A TOE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1920 I campi im; uim.h TI.AN AS OtTIMl (Continued from page one.) plcp of the Uod Cross tip Aktn'J campflre with fourteen member, has Mrs. n. It. Harris as its guardian; the Ixodes rsmpfire has eight mem bers and Miss Avis Joder Is Its guar dian; the Ecnallla campflre has twenty members and Mrs. T. A. Cross in the guardian; the Klnunka ramp fire has sixteen members and Miss Josephine Ganson Is the guardian; the Leva campflre has ten members and Mrs. Fred Carlson Is their guar dian. The Campflre Girls organization Is made up of groups of girls who wish to make lif" " t bp rftd a pos sible and tLj A".ll..;..i; campflres hope to live up to this standard in t!;t !: c I. tv - " ; i and officers of each group. The Aktatl Campflre Guardian. Mrs. K. It. Harris; president. Mnur Ine Tlald; vice president, Huth Moxon: secretary. Vivian Pow; nioirs bers. Luclle IXrklnsoii, Miiurlne IJnld. Dorothy Urost, Alice I'retty luuii, Kutb Moxon, Vera Lowry. Josephine Achenon. Huth Schill, Jan Ice Wills. Huth Wilson. Nell Gavin, Saruh Adams, Vivian Dow and Mary Beth Lucas. The Lewa Campflre Guardian, Mrs. Fred Carlson; president, Dor othy Mote; secretary - treasurer, Juanita Iloblnson; bead-tender, Mil dred Best; messenger, Inez Young; members: Dorothy Mote, Jessie lilies, Huth Ynnders, Margaret Tur ner, Thelma IVdmore, Juanita Ilob lnson, Inez Young, Alma Watson, Itetta Simpson and Mildred Best. The Lodeka Campflre Guardian, Miss Avis Joder; president, Mary Ellen Beagle; vice president, Evan geline Acheson; secretary-treasurer, Mary Wollis; bead-tender, Dorothy Reynolds; members: Dorotay Rey nolds, Flora Spencer, Mary Wollis, Dorothy Hampton, Evelyn Kuhn, Evangeline AcheBon, Bernice Wil- Bon. Mary Ellen Beagle. The Ecnallla Campflre Guardian, Mrs. T. A. Cross; president, Lilla Graham; vice president, Dorothy Hurst; secretary, Helen Hawes; treasurer, Mardell Drake; members: Veleta Hacker, Ethel ForM, Margaret Vanderlas, Esther Vanderlas, Miriam Harris, Dorothy Hurst, Vivian Cor belt, Edna Hiles, Eugenia Lalng, Geraldtne Bradley, Juanita Laing, Thyllts Thompson, Lilla Graham, Mardell Drake, Ruth Ale, Leotta Whlstman, Mildred Pate, Doris Downing, Adrlenne Hann and Helen Hawes. Tho Kluunka Campflre Guar dian, Miss Josephine A. Ganson; prr8ldent, Janice Adams; secretary treasurer, Frances Scbott; bead tenders Verna Dow; messenger, Jo nephlne Wilson; members: Kataer Ine Harris, Edna Mae Miller, Jos ephine Wilson, Luclle Butler, Verna Dow, Janice Adar.-.j Fiances Schott Florence B.ikor, Dolly Dailey and Kthellne Ellis. Tin re ai nlso organized a ratnp f're In Anttoch with eighteen mem tvra and Mrs. H. J. Wilson as guar dian, with Miss Francis Wilson as assistant. These gilts have- chosen ss their name Coltna Campflre nJ they are not connected with the Al liance campflres in any way other than Uey are under the auspices of the Red Cross. They have a sep arate treasury and will plan thHt own work, but report occasionally to the Red Cross, as every band Is re quested to do. Hoffland has a small organization also with Mrs. Don Montgomery as guardian. PERSONALS Miss Esther McDowell of Craw ford, Is visiting the Misses Ruth and T.-'.Ii Reed. Dr. Ira Atkinson of Lincoln, has been visiting at the home of his sin ter, Mix. J. Wong of this city. W. C. Dougherty, sales manager for Paxton k. Gallagher of Omaha. (pent Wednesday In Alliance. , Rev. Stephen J. Epler and son re turned Thursday morning from their trip to the eastern part of the state. W. C. Grubbs returned Wednesday i lorning from Omaha where he has been since the funeral of his wife. Mrs. Fred Carlson returned Mon day morning from Kearney, where the had spent a month with jer mother, Mrs. Itobert Bruce. Maurice Caldwell of Butte, Neb., Is visiting his sister, Mrs. M. C. Smith of Alliance. He will accom pany Mr. and Mrs. Smith on their trip to the Black Hills. Mrs. I. E. Tash returned on No. 41 Thursday morning from a month's trip, during which time she visited relatives and friends in Mason City and Hampton, la., and in Omaha and Lincoln. Clare Schafer and Mr. Reed, repre senting the PreBt-o-llte company made a tour Including Crawford Husaville, Chadron and other nearby cities Wednesday In the Interest of the company. Mrs. George