THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1020 FIVE ft 'r I t PERSONALS Mrs. Drake upent Monday In Hy annis on business. The i-ond were never better for a trip to Ilnppy Hollow. 60 1. S. Malley left Monday for a business trip to Antloch. Dr. M. J. Kennedy and family spent Sunday at the Palms. William Mitchell lert Monday for Elmore, S. D., for a vacation. Mrs. II .C. Sternburg spent the week-end with friends in Seneca. Johnny Weaver is spending the week w'th hts brother In Osage, yo. L. J. Martin left Monday for a visit with relatives in Broken Bow, Neb. Miss Helen Smith left Monday for . a visit with her father in Portland, Ore. j Dr. C. B. Hershman was In Hoff land Sunday on professional busi ness. Mrs. Ed Osborn of Lakeside Is In Alliance having some dental work done. Mrs. O. Kuhn has moved from Edgemont to Alliance to make her home. C. T. Bowers, who has been heie on business, left Monday for Crand Island. t Forrest McXatt returned Monday from Hemlngford where he lias been visiting. Miss Eva Siedow left Sunday io spend her vacation with her parents in Sidney. J. W. Truinble and daughter, Ade laide, of Lincoln are visiting relatives in Alliance. A. II. Huntley of the U. S. S.' Ari zona, is spending a few days with his brother. John McCord, who has been visit ing here, returned to his home in Antloch Monday. Misses Kathrlne Knelst and Kath rlne Hagerty arrived Friday for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bolz of Martin, S. D., are guests of the latter's brother, F. F. Seely. O. A. Plnkston spent the week end with his family, coming up Sat urday from Angora. Mrs. C. II. -Dmgman, who has been visiting F. A. Lape. returned to her homo in Idaho Monday. Miss Ine Hagan left Friday to spend the rest of the vacation with her aunt in St. Joseph. Misses Dosey Cunningham and Bertha Garrett spent Sunlay in Suster and Sylvan Lake. P. E. Law, who has been In Al-j liance on business, returned to his home In Ellsworth Monday. Mrs. F. J. Carter, formerly of Al liance, spent a few days here visiting friends on her way to Morril. " Misses Florence Knight and Luella Williams lert Monday for a visit with relatives in Torrinf-ton, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lotspeich re turned to their home in Bingham, Monday after a visit with relatives here. Miss Kathleen Bond, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. C. Harris, left Friday for her home In Teetz, Colo. , Mrs. C A. Newberry, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Helen, and son, Billy, left Monday for Elmore, S. D. Mrs. Elizabeth Collins left Satur day tor Elmore to attend the funeral of her Blster-ln-law, Mrs. Mike Kelly. lletter come and see vhn wins the at Happy Hollow Saturday night. ' N 00 Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cot. nor left Friday to attend the funeral of Albert Jenkins, brother of Mrs. Connor. Miss May Becker, who has been visiting her Bister, Mrs. W. O'Reefe, returned to her home in Minatare Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William and sons, left Monday for ed trip to Hot Springs and olis, Wyo. Miss Alta D. Dye is night, Tuesday, for an extended trip to Galesburg, 111., and CiGar Rapids, la. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Donovan motored up from Antioch Monday and then to Chadron, where they will visit Mr. Donovan's brother and uncle. Shepherd r an extend idl'ht rniop- leavlng t- tr-m MimiiI Tlona iml d.ntrlltor. I who have been visiting Mrs. J. W. Burns, returned to their home In Lakeside Monday. Mrs. J. D. Whnley and children who have bcn visiting Mrs. Cly-le Fosdick, .returned to their home In lakeside Monday. " Mrs. Calvin Annabelle an 1 daugh ter, Huby, who have been vjsltlng Miss Marie Davis, returned to their home in llavenna. H. A. Bust and daughter, Vir ginia, accompanied by J. W. Huit and daughter, Adelaide, motored to Scettsbluff Monday. C. R. Robinson of the Pennsyl vania Oil company who has been ;n Alliance on business left Saturday for Broken Bow, Neb. Mrs. Emma Kowe and giandsen, Donald Clark of Kochestaer, N. Y., are the guest of the former's son, Frank Howe, and family. Misaea Viola Jenson and Maxlne Brown, who have been visiting Mrs. B. H. Holing, returned to their homes in Antioch Monday. S. M. Hickman, postmaster of Hickory, and H. A. Lotspeich of Minatare were in Alliance Friday on business with the Alliance National bank. Mrs. Emily Crist and daughter, Minerva, who have been the guns s of Mrs. Mary Matthews, departed Saturday for their home in Thedfor I, Neb. H. H. Hosteller nd daughters, Marie and Lillian, slopped over in Alliance Saturday en route from Au rora, where they have been visiting friends, to their home in Guernsey, Wyo. AT KKVKNTV MIK (JA1N.H 20 lOl NDS "Tanlae l?n Brought Me Health And Happlne,'' Hay Mm. Mary Noble find happiness and I know of no bet- r Wiiy to show my gratitude than by lelllng others about It so they may l. m-llt by my experience." Tunlitr Is sold In Alliance by F. E. Moisten, In Hemlngford by Hem lngford Merc. Co., In Hoffland by Mallery Grocery Co. