The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 24, 1920, Image 10

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Roy Stoop was In lakeside Wcl-!
tiesdny. I
Mable 8. Peer visited in Antioch. i
Ray House returned from the west 3 l1a. wore Lakeside visitors Wed
Saturday. i nenday.
Ilattle Ash s In town shopping nM Bf) met at the
In from the ranch Wednesday moi n
.11 p.
Mrs. II. Brunson and boit. Roy,
I rove n fix in the JJlar ranch Turn
lay. Mrs. M. Rockford and daughter,
Mrs. C. E. North a In from the
ranch Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S'oop drove to
Alliance Saturday.
Mrs. McLtmniit was a west bound
passenger Friday.
Harry Oreybull was a west-bound
assenger, Tuesday.
Cecil Wilson started by auto for
I,!nooln, Wednesday.
Sheriff Bruce was In town on bus
iness one day last week.
R. A. Westover and Lon Trester
irere In town Wedncsdar.
Have Venverson was a west
bound passenger, Monday.
Mrs. Gillespie and son were west
bound passengers, Tuesday.
Orover Cameron was In from his
ranch north of town Saturday.
Mrs. James Boyer left for her new
borne In South Dakota Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westover
were Lakeside visitors Saturday.
A. W. Tyler and family were In
from their ranch Monday morning.
The ladles' aid society will give a
eoclftl at the church Tuesday nielli.
,Mrs. McKlnney and cuildren left
for their home In Oregon Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Herman drove
past 9 years have been used by
thousands of owners of light passen
ger and delivery
cars in all parts of
the civilized world,
and ha,ve conclu
sively demon
strated: lt Tliry rnn't punc
ture Uur blow out.
2nd T li c r r I il
mont1ily -inil com
(utiubly. 3rd Tlicy give umcb
longer weur lli.iu
the nvernue pneu
matic. They lmre hoen en
dorwil liy IboiiKHinl
of d itlnflej iiHprx, III
eluding tlie l.ilf
George WeKtlnghoime
end Kdn'iirtl Grey,
formerly Chief Knai
nwr of the Ford
Motor Compuuy.
Piers of Hts. eluntlc rnliber Imllt nliont
ne Inch apnrt liiHlile Ibtt cuhIiik unit vul
canized or welded to it take the place ot
au Inner tube.
Nothing can bnppen but wear.
We have sliindnrdUeil on 30x3 and
80314, and t!.e prl.-e lx rlxlit.
We nell direct to the uwr from one tlra
tip where we hnve no dealer. Write for
free booklet nnd prlre list.
We want an exclusive denier In every
county tire esperle"-e not neceomiry. V.x
eellent chanee to ln'"'l np l n proterted
terrltorr a very pr-Pinl.le buxliiux ellbet
by Itself or u n Me Hue.
t-ch for on all-day session Wed
.. ;;day.
leopard Samson and Chan. Carey's
rove In rrem the ranch Friday
Josh Wilson cf Antioch drove
ovii and spent Friday at the C. C.
Wilson home.
Joe Chapman, traveling salesman,
vns a Lakeside visitor the latter
;art of the week.
W, H. Been and son, Burl, went to
Antioch Sunday on 39 and drove
bnck in the evening.
Mrs. Maggie Welbllng, who has
r.o n sick for the last few days, Is
c;iorled much better.
Mr. and Mm. Foster oi Forest
Ci. .re, Ore, are visiting their daugh
er, Mrs. Geo. Lindley.
Mrs. Carrie MasttTooa has return
ed after a couple of weeks vacation
in Denver and other points.
The stock yard Inspector was In
town Thursday and consequently the
yards were disinfected Friday.
Kdythe Harris went to Alliance
Friday evening to spend the wi;;
end with her sister, Mrs. Dye.
Mrs. -Ralph Hyland and little
laughters were visiting relatives
here between trains Saturday.
Dave Driggs and Joe Hansen each
shipped a car load of cattle from
lu re to eastern markets Sunday.
Mrs. W. H. Been moved to Alli
ance Tuesday, where she will send
the children to school tills term.
Frances Burns returned to her
home in Alliance Sunday, aftir a
visit at the W. H. Been home here.
R. A. Cook. IU-v. Burleigh, Misses
Weibling and Wildred Beaston
motored to Alliance last Wednesday.
Mrs. Irene Lishmaii returned from
Allinnce Monday, where she has been
in the, hospital for the last, two
Mrs. J. L. Rce and daughter Helen
Marie, and Mrs. J. II. Greybill left
Saturday for a trip to Omaha "and
Milo Rose left for his home near
Gillette, Wyo., Tuesdayafter a few
weeks' work in the hay field at Frank
West over's.
Iuie Kicken was In Friday deliv
ering some fine fresh vegetables
which he raised on his ranch north
east of town.
Mrs. Howard Jone3 ind childiei
returned trie last or fie week rro.ii a
few weeks' visit with relatives In
White Cloud, Kansas.
Miss Ruth Pollard came down
from Alliance Saturday where she Is
attending high school, and spent the
week end with home folks returning
Sunday on No. 39
Mrs. W. II. Been spent a couple ot
i..uin the latter part of
S wek loklP" U" 1 'OCP'O' "
move there for the winter and send
her children to school. Truman went
Sunday so as to be In school Monday
Miss Flossie Graham left on No.
