E9MBCM 1 1 Z CO CO 0) d TUB AMiUNCK 1 1 KHALI), TUKSDAY, AUGUST 10, 19'JO 1 mvmsum I.IMBM 11. 11 1 1 LI I - - - - - --- - I ; Correspondence ANGORA 1 M. Kelly of Bancroft, N?b.. arriv ed Sunday for a visit with Lis sons. J. U. nnd rirlan M. Kelly. Mrs. I"). M. 'Woods of S'-oltsbluft, is Rt tie home of her daughter, Mr. V. U. McCroskey, for an extended piny. . . Mrs. Cash M. Dove took her little uauehter, rorothy, to Alliance Thnrsilry of Inst week fo ran opera tion on hor finger. Frank rromlfitof Lincoln, waft here lar?t week" on business for the R. S. rroudflt Lumber company. , W. N. Thompson went to Alliance Friday to attend n meeting of th potato pro were. Mrs. L. L. Lewellen entertained Fridny afternoon In honor of Mrs. A. B. Marsh. There was a jollv crowd present and a most plasnnt time Is reported. Lnneh was srvod nt five o'clock which corslstd of sal.-M, two kinds of sandwiches. pickles, punch, Ice crenm, prkcI food end marble cake. Tie placp card were hand made and done tn water colors pink anfi white wns the color scheme. The hnll Thursdov vith of la-t Wfetc did fpnMfrnhl ilnmnpo oast of Angora. -Those whop crops wt damaged were' Frank Boory, Lop Lewellen nnd A. B. Mnr'-h. John Shoopmsn hss boon pnnrly- insr the local trnde with frsh be- f tho last two weeks. C. A. Clel, w.io live two mi'o wept pf Angora, reports s wrp wind and hall storm nfnr Mflb?ta whre ho his a fnrm. Mr. OI"l estl- "strs the damacrp to his place nt n 000. Mrs. Pnnl Cuzak happened to a rid nooldont Fridny of lt weok while out gathering etrers. She wes stun? several times about the fare by n bumble hoe. The places were moot pRinful and caused hor face to svo nnd one eye to swell so she rnnlrj rot Pee. C. D. Henderson returned last -erk from Ft. Joseph Moppttal in Al lelic; where ho has been InH nn for ev-ral we ks with a compound frae- KMire of his right leg. II els able to . , 1 A . '! annul on rrutcnps Dm It wfM Jip a long time before the Injured limb wiii b pood ns new. R. K. Maybell and wife entertain-' nd nt six o'clock dinner Rundnv In ! honor of P. B. MfCauley and family, who pro soon to leave Arnrorn. Those r-respnt besides the McCaulev family were C. -T. Temple, wife pnd little 'on. Mrs. A. A. Temole of York, and M. M. Folly and wife. Mrs. r. B. McCaulev entertained f fow intimate friends at a party nt 'it home Frldav nieht of last week. There was music and General visit ing for amusement. Refreshments were served to tie following guests: (1. T. Temple and wife, J. V Teiklns and wire. A. M. Dove and wife, G. W. Venell ami wife and Mrs. V. N. Thompson. Mrs. Brian M. Kelly was hostess to the Trl C club Thursday of last week. There were three tables or f.00 besides some who spent the aft ernoon in doing, fancy work. The place cards were most unique. Each lady was given a card drawn with pen and Ink to represent a book. On each little book was written the name of a noted author and places were found by matching those 4o other similar little books with tie names of books written by these au thors. It was most interesting and the places were soon found and a delicious lunch was served consist ing of schrimp salad, bread nnd but ter sandwiches, olives, enke, pine apple Pherhet and Ice tea. ThosP prrrpttt were Mesdnmos McCrssky, Dve, Perkins, lwellon. Thompson, Maybell. Jefferson. V.