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to tenants and property owners in the city of Alliance that all weeds must be cut on vacant lots and In other places In the citv. This Is the first and last call. It is a violation of city ordi nances to permit weeds to grow on property owned or occupied by you. Take warning and attend to this without delay. O. W. REED. 66 Chief of Police. "I am now seventy years of age tut I Jiave r.ct rally gained twenty pounds In weight in Just a few weeks time," declared Mrs. Mary Noble of 914 South Seventh street, West, Cedar Rnpids, Iowa, a few 'titty ago. , "During vlie past tea jeais," con tinued Mrs. Noble, "I have suffered all the misery that goes with stomach trouble and nervousness. I had to be extremely careful about what I ate for even the lightest kind of food, such ac milk toast, bometimcB made nauseated so I was unable to keep it down. Often I became al most deathly sick and I could taste my food for hours afterwards. Gas would form on my stomach and press around my heart so that it palpitated terribly and I got so short of breath I often thought I would suffocate. At night I was afraid to go to bed, for when I would lie down I felt like 1 was going to smother. My nerves were in a wretched condition and at night I would get so restless I could not lie In. bed and would have to get up and walk the floor. As a result 1 began to lose In weight and" I kept falling off until I lost about twenty pounds and was no more than a shadow of my former self. I was al most a wreck and the little house work I could do was a drudgery and I became so discouraged I saw little pleasure in life. "About two montns ago I started taking Tanlac and It is Just wonder ful how It began to build me up right from the "start. My appetite returned and my troubles gradually left me until today I have gained back all my lost weight and am once more enjoying splendid health. It makes no difference what I eat I can digest it properly and my heart ac lion is normal and my breathing is free and easy. My nerves are steady, my sleep, is sound and restful and every morning I get up feeling re freshed and with plenty of energy. Tanlac has given me health, strength A Wholesome Food Carefully Made and Delicately Flavored v At the present time when prices on food stuffs are so high, parents cannot be too careful of the things they buy for their children to cat. The combination of vacation days and hot weather cause young folks to continually want "something good" besides their regular meals. Too much candy is a drag on tho youngsters' vital forces. Encourage them to cat ICE CREAM It has a distinct food value. Thysicians everywhere recom medn ICE CREAM to invalids becauso of its easy assimilation and high food content. Buy it by pint or quart, at soda foun tains or by tho gallon or moro at thtf Creamery and have it delivered, IT 13 TIIE MOST WHOLESOME, "EASY TO BAT" REFRESHMENT OBTAINABLE ' Alliance Creamery Co. PHONE 545 THE HORACE BOGUE STQR Inc. Annual July Clearance And Opening of our Bargain Basement Sat. July .10 ' ... The greatest sale in the history of the store. In this sale we will dispose of manv articles regardless or cost. All summer articles must sro. WW 25 Discount on Every Article on the First Floor Our Bargain Basement has been remodeled to make it light and airy, all finished in oak, making it the best basement salesroom in this section of the state ' and-we are going to make it all that name implies a REAL BAROAIN BASEMENT. Combining this opening with our Annual July Clearance Sale making it a big double bargain event you cannot afford to miss. SECOND FLOOR All Ladies' I -to-Wear SECOND FLOOR At cost and less than cost on a great many garments. Our original price tags will be left on the garment and a big red tag also giving the present price showing substantial savings on every garment Coats, Suits and Dresses every garment must be closed out during this sale. S3.50 to S5.50 MILLINERY s&so to 5,50 All hats in this department have been put into two big lots all hat valued a t $12.50 and up to $25.00 will be sold at $5.50. All hats values $5.00 to $10.50 will be sold at $3.50. Tour opportunity to buy another summer hat at a real saving. Every Price is an honest reduction. Horace Bo lore Every article is just as represented