The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 07, 1920, Image 8

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Mrs. Robfrt RMl:h enr(nir'
bout twenty guests t cards Yi i lir
afternoon In honor of her ntinMl'is
Anne Tlrneta, of Furno, North Ta
kota. Tea was tt1 at five o'cHc'f
fter a pleasant afternoon at bridge.
rieJ by Father Manning Wednesday.
.!i,i'lh W. Flnrh and Mian Mabel
Peterson, both of Alliance, were
married at the court house by Coun
y J u due Tash Monday.
Mre. Elmer McManls was hostess
to sixteen ladles yesterday afternoon
when a six course luncheon was
erred at the Palm Room of the Al
liance Hotel, Miss Anne Tippets of
Fargo, N. D., being guest of honor.
The Talm Room was beautifully dec
orated with sweet peas which to
gether with novel lighting effects
made a most charming combination
of color. The guests were, Mesdames
Wm, Mitchell, Harry Canti. Robert
Reddish. Minor Morris, W. R. Melt,
F. II. Cole, Karl Mallery. F. T. !!e!p
brlnger, F, E. Holsten, Bernard' Hnr
ten, Howacd Reddlstj. J. J. Dixon,
C. U Reynolds, C. E. Hershmann, .
V. Garln, Elmer McMan's rnJ
daughter Dixie.
The afternoon was agreeably niwnl
at bridge, Mrs. C. E. Hershmann
winning first prlze which she pre
aented to Miss Tippets.
Among those who spent the late
holiday in Hot Springs were Mr.
uml Mrs. Percy Cogswell arid Mrs.
.Mly of Denver, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Harris enJ daughters Margaret and
Frlttle, Miss Mildred Griggs, Miss
Matilda Frankle, Messrs. Louis
Griggs and Verne Jenkins. The party
left early Sunday morning, returning
Monday night, and report a most en
joyable trip.
FOR SALf Wallace Cub tractor.
13-26 In good running order. Bar
gain for quick sale. Write or see W.
A. Daxon, Angora, Neb. 81-84p
The Herald $2.50 a year.
Railroad News
Mit Smart, general superintendent
on the Alliance division left for
Omaha yesterday where he will
spend a few days on business.
F. W. Koch, the agent at Hofflsnd
layed off Monday for a couple weeks
visit with relative! in Iowa.
L. J. Toohey, first trick ' operator
at. Hemlngford, started today -on a
two weeks' vacation.
Operator Thos James, extra man,
is at Hemlngford temporarily.
Mrs. Graham operator at Hemlng
ford returned to work Monday after
ten days rest.
J. N. Brennan, who has been
working as operator at Hemlngford
took charge of the Hoffland station
Monday. This however la just a
temporary position.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Madden, opera
tors at Seneca left Saturday for a
visit to the Paclfic'coast.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Brewster, op
erators at Rutland laid off Sunday
for a two weeks vacation.
The radical Idea of free speech-Is
to talk and never listen.
. Miss Sylvia DeMoss entertained a
number of her friends at her home
Friday night. The evening was spent
at cards and dancing. Those present
were the Misses Leila Cutts, Lilian
Cornforth. Frances and Katherlno
Fletcher and the Messrs. Robert Att,
Horace Fuller, Kenneth Hashman
and Dick Strong.
hurch enjoyed a Bplendld time Mon
day evening at the home of the pas
tor, Rev. Gould, 423 Platte avenue
The first part of the evening was
spent In games, very much to the de
light of every body present. Then the
plan of the year's work for the
church was presented by the pastor,
and recommended to be adopted by
the church at the next regulsr meet
Ing. The denomination In the state
Is planning the work this year, and
it Is hoped that every church, in the
state will work according to the pro
posed plan. Refreshments were serv
ed at the close of the program.
At the service last Sunday even
ing, Rev. Gould baptized six mem
bers into the fellowship of the
church. All lights In the building
were turned off excepting the one di
rectly in front of the baptistry, and
made the baptismal scene very effec
' tive. After a short sermon, hte con
gregatlon sat down together at the
common service, a proper closing
service for the day.
Marriage baqns were published
at the Holy Rosary church last Sun
day morning, for the following:
Charles Murphy and Miss Martha
Lux; Maurice Nelson and Miss Lo-
retta Hodgkinson; Thomas Carroll
and Miss Gladys McCurdy; Antony
Kulas and Miss Bessie Krejci; and
Jesus Gonxales and Conception Lo
pes. The Jatter couple will be mar-
Good for Yourself
and for Presents
In coat pocket, or hand bag,
on desk or living-room table
a good fountain pen and an
Eversharp, are ready for in
stant use, and save time
steps and trouble. That's
why they are such , good
Two particularly handy
things for college and high
school students. They need
them every day.
Thiele's has a fine stock of
the best makes of fountain
pens, and a complete line of
Eversharps. .
. $$6.3
$1.05 to $5.25
Watch Inspctor&&Q
Alta V. Young
Announces the opening
of her .
Piano Studio
High School Credit Pupils
Also Solicited -
804 Emerson - Phone 75
L rv J
What we can
do for you
in clothes
E'LL give you fine
all-wool quality
and best style to be had
Well, reduce your clothes
expense. Hart Schaffner &
Marx clothes outwear other
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We'll give your money
back if you're not satisfied
The clothes last longer
The clothes cost per
day is lowest
Famous Clothing House
The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes