The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 13, 1920, Image 6

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    tub al;.::.( herald, Friday, august 13, 1920
Joe Kase and wife returned from
two weeks fishing trip at Castle
Creek, S. D.
School Presses for children at
320 off rrirulnr iwleca at
llighlMJul-Ilolloway Co.
Mrs. Fern McFarland and daugh
ter, Gladys, are planning on spending
Sunday In Crawford, visiting with
Brakeman Charlie Woodman Is go
ing over the bump Wednesday.
Our old friend nod Adams is
peaceful once more, which Is some
thing unusual for Hob. as he origin
ally came from Inland. ,
Tick your Owl or Knit early from
our early arrival. j
HlRlilnml-llollowny Co.
Arkansaw Ford ias reported fori
work after a month's vacation on ac-l
a I 1 f - 1 1 I V. I. .... 1. n '
COUni OI SlCKneBH. nr will ue uinnc-
inan for Ihe Wampus Cat.
H. H. Eurback returned from his
vacation. He has been visiting
friends In UlackToot. S. D.
F. A. WelVnston, brakeman for
the Cannon Ball. Is celebrating in
Denver with his old army outfit. Part
of the celebration consisted of Well
ington falling from a seventy foot
diving board and Injuring his right
arm. lie will spend the rest of his
vacation In Cenlerville, la.
I -urges t line of early fall and
winter liats at
lllglilniid-llolloway Co.
Brakeman A. U. Reynolds and wife
left for Sterling for a short visit with
Brakeman Gus Anderson returned
from Denver Tuesday where he has
been spending Ms vacation. He re
ported for work Wednesday.
Judge Bench is going back on the
Crawford and Alliance local. Judge
'aas been laying off with smallpox.
He bought O'Conner's farm machin
ery, Including the spreader, and is
planning farming next year.
Engineer C. M. Adams is l.)tn
off on account of Illness.
Engineer Stanford left on a two
weeks vacation to Omaha and Kan
sas City.
Fireman Jeff Denn Is away on hli
vacation. He Is visiting friends and
relatives in tae eastern p-.rf of the
School Presses for children at
20 off regular prices at
lllglilaiul-llollotvav Co,
Mr. and Mrs. E. McOIll will lcnv
for Bridgeport sometime In the nea'
future. Mr. McGIIl will take charg
of the round house there.
Mrs. Addle McFarland and daugh
ter, Fay, of Norfolk, are visiting
friends and relatives In Alliance.
Mrs. Mike Collins and Mrs. Abble
Hutchinson left Friday night for
Casper where they will spend the
week-end Visiting With friends.
Have 20 011 your winter furs
.iii inon tli at HlglilHiHl-llolloway Co.
C. V. Welnell is In town. He has
been visiting friends In Dead wood
and looking after "personal matters"'
In ri ingle.
Mrs. Mable Ilandholtc, who has
been visiting her sou, H. S. Band
holt z. expects to leave for her home
in Cilcapo sometime the last of the
Silk and Cotton Hosiery at 20
discount at llljtliliuid-llollowny Co.
Engineer Edwards is laying off on
account of Illness.
Mrs. Pete Dearveau and children
left Wednesday for Reulo, Neb., for
a two weeks visit with relatives.
Robert E. Smith went to Des
Moines for a visit with his mother,
Mrs. J. L. Smith, of that place.
Lee Pope left Wednesday for a
short visit with friends In Chicago.
Engineer R. E. Munger went to
Denver Tuesday on business. He
will be gone about a week.
Save 20 on your winter furs
tli in month at lligliland-llolloway V.
Miss Merlam Mote Is taking Mrs
J. Fleming's place as c.iief clerk In
the dispatchers office this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fleming left
Wednesday night for Tabernash.
Col., where they will visit with MrB.
Fleming's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Newton of that city.
Ralph Garvin, Arnold Badsgard,
Raymond Lewis. Claude Reno and
Frank Dally are planning on spend
ing Sunday in Hot Springs, S. D.
