i -i 1titttiimtfititftitHfimHHiiHtiintttmtiittftniMtifitffii7 COMMtNT-ANO DlSCO:ffltNT lmttfiwwimwntMMMinimntittnimtmiinttminMttn3 Have you ever left dlseusted with the world, and everything In it. yourself in particular? Have you ever been real down-in-?he-mouih, as disheartened and ns disillusioned rs you fn' I he first time you dis covered that Santa Claus was a myth or that your dollie was stuffed with rnnimon s i v. dust ? If ho, rend on, iuher or siskr. Tt :r. V. nothing that p. .Mi our ri,;.t so ni .it-li r i'-' of e pre rer-,3ioral pep artists, or i.. j':hrsi who dimply iT(Mii' '. -. '.-ly a few of us can pollynnmi inrou . 1 1 ? . Hut nearly Hiio.,e can tV'cw f'.e prescription we cn;;i? i' n.n .arked over (Jeort-e I). I.i.i'.r.o u ' other day. and which, win n he wasn't looking. w,i eopp-j; '.In., win serve, as a not ice. to ticoiir- hruh ra "jis pone and that we Intend to re turn It by mail. wo 1 philosophy. We don't nay, hit M will meet with the npprovaTj f i ruicln rs, or pirates, or any par 1' ulnr class of men. Yon may not ! is; it nt I'll. Hut we do. It's worth' all of t'.! five thousand dollars the.; fellow in the story paid for It. Here's' ., i:l.-, i-k-ii from The Anibii s.i lor! . l;.tu- f a ) ar or two ago: ' A v.y.'U !: '. ! be :i su i'fetinc from', . ;-e :-r v.- -ro"t...- fvV j.f.r.:. IU hoi; oiu'td nvi.iy dectr is. None V.leed !!.nt. I!, cc.ild r,r no r.-l'ef i o '. m irj. Nlt i.l. Y.'hi u ! lioilt I'i'iuiy to rive U'. he nijt a friend r- toM'.iim of a remarl able vsie'nn. 'T'.v.i !.:. .: C:V. cure y u," Raid his .' x '.. "I ' '. '!! r ?T.rr,e you a large, ..'- : vT. i sit on ,ou" strictly 1 1 , ". ! ; i''t- W. iv v, li c.tre i i ' I Ten nay: lc'.t t he v r!J-l :' t; id'ys U iav.'s oftlce. nail. "I" . e beer, i irk Thin little tale presents a new philosophy of life, fot;i :!:'.:.: t? literary men and psycholofiists ore seeking when they don't have nctual work to do. And in some ways it is ;'rr three yenis tried . .nany rrnie-1 ' -visited dozens of physicians.; l y l.;.v n.ven mo ihi h'lp. Can yru cure nic?" i "1 can." said the doctor. "I can .:!:; f well man of you in six .'lorthi if you will do exactly as I : y .v.r "Tell me hat to do." said the man. ! "Kirs pay my fee m advance, j Then follow my l.isli uctlon Implicit-. I." "What is your fee," cske 1 the: man. I "How mucii 'money have you at jxtii' (i..-.io. al at pres ii? time," asked : he doctor. "I've twinly-five t hour-nial ('.oilers' f r v.-i il.ible cash." J ".'y fee will be five thousand dol- la: . ." r; i 1 t!.e doctor. "There v. ill b i,o medicine and no fuiur'j cl"'.ris." ' lll'l tlllt n pi el I. V Steep f, e?"i .U.'il tli- iiian. j "V.iy,' replied (lie docter. "but. it Is ;;;v cl.Artre. Yen know v.-'.ieJitr i; ii (r.'.i five t'i. us..n 1 deli.us to VI 'r ' . well." "I'll pay it,'' Mid thi man. Am i e 'i '.. "Now," said the ducter, "I want' y .1 '.. irot.il..e m o ar so.ei.in e.itn . ;:.! know h-v to make ilint no . v.i.ier Ih.'.v si!l trv:"'.': it r. mayi c;ipt,ir -o you---no nii'iter b'-w rid c-i us it in.-y si eii to your friends, '.".5 ; w ill follow it e.'.ct 'j'.'' ' 1 "ii mis'e," i a; 1 t ie v.:vn. la t':is," s;iid Hie defter, n.- Me h'.ooJ up and looked down on 1.1.? patient, "whenever nnylhlni? comes up to discourage you whether It be i liitti ltr linpnrtani or uiilniportnnt, 1 want you n say, I don't nlve a lanit). and I want eu to feel I dfn't live a damn. " "Ami do I pay f: lars for that," said "You have alrenc I u o ls"i made n se I expt i ; oii to Kei 1 eel to I rc.i my . you." . Ti.e in in smiU (!. tir," he said. "Then." raid 11 up. You ve nn .1 lU.r.i. Are you "No." t aid the n a damn." 'Are you sure," , "1 sal t. 