VFOIUI THE ALLIANCE IIKUAL1), l'KlDAY, AUCIUST 13, 1920 JCIKTVtgr Mrs. Earl Mallciy jntortnlncd Wednesday, In honor of Miss Francis Nolan. whoa marrlnco to Roy Me Connick, of lSraaon, Wis., will take place AugUBt 21, and Miss Ione Mallcry, who loavt-s the first of the -reck for Honolulu where she will teach next year. The evening was spent at bridge. The guests were the MesdaniPB John O'Brien, J. I. Sklles, Vern Hunt, Kd O Ponnel, Mike Nolan and J. A. Mallery and Misses Julia Frankle, Irene Hire, Hazel Bennet, Ilutn Morris and Marie Carey. who a .n hu n viskins In Alliance the j fia't two v.kH. The eveiing was ; .prnt nt r.irls snl ilanrlnc. Mi?1? Inurrti:i Ifodpkliipon won hiph m-ore. two course luncheon was Reived. The gui-sts were the Mlss s Ilnzol Thompson, Francis Collins, Laurrtta !IoW:kitnon. Jessie Burns, Wilma Mote, Alta Tv C.frc Ppacht. l'lil! .lacks and Marie Howe. GOLD1W MtTMNli Mr. and M.--. W. A. '.Vlmer cele brated their golden wedding annlver isery WV.lr.c.T.lsy evening nt the home ol tlit ir daughter, Mrs. L. A. Harris, north of town. About fifty guests were present, among them was Mrs. Walmer's two brothers, George and Doctor Camblln, from Brady, Neb., her sister, Mrs. F. A. Dravo. from Holdrldge, Neb., and her niece, Mrs. Roy Gustavason. of Denver, Col. A seven course dinner was served. The "bride and groom" received many presents of gold. Miss Byrd Wheeler was the guest of honor at a the;it r n-iv V day evening. Miss Wheeler Is leav-' Ing for the coast the last of tae week. J The guests were the Misses Francis I Fletcher, Helen Cleveland, Thelma Waddel and Byrd Wheeler and the Messrs Kenneth Huston, John Dower, Leonard Locke and Horace Fuller, j Miss Thelma Waddell entertained at a slumber party Tuesday night In ynr- cf M'ss Byrd Wheeler. The guests were tha Misses Byrd Wheeler Helen Cleveland and Francis Fletca-er. C. E. Wheeler and family leave the; laet of this week for Washington j whore thy will make their future' home. j I -mgest line of cnrljr fall aikIi winter Hats at lllglilaiul-llolloway Co. .WIS. r , a luvna itiuiui: tuui. day from Fenton, la., where she hast been for the past seven weeks In at- tendance upon her father, J. Nellis, f during his last Illness. Mr. NeWa' pa'ssed away last Friday and funeral I cervices were held Sunday. School Dresses for children at U) IT regular prices at lllgliland-llollouay Co. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stucker left for Leed, S. D., Wednesday where they will make their future home. Silk and Cotton Hosiery at 20 4llcoiint at IlighlaiHl-Ilollovrny Co. Glenn Willis h working on the Shnnk hay ranch. I .orgeat lino of early fall and winter lints nt Illlitaml-flolloway Co. You will bi rvoro than plcnsoi with the price and quality of all hata you see at Tho.FaiMon Sjop Look before buying. 7 Mrs. O. J. Hand wild family !rt Wednesday lor liiiicA, liu., or u two week3 vacation with Mra. Hand's parents. Rave 20 i your wtnter furs tills month nt lllgliland-llolloway Co. Mrs. M. L. Croft returned Wed nesday from Chadrrn whero she has been visiting Mrs. Morrison for the past week. Pick your Ooat or Rult early from our early arrivals. lllghland-IIolloway Co. Mrs. A. Horrabin and little daugh ter, Mary Louise, of Iowa City, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rhcln. Hcliool Dresse for children at 23 off regular rlce nt Illghland-liolUmay Co. r. Tj. Armstrong of HofTland, was an Alliance visitor yesterday. Jo.m O'Keefe returned from a two months' vacation spent In Fortland, Ore., Seattle, Wash., San Francisco, and San Diego, Cal. Our object Is to give you city E!yles at the very lowest prices and best quality at The Fashion Shop Millinery Department. 74 Members of the Eastern Star have been requested to meet at tae hall at 2 p. m. Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Harriet Miller. DEATH AM) ITXKKALS Mrs. Cecil Wilson passed away at the St. Joseph hospital Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Wilson was brought to Alliance from her late borne In Lakeside, Neb., Monday. The funeral was held at tae Holy Rosary church Thursday morning and Interment was In the Catholic cemetery. She leaves a husband and two children. Mrs. Ellas Miller diea Wednesday morning In Sheridan, Wyo. She had been visiting frlneds and relatives in that city. The deceased was eighty six years of age. She leaves two sons, Guy and Roy Miller, of tala city. r The Herald $2.50 a year. IIOYI.B UOTII John E. Boyle and Miss Emma E. Roth, both of Hemlngford, were united In marriage by County Judge Tash last Tuesday afternoon. The couple were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Garrison. i Mr. and Mrs. L, L. Smith and Ross Smith, father of the former, return ed Wednesday evening by auto from , Denver. Mrs. Smith and her father i In-law started out on the trip two ; weeks ago, and have had a most ' pleasant trip, motoring through Ftes Park an d to other Colorado points. ! L. L. Smlta Joined them at Denver 'and made the return trip with them. PERSONALS Miss Marie Kibble entertained at a porch party Taursday night for Miss Jlazcl Thompson of Lincoln. Leonard Locke left for Lincoln Thursday to attend the Lincoln Busi ness college. Pick your Oont or Suit early from iHie early nriivnls. llighlnml-llollowny Co. It Is Mone Too Early To Prepare For The Wintry Winds Especially When Values Like These Are Offered Already homo managers' thoughts are turning to the consideration of bedding and garments for the comfort of the members of her family this winter. Right now many nuney-saving bargains arc being offered and far-seeing buyers are letting no opportunities slip by. By far the best,1 re-season offering is The Horace Bogue Store's lot of Monarch Wool-Nap Blankets All Plaids Double Size 66x8q Inches Ei Jit T 'CONOMY in shoes consists in getting the most for your money. How to do this is the question. Low priced shoes may prove more costly than the most expensive. You are safer than ever with Florsheims. Fit, style, com fort are added to endurance. No shoe could be better. No shoe like it could be sold for less. ID.Harpcr'DeptStorc mw w A M mm - . . . i This especially attractive lot of blankets is part of a delayed shipment of goods that arrived just in time for early winter prep arations. They represent material sav ings in blankets as you will read ily see when you examine them. Satisfy vourself. 56.45 THE PAIR These Wool-Nap blankets are medium weight, well-woven fabric designed to give a maximum of warmth. They are double blan kets, C6 by 88 inches. The assortment includes plaids only, principal shades being tan, blue, gray and pink. They will not last long at $6.45 THE FAIR This Special Price Is For Saturday Sales Only The TT Horace Bosue Store r 1 Out of this season1! bewildering dictates of Fashion,one thought stands clear you must appear natural. Uncorseted? No Emphatically No! Certainly frocks and suits never more definitely demanded the founda tion of a clever corset. When Paris says you should look "uncorseted, Paris means you should wear a cor set so deftly designed to be a part of yourself that it merely accents the natural beauty of your figure and the most critical observer will not be able to trace your charm to its subtle support. .V" Lucile, Ltd. 1-T HERE is not the woman but k I will be interested in what the I JL world-famed House of Lucile has to say about corsets. There is not the woman but will appre ciate the specialized service of our corset department; a service that offers you (selection from an all-comprehensive stock of the unequalled . . . Good Looks Be careful about the corset you wear Itwill make or mar your attractiveness GOSSAED Front Lacing COESETS and the careful attention of expert corset iercs who will take a personal pride in your satisfaction. Visit Us Soon Give us the pleasure of showing you the l.ite-t developments in modem corset-mak-ir.g. Y.'e have a Fpbndid selection of both 1T.ONT- AND EACK-LACE CORSETS that will beautify your figure. Tlu-y are made for you. 4 OF one thing be quite sure; the day of the obviously corseted woman has gone. Buy your corsets with the idea of accenting the natural beauty of your figure. Buy the corset that will give you comfort; the corset that will give you poise and per fect body proportions without a moment's feeling of restraint. There is not a type of figure however un usual or difficult to fit but can be success fully corseted in GOSSAD r.:::, COASTS The r.Jr.-.irci woman who wears a CosyarJ has an uric: riocious grace tint can only recult from jTidon ciri' .;- -A ! -r c -rsct is so nvich " ' i. f : . . critical cbser.-r c..:.:v1 l.v: ; ! r -iis deft u:--cr:. Our expert ccrsctieres will spare neither time nor t'Tort in assuring you. the GossarJ best euitcJ to your needs. I'lOSt ::l tO I .1 '"IT '"II I. H-l- mm ' BIG STORE