The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 30, 1920, Image 7

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    Random Shots
J In these days, when the suckers
If re Jumping out of the water to grab
the hook, It Isn't necessary to take
the trouble to gild goldbrlcks.
However, when you get stung,'s lesB excuse to howl.
,v :
.Ve still retain a receipt.
The Japanese women are orpanlz
lng to do away with the kimono.
Waat fools those mortals be!
In Uganda a wife costs four bulls,
a oox or cartridges and six sewing
I needles. If you pay any less, you
1 don't get the genuine article. There
7 ere no substitutes. ,
. other things, it may be
motioned that the conductor of this
colyum doesn't dislike fried chicken.
.' O for a seat at some good board
ing house.
? It may Interest you these hot days
to know that the plural of "sum-
f mons" Is "summonses."
1 A new stunt these days Is to pre
sent your photograph to a friend and
then collect the price after Me has
expressed himself as delighted with
5 """
Maybe the photographer doesn't
care to aesume all the risk.
Our education must have been ne
glected. We heard today for the
first time that Doraldina was a prom
inent movie star.
tf she Isn't, she will be. That kid
has the looks. SJe's one of those
Hawaiian beauties.
She possesses what Is described as
a 'loquacious and persuasive back
Folks who Bay. there la nothing to
the shimmy dance don't know. Take
It from us it's an art.
Joke by movie star: 'Babies are
about the only thing left at pre-war
prices. No war tax on them. ' No
war tax on marrying, either and
goodness knows It woul t be appro
priate." Three men In The Herald shop
have decided not to homestead tats
year. It's a rought life at best.
Today's lient Story
They were discussing the war. "I
suppose this is the most fearful
Struggle the world has ever seen,"
said the traveling salesman.
' "Oh, I don't know,'!, replied the
postmaster. "I once saw two Jew
highwaymen trying to take money
from a Scotchman."
No more signs daubed all over the
sidewalks. Hooray for the council.
It wouldn't have been so bad aad
the words been spelled somewhere
near correctly.
That year of thirteen months, each
month of equal length, Is hopeless.
When such a row is stirred up over
a single hour from April to October,
what kind of a social earthquake
would result from seeking to alter
the month?
The Bridgeport, Conn., post has
been given an old family mansion,
the gift of the citizens of Bridgeport,
for a clubhouse. It cost; Including
furnishings, about $23,000. The
rooms consist of a lounging room,
library, reception room, card room,
secretary's ofllce, women's auxillfrv
room, conference room, dormitory
with sleeping accommodations for
six visitors, and a basement with
poolroom, kitchen and storeroom.
The post expects to erect an adrtl
to contain a billiard room, meeting
lall and swimming pool.
If you leave Alliance and ask for
a transfer, you will be given one by
the adjutant, but you are still a mem
ber of Alliance Post until you give
your certificate of transfer to an
other post and the adjutant of Al
liance post receives notification from
the adjutant of your new post tha
he has received your transfer. Sev
eral certificates of transfer have
been given to members of Alliance
post but none of them have as yet
been used. Consequently, we have
lost no members by transfer as yet.
Did you read "The Grammes of a
Corporal" In the Legion Weekly of
July 23? If not, you missed some
thing. If you did, didn't It make
you a little homesick for Just one
more day as a recruit? The Weekly
is sure an Interesting magazine these
days and full of spice and pep. The
circulation is well over tae 700,000
mark. That means that several
times that number of people are en
Joying It.
In the showing of a pictorial news
weeklv in a movie hoiisn In Ran
Diego, the operator flashed on the
screen a picture of two distinguished
French generals riding In an auto
mobile. Crowds lined the pavements,
their umbrella up and water drip
ping from their hata. Suddenly from
the audience came the awed cry:
"My Oawd, Iff still rainln' over
Speaking of hot weather, how's
"And won't you drop Into tea "
she asked sweetly.
"O, no!" meditatively. "It's too
FOR SALE 1'otato sacks, lie each
a No. 1 condition; Inspect befor
you buy. Joe Weldman at Alliance
Auto ft Truck Co., 114 Box Butte.
The Telephone You Want
Is Only One of Millions
Perlinps you are anxiously waiting to have your telephone moved or
to have a telephone installed. You have been told that the delay is
because we can't get enough telephone supplies.
300 On Your Money
We have no oil stock for sale, but we have an investment to offer over
100 per cent on your money in fifteen years and which we honestly believe will
do twice that good. Read the following carefully :
First, what is a dollar? It is the yardstick by which the value of all com
modities is measured. The dollar that would buy certain goods fifteen years
ago will now buy less than half that many goods now. In other words, we
now have what we call a 50-cent dollar. If you believe, as we do, that prices
of goods are going to decline during the next few years, then you must believe
that dollars are going to increase in value. "We believe they will double.
