l TJ! Alliance -HcralS. BURH rniNTINQ CO., Ownera Rpttrrd at tha poatofflc t AlUanca, Jtv. for trtnimlmlon through tha alia aa aonl rtana intttr. Published Twaaday and Friday. OKORGB U BURR, JR. Editor DWIH M. BURR Bualnaaa Mgr. Official nrwpapr of tha Cltr of Alliance: official nawapaper or uoi Batta County. Printing Companjr, Ueorira I Burr, Jr., ITMnaeDi; tuawin ju. ourr, yiew Mont. - akacriatioa. 1.M ar year la Oaata af 1BQ ratftaa. f.t.0O r yf PERSONALS Mr. and Mr. Chase Curry and sons, Robert and Albert, of Missouri, stop ed crer In Alliance Saturday on their way to spend the remainder of the summer at Morrll, Neb. I Mrs. M. Bradbury of Escanaba, Mich,, stopped over In Alliance Sat urday on her way to spend the sum mer with Mr. Bradbury's parents at Angora. Mr. and Mrs. Halpin and daugh ter. Margaret, left Saturday for a Tlslt with Mr. and Mrs. McDonald at Berea, Neb. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Jones of Scotts- tluff, were In Alliance Monday to meet a cousin of the lattor who was on her way from British Columbia to Tlslt them. Mrs. Burbach and daughter, Hazel, of Nebraska City, were In Alliance Saturday en route to Scottsbluff for ft Tlslt with friends. Mrs. M. Fisher stopped over In Al ltance Saturday on her way to Grey bull, Wyo., for a Tlslt with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Laura Hoover of Conway, Ark., stopped over In Al Jlance Saturday on their way to Douglas, Wyo. Miss Louis Dorsey of Denver, Is a .guest at the Carey home. C. V. Baker left Monday for Sheri dan to make his home for the pros nt. Roy Gustafson of Lincoln, who was in Alliance on business, return d to his home Monday. J. A. Fuller, who has been here on business, returned to his home In Falls City Monday. W. Harvey left. Monday for a trip to Mitchell on business. Miss Nellie Albright of Seattle Wash., who has been vlsltlnj? A. J Peters and family In Hay Springs was In Alliance Monday on her way to Kansas City, Mo. ' . Mrs. It. W. Frey arrived Monday to be with her husband. Fred Short, who has been vlsltlna rlends here, returned to his home In 'as per Monday. Miss Thlma Long, who has been mployed at the Alliance hotel, left Monday for her hpme In Gerlng. Mrs. Doxey McNatt and children rft Monday for a visit with rela Ives In Hemlngford. Mrs. O. C. Hanrey and daughter, of Wauneta, Neb.. Stopped over In Alliance Monday on their way to Crawford. H. J. Vollmer left Monday for a visit with relatives In Billings. T. F. Neighbors, who has been In the city on business, left Monday for his home In Bridgeport. W. J. Smith and daughter. Ella Mae, who have been visiting In Seattle. Wash., stopped over In Al liance Monday on their way to their home In Fort Worth, Tex. T. Taylor left Monday for Denver. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mlllsap of Knox City, Mo., who have been tak 1ng an extended trip through the west, were In Alliance Monday on thel'" way to Denver. Mrs. Ferguson of Chadron. who was opeYated on Monday morning, Is getting along nicely. ---.. Mrs. Nice of Ashby, who has beetl 111, Is now out again. C. A. Newberry and daughter, Agnes, left Sunday night for heir lodge at Elmore. Mr. Newberry will return Wednesday but Miss Agnes will stay for some time. Miss Margaret Dwyer and Miss Kathrlne Bueschsensteln will be the guests of the Misses Newberry at Elmore next week. E. A. Hall, who has been In Kan sas for the past few days, returned today (Tuesday). Mrs. P. E. Law of Ellsworth, who has been visiting in Chadron, was In Alliance Monday on her return home. Dan Snethen of Humboldt, who was In the city on business, left Mon day for a visit with relatives near here. Miss Elizabeth Nutter of Antloch, was in Alliance Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bargenhold of Bridgeport, spent the week-end In Alliance visiting friends. Jaincs Thomas of Antloch, was In the city Sunday visiting friends. R. B. Ralls, state superintendent of Nebraska children's home society, s In the city on business. Mrs. R. C. Straw and son. Gene, who were lnthe city, left Saturday for the week-end In Morrill. Gene Is here under the doctor's care. ' A. M. Pool of the postofllee. has returned from aVlp to Butte and other points in Montana. Mrs. Harvey Shepherd of Pales line, who has been visiting in Cam bridge, stopped over Saturday for a few days with Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Vern Mclnlnch of Mason, Neb., arrived Satutday to spend the summer with W. W. Kehnedy and family. Mrs. R. T. Morgan left flntrrr' for a visit with relatives In Moore croft, Wyo. Archy Tannehill of Bridgeport, was In Alliance Saturday on busi ness. David Kibble, who has been visit ing relatives here, left Saturday for Denver. Mrs C. Vollas left Saturday for a visit with friends. Miss Lucille Hull left Saturday for a few days' visit In Angora. Miss Inei Jones and Mrs. Ella Hlcke left Saturday for a visit win friends In Hemlngford. Miss Emma Conklln of Omaha, who has been visiting l" Casper, stopped over In Alliance Saturday on her way home. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Caha, who have been here on business, returned to their home In Hemlngford Saturday. Miss Francis Fletcher left Satur day for an extended trip to Colorado. Mr. Harrison of Denver, was In Alliance Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kramer of Denver, who have been here on busi ness, returned to their home Mon- Wesley R. Bouck and R. R. Nash of Palmyra, Neb., were In .Alliance to file for the land drawing. LAKESIDE Dick Sevier has reslened hts posi tion at the dining hall and gone to Alliance. W. L. Chase of Antloch. who has been visiting at the W. II. Hudson hotel, returned to Antloch Wednes day. Wulter lloobler left for Sargent, Neb., Thursday. Charlie Rose was a Lakeside visit or this week. E. L. Cooper was a west bound passenger Wednesday. A. W. Tyler and children were In from their ranch Thursday. Vern Perrln was In town for a few days visit this week. Luther Phlpps was up from his home at Whitman last week. Frank Cody and family were Ir town Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schonard stop ped in Lakqside on their way home from Alliance where they attended the funeral of Miss Stacha Rockford. Miss Ruth Pollard left Thursday on No. 40 for Revenna for a few dayr visit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gramnly. Miss Phillls Fosdlck Is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Whaley this week. Men Yates went to w the Spade ranch to work. Mr. Hedges was In town Thursday. Nelda Pollard went to Halsey for a two weeks visit with her sister, Mr L. B. Dlllard of that place. Claud Hudson Is at home tor a. two weeks Tlslt with his parents, Mr. and . HiH-oii. Mrs. Myrtle Morris Is visltlnc in Denver at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Osborn and ton Lloyd, went to Alliance Monday to some nave some dental work done. Mrs. Frank Harraman and chil dren went to Alliance the first of the week. Forest Wilson was an Alliance visitor this week. - Chun Pnwlpr rot n mod VI- In Manvllle. Wvo.. Wednesday and1 will move to hts homestead In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howell were west bound passengers Thursday. Geo. Llndley and Joe Terrln were west bound -passengers Thursday. Mrs. Harvev Whaley entertained the Ladies Kensineton club at her home Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Ms. Huff of the Standard plant, were in Alliance Tlsitlng the latter part of the we9ek. Olin Barneby returned home Fri day after a Tlslt at the Alva Ash home In the country. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Rlrminrhoi- returned from a trip over at Gordon and other points the latter part of the week. Alva Ash and mother were In town Friday morning. Lee Wells was In town Satiirrim and hauled out freight for the Paw lett ranch. Joe Chapman, traveling: salesman for the Granger Bros., was In town the latter part of the week. Roy Schyles has returned from a western trip. Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeFrance were In town shopping Saturday. R. C. Brunson and Mr. Weekley were In town from the Star ranch Saturday. Frank and William Kickens were in from their ranch delivering fresh vegetables this week. Miss Margaret Cody returned from a visit In Iowa Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cary were In town Saturday and took out some more Dees. Mrs. Geo. Baney held a social at her home Saturday night. Ice cream and cake were served. The occasion was to benefit the Epworth League. Edward Jameson was an Alliance visitor Saturday. Mr. Brunson Is able to be In town again after a few days Illness. John S. Panack was overcome with the heat Friday while at work on the section. Heber Horde and son, arrived In Lakeside Saturday evening. Miss Ruth Phettyplace visited visited her friend. Miss Mabel Speer, Wednesday. YOUR 3 Pay Enyelope WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU? Does it mean the possibility of spending so much money or docs it mean the opportunity of caving that much? a Your happiness, your future, your very life itself is tied up in that little envelope. If you'll make it a habit to save systematically each week, you'll be a successful man, being able to grasp your opportunity when the time comes. If you or your family should get sick the little old bank account is there to enable you to get the best medical attention and tide you over such trying times. The saving plan is a safe plan and the patriotic plan as well. If you have delayed starting an account wait no longer but come today. Come to Us for Advice Giving business advice to our depositors is only one part of the service this bank endeavors to render to its depositors. "We aim to establish that feeling of co-operation and mutual help that is certain to bring mutual success. For your success is our success. The benefits of having your account in this bank are numerous. Call and let any one of our officers tell you of them. We pay 5 interest on Saving Deposits. We Pay 5lo on Savings Deposits Tie First State Bank Alliance, Nebraska PARLORS a 128' West Third Street Telephone Day 311 Night 522 hed 520 I' Jii (Oht i- . 'J PERHAPS you have not real ized how vitally important tho corset clasp is. Seriously, we be lieve that ROYAL WORCESTER Corsets! made with the patented O-I-C I clasp truly give the maximum of comfort, service and style and they are moderately priced. Front lace o? back lace models. Reflections y ere often tell-tale, reveal- J ' jPt(V ing a few figure defects y w however email. With lo Vr BON TON corsets you fPfl ISf screen the faults and JmmI (kC4 mold your form to lines cj jli Wffi of perfect grace and el- btLlj 1 OV egance. U The BON TON corsets iff 1' jM accomplish miraculous i t'cS'X things but not without YsLf ' the aid of the O-I-C non- 1 Wi ' pinching corset clasp with Y FT . the non-slip stud. J J"l'f r L't;V?-' THE upward glance of the young woman proves that not only the name "BON TON" creates most pleasant thoughts, but that the real lest is in wearing a BON TON like the one she has on. It fits -r-zJ with kid glove DPsStpS'i nicety. Smart, krlr ti smooth, com- fifQj f f' fortable. Gives lllFft py 1 the fashionable VA "nesHust the iVy'S , Hnd every wo- t'A rvit man adores- Vjy 1 coreet clasp. THE beautiful woman pictured here did not become so by chance. She wa3 wise enough to realize that good health, correct body poise, and a stylish figure result from wearing BON TON corsets made t. ith the patented O-I-C clasp. Let V. I tell you fully aoout this modern invention. 0J 1 tell vnn fullw bi-wmt M WX fe modern invention. fvf 7 PS S''il BIG STORE ft