The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 24, 1920, Page FOUR, Image 4

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uljc AUttmcc Herald 1
BURR rRlNTINtl CO.. Qwar
Kotartd at h poatofllca at AlHanca,
Meb., for tranamlaalnn through tha
Mil rond rlaae matter. Publlabed
Vaaadar and Friday.
DWJN U. BURR Bualnaaa Mgr.
Offlclat nawapapar of tha City of
Alliance: official newapaper of Boi
Butte County.
Owned and publlahad by The Burr
Printing Company. George u. Burr, Jr.,
Frealdent; Bdwln M. Burr, Vica Prea-Meat.
afcaeHMle. M I" adranra
Onteiae e 15" racTlun. m.m( ar re
A dfBcusslon Is rauing through
aoiae of the eastern papers aa to the
date when the first newspaper was
published In the United Slates. On
of, them has gone so far as to say that
'Benjamin Franklin did not found
the Saturday Evening Tost or any
other papt-r In 1725." Another
has discovered a copy of The New
England Courant, published In 1723.
All of this stuff about the first news
paper is Interesting and instructive,
but unless the price of print paper
gets to tumbling soon, we're going
to be a lot more worked up over the
name of the last newspaper to be
article telling how newspapers are
Just like public utility corporations
they nefd more money. The tallf
about more money blinds the aver
fe editor and so fie prints half a
column. three-fourtl: of which Is
boosting the public utilities In their
demands for higher rates, and the
other fourth a weak sympathy plea
for the newspapers. The sooner the
country publishers learn to throw all
thla iunk in the waotebasket. the
sooner they'll quit pulling the other Springs.
Charlie D Moss spent Sunday In
3 lot Springs.
See the hnts direct from - ..i arc
one at III1iliuI-llolIo ay Co.
L. F. Huland cf Denver, Is in Al
lanre this week on business.
Fancy No. 1 alfalfa seed at
HlrlenMn O'lkinnon. 78
Mr. and Mrs. James Carmody
spent Sunday with friends In Hot
fellow's chestnuts out of the fire.
The press agents are again demon
strating their right to receive a sal
ary. The average country newspaper
has been laying oil the mimeograph
ed stuff that pours in with ev-jry
mall, but the man who writes up the
dope for the Nebraska committee on
public utility Information Is getting
by. This fellow la an expert camou
fleur. He writes a pleasing little
New arrivals of New York Millin
ery at IIIjr1ilanl-llollowajr Co.
' The new chaplain very Tnuch
wanted to amuse as well as Instruct
h!s tmn, and, accordingly, . on one
occasion, arranged for an illustrated
ecture on Bible scenes and lncld nt
One seaman who possest a phono
graph was detailed to discourse ap
propriate music between' the music
pictures. The first of these repre
sented Adam nad Eve In the gard
en of Eden. The sailor cudgeled his
brains and ran through his list, but
he could think of no music exactly
appropriate to the picture.
"Please play up!" whispered the
i chaplain.
I Then an Inspiration same to tlTe
seaman, and to the Honst" nation ot
; the chaplain and the delight of the
audience, the phonograph ground
out, "There's only one girl In this
world for me".
Random Shots
Leather Purses
IgjT1 til
: ''LA
We have many ladies'
purses in exquisite patterns
arid designs. They are hand
tooled, of specially selected
You have been , wanting
just auch a purse for some
time and now. you will be
able to satisfy your desire.
See them in our Jewelry
Reasonably Priced
Floyd Lucas tells of an Oklahoma
man who dropped Into the lumber
yard office the other day. They got
to talking about the crops, as people
will, and Lucaa asked him how things
were In Oklahoma. "How's the
corn?" was one of the questions.
"Oh, pretty fair," was the answer,
"but It won't make over fifteen gal
lons to the acre."
And next we read in Bill Maupin'a
paper that his garden la a disap
pointments him. The potatoes, Bill
says, are running in not to exceed
half-pint sizes.
- If that list of customers of the
bootleggers is ever made public, a lot
of people will need to buy locks fo'f
the old cellar door.
r And what If the hardware dealers
should keep a record of those who
buy new locks T
One page in the bootleggers'
ledger reveala the fact that one man
either has an extraordinary capacity
or else Is peddling the stuff him
self. This man in two days bought
the following amounts; -One gallon,
two pints, one-halt pint, 'three pints,
two gallons, four pint. .. v4."
1 i
A thirst like that Is either a gift
or a curse', depending upon the avail
ability of the supply.
Railroad News
The Inspired compositor or It
may have been the Inspired type
writer, ruined the best Joke we have
made In months. We knew that the
republican brethren would be apt to
crow over the fact that Colonel John
Moher had turned republican, hut In
printed we made It appear -that he
had come out for Cox Instead of
Harding. -
However, nothing was wrong In
our reference to the fact that the
democrats are to gain the support of
Colonel Evans.. At least the colonel
has not denied it.
