraska, pro-1 petition In the office of the Clerk vldlng for the determination of heirs and right of succession to real es tate after a Deriod of more than two Inquire No. 511,1 years has elapsed since the death of aapl the intestate, and for such other and further proceedings as may be prop er for the full administration of said AGENTS WANTED Get Into bust-1 estate. That the Court will find and ness. Watkins 187 products sell I decree mat me said cum ciyoorne, AGENTS WANTED of the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which la to cancel and re lease from the records of said county, a certain mortgage executed by the above named plaintiff and Mary C. Miller, his wife, on the 27th day of July, 1914, to Green Wheeler Shoe Company, which said mortgage Wm. King Company WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO CIGARS CANDY BEVO MALT-NUT RINE POP x "BUDWEISEB" BEER On Ice or By the Case' We deliver any part of the city. 217 Box Butte Avenue. Phone 136 REAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and Ranchea Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C. McCORKLE, Manager Office Ground Floor First Natl. Bank When In Antioch Take Your Meals at THE LIBERTY CATS Meals at All Hours John Strata Glean Up Now AVOID TIIK BUSH A little later ta the yoa'll have to wait yow tarn. Use the phone today. PROMPT SERVICE VOW SamShelton Phone S7 PHONES: RES. NO. 183 OFFICE NO. L Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATING FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen 'We Try Hard to Pleaai"