T1IK ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1920 TWO 16-4 GLEANERS School Overcoats For Boys Sizes From 8 to 18 Years About 40 Coats, your choise $12.59 1 J 1 P M t ' 'J GOIF IJITR9 NOW the courw of 3, 35. 37 and 35. ItKADY FX)H 11 AY These figures were tremendous Rolf . at the time, as the putting jrreenes i - ,wT. r.,r "" old The orjranUatlon meeting for the. jn jgj2 tlffe Manchester Country rlub will probably be held this even- ciut, cf BoRton brought over from Ing, or tomorrow, at I Scotland the well known golfer, Beers will be appointed and com- willle Campbell, who had the repu tnlttees name-1 to be In charge ot t'.ie tatlon of being the best match player various activities. A new branch has Scotland had. A match was arrang been discovered In the tennis fans. , between Dunn and Campbell on and It Is rrcbpb''- Mint at least two Campbell's own course at Manc-hcs.t courts will be built. and toward the end Dunn, being two Interest In the Country club Is holes down with five to play, came utr-ndl'y growing, and the methber hlp will undoubt'dly be sufficiently large so that building operations will be started early next spring. William Dunn, professm -1V-who laid out the course for the new Alliance Country club, has been a well known figure In the game for a number of years. It was large!v due to his efforts that the golf enthusi asm In this city developed so quickly. Following Is a sketch of L.t. h.. ties In connection with the game: The first golf courses in America were laid out by the famous golfer. Willle Dunn, and the first exhibition matches played. In the year 188a a number of prominent Americans touring in the south of France, start ed playing golf at the well known winter resort df Diarrltz, near the Spanish border. .These gentlemen were W. K. Vanderbllt, Dunfan Cry der, the New York banker; Geor"ge Mead of Dodd-Mead & Co., the pub lishers, and several other well known Americans. - They took Instructions ' from Dunn, who at that time was In charge of the Biarritz course. They took a liking to Willie, and. offering htm a good salary persuaded him to come over and lay out courses In America. Dunn arrived in the early pring of 1890 and began laying out courses and Instructing Young Am erica how to play, the game as it was played in Scotland, the home ot golf. Willie was the only professional in this country at that time, so for lack of competition was unable to ar range any professional matches. He kept busy, however, laying out golf courses and instructing, sninnecock Hills, Long Island, was Willie's hen.1 . quarters and from huckleberry "bushes and grapevines, he turned it into a fine 18-hole golf course. A pulled ball would land In the huckle oerries ana u tne player bad on white trousers when he entered the huckleberries he would com out with them blue. The following year the Newport Golf club, Rhode Island, brought over a piofessronal from Scotland named W. 'Davis. Davis was a first class player and the first xhibition, professional matches played In Ih's , country were between him and Dunn at Newport. In the first match Dunn beat Davis by thirteen holes In two rounds of 17 and 70, breaking all records for the course. Ahe re turn match took place a few days later at Myopia Hunt club course, where Dunn beat Davis by, twelve holts, again making a new record of along with a terrific finish, holeing the last five holes in 3. 3, 2, 3. and 2. winning the match by three holes. A number of the other matches bit ween Dunn and Campbell took place, Dunn winning every time. In the next few years a number f professionals from both Scotland ar. England came to this country, against whom Dunn always held his own. At this time Dunn did not compete for the championship, but played the champions special matcht-f for purses and beat them all. In 1894 Dunn won the champion ship of the United States and wad runnerup In 1895. Two weeks later Dunn defeated II. Rollins, who was the champion, in a big tournament at St. Andrews, N. Y., winning first prize. Joe Lloyd, England's longest driver, won the championship in 1896 in Chicago. . Dunn defeated him a wek later in Sninnecock Hills and also won first prize in the tour nament. In 1897 Fred Herd of Chi cago won the championship at Bos ton, and Dunn immediately challeng ed him to a match for a purse of $500 at Baltimore. Dunn beat Her; by 3 holes. And so, champion aftci