School DresHos for children nt
20 off regular price ot
flighlaiHl-lfolloway Co.
Hostler Clarence Wheeler went to
Hastings Wednesday for a short visit
with his wife.
Edward Logan, of Morril, had his
tonsils removed at Dr. Slagels' office:
Tuesday. I
IMck your Vwt or Suit early froin 1
our early arrival. j
Highland-Hollows) Oo. '
Mrs. Morgan L. Croft, who has
been visiting her parnets, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Owens of this city, will leave
Saturday night for her home in
Omaha. I
IjrgCNt line of early fall and
winter Hat at j
lllghland-llolloway Co. I
Miss Berta Garret leaves Saturday
for a two weeks vacation. She will
visit relatives and frlneds In Den
ver, Lincoln and David City.
Lieut. Lee R. G. Ward was In Al
liance Thursday Inspecting the local
recruiting office.
Mrs. S. A. Drovo of Holdridge,
Neb., Is visiting at the W. A. Walmer
Save 20 on jour winter furs
tbi mouth at lllghlaiMl-llolloway
George and Doc Camblin came In
from Brody, Neb., to attend the gold
en wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Mrs. Roy Gustavson and son, Sam
my, of Denver, are the guests this
week of Mr. and Mrs. R. I Harris.
Fred Willis Is visiting friends and
relatives In St. Louis, Mo.
Mrs. J. W. Howe expects to leave
Monday for Ft. Morgan, Col., for a
visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. W.
Jamison of that city.
John M. Vobarll of Hemlngford,
was In town Wednesday on business.
Mrs. J. W. Thomas, who has been on a short business trip Tuesday
visiting relatives In Alliance, return- night.
ed to her home in Denver Tuesday. Marie Duhon was down from Mars
J. C. McCorkle left for Lincoln land yesterday.
Miss Mildred Rickman left today
for Henry, Neb., for a short visit
with Miss Alice Failer of that city.
Mr. apd Mrs. J. Sweeney returned
home Monday from the Black Hills
They have been spending a two
weeks vacation with friends and rcl
atlves there.
Mrs. H. H. Rlume left for Hay
Springs Tuesday where she was call
ed on nccount of Illness.
A. man 13 as old as his orcann ; he
can be as vigorous ard healthy at
70 as at 35 if he aids hi3 organs m
performing their functions. Keep
your vital organs healthy with
V- tsxretssx Q
The world's (standard remedy for kidney,
liver, blid.'er and uric a.ld troubles
sine 1696; co:rers disorders; r.tim-dows
vital o.-pans. All druggists, into fizi.
:4k I -a Ja tikm Gold Model tin try but.
attd Mucsnt bo imitation
Are You Ready For
f M O
With only another month before open season on
ducks, you should get a supply of ammunition ready
for that hunt
Ducks and Geese September 16.
Prairie Chickens, Grause October
Trout Closes October 1.
Bass, November 15.
We sell licenses
"Always Get Good Results"
Now is a good time to buy while we have a com"
plete stock of loads for your selection.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Coursey went
to Omaha Tuesday for a two weeks'
vacation. They will visit witi friends
and relatives.
' S
Your Harvest Money
You can make your Harvest Money earn another Harvest this year by
depositing it with this Bank where it will draw interest. Then if an oppor
tunity arises whereby you can make a good investment you have the money
'ltl1 11,0 cominS of tIlc harvest and the increase of ready monev in circu
lation business is certain to increase. For the pood of the community every
one should exercise judgment in the disposition of his money. The safest
plan is to deposit it in a strong conservative bank, let it accumulate interest
money for you while you decide the wisest disposition of it.
The prosperity of progressiveness of any community is measured by the
total of its bank deposits. The American system of finance incorporates the
rlci i Placing,your rcady money in a bank" as a fundamental principle.
It should be taught to the little folks, and followed by their parents.
It lias takenloi years of experience
and great scientific skill to produce
that master creation - tlie Diamond
Cord Tire
Diamond Cords make friends by
making good. They are ready to
make good for ,you