The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 24, 1920, Image 3

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    oxi: mixiti;
"While In New York recent
ly 1 heard that many clothes
maker are finding It lm
HUle to deliver, owing to
the woolen mills delay In
fabi'lo manufacture. It does
not look as though you
folks are suffering, from the
enormous selections you of
fer," Mid n customer.
And, think
by such a
as is shown
drcds upon
Fall Top Coats
in Wide Variety
t Men's,
VALUES in Fall Clothes
The Like of Which no Other Western Store
Dreams of Offering This Season at
Yts, VALUES from every standpoint.
From the superb quality of fabrics that we've
specially priced to present savings of $10, $15,
$20 in extra and unequaled intrinsic worth,
to the workmanship and design that sets the
pace for all America in clothes production!
A National Style
and value demonstration awaits you at Clothes
Headquarters. , '
of the extra satisfaction offered
combination of celebrated makers
by this store a store where hun-
hundreds of suits are on display.
House of Stein Block
Style Plus Clothes,
and Many Others
the cream of America's leading Clothes for Fall
Young Men's and Younger Young Men's Styles
Introducing a host of new and original style features
in single and double-breasted suits for younger
young men specially designed models by the lead
ing specialist creators of younger young men's
Featuring the greatest collection of Stouts, Lo ng Stouts, Short Stouts, Stubs, Longs, Slims,
Big Men's or Small Men's clothes in a range of models that stands without peer in America.
Auto Coats aud
Rain Coats
$25 $30 $35 $40 $45
Young Men's and Younger Young Men's Clothing Entire "Middle
1 1 ; n'MmorTJonf Mnrro
'm we
it wii
l urn II u M II ft i
1 1 p g " '
Young men and men who stay young find here more
style-leading models in more beautiful fabrics and
in a variety of propotions that insure custom service
without the annoyance of a try-on. Every model a
masterpiece of hand tailoring.
mm b-wb. sr- sv- OVO ' ' ve
Utility Coats and
Slip Ons
$50 $60
Section North Side.
The marriage of Charles Murphy,
tifl Mips Mr.rtha Lux was solemnized
' t the Holy Ilosary churrh Wednes
day morning at 7 o'clock. Father
Manning officiating. The bride was
'rerred l)i a gown of white satin and
overlace. Miss Christiana Liu, ma
ter of the bride, was bridesmaid, and
wore a gown of blue allk. Walter
Malone wan brat man. Little Miss
."-tiara Murphy wan ring bearer,
and Mian Martha Miller, flower girl
i-T-.p Mnto'y nfter the ceremony a
wedding breakfast was nerved to
pUh'0" ruepta, at the Palm Room
it the Alliance hotel.
The bride and groom left on No.
43 for Kansas City and other points
In the east. They will be at home
to their friends after October 9, at
their home, eight ni Ilea east of Alli
ance. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinamark an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter. Lillle, Mae, to George Brisbln of
Alliance. The wedding took place
Tuesday at the home of tho bride's
Muter, Mrs. Clayton Jordan. Mr. and
Mrs. DrlBbin will make their home
n Alliance. State Journal.
Anton Kulas and MIhb Beasie
Krejcl, both of the Marple neighbor
hood, were married thin morning at
the Holy Rosary churrh, Father
Manning officiating.
Whiter Rice da Mrs. RVuii Mc
Kinney, hcth of T.y'.cslde, Wile mar
ried by .County .M.Cge Tas'i Wednes
day inoniUip.
mktiiodist ciiritm.
are glad to note that the Sun
day school la coming back to Its nor
mal nttendence after the summer
vacation. The young ladies' claps,
composed largely of the ctty teachers,
has been reorganized with a good
enrollment, and the high school
boys' with class Professor Chase as
teacher, will be started next Sunday.
The attendance last Sunday was 1C6.
The annual rally day for all de
partments of the church will be held
the first Sunday In October. The
goal for Sunday school attendance
Is net at 250. We Invite all those
who have attended In the past, or all
whose duties do not call them else
where, to be present at the services
on that day.
The sermon topic Sunday morn-
ng will be "The Inner Circle." It
was the plan of Jesus to convert the
ntire world through the new dis
ciples who would go with him
through life and share his sufferings.
There are many disciples who are
not In the Inner circle. They will
he saved, but their reward will not
be as great. And while there are
few who enter it, it Is open lo all.
In the evening the topic will be, "Can
I Know I Am Saved?" ' , -MEARL
C. SMITH, Pastor
Under New Management
This place has been re
furnished and is now one of
the neatest rooming houses
in Alliance. Rooms by the
Day or Week
All outside rooms with
steam heat.
1 cater to no one but the
best people. Phone for rates.
Phone 716
Mrs. Minnie Rosetta
For Years We Hivt Taught
Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Banking, Civil
Service, Normal Training, Tolography,
utlniu Administration
and othor studies qualifying for dignified
positions, food salaries ana rapid promo
tion. Wo find ooolttona for students who
Qualify. Expense moderate. Work for
board If desired. Enter any Monday,
Assure euccess by
Tho schools named below arc member
of tbo National Aaaoolatioa of Accredited
Commercial School a guaranty of tho
hi cheat standards of teacher and ooursea.
