T1IE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1920. SIX OOF GARDEN D Saturday Dances LOWRY & KENRY AN(M)RA The Houston fans want to run him for resident. ' three daughter and two adopted in professional circles with the Hous- i daughters, besides many reiatiTes ion ciud 01 me iexas league, fie t tt .nA ir nf nrldreoort and friends who loved the good pitched a no hit, r.o run game ajralnst hr Rund.r of last week for a woman. . Mr. and Mrs. Muy would Galveston brief visit with relatives. have soon celebrated their 50th wed- Mrs. May Jamison went to Bridge- anniversary. The funeral was port the nrst of last wee for short ( Xav.TLtpo " r' . ,. . .' i preached the sermon. The n la lives Mrs. R. II. Atwell of Jorrlngton. ' Monday nght for Grand Ibland Wyo., was here Monday and Tuesday wUh tha body v t ,0 faneral B01Vices cf last week visiting her nephew, wti)e hf1J at lJw 4 0 K, of a daughter Dave Atwell. Iandintcrme.it maJo ut Hie Oiw Joe Chapman, the popular Grulng- j isiani cemetery. The entire corn er man, was in Angora last week. ' I muhity are sympathizing wim tau Mrs. Henry Rusk has returned ; MuMy jul,.iiy u thUr trlef. then tie them together. tomers for the farmers who will deal of the Legion. directly with them.- Twelve thousand members of the Nothing Is surer than taxes and American Legion in Los Angeles are The second floor of . bank In the fate of a Mexican president. being mobilized for an attack JeffTsonvllle, Ind., has been donated 1 ' against the II. C. of L. Their plans to the Post at that place. The rooms ' It's hard to tell from one minute are to eliminate tne middlemen who were furnished by the D. A. R., Red to the next who Is the man of the Recelpe for solving the high cot of living: Make both ends meet and ; handle farm produce by getting cus-, Cross, Y. M. C. A., and the local Post hour In Mexico. from a visit with relatives In Wyom ing. Theie was a- special meeting at tho home of Mrs. Mark S,unotao i.i P. B. McCauley went to Scottsbluff , npMonnrt ,., wdnosdav of the Saturday on business. Ho,ne Economic and Extension wor Mrs. A. A. Temple left last week , : Mm gtlla Malhtr8f for her home in York after a pica- the bUU leftder of Nebra8ka and ant stay with her son, Cordon Temple Mrg Saiegbury of WMhJngton, who and family. I na8 charge of the Extension work lu raiBses neifH um win n-iun) lslted relatives at Gerlng last week. Mrs. A. B. Marsh and Mrs. Lee Lewellen were business visitors In Alliance last week. John Burry and wife were Alliance visitors last week. John Sherlock, Frank Berry, Pete McLaughlin and George Workman were In Bridgeport Wednesday look ing after business matters. Mrs. Ethel Severs of Lincoln and little daughter, Noma Dul, were guests last week of Mrs. Severs brother, Agent Temple and family. Mrs. W. N. Thompson and Mrs. Claude Wilbur were on the sick list last week. C. Lyle Carey and wife went to Bridgeport last Wednesday on busi ness. Mrs. W. R. McCrosky and Mrs. B. M. Kelly went to Scottsbluff Thurs day of last week to attend to busi ness matters. , . Arthur H. Johns was the first to start threshing in this vicinity. He reports -a fair yield In his wheal. . Eddie Rusk, the little four-year-old son of Henry RuBk fell from a wagon and broke his right leg Wed nesday of last week. It was a bad break and the little fellow will be laid up for a long time as a result. Mrs. H. A. Glau and children, Francis, Cynthia and Sill, leffr' Mon day of last week for California In their sedan. They expect to spend aeveral daya In Denver and from there will go to Tlnidad, Ratan, Los Vegas, Albuquerque and other points of Interest before they reach - Los Angeles. Ms. Glau expects to' join them after harvest Is over. Mrs. James W. Perkins was hostess to the Trl C club Thursday after noon. There was a J oily crowd pres ent and a nice time Is reported. Mrs. Ira Muzzy Dead Mrs. Ira Muzzy died at her home In Angora Saturday evening, August 14th. Mrs. Muzzy had been la fall ing health for six years but was up most of the time and felt unusually well that day. She had eaten a lunch with some friends, got up and walked Into the bedroom when she called to her daughter. They found her unconscious and she lived only a halt hour. She leaves to mourn her, her aged husband, three sons, seven southwestern states were pres ent, besides representatives iioni ten groups of the county. II was a most Interesting reception. Miss -Mathers presented a chart of the