1 't I 1 THE ALLIANCE HKUALD, KM PAY, AlClST 20, 1020 Ladies' Silk Dresses We have several frond ones' loft, values to $40.00 to close out this week at 310.98 Von should see llieso. 1 y A Biemov 1? COUNT THE DAYS. Ten more business days. Sept 1st we expect to occupy our new store building. Everything will bo Spank and New. We want to dispose of the stock in the old location. Trices CUT LOWER than the cost of the material, in most casc3. MAKE YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY DURING THE BALANCE OP THIS SALE. Ladies'' Waists About one hundred Crept1 do Chine and Silk WVinIk, nearly nil sizes, valuta to lO.Oi); to out. thin week at .$3.98 Ladies' Low Shoes, all Leathers, all Sizes, $10 to $12.50 values, $6.98 Men's $2.50 Union Suits $1.98 Men's $2.00 Union Suits $1.49 Men's $1.75 Union Suits $1.23 Men's $5.00 Hats $3.43 Men's $3.50 Work Shoes $2.89 Men's $5.00 Work Shoes $4.48 Men's $5.00 Dress Shoes $4.98 Men's $7.00 Dress Shoes $5.98 Men's $10.00 Dress Shoos $7.98 Brown and Black Leathers, all sizes. Men's $10.00 Rain Coats $4.98 Best make Overalls . $2.98 School Begins Week After Next, Bring Young Folks in Fit Them for School at a Big Saving. School Week Special for Boys Sturdy School Suits, 3 to 15 at . Extra Good School Suits, values to $15.00, sizes 3 to 15 at Good Strong Shoes sizes 9 to 2 at Sizes 212 to 512 at $6.98 $9.98 $3.48 $3.98 Save a Dollar a pair on the Boys Shoes. $2.00 Voiles, yd. . $1.25 Silk Ginghams, yd. - 75c Dress Ginghams, yd. 50c Dress Ginghams, yd. Good Percales, yd. 1 Romper Cloth, yd. Ladies' $1.25 Union Hints 83o Ladies' $1.50 Union Suits 98: Ladies' $1.75 Union Suits $1.23 Ladies' $5.00 Petticoats $2.98 Ladies' Skirt $12.50 to $15.00 values $5.98 Ladies' $2.50 Silk Hose -$1.79 Ladies' $3.00 Silk Hose -42.23 Ladies' $4.00 Silk Hose -..$2.98 Ladies' $10.00 Voilo Dresses . $3.98 Silk Poplin Skirting, yd. $3X8 Ladies' $15.00 Voile. ' Dresses - '. $7.98 Ladies $20.00 Silk Skirts $9.98 Men's Suits at Real Savings $34.75 $24.75 $7.48 Many lines of goods greatly re- Suits worth to $50.00 Suits worth to $40.00 Silk Shirts, value to $10.00 at. Men's Shoes, values to $12.50 in Black and CO QO CQ QO Brown, to close at 1 $O.VO jJ.JO You will not be able to buy such shoes for the price again.'j duced in nrice srace will not let us quote. Come to the store, see the REAL VALUES we are offering You will not be disap pointed. School Specials for Girls Gingham Dresses, all sizes, good patterns going at ONE-HALF PRICE Low Shoes, sizes 5 to 8, . $3.00 values Low Shoes, sizes 8V2 to 11, $3.50 values Low Shoes, sizes lV2 to 2, $4.00 values " Low Shoes, sizes 21 to 6, $5.00 to $16.00 values Middy Suits, just a few loft, values to $16.50 at BEN Rli: A lliance 's Busy Store ASK COUNCIL FOR ANOTHER NIGHT COP A petition is being circulated among the business men and rest dents of the city, asking the council to make provision for the appoint ment of an additional night police man. Ray Trabert was In charge of the document Thursday afternoon, and at that time there were over thirty signatures. Not a Bingle resi dent has refused to sign. The requests sets forth a number of reasons why an additional night man is deemed necessary. It is abso lutely impossible for one man to pa trol the streets and alleys of Alliance during the night time in a manner to give the necessary protection to ' the business and residence districts, the petition says. It also calls at tention to the fact that there have been Beveral burglaries and larcenies committed during the past two weeks and a single policeman is utterly powerless to prevent such crimes. Representatives of the Kelly Well company of Grand Island have been in the city the past days day or two and have tried out a new rotary pump on well No. 5. The test has ahown that the well will furnish 800 gallons per minute. The rotary pump, which is shaped like an augur will produce a constant - stream of water and is not only speedier, but more economical of operation than fhn nluneer duiud at present in use. The pump purchased for the well 1 too large, as the well wui not pro H 111.0 nil fflclent water to keen the pump supplied without sucking out the quicksand from the sides of the well and filling the cylinders, thus putting the well out or commission. -n,P council contemplates the pur- fiiA nf a. rotarr dudid for this well. and will have it installed in the near future. It is believed that this well will furnish sufficient water to sup ply the city if so equipped. The rotary pump now here is equipped with an "open head" pump. In or der to force the water Into the reser voir, a pump with a force head will have to be purchased. PERSONALS Glenn Miller, wife and Bon left Thursday noon overland for Denver and Estes Park. ' Hilly Hill's niilk station in the le Moore Grocery tttore is now oh?ii. The station will be run nix days a week; not 011 Sunday. The purest of products only will be sold. Form the habit of coming here. 70 The Chamber of Commerce has ordered 500 auto name plates with the word Alliance, to be attached to automobiles. A man standing upright on the upper wing of a plane while going through a complete tail spin will be one of the many thrillers put on at the Dawes County Fair, August 25, 26, 27. 