And. as we Bald before, a fair ex
change is no robbery.
If the democrats can get rid of a
few others as easily as they lost Col
onel Maher, victory la certain.
; Its fairly certain, anyway.
See Our Selection of
"We are showing a perfect selection of Fall Trimmed and
Tailored models.
The craze for Feather Hats is greater than ever.
McVicker's Millinery
Stylo Plus Quality Store
Fancy No. 1 at fair seed at
Stephenson & O'ltaimon. . 78
Mrs. Taul Back resigned her posi
tion at the Boyd & Mett law office
Saturday night.
Charlie Furdy came down from
Edgemont Monday for a short visit
with his mother. ,
Only lx more days of 20 dis
count snle on Winter Furs at
lllghlnnd-llolloway Co.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnson and
Otis .King of Whitman, Neb., are In
Alliance on business.
Ray Butler left Monday nrT for
Omtha where he will spend two
weeks visiting friends.
Special on school girls Dreswa and
Apron, at HlKliland-llolloway ix.
Mr. and Mrs. George Darling re
turned Saturday from a week's vaca
tlon spent at MyBtic, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shay of Iowa
City, la., are visiting at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. J. Hill.
New arrival of New York Millln
ery at. Hlfchliui'l-llollowaiy Oo.
Mrs. B. Ponath returned home Fri
day from Rapid City, where she has
soent the past week visiting her
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Kerr acconi
panted by Miss Leila Cornforth and
Kenneth Mormahn motored to Chad-
ron Sunday.
Only six more days of 20 di
count aale on Winter Furs at
lllghlnnd-Ilolloway Co.
Mrs. L. H. Highland, who has been
In Denver for the past week purchas
ing millinery, returned to Alliance
this morning.
Mrs. Glen Wilt and Miss Meta
Koester returned to Alliance Sunday
after a few days vacation spent with
friends in Omaha.
Special on school girls Dresses and
Aprons at Hlghland-Holloway Co.
Miss Leula Blair with her father,
will leave for Grand Island Satur
day. Miss Blair will attend business
college in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Corps returned
home Saturday from a trip to'differ
ent points in Missouri, whero Iney
have been visiting relatives for the
past two weeks. Mrs. Nancy Mc
Glnley, Mrs. Corp'a mother, accom
panied them home and will make h"r
home with them.
- Joe Glle and family, who have
been visiting at the H. D. Hacker
home left this morning for their
home in South Havne, Kas.
Miss Gertrude Bollinger, who has
been visiting Miss Lillian Barzina for
the past few weeks, returned to her
home in Burg, Mont., Saturday.; 5
OnJy six more days of 20 d-
' Ulghland-Itollowar Uo.
Mis Josephine Ganson and A. G.
Smart leave Thursday for Billings,
Mont., where they will join Mrs.
Smart and go on a tour through the
Yellowstone park.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bliss left Mon
day for a three weeks auto trip to
Aurora, 111. They "will visit friends
and relatives in Omaha and other
places along the route.
Mr .and Mrs. J. P. Mann left Sun
day for Denver, overland. They In
tend to be in Denver for market
week and will return to Alliance in
ten days or two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Welse and Mr.
and Mrs. M. W. Buckley and daugh
ter, Ethel Elizabeth, left this morn
ing for a week's outing at Hot
Springs. They will make the trip in
Mr. Welse's car.
New arrivals of New York Millin
ery at IllgfiLuid-Hollovmy Oo.
Mrs. Charles Ward came over from
Bridgeport Sunday and joined her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Strong
and they left this morning for points
in Iowa and Wisconsin to visit
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Irish and sis
ter, Mrs. L. Whitney and daughter,
Geue, accompanied by Mr. and Mts,
T. I. Mlsklman, returned Saturday
night from a week's auto trip. They
visited Hot Springs, Edgemont, Lusk,
Douglas and at the Glen Baker ranch
twenty-eight mlTes north of Douglas.
Horace Hagen and I. V, Myers
111 go to Bridgeport, Seneca, and
Gurnsey this week to take Inventory.
Leon Alters and H. T. Clark will go
to Lead, Dead wood and Inglewood
for the same purpose.
Guy and Roy Miller, who have
been laying off the past two weeks,
returned to work Monday.
Morton Morris returned to work
Monday after a short vacation spent
tt Casper.
H. H. Wilson, fireman, is laying
off in Denver on account of sickness.
E. M. Cooper, fireman on 6262,
took sick at Hyannls. II. B. Over-
street was sent down to relievo him.