champion seemed to fall before this country's first professional champion. Willie Dunn has an international reputation and has laid out golf courses in various countries. He has taught a large number of ladles and gentlemen who later became cham pions. Dunn Is the inventor and develop er of the left leg theory which Is being copied by all the leading pro fcssionals. . to help pick potatoes. There are four Indian camps seen within 14 niile distance. A. T. Lee bought Kanred winter wheat seed from 8. J. Jossi last week. The Burlington Is laying new rails at Yale Siding. L. Fowell returned from Moore- croft, Wyo., last week. Weather and Crop Report: The past two weeks were dry. For a week we had frost every night, the first killing frost came Septembt r 26, and had several since. Most of the corn was out of danger from frost. wan a good thing for the potato vines as they were still green. Not as much corn cut for fodder as usual. Potato yield trom 40 to 140 bushels per acre. Corn crop good. Clay Harry, local commercial manager for the Nebraska Telephone company, left on No. 44 Simday for 3rand Island, where he wDl attend to various business mattters at the district office of the company. From Grand Island he will go to Central City, where his wife and daughter have been spending the past month or Bix weeks. Alter rejoining his family, they will spend a few days In Omaha, where Mr. Harry will take up business matters with the com pany's general office, and on the re turn trip he -win arwj in at the Sid ney exchange, which is "now under his supervision. Recently Mr. liar- r's territory was increased to in clude seven exchanges In this part of the state. It will probably be well along toward the end of the week before he completes the circle and gets back to Alliance. YALK SIDINd. Mr. an Mrs. C. I. Powell was visit ing at Win. Newman home Sunday The women's club met at the home of Mrs. G. Rust Thursday afternoon The usual number attended. Robert Newman of Columbus Neb., who has been visiting at the Wm. Newman home for several da left for Sidney Thursday. Clarence Gahagen threshed for Beals and Pipers last week, Mr. and Mrs. John Jossi and chil dren of Columbus, Neb., were visit ing at S. J. Jossi and Wm. Newman uiK'py und ejjxf h Denver on their way borne. Marian Russell hur this arm fall Ing with a horse he was riding last week. Potato, harvest started in 'full b!ast Monday. Many farmers have Indians wy The United States HvH svle commission announces that an open competetive examination will be held at Alliance on Saturday, October 23, for the positions of clerk and city carrier at the Alliance postofflce. Clerks and carriers In offices of this class are divided Into five grades, the salaries of which range from $1,400 to $1,800 yearly. Promotion from one grade to another Is made at the close of a year's satisfactory service In any grade. Applicants from eighteen to forty-five years of age are eligible. Preference will be given to ex-service men, their wives or widows. Futher information con cerning the examination may be se cured from F. W. Hicks, secretary, at the postofflce. Disappearing beds are nothing new. Eerthlng is out of Bight now adays. When the women "Vote this fail it will be another occasion for a new hat. FIFTY-FIFTY "Hear you've cut out gambling here," said the traveler to Arizona Pete. "Reform wave hit you, too?" "Sort of, but mostly because every body's plumb disgusted with the cheatin' that's been going on," re turned Pete. "While ago a slick Easterner comes down here with i a crooked deck and cleans everybody up.. That disgusts all the natives. Then the Easterner discoveres he ain't won anything except counter feit money. That disgusts him. So we decide to rform." American Legion Weekly. Dispatches from Russia report the capture of the town of Sventsiany, 95 miles south of Dvinsk. Russia must name them after Pullman sleepers. George A. Harkness and wife left. Sunday evening for Omaha, where Mr. Harkness has accepted perma nent employment. For some time he has been wire chief for the Nebraska Telephone company at Alliance, and has not only earned a high efficiency rating, but has made a number of friends. His wife's health was re sponsible for the change in location. His place will be taken by T. E. Car ney of Grand Island, who checked in last Saturday. Mr. Carney has been construction foreman at Grand. Island. a Paris reports that 8,000,000 bot tles of champagne are to be sold at auction, and still some marvel at the rush of tourists to France. rtX)U 11ATIIINU COMPANION (From the Dallas (Tex.) Times Herald.) Hammond, La. Miss Emma Breckwoldt, daughter of a hotel keeper here, was suffering from severe injuries today, the result of an attack while bathing last night with an alligator. i The Alliance Herald, 2.50"Tyear. TOTALLY INSUFFICIENT The prisoner was held up for boot- legtng, but only one bottle of whisky wan tound upon him. The Jury retired with "Exhibit A" but filed gloomily back at the expiration of ten minutes. "Gentlemen of the Jury, have you reached a verdictT" asked the clerk. "We have not," stated the fore man aggrlevedly. "We must have more evidence. Them last two Jury men that sat down to the end of the table swear there ain't an atom of noor against this feller." American Legion Weekly. It's hard on the home gardener's temper to learn that the market price on something has dropped Just as he begins to figure on how much he i saving by having a garden of his own. People who aon't know Mexico Imagine that the opposition of only five generals constitutes a revolu tlon. Why, five generals equal only one rumor. The modern complexion is face te that America is getting ahead in the matter of dyes, r One-piece bathing suits would not be so bad if the makers were more .ous with the. piece. As sure as you are a foot high- you will like this Camel Turkith blend! J r (Cmk 1 lTSWnSLr?ffi 3 YOU never got such cigarette contentment as Camels hand you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic Tobaccos make this goodness possible and make you prefer this Camel blend to either kind o f tobacco smoked s traightl Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation 1 Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste 1 They leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor! Give Camels every test then compare them puff-for-puff with Camala mrm mold mnrywhmrm im cimntilctlly paekmiam of 20 cigmntf for 30 eanta; er PMckmtmm OOOeiiarmtlm,) in a Ja tnm-pmpmr-co vwrad car-'on- Wm afronrfjr noommand Ihia cation for I ha hotna or of So aupply or whan yom traval R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wioitoo Salras N. & ' 1 e 3J TURKISH l DOMtSTIC Visit Us Soom The Brennan Drug Store Is In Its New and Permanent Location at 304 Box Butte We have now completed moving and are quite well established in our new quarters beside the First National Bank, formerly occupied by The Golden Rule Store. We want you to call and see us in the new store as soon as you conveniently can. With tie new location, with different arrangement, we are confident we can render up-to-the-minute service. We want to have the oppoVtunity to try. We Will Carry Everything In Our Lines Our stock includes only the highest grade merchandise in the respective lines. Next time you need any one of the following, think of Brennan 's, then call and see us: PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED, STATIONERY, HOUSEHOLD DRUGS, PHONOGRAPHS, CANDY, CIGARS, TOBACCOS. ' Fo J. Brennan 304 BOX BUTTE AVE. ALLIANCE, NEB. Eight Ways to Beat the H. C. L. 1. BE A PRODUCER. Work and earn, to help increase the world's goods, and there by decrease the cost of necessities. 2. MAKE A BUDGET. Plan how you will dispose of your income. Do not live from "hand to mouth." 4. KEEP YOUR MONEY IN TIIE BANK. Pay bills by check and put your surplus regularly in savings. This keeps your money safe and helps you to save. 5. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Even if you have to go into debt for it, your greatest satisfaction will come from living under your own roof. 6. PAY YOUR BILLS POMPTLY. Don 't obligate yourself beyond the limits of your budget allowances and protect your credit by meeting those obligations promptly. . 7. INVEST Y'OUR SAVINGS. When your savings are sufficient to buy one or more good bonds, go to your banker and buy them. 8. SHARE WITn OTHERS. Realize that every dollar you place in the bank or in vest in home town property remains in thecommunity. It is thereby available for local improvement of all kinds. Wo are all hereto boost this territory and by leaving your money available you do only your share. BdfciitX u THE FIRST STATE BANK SAFETY ALLIANCE, NEBR. COURTESY STRENGTH any cigarette in the world! BLEND