TIIK ALLIANCE 11KKALD, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1920 FINE CLOTHING Money Than You Will THE FAMOUS OFFERS 500 SUITS Tl : 1 I MARX HART SCHAFFNER & Men's and Young Men's 3-piece suits. We have added some late deliveries to the lot, including some Blue Serges. 5.00 SUITS sale price .. 80.00 SUITS sale price .... $75.00 SUITS .sale price - $67.75 $63.75 $59.75 WILL HAVE TO HURRY 25 Discount SILK SHIRTS YOU on $72.50 SUITS sale price $70.00 SUITS sale price $65.00 SUITS sale price $57.75 $55.75 $51.75 $50.00 SUITS sale price ..... $45.00 SUITS sale price .... $40.00 SUITS sale price .... $39.75 $35.75 $31.75 25 Discount on Little Fellows Suits sizes, 4 to 8 100 pairs Boy's Keds, sizes, 12 to 2 . . . . 79c DISCOUNT from prevailing prices on TV X 3LA-JL.V T J-iA'V X II , V I I J J and EDWIN CLAPP Famous Clothk T he House s SOCIETY Ml 23? l.K SAGB KN1KST The marriage of Arniand J. LeSage nd Miss Johanna Kniest was solem nized at the Holy Itosary church of Alliance Thursday morning at seven o'clock. The bride was at tired in a grey silk travelling suit and carried a bouuet of white roses. Miss Marie Buechenstein acted as bridesmaid and wore a gown of grey silk, with corsage of pink roBes. The groom w;s attended by Mr. Lambert Kniest, brother of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony a "wedding breakfast was served at the Jiome of Mrs. W. H. Buechenstelu waich was beautifully decorated with eat flowers Miss Katherlne Kniest, sister of the bride entertained with several pleasing piano solos. Mr. and Mrs. LeSage have left for a three weeks honeymoon trip ex pecting to visit polnta In the Black Hills, Hot Springs and Thermopolis, Wyo. They will be at home to their many friends after September first at 4 14 Big Horn. The groom was form ptIy of Bradley. 111., but has been in the automobile business in Alliance for several years. versary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Walmer, which will be held at their lome, 214 East Third street on Wednesday evening. August 11, from 7 to 10 o'clock. Mr. an1 Mrs. Walmer were married in 1870. I-'AUKWKIJ, PARTY Miss Julia Frankle was hostess Wednesday evening to a gathering of a dozen young people at a farewell party for Miss Kathryn Scarader of Denver, who left for her home by a late train. Monte Carlo whist and other forms of entertainment were enjoyed. Following delightful re freshments the guest of honor was escorted to the train. 10CNAJLLA CAMPFTHE The F.mailla Camnfire elrla were entertained by Mrs. T. A. Cross at a slumber party on the high school lawn Tuesday evening. GOLDEN WEDDING Invitations are out announcing the celebration of the fiftieth annl KIM'NKA SIA MBFJt I'AKTY A Jolly crowd of Campflre girls were entertained Tuesday night at a slumber party In the spacious home of their guardian, Miss Josephine Ganson, preparatory to an early start next morning for Broncho Lake. In spite of the fact that the festivities of the evening extended into a late hour the girls were up betimes the next morning and followed out the program of breakfast at Broncho, and were there, If not wlti bells on, at least with an appetite that made hot dogs and ctffee disappear at an amazing rate. The participants In this frolic were Dolly Dailey, Edna May Miller, Thressa Looney, Eliza beth Wilson, Ruth Scott, Katherlne Harris, Frances Scholt, Janice Adams, Verna Dow, Frances GrM man and Miss Ganson, guardian, J number of the girls enjoyed a swim before leaving and all were back in Alliance before the sun got too strong. PERSONALS Miss Josephine Ganson spent a part of Wednesday in Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wong are leaving for a few days rest and recreation at Hot Springs. Mrs. C. L. Kerr returned Thursday morning from a ten days visit to Laramie, Wyo. Jay Walker of Newcastle, Wyo., was an Alliance visitor Wednesday and Thursday. Mayor A .D. Rodgers was taken suddenly ill Thursday evening and is confined to his home. Mrs. Harry E. Sims has been en tertaining a sister. Miss Mildred Komlnger, from Aurora, Neb. J. W. Gaddls and family are leav ing for Deadwood for a few weeks visit. They expect to locate In Al liance permanently about September first. License to wed was Issued to Ignacio Ayola and Guadalupe Savil la on Tuesday morning by County Judge Tash. The ceremony was per formed by Fataer Manning. Miss Theresa Morrow visited rela tives in Scott8bluff Monday, accom panied by Mrs. Cronkleton of Bayard. Little Mlsa Helen Morrow accompanied Mrs. Cronkleton to her home. Carl Anderson, who has been em ployed by the Quick Service Electric company, enlisted Thursday at the local recruiting office fo ra three year hitch. He will be given service in Germany, in the field artillery branch. But a thousand enlistments tor German service will be allowed Nebraskana. Mr. Anderson will leave Alliance In ten day. WE'LL SAY IT'S HOT But there's one way to Beat the game. Fans will not do the business like a ro:!, H'.'iTsIiinjr CA:h of Ice Cream Business mon will find Ice Cream a pleasant relief from the severity of the hot weather. Just find your way to the nearest soda fountain they all sill Alliance Creamery products and or der one of the many satisfying dishes available and experience the certain relief that awaits you. W omen shoppers with children who are hot and fretful will find the same degree of pleasant relief if they will try our Ice Cream. It's refreshing and healthful. Try it. Buy it by the Pint or Quart at all fountains or by the Gallon at the creamery. Alliance Creamery Company W. K SPENCER, Mgr.