The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 31, 1920, Page FOUR, Image 4

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lWMX rUlNTINO CO.. Ownwrs
Entrr"d at ht postofno t Alllanr.
N.h., for tranmiiiimlon t'lromjn thr
tnalln ncon1 rlnwii mutter. I'ubllnhrcl
Tucmlny and Friday.
GKonon u rtunn. jr Kditor
KJAV1N M. IU:ilU Iluainmt Mgr.
Official nwiipippr of th City of
Alllanr: official newspaper of Ifox
Butte County.
Ownit and p(ibllhd by The Hurr
Printing Company, (!por L.. Hurr. Jr..
lY"ldpnt; Kduln M. Hurr, Vlc Prr-Idont.
r2..0 pr yen- In advance
Si I .s. H..:.'l t" year
Some of these days the great Amer
ican middle clans Is ftoingt to rlne In
Its might and swat all the big frogs
In little puddles who feel the im
portance of their position. Hardly a
day goes by but some evidence may
be secured showing where some man,
supreme In authority In his own lit
tle bailiwick, puts his foot down on
noine public Improvement because he
was not confiulted concerning all the
little details. Small men like to be
consulted, and are hurt and peeved
when It Isn't done. ,
Take, as an example, the case of
the major of Chadron. lis. In com
mon with the members cf his coun
cil and the cltliens of the town, wera
wild for a city manager. They got
a good one in Rayburn, who saved
them almost the full amount of a,
year's salary in the first three
months of his Incumbency. But the
mayor, being a big frog In his par
ular puddle, objected to the city
manager's way of running things.
In the good old days, whenever a
dime was spent, he had been asked
about It. Rayburn, under the ordi
.' nance creating his Job, didn't have
to toady to the mayor and didn't do
It. This failure to observe the small
town amenities cost him a nasty
truggle and finally resulted In his
From Inavale conies another in
stance of a like sort. The courts
have been appealed to in an effort
to prevent the consolidation of
school districts. The grounds given
show that some of the larsr frogs
have had their toes trod upon. As
a result of their efforts to demon
strate their authority, th? consoli
dated Bchool will probably go over
board. There isn't much doubt that
with consolidated districts the pupils
would be much better off. They
would have better teachers, for one
thing, for better teachers could be
hired with more money available.
They would have a better school
building as well. It Is possible that
Ihey might have been saved a walk
to school, for In some consolidated
districts enough money has betn
saved to Bend auto busses around to
collect the ntudents.
Despite the fact that the consot'
dated district plan means better
things for country school ptiplK
every so often we find some Pinnll
town autocrat standing In the way of
the wheels of progress. Some day
there'll be a large fly swatter de
signed to handle this class of clt-zen.
And when that day conies, there'll
be no dearth of applicants for the
privilege of using It. .
Engineer Mltowack is In Chicago
ihla week on business. V
Pretty suits, optilnr priced for
Nirticulnr people at
lllghliuMl-IInlloway Co.
James A. Tierce and family are
attending the fair In Chadron this
"lVetty units, iiopulnr priced for
iNtt'tlculitr people at
Mrs. uerogo McMannls returned
last week from Galveston, Texas
where she has been visiting relatives.
Mrs. C. J. Stratton is spending a
few days visiting at Broken Bow,
vifiiting relatives.
Head the KiikIiIoii Shop announce
ment of the Chicago htjle llevue,
thin week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sternberg re
turned Sunday from a visit with rel
atives In Denver.
lllghland-IIolloway Co.
School togs for the progressive
girl ut lligliland-llolloway Co.
Federal Inspector C. F. Bldgood
was in the city Monday to inspect
the work being done on the state
Hcliool togs for the progressive
girl at Illghlnnd-llolloway Go.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Burnett and
Mr. and Mrs. Enos Blair and chil
dren, Donald and Janice, of Trenton,
Mo., arrived Friday morning by auto
for a visit with Miss Martha Newman
Mr. and Mrs. August Kroeger ana
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Slmpen. From
here they motored to Hot Springs,
Sturgis, Lead and Deadwood, S. D
for a visit with Mr. Blair's relative!?
811k hosiery reduced from $1.75,
2.00, $, 93.00 and $4.O0 to
$1.40, $1.00, $2.00, $2.40 and $3.20
at Illghlnnd-llolloway Co.
