The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 01, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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School Overcoats Fcr Boys
Sizes From 8 to 18 Years
About 40 Coats, ycur choise $12.50
i i
BUnn rMNTINfl CO.. Owners
- A 1 n n
u II, iv known. nowever, prem-m unnur
CPkt iUtanrC HCrnlU nifll(, furnish another Instance of
the futility ot attempting 10 mane
third newspaper bud In a city where
there are two good seml-weeklles In
I full bloom, as well as the futility ot
trying the dally stunt without adv
quate capital and, more or Ions un-
1 orcupled field. A few Alliance mer-
chans are talking or (he need t,r i
'dally In this city, but with this sort
of an object lesson so near at home,
only a foolhardy publisher with a fat
bankroll would make the attempt.
Entered at the pontofflce at Alliance,
Neb., for transmission tli'oiiKn the
. ii r. .1 nl... i.i.tlap ln H I i rl
nmi If. am ""' . .
OEnnnu t. urnrt. jr. niitor
EUWIN M. HI lilt Puslnesa Mgr.
Offlrlel newnpepT 'f th
Alliance; oilltiul iiipper
Hull County.
City of
of llo
Owned end published bv The Burr
frlntliitr Company, 'Ipnrne Purr, Jr
President; Kdwln M. Hurr, Vice Pres-
The grand Jury Investigations In
Chicago have borne bitter fruit In the
confessions of Eddie Cicotte and
other members of the Chicago White
Box that they accepted brlbea and
deliberately threw the last world's
erles to Cincinnati. For ye"--1
baseball hat stood alone at the only
national sport In which there was too
hint of crookedness. Prize-fighting,
"resiling even football have been
convicted In divers Instances, but ttg
league baseball has stood alone. THe
national game has been hit a body
blow, one that will require years of
clean playing to overcome. In all
probability, the game will never com
pletely recover Its lost prestige. Darn
It all, why can't white men stay
The Hatte Valley Dally News, es
tablished at Scottsbluff about a year
go, has apparently discovered that
Jordan Is a pretty rough road to
travel. Despite countless changes In
management and the occasional Infl
ation of fresh blood In the way of
more backing, the dally has grown
weaker and more anaemic day by
' day, until last Tuesday morning,
when creditors made an effort to
bring suit against the publication,
A. E. Clark, who has been in charge,
could not be found. Will Maupln of
the Gering Midwest Is said to be tem
porarily In charge, although . the
news columns furnish no proof of his
line Italian hand. So near as can be
learned by a rank outsider, the
8cottsbluff dally got off on the wrong
foot and has never been able to catch
the step. Scottsbluff should be
good a field for a daily as any city
of Its size in the state, and whether
the fault for its failure to date lies
with the editorial staff or the mer
chants of that city may never be
In the month of October there will
be a go-to-church campaign in the
Methodist church. In which there
will be special services each Sunday,
and the object of which is to stum
late church attendance. October 3
is "Rally day"; October 10 Is "Sun
day school day"; October 13 Is
"Young People's day"; October 24
Is "Newcomers' day"; and October
31, pictures will be given. A differ
ent committee will be In charge each
FiitsT HAPTisT oilmen.
As a father or mother you cannot
do a better thing for your children
than to take them to Sunday school
and church next Sunday. They look
to you for this leadership. If yc
fall them, nobody else can make up
for your neglect. The future officers
and members of the church are being
trained today. You want your boy
it girl to be well equipped for his or
her place In society In years to come.
Your boy or girl will be Just such a
man or woman as you encourage ai?v
or her to be. Miracles are not going
to be performed In a day to make up
for any neglect on the part of par
ents today. The morning sermon,
"The Prayer In the Garden." will be
followed by the communion service.
B. Y. P. U. and Junior at 6:30
Evening sermon at 7:30. Sermon
subject, "The Marred Vessel." Good
music by the new choir. Every
member of the congregation urgeu
to be present. Remember ours la the
"home-like church", and there is al
ways a welcome for you In our
church home.
J. ORRIN GOULD, Minister.
Engineer Carr Is laying off on ac
count of illness.
Your Every
Banking Need
ONE of the things on which The
Gunrdlan State Dank prides
Itself most is Its diversified
Bi ivlre.
