I TIIK ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3f, IfJCO til Q u to o 4 4 .4 Comment. - - and Discomment Hied around the middle The only any Mlglon, the way they treated tcandalous thing about the costume the doughboys." ..... . i. - u . ...... , ft .. . . , . . i "TV,.. t 1 . i .. i a mv..,.. .ii We have about decided to post pone our trip to France. During the last week or no, we have ueen read ing thrilling headlines about the "orgies" at d'Eauville, and they sounded so thrilling and exciting that we have been counting our small change and wondering about steamship fares. D'EauvIlle would appear to be a rather lively place, udglng from this sort of a headline: 'French City Degenerates Into Ex position of Male Pocketbook ami Feminine Form." Why, they even went so far as to call that town a 'modern Babylon." and head was bare. But the skirt whit long almost to the ankles Maybe the French girls don't freckle, But the Illusion has been dlspen- ed. We read the articles with the urld headline, and they don't mens ure up. We learn, for instance, that Ghl Kahn, a Syrian who several months ago was a humble carpet maker in the Paris streets, won three million dollars In one night. Later, it mentions that the place where this took place "has been closed by a scandalized Parliament. ' Almost every' Instance recorded Is followed by some 6uch remark. The scandal sheets are wrong, d'EauvPIc was a wicked place, but It ain't that way no more now. That's the way with most wild tales of this k'nd. The newspapers told cniuld.Mablo about the "exposition of the feminine figure." A close reading of the Jc- tails of the costumes which have ex cited comment show that sl'nost any burlesque show has them faded to death. The Maharanee Kapurthula, it seems, arrived dressed In oriental silks and vell3, riding on an enorm ous white elephant. Inasmuch as she is the wife of a Hindu rajah, this isn't at all out of the way. Probably she dresses that way at home, and rides the same elephant. Misting- uette, the French musical comedy star, wore an outlandish costume, violently colored, and the design of which was continued from the cloth onto her bare skin by hand painting. nut shucks, any American bathing beach has more real sights tl'.on these. About the worst thing they tell us about the place is that some of the men, fellows who made their for tunes in munitions, are ostentatious- ly displaying their wealth by wearing four tie pins at once. Any man who wants that Bort of glorv may have it. But we don't have to go to France to get that style -of displays. In this country, every Greek., boot black wears two or threi; silk shiits, as well as $25 shoe. As for us. we confess that we Ilk" the styles of bathing suits as we find them here. Even at Broncho Lake they're not so tame. If this Illustra tion Rhowed the latest efforts of the best French stylemakers, we sympa thize with our late ally. The war must have hit France harder than we Imagined. A lot of people are getting columns of good publicity by offering to sell themselves. or the'r children. It's getting to bo a regular mania. First we had the Chicago artist, who of fered his little daughter, aged four ars, with fi'ue eys, auburn halt, xeellmt health, charming tM.-posl-tion and legitimate parentage, to the highest bidder for cash. Her name was Sylvia, and the father gave the high cost of living as the reason for selling. The little girl's mother had died, and the father was willing to part with her for a consideration of $1,000, which would pay the family debts and leave him free to go on with his art, which up to that time hadn't led him into green pastures. We might be tempted to work up righteous Indignation against ii to called artist, but what's the use. Here's another ease. V bo mtlf i:l girl, whose sweetheart is In the peni tentiary, needed money to carry on the lefeal battle. She offered to sell her;ir "body and soul,' tor lor y eight lours. Th eartist go' I'l re plies, urd heaven only knows how manv the girl got. Still another case is seen in yes terday's dispatches. A New York woman offers to sell her husband, and has an idea that he can be dis posed of by lottery. The plan is ingenious. They will sell twenty thousand chances at $5 apiece, and this would bring In $100,000. The family and there are a wife and seven children will get $76,000 of this amount, and, strange as it may seem, the father Is to get the re maining $25,000 and will go into business with It. In this as the husband and -father isn't to bt sold at all, it seem. Oh, well, we know of at leat half a do sen loiteri's where tickets have b?e:i sold Mid 'ho drawlnp, hasn't taken place. And what would one do wltli tlw father tt seven children if ne won IiIm" France, style leader as- she was, fi'ii i show us America!1 . thing. All t stuff is tame. hen ve saw a IK-.uie of one of thi bathing suite a' t Eauvllle that scandal'Zt d th1 good American mammas there, we had to smile. It was built like a Mother Hubbard gown, with a ttnug F1NI Not even loss of sight can destroy the Yank's unfailing sense of humor. A blind soldier was alighting from a trolley near the Red Cross School for the blind at Evergreen, on the out skirts of Baltimore, when a sympa thetic old lady rushed up. "My poor man." she cried, "may I help you to