Mrs. Al Gannon, who has been vis
iting friends in Angora for the past
week, returned to Alliance Sunday.
She will spend a few days at the
home of her mother, Mrs. I. B. Lot
splech before she returns to hei
home hear Hemingford.
Silk hosiery reduced from $1.73,
$2.)(), $2.50, $3.00 nnd $4.00 to
$1.40, $1.00, $2.00, $2.40 and $3.20
at Highland-Hollow ay Co.
A. M. Mller ana Phil Mlcheal of
Hemingford visited Alliance on busi
ness Saturday. Thy both made a
business trip to Omaha on Sunday,
expecting to be thero for several
Lloyd Thomas, who has been ad
vertising Box Butte county one way
and another for the past thirteen
years, is spending most of this week
traveling over the country taking
pictures of farm scenes and cropi
with a Gi n flex camera. He is work
ing with the other real estate men
and with the .land owners and ex
pects to get an excellent set of county
pictures befora cold weather sets In.
September 5 and 0 the Style
llevue, a wonderful treat for Indie.
See Fashion Shop ad todny.
Nichols and Covert, the enterpris
ing shoe repair men, have Installed
in their shop n new Landls No. 12
stlchr, the latest thing in snoe re
pairing equipment. This stitcher was
Installed at a heavy expense but the
men expect It to pay for itself in
quicker and better work. It is an
Interesting machine to watch in oper
Ernest R. Ball
Greatest of all
Ballard Writers
Gives you another
This time it is
"Down the Trail to
to Home Sweet
We predict for it a
Much Greater Success
Than achieved by his
"Let the Rest of
the World Go By"
Right now the Biggest
Ballad hit of the season
Mann Music & Art
Fall Apparel
For 'Women
Misses and Children
Greet the new season with the
new Fall Garb we are daily re
ceiving shipments of Ladies'
Coats and
The styles and materials are de
signed with many clever new
touches here and there about the
garments that cannot fail to in
terest the discriminating clothes'
See Our Show
ing Soon
We are also receiving many new numbers in piece
goods, Ginghams, Percales, Outing Flannels,
Shoes, Hose, Etc. Inspection will pay you
Horace Bogee Store
Chicago FaL
One Thousand Feet of Film Will Show the Latest Fashion Decrees If You
Wish to Know Correct Style, Don't Miss this Feature.
. The Chicago Fall Style Revue, shown at the Marigold Gardens in Chicago August 5th to 8th at a
total expenditure of $500,000, has been photographed for the convenience of those unable to attend in per
son. It is a marvelous presentation of the leading world's designers and will contain the most approved
fashions for Fall wear. This veritable treat for the women will be shown through the courtesy of THE
FASHION SHOP, at no extra charge.
At the Imperial Theater
Sunday and
Monday . .
September 5 and 6
Advance Showing of
Suits, Coats
and Dresses
The New Fall Styles in Ladies' Skirts, Coats, and
Dresses are arriving daily.
Our showing: of fall fashions reveals a picture most allur
ing. A picture wherein warm colorings, rich weaves and
smart lines play Important parts. It changes scenes
quickly, offering for review the newest frocks, dinner
gowns, evening dresses, as well as coats and suits.
Each showing forecasts authoritatively the modes of the
season. We know you'll be Interested. We Invite yon
to come In and look around.
Children's and Misses' Hats
These Hats consists of absolutely new arrivals for Misses and Children.
In addition to clever, serviceable designs in strictly fashionable shapes and
materials, the assortment contains a particularly attractive .
Special Line of Tams
If you Bee these Tams you will want one. We have a full selection to help
you get the one best suited to you. They come in dashing models, appealing
colors, some with the desired embroidery effects.
The Materials
Are silk velvet, silk du
vetyn, panne velvet com
binations of dovetyn and
The Trimmings
Are ostrich bands In very
stunning effects fancy
pieces as well embroid
ery colored silk and tin
sel thread. '
Among the brilliancy of
color are rose, purple,
orange, old blue, copen,
pheasant, sand and plum.
The Fashion Shop is pleased that it can offer the
most complete selection of Furs Sets and Pieces
in the city.
They are in specially selected
In scarfs, muffs, coatees, coats and chokers
You can get them in either