12 Thursday morning for her ho- e. j
in Oklahoma, after a few months'
vlnlt with relatives here. Sue has fc
host of friends who regret her de-(
parture, Dut nope she will return
fonie future time.
as captain of the A. H. S. football i
team, for the season. Lee reports
prospects for a successful season thl
year. There Is keen compctl""n K-'
tween the men for positions. Coaches !
Prince and Chase are putting lots of
pep Into the team. All th boys nee I I
now Is school spirit. Can't we do j
that much for them? The first game j
or me season is wun XNortn riane ai
North Platte. October 1. may laugh at lockr.mlths, but
lire's the grocer to think of.
It would' seem that we have not
. "t heard tr-e worst from Mexico:
Htr new president sings tenor.
fiontinental Mo for Parts
Parts for 85 types carried in stock
Authorized Depot
Omaha Motor Paris Depot, Inc.
2574 hamV St. L.L.Schelb.l Mgr. Douglas 7464
"70TJ certainly want to
X save money, and you
would like to have better bakings.
Then use Calumet It's the
biggest thing you can do to im
prove the quality of your bakings
and lower baking costs.
Calumet is made in the larg
est, most sanitaiy Baking Powder
Factories in the World. No Bak
ing Powder is made under better
conditions none can be better in
It contains only such ingre
dients as have been officially en
dorsed by the U. S. Pure Food
Authorities. An absolute guaran-
teethat it is pure.
eLiuinvn Ml
It received highest Awards,
World's Pure Food Exposition, Chi
cago Paris Exposition. Paris,
France-positive proof of its super
ior merit
It is used by more house
wives, domestic scientists and chefs
than any other brand. That would
not be the case, if it were possible
to secure a higher quality leavener.
It is sold at a moderate price.
All you have to do is to compare
costs to determine how much you
can save by buying Calumet
Pound can of Ca!umet contains full
i6jJSomebak ing powders come in
12 os. instead of 16 os. cansTBe sure
you get a pound wKen you want it.
Ohonat Craaaa
S cups pastry
flour, I level tea
spoon Calumtt
Biking- Powder. H
cup butter. Hi cups
granulated augar,
Yolkaof Jega.K
rup cola itr.
White ot Scggs. I
teaspoon oranga
extract. Tben bus
in ta rui wajfc
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Cross entertain
ed at a three course duck 'supper
Friday evening, In honor ot the fac
ulty. Covers were laid for Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Pate, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
'rince, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Enierick,
Miss Steckleberg, Miss Bishop, Miss
White, Miss Dradaock, Miss Keith
Miss Snethen, Mr. Cunningham and
Mr. Chase.
We had some more "Brunswick
music" In Chapel Wedneilay m'tn
Ing. Mr. Prince suggested that as
we all liked to have music In chapel,
and as It gets rather tiresome hear
ing the same records played over and
over, that each person in school be
requested to bring one cent each
week to buy records. That would be
two dollars and thirty cents each
week. We could have at least two
new records each week.
At a Freshman class meeting he'"
some time ago, they elected the fol
lowing officers: Charles Cross, pres
ident; Lucille Butler, vice presidon:
William Bucknell, secretary r.nd
treasurer; Katherlne Harris, Spud
editor; Miss Bishop, sponsor.
12-3 West Third Street A
Ttlr ph:ne Day 31 1
Nisht 522 Wed 520
George Purdy who was chosen last
ear, for captain of the football team
his this, has found it Impossible to
atteiyi school this year. Due to this
fact, the team held a meeting Mon
day evening and elected Lee Strong
Two new boys have registered in
the A. H. S. the past week. They j
are Richard Pooley, freshman, and j
Harvey Shepherd, Sophomore. This j
bring the enrollment of the A. H. S. j
up to 231. They are considering pu- i
ting some extra seats in the nssmbly j
room to accommodate the pupils.
Scientific Surgeon
Also Tumors, Bleetliujr from the Womb, Tuberculosis of
the Skin, Birth Deforming Scars, Many Types of
Ulcers, Etc.
Employee! hv the Specialists connected with the
Hot Springs . South Dakota
Look at the
roads for twenty miles
around on a Sundau
Select your titea o
cording to the roads
they have to travel:
In sandy or hilly coun
try, wherever the going
is apt to be heavy The
U. S. Nobby.
For ordinary country
roads The U. S. Chain
or Usco.
For front wheels The
U. S. Plain.
For best results
everywhere U. S.
Royal Cords.
THERE isn't any "country"
any more. The automo
bile has brought the most
remote settlement almost as
close to the center of things
as the next county was in
the old days.
To hear some tire dealers
talk you might think that
nobody knew anything about
tires except the fellow from
That's not the basis we
go on.
We give every man credit
for knowing what he is
spending his money on,
whether he drives up here
in his small car from ten
miles out in the country or
is passing through from the
capital in his limousine.
That's one thing we like
about U. S. Tires. ',
They make no distinction
between the small car
owner and the owner of the
biggest car in the country.
It's all the same to them
So long as a man owns an
automobile large or small
he's entitled to the very
best tire they can give him.
Quality has always been
the outstanding feature of
U. S. Tires. There's no
limit on the U. S. guarantee.
All U. S. Tires are guaranteed
for the life of the tire,
We have given a lot of
thought to this tire proposi
tion. There is some advan
tage in being the represent
atives of the oldest and largest
rubber concern in the world.
Drop in the next time
you're down this way and
let us tell you some interest
ing facts about tires.
Units id States Tires
; I