Write them for catalogue, mentioning
aunt of this paper.
I0YIES CQLLESC Lknola latiatss Collet
Omaha. Nebraska Lincoln. Nebraska
nuvMn ifM4.l i mia n:
Next Sunday we have with us Dr.
Taylor, secretary of the home and
Sabbath school missions In the Synod
f Nebraska. Dr. Taylor will preach
for us In the morning at 11 a. m-.
on the subject, "The Day of the Lord
and Its Acrompr.nylng Signs". Make
every effort to be present Sundaf
morning to hear this sermon. There)
will be sperial music. In the evening
Dr. Taylor wll give a sfereopticon
lecture showing pictures of the scen
ic grandure of America and the chal
lenge of the great home mission task.
ou will enjoy these Dlrturea. rnm.
Tho .evening service will begin at
7: 15 In order that all of our people
will have opportunity to hear the
message of Dr. S. O. Dorev of Den
ver, who speaks at the Union serv
ices at the M. E. church at 8:30.
Sunday school, 9:45. C. E., 6:30.
All are cordially Invited.
A. J. KEARNS, Pastor.
Nobody would be willing to live In
a town today without a church. Yet
there are many people in every city
who do not appreciate the blessings
a church provides tor a community.
The leaders of the coming generation
must be trained today. Our children .
receive their moral and religious
training in the home and churches of
I he community. Every church In Al
lrance would be glad to welcome yoa
to any of Its services next Suuday.
The music, mediation and worship
will enable you to forget the more
disagreeable things in life. Remem
ber our services are arranged to
help you. Next Sunday at 10 o'clock
the Sunday school meets and there
Is a class for you. The church serv
ices follow at 11:00. Sermon sub
ject, "The Great Commission." Jun
ior and n. Y. P. U. at 7:00 d. m.
We unite In the Union service at the
Methodist church at 8:00 o'clock In
the Interest of the Near East cam
paign. Bring your friends and en
joy the services of a "Home-like
Church." Corner of Seventh and
Next Sunday Is "Pay-un-Sunday".
in our church and the. denomination-
J. ORRIN COULD, Minister. '
The D. Y. P. U. business meeting
at tho church at 7:30 tonight. The
members are urged to be present.
Social hour 'together. The church
choir will practice at the church at
the close of this meeting. Be sure
to be present.
See the new Sweater end Scarfs
at Highlaud-HoDaway Co. (M-
P. S. Malley Is hunting near
We have a tar of Pennsylvania,
hard coal on track. Forettt Lhr. Oo.
See the new Sweater and Scarfs
wt HlKltluiuMloIlawny Co. 8tf
Mrs. George Buirlght of Drldjce
port Is visiting in Alliance thir,.
Miss Dollie White has acvepfi a
position at the Harper department
Mrs. J. Harper and daughtr, of
LAVeMdo, were shopping In 'JUne
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Palmer took
their, daughter, Thelma, home' to
Lakeside Thursday.
Mrs. W. It. Colllns, of S- .eca. is
visiting at the home of hei parents.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dye.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Iodence, from
Hemlngford, were Alliance visitors
Wednesday and Thursday.
Special t.frertiiK of Sailor Huts alt
(his week at
W6 lllithlaml-Hollowiiv Co.
George Burns, who was Injured la
the railroad yaris a The tiino af,o. Is
getting along as well as eoul: be ex
pected. J. L. Mobher, has been visiting his
brother, L. H. Mosher, for the past
few weeks returned to his home -Wednesday.
See tiie now Sweaters an.l Scarfs
at lllgliland-llollauay Co. 8tt
Mr. and Mrs. C. F., Kirkpatrlck .
were In from their ranch, west of
Alliance, Wednesday, They stopped
r.t the Drake hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Holsten left
Thursday noon for the convention of
Rexall druggists, which will be held
In St. Louis, Mo., next week.
C. II. Jones who took his wife to
Marshal, Mo., some time ago, re
turned Wednesday, and reports the
condition of his wife very much Im
proved. offering of Sit i lor Hats all
this week at
86 liiithlund-liollowav Co.
A. R. Hounold of Scottsbluff,
chairman of the republican county
central committee of Scotts Bluff
county, passed through Alliance to
day. He had a little visit with W. R.
Harper, the Box Butte county chair
man. See the new Sweaters and Scarfs
at Ilighlaitd-Iiollaway Co. 8
Hazel Hunzlker, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Hunzlker, while play
ing with some of her small play
mates, climbed on a high fence and
fell off backwards. She suffered a
broken left arm, and was taken to
Dr. Hershraan's office for medical
Special offering of Sailor Hata all
tbU week at
86 Hlghland-llolioway Co.
T. S. Fielding has been enjoying
a visit from his sister, Mrs. LaMar
Ayers who is stopping enroute from
Los Angeles, Cal., to Hartford, Conn.
She expects to leave Monday for the
east, stopping at Chicago where she
will meet her daughter who has Just
returned from Europe.