j work being done by the Sunflower j Community In ScottsbfuCf county. Mrs. Salesbury's talk in general , about material for the tusy woman,! was much appreciated. Miss Elma , Sturdevaul, county demonstrator of j Morrill county, made a ehort talk In which she told of the coming ttate l fair and of Morril county being ask ed to furnish the soap exhibit fort the state. Morrill county women have gained juite a reputation with their soup making and Miss Siurde vant would bo glad to got r bar of soap with directions for making from all who care to send to this ex hibit and requests that the same be in her oilice by ne z5th. ' Dainty refreshments of ice cream and wafers were served by Mrs. Spanogle. Mrs. R. K. Maybell and Mrs. B. M. Kelly, president and secretary of the An gora Community club, were present from Angora. The Group Leader, Mrs. W. R. McCrosky, was unable to attend but will have the data to tell to the club at the next meeting, which will be the 25th at the Kelly home. IMPERIAL THEATER . AMKKICAN I.lXilON NOTKS The pie supply of Erie county, New York, was recently set back ten years when the Post at Hamburg gave a pie-eating contest! at a picnic held there. Even the lowers were satisfied, however. The pilot's certificate which the arch . slacker Bcrgdoll held In tht Aero club of America has been can celled by request of the American Legion. "How'b the patient's hert action this morning, nurse?" "Splendid, doctor, he's proposed to me twice already." George Little, a member of a Houston. Texas, Post, has pitched the Post team to victory on numer ous occasions and then made a try All Kinds of . j Rock Salt i - "VVe have a large supply of all kinds of Rock Salt, suitable for any use on the farm, in the shape and form most convenient for ycu to handle. .Make it a point to stop in next time you, are in town. The chances are you have been forgetting to buy for some time. We have what you want in either LUMP OR BLOCK SALT ; PLAIN OR SULPHUR SALT CRUSHED ROCK SALT WHITE STOCK SALT Curtis "Best" Flour Is the finest blend of selected grains the kind that makes home baking delicious. Try a sack today. Buy Your Winter Coal Now You should be laying in your winter's supply of coal right now. We are receiving shipments of coal from time to time, and we suggest that you place your order TODAY to be filled as soon as your turn comes. You will not be able to get 'it cheaper for several months. OWL CRESS .Lump or Nut KD2BY COAL Lump or Nut MOFFAT COAL Lump or Nut Brertyhinj ia our line la it your immediate service. We want you to "girt McbncaM to please you. That ii all wt Stefcheitedn & $Baimori CTE0LI2ALX1 AXTD RETAIL "BAT cslei;tlz3, nous skd con TONIGHT AUGUST 24th. Wm. Fox presents TOM MIX the gentleman who never fakes in "THE CYCLONE" The new Mix thriller; A tale of Canadian North west mounted police crammed full with deeds of love daring and adventure. COMEDY, "WON BY A NOSE" LATE CURRENT EVENTS ADM. 15 and 30 WEDNESDAY AUGUST 25th. ' A GOLDWYN SPECIAL TODAY ONLY WILL ROGERS in "JES CALL ME JIM" A DRAMA AND A COMEDY ALL IN ONE. The strongest human interest and dramatic pic ture that ROGERS has appeared in, taken from the well known book "SEVEN OAKS." Better than Strange Boarder or Almost Married. MAT. 15 and 30c NIGHT 20 and 40c THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 AND 27 MAT. 15c and 30c 2 - nfih V Mi m Jesse LLasi presents Cecil B. De Millar PRODUCTION "WHY CHANGE TOUR WIFE?" NIGHT 25c and 55c "Here's to those who love us If we only cared. Here's to those whom we'd love If we only dared." A butterfly woman's toast to the husband of a too wifely wife. Until at last he "dared." i aV 1 . ...in . .. Mi uui iue wiie was biwi fuuug ff and W See- IU"S I WO UfOUUlUI W UlliClI culture, manners, breeding flung In an instant to the winds fighting like maddened tigresses in his room for the man they loved. See the dash, the fashion, the vivid, intimate revelations of this sen sational companion picture to Cecil B. DeMille's "Don't Change Your Husband." with Thomas Melghan Gloria Swamon Ik'lx Daniels Theodore Koeloff oAAjustmmt'Bm Silver town Cfards 8ooo Zttiles Fabric Tires booo ?Ailcs A Goodrich Tire is one necessity sold at less than pre-war prices Goodrich Tires cost 1$ to 10 less than they did in QjlO . and give far greater service. V . SOLD BY : r; a SGHAFER AUTO SUPPLY, Alliance, Nebr. FRANKE MOTOR COMPANY, Mullen, Nebr. HEDGEfeOGK AUTO CO., Hemingf brd, Nebr.