7 Mrs. C. C. Cawkins and son of Waterloo, Lowa will arrive in this city Friday morning for a several weeks visit with relatives and friends Mrs. Frank Abegg is entertaining Thursday night in honor of Miss Francis Nolan of Alliance and Mrs. Jones of Billings, Montana. Billy Hill's milk station In the Lee Moore Grocery store Is now open. The station will be run six day u week; not on Sunday. The purest of products only will be sold. Form the liabit of coining here. 70 P. G. Spits representing the Enter son phonograph was in Alliances two days on bustness. Miss Virginia Broome from Des Moines, Iowa, is in the city visiting Mrs. W. D .Runier. Do not fall to attend the Dawes County Fair & Livestock Exposition at Chadron, August 26, 26, 27. 76 Mr. Van Loon and daughter Ruth of Uay Springs were Alliance shop pers Wednesday. Mr. andMrs. J. M. Broad will leave Saturday for a short visit at Gerlng, Nebraska with friends. Our stock of cigars Is very com plete of all standard brands. Alliance Drug Co., 214 Box liutte. 70 Mrs. John Claussen is planning on leaving this Saturday for a few days visit with her brother Fred W. Rebder, of Scottsblulf. Our stock of cigars Is very com plete of all standard brands. Alliance Drug Co., a 14 Box Butte. 70 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wright, Nellie Wright and Perry Davidson are plan ing on a trip to Hot Springs the lat ter part of this week overland. Watch for the stunt flying, air plane distributing Dawes County Fair programs on next Tuesday. It will give an exhibition stunt flight over every town within a radius of 100 miles of Chadron. 76 Mr. Joseph S. Robbins and family moved into their new home at 4ii Platte avenue yesterday. Mr. Rob bins Is the cashier of the freight de pot for the Burlington in this city. CHt'IlCH OF CHIUST Holy Writ says that, "Jesus Is the Light of the world" . How many in this present age. realize the import ance of that statement? That Light is the motive back of all the good deeds which make life worth living. Next Lord's Day morning the min ister will preach on the subject: Liv ing in the light. The Communion service will be observed as usual at the reguler worship. At the evening Union services, our esteemed fellow- citizen Dr. Minor Morris will address the audience. A splendid meeting is assured. Do not forget the Bible benool aim C. E. prayer mept intra Come to the church with & manna e a and a welcome. Stephen J. Epler, Minister The paving has slowed down con siderably the past week. The chief difficulty seems to be In hfrina men. and in getting them to stay hired auer tney have agreed to go to work. The man in charge of the curbing gang had the pledges of fifteen men to go to work the other morning, and out of the fifteen but a single man showed up, and be cam' over to say he had decided not to take the Job. No brick was laid this week, and no cement poured, save for the curb. The grading for the Third dibtrlct has been going on, however, and the pouring of cement for tue base will be begun next week. Brick ar ecoming in every once in a while, and ars being nnloaded as fast as they arrive. What Will You Do With YOUR BACH PAY HtCtlVING TtlLtl FsHHMIM A .::fAJL: minis rrxv - rc 1 1, sw m, winy. is bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi 1 - r- - -. ' r When Your Check Comes In? Many Railroad Man will soon receive very substantial amounts of money as back pay from the Burlington. Have you considered the wisest thing to do with this money? Perhaps you have long wanted something that you never before thought you could af ford. Perhaps you have already permitted yourself the pleasure of selecting the desired article. "What Will This Purchase Pay Me?" Will your expenditure be an ASSET or a LIABILITY f Will is COST YOU MONEY or MAKE YOU MONEY f These are the questions you should ask yourself before letting your back pay go. 1 It is a very satisfying feeling to collect money that comes to you simply by possessing other money. That's the secret of present-day success. Make Your Money Work For You If you commence the habit of working your funds for your gain NOW, you need never worry about your old age when you can no longer work for yourself. Stark a good thing by Drincing your Back Pay to us and placing it in a SAVINGS ACCOUNT. We will pay you 5 interest, and the principal is absolutely safe. Do yourself the justice to talk this thing over with our officers before you make a decision. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Alliance, Nebraska FIVE