Mlntzer left for Doug las, Wyo., Wednesday, where she will attend the wedding of her sis ter, Miss Mary Blaine, to Verne Copsey. The bridegroom to be is a brother of Dr. II. A. Copsey. Mike Butler, an old time Box Butta county pioneer, sold his farm In Liberty precinct this week to parties from Hamilton county, nn with his wife will leave the first o next week for the Pacific coast. He Intends to look the country over and if he finds the California climaU half as good as tho boosters say it Is may decide to make his home there wr. ana Mrs. w. u. Mounts re turned Wednesday from their auto mobile trip to Estes Park. Whil there they came upon a cousin of Mr Mounts', Dr. Martin of Kankakee III., and piloted him to Alliance where he will make a short visi with taem. flow Spina! Defects Occur AXY persons have asked how the spine can rres 1TX nerve and shut oil' the life-giving euorjy at. I c weakness and disease in certain parts of the body spine protects 1 lie spinal cor a tnrougu winch. the Ul-0 Tho 1 energy passes from the &7$X brain to the net-work (v.TX of nerves that supply lifcUiK ?vV rhe spine is made np of I separate moveable parts that nro easily displaced and are scwisitivc to every strain und jar. Causes of the Fatal Pressure v Tu fnet there are ninny contributory causes that lead to defective spines and they are present every day of life. He fore, during and after birth the weak and tender spine i- ery easily affected. The manner in which a child sits at the school desk, or the position of the man or woman while v.i work is likely to cau.se defect and curvature. Strenuous punt's, active play, falls', blows, sudden twists, or strains iroiu carrying or lifting heavy weights are all likely to throw the spine out of plumb. ' This brings about the i'atul pressure upon the nerves and throttles or obstructs the life giving nerve currents, thus leading to disease.'' CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS SPINAL DEFECTS It lifts the pressure from the nerves, permitting them to nourish tho famished, worn out and diseased tissues and orgaus. "With normal nerve function restored, Nature brings about ITealthy conditions in th organs effected. Ia Sr. :i i nr. Dt. ITLK WAY TO HEALTH VI no drucs or surgery are needed. Acute and chronic cases nro linn die 1 10 atur s own way. Most case ia young and old respond ouukly to Chiropractic (KI-RO-PIUK-TIC). Learn what it tau do for you. Annie G. Jeffrey CHIROPRACTOR Graduate Palmer School Wilson Block Alliance, Nebr. Economy Ta The Fashion Shop urges women buyers to double their dollars by judicious purchases Coming well before the season closes this sale offers to discrim inating shoppers the best chance to realize double value from their money. The reductions quoted here are genuine deserving of your careful study and examination. Read them. V , : - "-7 1 ' . V torrid m tiHtt ir.ts mwm. Ml a 1 IB rrf 7 LI I IN Ladies' Silk Dresses The numbers include a good assortment of serviceable Satins, Crepe de Chines and Taffetas. These values have an unquestionable appeal Ladies' Coats Wash Skirts Select Yours Now While Prices Are LOW. Always a Good Buy Now at Impelling Reductions. Silk Skirts Splendid selection of Silk Skirts especially desirable for hut weather wear. Queen Arr.;s Wer.h. Satins Tricollettc, Fantasi, Drdrist Komme Ci Xomnic C . Children 's Dresses Mothers should complete d.mrjhtcr's wardrobe for school. Includes Ciinghams, "White Voiles and Organdies. Not One Garment Reserved. Sizes from 2 to 1G. 1 . -' -LI. ITS'' J 11 1 v.un 3 LUA ti ' 1 "iv? .1 rx-P'-.:-. r r,r tfl" 0 . 1 TV-n'fes VW I Voile.and Linen WASH DRESSES at 33 discount This Sale Represents Highest Quality at Lowest Prices Extra Special Ladies' Silk Hose at S2.50 the pair SILK AND WOOL AT isi 1 ff This is our famous 33 V. ym 1100 Une of LUXITE apsP I tyMI l ITose A steady seller Discount Mx ir If v that spcaks for satis- JmmmA y(wLf?lJ faction. Full fashion- Beautiful garments just fwf 'f j l-'fj fjlfk rvAojf VJ Pure thread silk. received; on sale just when Mt ilM' ihvwth I! Mf j Formerly $3.75, now you want them. See the ' Siff Mm V at $2.50 delicate colorings in new Wif " Allgora- " ll ,; Formerly $3.75, now S2.50 This 13 0ur FaU f TA it' The Fashion Shop . i Extra Special Ladies' Sweaters