THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1920 -roun olfc Alliance lirrali i-a; "... BURR mtNTINO CO., Ownra EatarM at tha frostomce at AlUanca. "rWab.. for iMMmimlon throMh tM j Mil scont run matter, rubllahed f Caaaday Friday. ,. aUORQEJ U BURR, JR. Editor EDWIN M. BURR Business Mr, Official nwpapr of tha City of Alliance; official nawspapar 01 . atom county. m J..kii.w.j V. Tk a T? 11 rr .rHntlna- Company, Qeorffa I Burr, Jr., rraaiaeni, towui . " -.'Manl Oataida . uu r.n., 3.uo par year TOO MAXY COOKS Box Butte county citizens who visit the court bouse will find a room on the second floor set apart for the use of engineers connected with the state highway department. They are assistants, working under the super vision of District Engineer McLaln. There are four of taem on the Job now. For the last two years there have been several of them on the job. The personnel has changed occasion ally, but winter and summer these men, or otaers like them, have been on the payroll, whether actual road construction was under way or not. Altogether; there are less taan fifty miles of state aid road under construction in Box Butte county. With four assistant engineers on the Job, that means that each one has supervision over not to exceed twelve miles. If work were proceed- Inc alona the whole stretch of road, there might be some excuse for hav ing all these supervisors. iraumablv. their salary comes frem the state and federal aid funds auouea 10 uw cuuuv;. ui was none too large in the first place, nil there is only something like ifift noo left. . It won't do to antagonise the state department. Never! For un less a project receive the approval of the department, there is no chance fnr It to be naid for with these funds. )ne of these engineers hinted as murh to the directors of the caam- br of commerce the other day. And if the funds are not used, they revert hark. Sweet system I Therefore, by all means, let us do nr aav nothina that may Jeopardize our chances of getting what Is com ing to us. What If It is a .standing loke alone the Antloch road that onnueh stakes aave been driven into the ground by surveying parties to pave the entire thoroughfare? PERSONALS A Reo Sneedwagon carrying a load of 2535 lbs., left Omaha last Friday morning and arrived in Denver, six hundred and six miles from the Btartlng point, In twenty hours and thlrty-tw6 minutes. This is prac tlmllv an average of 30 miles per hour the entire distance with full rnnnHtv load. When one under tanria it la hard to make that aver age with a passenger car unloaded, h inn in a measure appreciate this feat made by one of the doughtiest nttlA trucks on the market. "You Can Do It With a lleo," say the boys over at the Jones Company and we m.PBH thev know their stuff when moblnff tmrh an assertion. 75 Ready for Business "We have opened up a wholesale egg and poultry business in the F. W. Melick building at 206 Laramie. We cordially in vite every one who raises chickens and has eggs for sale to bring them to us. In buying Eggs and Poultry we will pay the highest prices consistent with market, condi tions at all times. Our business connections are such that we can dispose of our stuff to consumers close at hand thus eliminating long transportation charges and middlemen. This permits us to pay higher prices than we could if we sent our eggs and poul try to eastern wholesalers. ' ' We have had ample experience in this line. Will you not. come in and get acquainted sooiit " . . 'V. Fankell Produce Co. 206 LARAMIE PHONE 95 Announcing the INFORMAL OPENING On Wednesday, August 18, we will open the doors of the Alliance Drug Store at 214 Box Butte avenue. Not all of our interior decorations have arrived, but we will be open ready to take care of your wants Wednesday. We will carry a ..A Complete Line of DRUGS TOILET ARTICLES FANCY STATIONERY CIGARS AND TOBACCOS IN ADDITION TO OUR Modern Soda Fountain We aim to keep only the highest grade, most serviceable goods obtainable in our lines, and our store will be thoroughly modern in every way, second to none in this territory. Come in as soon as you conveniently can and get acquaint ed with the new drug store. Alliance Drug Store THE QUALITY STORE B. IX. E00TTEN T. O. HERSHHAN 214 Box Butte Avenue F. W. IrlRh Is visiting friend in Hot Springs. Hummer underwear 13 leas than at coot. Ilighland-llolloway in. Mrs. H. T. Coleman of Bridgeport, was In Alliance Monday shopping.' Mr. ad Mrs. Mose Wright' left Monday for a week's fishing trip. Jack Hawes left for Laramie, Wyo., Monday to look after business matters. Hummer underwear 1-3 less than actual values at ' IIIghlAmMlolloway Co. T. O. Waddel and family ara the guests this week of Dick Strong and family. Will Beans and family returnet from a fishing trip in the Black Hills Sunday. Mrs. Hannah Blair left today for Long Beach, Cal., for a few weeks vacation. Save 20 of real value on fum this month at lllglilnnd-Ilolloway Co. Miss Leila Cornforth and Kenreih Mormahn spent Sunday picnicking at Pine Ridge. C. M. Looney returned last Light from a business trip to Newcastle and Osage oil fields. Make your selection of a winter suit now while the assortment is gool at Ilighland-IIolloway Co, Mrs. C. L. Wilson took up lior work at the court house Monday after a two weeks vacation. Two carloads of race horses al ready at Gordon training for the Fair, Sept. 7-8-9-10. 