-pell, McCaulev, Temnlo and Kelly. Mrs. D. M. Woods f Seottsbluff was a guest of the club. Mrs. Jomes V. Perkins will entertain August 19th. Brnkeman Mat Ilalley returned from his vacation spent In Clinton, C. J. Hubble returned from Dead wood Saturday. He Is going to take Brakemnn Reynold's turn on the work train at Sweetwater. Brnkeman M. M. Marl In Is Inylnfc ofT on account of Illness. Mrs. Townfvy, v.ife o' Conducloi Towley, returned from an extended trip in (he east Sunday. L. Spoden nnd Fred Norman, boll ermakots, reslcned Monday nid v,i;' leave for Omaha. Boilermaker Nicholas Myers bar reslRnod his position at Alliance and accepted a position nt Casper. Salvador Is trying to snub th. United Slates. It Is as fierce as (he ant that angrily warned the phnnt to quit Its t-hovinfi. RADIUM THE NEW Scientific Snrrrnnn CUHES CANCER Al.-M) Til mors, lileetlinjr from I tn? Womb, Tuberct'loKis of tlio Skin, Uirthmjirks, Deforming Scars, Man Typos of riccis, i:tc . WITHOUT THE USE OF THE KNIFE Vim ployed hy the SpeoialistH connected with tlio HOT SPHINGS CLINIC Hot Springs South Dakota RAILOAD NOTES Horace Condlt left Thursday for Sterling and other points on that division, ot Inspect storehouses. Fireman Powell Is laying off on ac count of Illness. Engineer Kauu. went to Seneca to relieve Engineer Hudson. Enginepr Craven returned from Denvtr where he has been spending a two weeks vacation. Engineer Johnson was assigned to the weed burner. . Fireman Williams Is laying off this week on account of illness. , Ivan Wong. Lee Strong and Lestef Cross sponf Sunday In Hot Spring WANT! '.I (JiilH at Alliance Stern Lhiinriry. 73 Flremun Carlson Is running on the Ellsworth turnaround. Brakeman Ford, wha aas been lay ing off on account of Injuries receiv ed some time ago, reported for work. He has been visiting his family In O'Neil, Neb. Fireman Adams Is laying off on ac count of Illness., Fireman R. S. Ogden and wife went to Crawford Sunday for a short J visit with friends. . McAllister, Stephenson and Skin ner came down from Crawford and J hired out as firemen. Fireman Smart .went to AtfdniorB to. fire the helper enclne. Engineer P. J. Nolan Ib laying off on account of illness. , C. R. NelsonMs laying off sick. Fireman Oash went to Ravenna Sunday for a short visit with friends and relatives. Arnold Badsgard nnd Frank Daily spent Sunday at Hot Springs. Conductor C. D. .Riley and wife left fo rthe coast Sunday for Mrs Riley's health. They will be gone thirty days. Conductor Fred Raeder Is laying off on account of hay fever. , it's, a -orach to figure why; '--s Jftffi ! '( it - r.-.- Camels sell! ? -J A 1 lr. $ k f2 ill rf 4 A 4 ZAthfrm BLEND - M WL a- .. You fehould know Whv Cimel3 are so unusual, so refreshing, so satisfyine:. First, aualitv second. Camels expert blond of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which .you'll certainly prefer to either kind smoked straight ! Camels blend makes possible that wonderful mellow mildnessyet all the desirable body is there I And, Camels never tire your taste! You'll appreciate Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor I v For your own satisfaction compare kernels putt by putt with cny ca- rerre in tire wona at any price ! 30 renr, or tmn pce 4 200 rtgsrwtten) in filfiny mrd cmrtan Wm ml rnn MrommM4 ... GL J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winstoa-SaJem, N. C. Free S .Free! 6H. Tf (RR I 2 -4JL. Ni- W ONE INNER TUBE With Each Casing Purchased Be iwe . n AUG. 1 1 TO T E R M S Because of having a sur plus stock on hand we are offering this Extraordinary Inducement to reduce. This stock will move fast at these Special Prices. Come early and take your pick. All standard makes of Casings and Tubes, including:- Goodyear Goodrich Firestone United States Norwalk v Michelin All Casings Guaranteed 6000 Mi.' T E R M S CASH TERMS CASH CASH MILLER AUTO COMPANY Hemingford, Nebraska , TIIREB el-