R. R. Bally, who was taken out of
service on August 14, was put back
Into service Monday.
Mrs. O. F. Tracy and children went
to Angora Monday for a week's visit
with Mrs. Hacker's mother, Mrs. C.
C. Johnson of that city.
Fireman C. If. Cole deadtlf adel lo
Crawford on 43 Monday to relieve
A. Berry, who is laying off cn ac
count of sickness.
Engineer II. A. Cole Is spendliig"a
two weeks vacation visiting relatives
In Kansas City.
Engineer W. H. White Is laying
off on account of sickness.
Harry Brew, electrician, who has
been laying off the past tw weeiu
on account of sickness, returned to
work Monday.
Miss Ruth Sturgeon returned to
work this morning after a few days
Engineer Sternberg Is off work
taking his two weeks vacation.
Engineer G. C. Ruth is laying off
1159 switch engine on account of
Machinist E. Hart left for Kansas
City Monday for a short visit with
Engineer Jack Edwards haa o. k d
for his turn on the west end pool.
Mrs. J. H. Klasson and daughter,
Mildred, went to Ardmcre for a few
days visit with Engineer Klasson.
Austin Urbach went to Mitchell
Sunday for a week's visit with rela
tives. . Fred J. Myers went to Thermopolia
to visit friends Monday.
Mrs. Ben Johnson of Hemlngford.
is visiting at the Mike Collins home.
The C. B. of A. ball team played
the Hemlngford team Sunday at
Hemlngford. The score was 10 to 4
In favor of Hemlngford.
Francis Sward Is laying off a few
days for a short trip to his home
stead at Morecroft, tTyo.
J. B. Glover, operator at Thedford,
was injured last night when tho
lightning came through on the wires
and shocked him. He 'Will probably
be off a few days.
J. M. McClaren, who has been lay
ing off th.e past week on account of
illness, returned to work this morning.
Chadron Chronicle: "Alliance was
unable to put over the census bureau
the increase that they had hoped to
in Alliance's census to make it come
over the five' thousand mark. Alli
ance was given an official count ot
about 4700, or a hundred or so more
than Chadron got. The people over
at our sister city immediately got
busy and through their commercial
club and Rotary club took another
count of the people and sent It into
the department who had given them
some encouragement that if, upon
comparison, they could show an in
crease they would be certified that
way in the census report. Their re
count added about four hundred
names to tlve roll of inhabitants in
Alliance, but when the figures had
been worked over by the Washing
ton people it dwindled to an Increase
of twelve, which the federal authorl
ties thought was too small an In
crease to change the records for: so
thus again we condole with Alliance
If You're Up a Tree
or in -doubt where to go for the best lumber and building
material, j let us help you down. j
"We honestly believe you can do better here in both quality
and price than any other place in this region. ,
Pleased customers have sold more material for us than any
thing else. Any person who buys here and is not perfectly
satisfied can have their money back. '
We like to have people say we gave them better value for
their money than they could get elsewhere. "We like it, be
cause it's true.
Our two trump cards are lumber and building material you
want and prices you like.
Forest Lumber Company
7!" " iVl
T.;is Wacom is made or tms Best Material and Workmanship
Fcllo and
Mock Vka Hikor
Spefca Hickory and Oak
Hauada-Bolttara I Hu-, j ttmM
Pal and """T and Oak
Smprff-AB Wid Sa
a a a fcattk Cim Hiii pn dirni kt fcJW 1 1 1 1 1 I Od Hj I
UCIir aUMUNO-TM J0II imi WAGON h iand4 M an. ajuajt-Tte Wka mmt
apjalAk. Jhm AU k w irtap, m d
nn ka, dkalidlMdlinMl I I ilm.
eUMUKTV-W. aMa t mmf Mkk af TkW la d JM
Get (Quality
WAGON k a aad
John Deere Wagon Works
John Deere
Give Both.
rj,.j..-r.,-,inii1:r.-,...i; trt mtMuq
This Wagon Guarantee
is on the front end
gate of the John Deere
It tells yoi; that the
John Deere Wagon has
what you know is the
best material and work
manship. In the wagon you
buy you need the qualities
that - this guarantee sets
forth. You can't get a real
wagon bargain without
them. They assure the kind
of service and length of serv
ice that makes wagon use
pay mot
The big point for you
to consider is that you kno w
before you buy that these
necessary qualities are in
the John Deere Wagon.
Theguarantee makes
' that as plain as day.
Read the guarantee
over carefully. And then,
the first time you are in
town, come to our store and
let us show you the long
lived, light-running John
Deere Wagon the wagon
with the guarantee on the
front endgate.
Farmer's Union
that we are not as big as think we
ought to be.