'I don't 1 mean Jl don't ph the t ia;i and he brtiiRing iiln fist do. tabie viili more vv. shown for three ; iv e thousand dol ' ! e man. tiil it and you i:i "l pnencsK atnl l it jUm U., I (X- louiise and cure I'll do it i or-I I ' doctor, ":;t:,.ni'i j five t houai n I i - . in. "1 don't i iv .isked lho d(cto je a d.ii.i;i,' in d j ' i ('u:a " s.il t I 'iiphuslzid i; lyj i o,i the doc.c r'f i y t !.i n he ha 1 Ills friends IhouBht he was crazy and that the end was near. In thirl) la) a he' Kiilne l fifteen pounds. In ninety dn his most pesslmltle friends admitted he was well. It iniuht be well if many doubters at present could become Inoculate. 1 with the ' I don't Mve a damn" virus. It would help (heir cause. The "don't give a damn" ti; bit , ' l 1 .' ;:! i! piTic'lv apid.i-u, may be equally diMiislrous If id (itei) ie " w.iim w. y. 11i. tbo u it Is preily bad for the man who Isn't v. -iii-u; ; bur, rlnht 1 :n s. Itil'. It is all rU'ht fi.r the man who con I !ent ly pUiRa I . tl.e r j k i ' ' d' cl:on. GLADYS BROCKWELL AT IMPERIAL TOKKiHT The next day a wire en mo tellinK the man of busim : s troubles. He wired back, "I don't rho n damn." His wife pot cro.-s with him. With more emphasis than courtesy he re plied, "I don't giv." a dat.in." "KlamcB of tl-e I-'l sli." r a !h;dys Hrokv,'M, is the att . at liiiiei-l:.'i t!le;itei ll'li eve In piay Miss Urock ve'.' tike part of a Puritan maiden of Ku gland, and lat(r as the (till t formed into the during favori. gay Parisian cafes. It a that Is not without its tlnlll.i, one tb.at will upp.-al to a lot film fans. it: t. tt( n lie . . 11 ( Ne v an -o t f toi V je.l A serpen version of the famous "rollyanna," with Mary Tickford, 1b scheduled for Saturday, tnatlneo and nlKht. As "The (Had Girl," Misa Plckford shows how Old Man ('.loom can be chased away. It's a great play for people who feel dow n-lu-the I 111. HI. Ii, ..4 Wt It tm OtllClH. ! That breezy lad, Wallace Held, 'la ' "SI. k AU vl" i.: i fuiuifiy fca.ere. As u lively )i.iiiii; ch;:p who Is fiifin ! Inp Illness in order not to appear aa a witness at his friend's divorce hear- Iiik, the star i.iHkes probably . th , breeziest "Invalid" who was ever ! c.mi lined to a. cot. The fact thai ho himself hu I some ticklish derdlnu with the woman In the case ; n n k "? th' hero all the more anxious lo miko Vhis camouflai'.cd idekuess ring true I'uwiici', tpe pretty nurse who In a: niuie d :o 1' :.r",i aliii(-st ioils his ela'.i'i, but i v. r;. thinn I urns out mor . ti.-. i : 1.', i inj. In a.ieitioa to "Sick Abed," them will be a program by the llallowell Concert company, featuring John Wenlzell, baritone, at the (veiling performance only. There vu'.l also be the first reels of a new Vitagiaph serial, "Hidden Parsers," with .Torf Kyan and Jean Pane. This Is said to contain a lot of thrills. The Herald 2. 50. Worlh more. '111. y Learn the Real Joy of Living . 'Ml. Build a; Home For Your Family A small, cramped, stuffy suite of rooms won't bring your children the health and happiness they are entitled to. Make yourself and family independent of the "For Rent" -signs which carry the footnote "No Children.".. Build a home for them, out in the edge of the city, where the sun shines on wide meadows, where bird-songs are heard on Fall breezes from the rustling, shady trees. Out where they can romp and play and grow to strong young man hood and womanhood. FOWLER LBR. CO. The undersigned lumber dealers take a personal interest in helping you. We have plans and sound advice to offer. We know the housing proposition is a difficult one and we av. ait the opportunity to help you in any and ev ;ry way we can. FLOYD LUCAS, Mffr, FOREST LBR. CO. 1VJI. Hi;IX('TOX, .Mgr. DIERKS LBR. & COAL CO. FltKD 1IAIUJAUTF.X, Mri ,1,1, ,,.,,! ' 4 ' '