Therefore every dollar that you have at this time is going to have considerably
greater buying power than it now has.
Figure It Out For Yourself
Every dollar that you deposit now in this bank at 5 per cent interest,
will, if compounded, amount to $2.07 in fifteen years. If, in that time, prices
have declined one-half, your $2.07 will buy as much as $4.14 would now. You
have your original dollar with 314 per cent interest on top of it.
This is assuming that prices will decline 50 per cent in the next fifteen
i, years. If they go down more than that, your profit is correspondingly more.
If they go down less than that, your profit is less. If you believe prices are
going to advance over the next fifteen years- then this advertisement is not
for you.
"When prices are going up you should invest your savings in goods, as
your dollars are declining in value if you hold them. When prices are going
down, your savings should be invested in dollars because they are advancing
in value. k'tfJEV
Dad Never Had This Chance
This advertisement is more particularly addressed to young people, for
they are the ones who will benefit if they take advantage of it. Every thou
sand dollars that your old dad tucked away fifteen years or twenty years ago
is now worth about $500 less in buying power. You have an opportunity that
the old man never had. Every thousand dollars that you are able to put aside
now will some day be worth $2,000 in buying power.
A world-wide shortage of metals and other raw materials; as well as
insufficient transportation facilities, is making it impossible for the fac
tories to produce enough supplies for the telephone companies. As a
result there is delay in furnishing many people telephone service.
It requires very little equipment to furnish your service; that is
true. But you are one of the millions of people throughout the country
who use Bell service.
Here arc a few figures which bIiow the annual requirements of the
Bell System for metals used in the building and upkeep of the plant:
100,000,000 pound of lead used
principally for the cov
ers of telephone cables.
75,000,000 pounds of copper used
mostly for wire. .
24,000,000 pounds of iron for
cross-arm bolts, cross
arm braces, guy clamps,
20,000,000 pounds of galvanised
Iron and steel wire,
18,000,000 pounds of steel.
10,000,000 pounds of brass.
700,000 pounds of tin.
100,000 pounds of antimony.
On account of the more or less stringent financial conditions we now have the opportun
ity to offer some exceptional bargains in improved and unimproved Box Butte county
farms, as well as in some choice western Nebraska stock ranches. It will pay you to write
or call on us for detailed information regarding some of the bargains which we hare at this
time. Easy terms can be secured for you. If you have western property for sale and want
it handled quickly, list it with us. We look after properties for non-residents.
Phone 20 Eeddish Block Alliance, Neb.
is Producing Almost Twice as
Much Oil as Lance Creek
Region in Wyoming
District seems to be only on verge of its full productive
capacity 3,000 barrels a day being shipped out from field
(By Robert G. Dill in the Denver Post on Friday. July 16, 1920.)
"The Mule Creek field, which lies almost on the boundary between Wyomnig and
South Dakota and whose discovery two years ago was largely overshadowed by the sensa
tional development of the Lance Creek district, is now producing nearly twice as much oil as
the latter and appears to be only on the verge of its full productive capacity. Oil from this
district is marketed through a pipeline which h s its terminals at Dakoming, 8. D., a...
shipped in tank cars to the Imperial Oil, Ltd., at Kegina, Sask.
"Fifteen hundred barrels a day are being sent from the field to the railroad and an
equal amount is being shipped to Canada. Of this production the Western States Oil
Land company has about half and the Ohio company has the remainder. The former has
seven wells and the Ohio company has nine, a id other concerns own two.
"For a long time after the completion of the pipeline shipment of oil to market was
held up by a lack of tank cars. A sufficient number of these tanks have been provided,
however, and the diminutive field is daily earning $3,750 for its producing companies. Both
the Western States and the Ohio oil companies keep several strings of tools at work con
stantly, so that production is certain to be increased at a faster rate than the natural shrink
age." ti&t&&
Several other concerns are operating in -he Mule Creek field, including the Wyoming
Northeastern Oil Company, organized by well known Nebraska men. This company is sell
ing a limited amount of stock for the purpose of developing its holdings. It has already
drilled its first well to a depth of over 1400 f ;et on its Mule Creek holdings. You are in
vited to thoroughly investigate the company and its holdings. The company's operations at
the present time are confined to 1040 acres in the Mule Creek and Hidden Dome fields and
the money received from the sale of stock un lor the permit granted by the state of Ne
braska will be used for the development of these holdings. This is a speculative security and
returns on the money invested in the stock of this corporation depend upon the discovery
of oil in paying quantities by drilling upon the company's properties.
Oil Company
Authorized Capital Stock, $1,000,000.
Box Butte County
Authorized by and issued by virtue of Permit No. 915, granted by the Nebraska Bureau
of Securities under date of June 24, 1920. The Bureau of Securities does not recommend or
disparage investment in any securities licensed by it.