alight?" "No, thanks, ma'am," returned the soldier. "You see," he added conti detially, "I Just swore off smoking for teu days." ItFXil LAH FANATICS 'I don't believe those M. P.'s had All Kinds of Rock Salt Ve have a large supply of all kinds of Rock Salt, suitable for any use on the farm, in the shape and form most convenient for y-u to handle. Make it a point to stop in next time you are in town. The chances are you have been forgetting to buy for some time. We have what you want in either LUMP OR BLOCK SALT PLAIN OR SULPHUR SALT CRUSHED ROCK SALT WHITE STOCK SALT Curtis "Best" Flour Is the finest blend of selected grains the kind that makes home baking delicious. Try a sack today. Buy Your Winter Coal Now You should be laying in your winter's supply of coal right now. We are receiving shipments of coal from time to time, and we suggest that you place your order TODAY to be filled as soon as your turn comes. You will not be able to get it cheaper for several months. OWL CREEK Lump or Nut KIRBY COAL Lump or Nut MOFFAT COAL Lump or Nut Evertybing in our line is at your immediate service. We want you to "give us a chance" to please you. That is all we ask. Stephenson & O'Bannon , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HAY, GRAIN, FEED, FLOUR AND COAL Mormons. Don't you kuow motto: 'Brig 'em young!'?". their KTAItTIXd ItKJHT 'And what Is the lad of yours go ing to be when he grows up?" "I rather fancy he'll be a golf cad dy. "Really!" "Yes the last tanning I gave him, hetumed round and told mn I was'nt holding the stick the right way." AND WHAT MIMIT THAT 11H "It's always been my motto," de- "that a man gets til he can in this world." "Very likely," agreed the clergy man mildly, "but remember, that In the next he gets all that's coming to him." ft femaraa He Feat Reo Speedwagon Averages Nearly 30 Miles Per Hour for Six Hundred Miles With Load of 2,535 Pounds. I The Speedwagon Did you ever make a long cross-country drive with your touring car and find that although you had driven like blazes a good part of the time that you only averaged a little better than 20 miles per hour or possibly around 25 for the entire trip? Most of you have done this at some time or other we are sure, and when you consider the fact of this Reo Speed wagon in the light of your own experience on long drives, it will prove the more, the re markable feat of a Reo truck on its recent drive from Omaha to Denver in just 20 hrs and 30 min., a distance of 606 miles. The ordinary stops were made for gas and oil and two punctures were encountered on the way. The gasoline consumption was 11 1-4 miles per gallon and 100 miles per quart of oil. No other truck of any size or capacity has ever made a record that will equal this one. A wonderful run made by a wonderful truck! To really show the speed that was made it should be remembered that the run was started six hours and seventeen minutes ahead of the C. B. & Q. Railway Company's No. 9 Denver Limited, which by the way is the fastest train between Omaha and penver, and the truck arrived in Denver one hour and fifty-six minutes ahead of train, and was driven sixty-eight miles, further. Putting it another way, had both the train and truck left Omaha at the same time, and had the train continued its rate of speed for the entire dis tance of 606 miles, there would have been only a gain of one hour and forty minutes for this through passenger train over the truck, for the railroad mileage between Omaha and Denver is only 538 miles. . The truck used was strictly a stoCll job taken from the Omaha distributing warehouse, What this Speedwagon did, thousands of other Kcos all over the country can d. Thousands of other lieos are doing equally as remarkable work every day hauling goods and grains of every description. Time is money these days, and if you can deliver three loads of poods with the Reo where other trucks would deliver but two, you are finding the Reo more economical to your needs if the other truck cost you but half the money to buy. On the other hand' if you can deliver as much if not more goods in a day with a Reo than can be done with the highest priced truck made, you are making as much money with the Speed wagon with less than half the initial investment. , Think these points over they are worthy of your most careful consideration. Your wife or daughter can drive the Reo with as equal ease as your touring ear, -as this truck has electric lights and starter. Many of the other trucks do not have these conveniences. You wouldn't buy a passenger car today without lights and starter, so why consider a truck without them! Then too, the nation-wide parts and service pun inaugurated by the Reo Motor Car Co., makes it possible to get Reo parts and service everywhere with the least possible delay. Order your Speedwagon today as the demand is always ahead of the supply. A. H. Jones Company "IF IT ISN'T A REO, IT ISN'T A SPEEDWAGON" JAS. BURNS ART. A. DALY f L. E. ROBERTS & CO. Live Stock Commission Merchants Cattle Department Jim Burns W. J. Orchard Established 1899 Hog: Department Art A. Daly Sheep Department Frank Roberts Wft specialize in handling Range Cattle and will give you the best service possible to obtain. ' ' Ship Your Cattle Hogs and Sheep to Us for Good Results Union Stock Yards OMAHA NEBRASKA