75 E. A. Fricke of North Platte, state bank examiner, spent Friday, Satur day and Sunday In Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. A. R Frederick left for Poughkeepsle, N. ., where they will make their futuro home. Mrs. Mable Coleman is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ormsby of Alliance Mrs. Ward Norton arrived today to attend the funeral of her sister, Miss Jones, who died in this city yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robbins and baby Evelyn, returned from Denver where they have been visiting friends. La Cainllle front lace and OB A La Splrite back lnce corsets at lllglilaiid-Holloway Co James T. Pierce returned Monday from Hot Springs where he has been visiting friends. He leaves today for Chadron. Charles Wheeler and family left the first of the week for Spokane Wash., where they will male their future home. J. J. Wadell and family accompan led by Miss Francis Fletcher, have gone to the Black Hills for a weeks camping trip. School dresses for girls of all ages at cost. Ilighland-IIolloway Co, MIsb Esther Bevington returned from her vacation Tuesday. She has been visiting In Denver and other points In the west. Miss Valena Hacker,' who has been visiting at the Harvey Hacker home for the past few days, returned to her home In Chadron Monday. Billy Hill will oen a milk sta tion Wednesday morning, September 18, In the Lee Moore grocery store, formerly operated by C. S. Pliillips. This station will be run six days a week; no Sunday oitenings, WANTED : Experienced chicken pickers; male or female. Fankell Produce Co., 206 Laramie or Phone 95. . 75 Mr. and Mrs. William Rush and Mr. and' Mrs. John Bert, both of Mur- dock, Neb., were guests yesterday of J. E.. Brittan and family. They were on their way to Estes Park overland La Cainllle front lace and O-IJ A Im Splrlte back lace corsets at liighland-Itolloway Oo, Mrs. S. J. Epler returned home Monday morning after spending week with her mother, Mrs. L. B Parmeter, at Bethany. Mrs. Par menter accompanied her for a two weeks' visit. Take a ride in the aeroplan everybody will Sept. 7-8-9-10, Gor don, Sheridan Co. Fair. 75 News has been received here that Hershel Burnswlck, who Is in Sheri dan. Wyo., was severely injured in a motorcycle accident at that place Sunday. Charlie Larklns left Monday for Sheridan to see him. J. O. Walker, the Osage oil mag nate, arrived In Alliance last night on a short business trip. Mr. Walker reports the Osage oil fields in flourishing condition, and work go ing ahead at a rapid rate. Make your selection of a winter suit now while the assortment Is good at Ilighland-IIolloway Co, W. N. Wood, proprietor of the east side barber shop, has a badly Injured thumb on his right hand, as the re sult of getting his hand too close to the large exhaust fan. walch he has recently had installed In his shop Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll of Hemingford, were in Alliance last Friday. Mrs. Carroll was shopping and her husband, who Is a candidate for county commissioner, was report ed to be circulating among the voters. Save 20 of real value on furs uus montn at uignland-lloUouay Co. Mrs. C. C. Fankell arrived from Stella last Saturday to Join her hus band, who Is establishing a whole sale produce house in Alliance. They nave, been unsuccessful in securing home in which to live, but have hopes that this will be accomplished before school opens, when the rest of the family will be brought here. Summer underwear 1-8 actual values at Learn What Is Sleep Comfort Make Your Next Mattress be 7ho Unitary .ess VI Pillou for the Body." Do you experience sleepless, restless nights during this hot weather! Is your mattress bumpy and without resiliency hard and unyielding t If so, you want a "SEALY" the unquestioned leader in high grado mattresses. . .S ' Learn what it is to sleep on a bed seemingly made with a huge pillow of just the right softness, just the proper "springiness." ' It will add not only to your "individual comfort", but you will feel like accomplishing things after a full night's rest. The character of work will im prove, and along with that good spirits. ' We have the Scaly in many styles that we will be most pleased to show you. Will you not call at your earliest convenience T GLEN- MILLER HOUSE FURNISHINGS What" D 6 6 TQTF oes the Word 9 9 OME iftvii&a3B' Ma. feSliiiiliiiilS .."'Vis,!w,)!v; Mean to YOU? Does it mean simply a "place to hang your hat"- just a place with four walls containing a few of your belongings, from which you may leave on a , minute's notice, without a single regret but with rather a feeling of relief f Why Not Build One? Would it not add great pleasure to your life to enter a beautiful dwelling like the one shown above, after your day's work with- the feeling of personal pride in your handiwork! To look about you at the different belongings you have gathered together will no fail to afford you satisfaction far greater than the effort it will take to accomplish this end. ' In addition to the personal satisfaction and pride involved, it is CHEAPER to own than to BENT. Figure out the values for yourself. LET US HELP YOU PLAN YOUR IfOME Dierks Lmmber Go FRED HABQABTEN, Mgr. "4 i u J' i Ilighland-IIolloway Co.