.n h'.ve hero a complete group of
rVpm tnients. each one meeting a Jlr.
tlnct and definite purpose. Your
e y lia.ikirg need can be adequate
ly tared for at this bank and we al
w,iyi welcome the opportunity to
serve you.
December 1st we pay our regular 5 compounded
seini-annual interest on your Savings Account.
You are invited lo test its convenience.
5 compounded semi-annual interest
added to your account. Subject to
withdrawal without notice.
Deposits made on or before the 10th day of any
month considered as having been made on the first
The Guardian State Bank
Capital, $50,000.00
Under Supervision of the State of Nebraska.
Evangelist E. E. Davidson of Kansas City, Mo.
Whatever Church you may belong to, we disire
your presence, and if to none at all, then we are the
more anxious for you to hear the following subjects
discussed :
Sunday, a. m., Oct. 3 "Provoking Oneanother."
Sunday, p. m., Oct- 3 "Pleasantness of Religion."
Monday, p. m., Oct. 4 "A Surrenderd Life,"
Tuesday, p. m,, Oct. 5 "Run-Speak to the Young."
Wednesday, p. m., Oct. 6 "Self Examination."
Thursday, p. m., Oct. 7 "Is Life Worth Livingt"
Friday, p. m., Oct. 8 "If God Be For Us Who Can
Be Against Us?"
Would you like to see Alliance a safer city for
boys and girls to grow to manhood and womanhood
in f If 60, give us your prayers and help.
, STEPHEN J. EPLER, Ministr.
"Durand of the Bad Lands," with
Dustfn Farnum, Is the feature at the
Imperial tonight. In the play, Dur
and, wanted for rustling 700 cattle
across the border, holding up tn"e
Empire Express, cleaning up the'
Lone Wolf Gold Mine, stealing a
prize breeding cow, and killing nine
teen persons in a massacre, was the
Instrument of Increasing the contri
butions received by the Itev. "Kingdom-Come"
Knapp from a few old
buttons and safety-pins to an amount
which numbered In four figures.
"A Modern Salome" Is the Inter
esting title of the Saturday offering,
in which Hope Hamilton takes the
lead. . It's the story of "Salome" In a
new guise. When her husband's
secretary wouldn't flatter her, the
woman vowed revenge. The pros
pectus makes one believe that it's
quite a play.
Ethel Clayton, In "A Lady of
Love," the Sunday attraction, tells
the tale of a woman who lost her
heart In a romantic Infatuation'; and
thought she had found the greatest
thing In the world. But when she
found that the man she had eloped
with was another woman's husband
then her adventure In real love
Constance Talmage In "Who
Cares?" from the story by Cosmo
Hamilton, Is scheduled for Monday.
It'B a story of youth and the prob
lems of youth, or a girl who mar
ries carelessly and tries to play the
game of life without due regard to
the rules and responsiblltles of the
1 V
The Ford Sedan with electric starting and lighting system, with demountable
rims with 3H-nch tires all around, is a family car of class and comfort, both in
summer anl in winter. For touring it is a most comfortable car. The large
plate glass windows make it an open car whefl desired, while in case of rain and
all inclement weather, it can be made a most delight
ful closed car in a few minutes. Rain-proof, dust
proof, fine upholstering, broad, roorny neats. Simple
in operation. Anybody can safely drive it. While
it has all the distinctive and economical merits of
the Ford car in operation and maintenance. Won't
you come in and look it over ?
Coursey & Miller
Mr. and Itfrs. w. II. v;iiih nn.i
small son, William, expect to leave i
Saturday for Denver, where they
will make their future home.
"Reduced Prices
Price Reductions Continue At The Fashion Shop on All
Coats, Soits, Dresses
i Waists
71 1
These reductions include all of our Fall lines the latest
arrivals that you have admired so much. You get to select
from the choicest creations on this season's market. They
are all here waiting for you at lower prices.
The Fashion Shop continues its lower prices campaign
for the benefit of those who have so far been unable to take
advantage of these big savings.
' 'IP
: (!' ijh r
Extra Special Reductions On All New and
Seasonable Millinery
Just now, when the season is at its height, we are giving big reductions
On All Tailored and Pattern Hats
This includes all Duvetyn, Panne and All
Silk Lyons Velvet in the seasons. Most
approved shapes and all the new color
ings as well as the transparent ones.
We emphasize especially our hand
made hats trimmed in all the new
fads and fancies.
A more complete line has never been