Random Shots Who cays this is not an ago where ambition la not readily recognized. Opportunities bit not scarce to those who hnM the foresight to rec ognize them. Th'3 w?ek sea one rising young man a stop closer to the goal of CUC-CeSS. We have been authentically In formed that Carl Hockey lias cdlclal ly severed his connections with Jani tors' union No. 13 and has accepted an important position with the city sewer gang. Carl entered upon his new duties early Wednesday morning. 1 Friends report that he likes the k new work fine, and Is peculiarly pro- flcient In his chosen profession. The Fourth of July had Its gener ous share of excitement for others beside Harry Highland. " The Wikers and Duncans could tell of wild rides through the canyon aome miles north of Alliance. We do not blame her for Jumping. Let the flivver go. What's one flivver more or less between friends? If you are scared, jump. Every time. What do you think of a fellow twho will rush a girl steady for sev eral weeks Aud then meekly step down and let some outsider step In and take her to the best dance of the season. We heard of one fond Uomeo who Stood for that sort of thing. And he liked it, or said he did. How do they do It. We would venture to say It is like pulling teeth. m 1 f - T. 4 Cnww A colored soldier, returning to the Southern town whence he had been whisked by Uncle Sam, and bearing a decoration on his manly chest, was the cynosure for all the dusky belles of the place. "What dat you .got pinned on you?" asked one. "Dat ain't nothin. but Jes' a little ol' crow de gurry." "How come you get that crow de gurry?" "How came? Ain't no how come. Dey Jes' gives it to me fer lettln a French ossifer kiss me.'? They tell us that Spooks Anderson was highly elated recently. Schem beck's orchestra wanted him to be one oi mem. Spooks accepted the Job and re ported for work. But de didn't stay long. The manager explained to him that they wanted him to carry music for the players.' for a man's professional pride. No wonder Spooks entertained wild Mobs of going to Denver and 'niying an aeroplane. iaki:sim: Harold Hudson was in from the ranch Monday. Harold Spoor canio down from Antloch the latter part of the week. (Joorpe Ixng was r fiingham vis itor Monday. W. D. Hyland spent the week-end In Antloch. Miss'Kthel Gould left Saturday for Hoffland where she will make her home in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Simons and family attended the eelebratlon at Bingham Monday. P. D. Kirkpatrick has returned from an eastern trip. Missea Louise and Geneva Good rich left Saturday for Alliance. " Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Black ledeo and family moved Saturday to Antloch where Mr. Blaekledge has accepted a position with the Western Potash Co. B. M. Johnston was a west bound passenger Tuesday. Dick Hunsaker and Ray Brown were attendance of the July 4th cel ebration at Bingham Monday. Roy House and Will CartwriRht left Monday for Alliance. W. H. Been was a west bound prtB sen er Tuesday. Mrs. E. F. Osborne and children were Bingham visitors a few days the former part of the week. Earl Graham came down from the west Monday. Merle Gardiner returned from the east Tuesday. A number of our citizens have at tended the dances given in Antloch last week. Among others were: Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Morris, Mrs. J. L. Roe, M"". TWyl Reynolds and Miss Flossie Graham. "Tlfl Miss Lucille Osborn spent a couple of days In Alliance the latter part of the week. W. p. Ryland was a west bound passenger Tuesday. . Mrs. Charles Carey was In from her home Saturday. Alva Ash wa3 a Lakeside visitor Wednesday. George Lindley, Jesse Alison. Rev Bmnson and Dan Thompson left Friday on an overland trip phinned to extend through North Platte, Cheyenne and other points of inter est. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Brice were Lakeside shoppers Sunday. F. D. Cody and eons were in from the ranch Tuesday. 4 J. Pierce was down from Alliance Sunday. Mrs. Ellse Ash, daughter Haltle and son, Ellsworth, spent July 4th with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Humrich at i Stewart, Neb. T. V. Gorman is now employed ati tho T.nVonlHo MoronntHo nnmnnnv I ' I I I'llU'UillH.' Ill IIO tllllflllllltlll, bringing up many problems, but n touch of humor in one, which a court has gravely td decide, is! whether trousers constitute a v h ole when hip flasks are carried in them. I? th" derision Is in the aflliniaMve and they can be confronted and sold t auction, the high cost of clothing nfay be xroced to mount up. TO It HAL KSTATK OWNKKS Many wild rumors teem to be In; circulation about th valuation oi t real estate for assessment this yir. ! There is only one way to find out the facts, and that Is an examination of the books. The efforts of equalizing will con tinue for ten days. If you are"intr ested come in and look over tlte work ai It is progressing. J. G. KEEOAN, County Assessor. i In the dispute among the German leaders over the responsibility for the war and for its atrocities, it is likely the real truth will come out. Already one German gereral de clares the shelling of Rbeims ,was not the military necessity which was put forward as the txcuse for thl outrage XOTR'F I,ndles will Ik liiiuled to Happy llollow'it big dance Kntur lay night free from 7 to 7:30. See the Happy Hollow Cars. 04 Signor Marconi predicts that tele phoning by wireless across the oce.in will be an achievement of the "Im mediate future." That is Interesting; but we hope the service will be more efllclent than the present wire ser vice, or one of the results of the now triumph of science will be an In crease in the sum total of the world's profanity. , Of course if we must have clieipsr cuts of beef than those we are accuflP tomed to we suppose we shall have to ask the butcher to reserve for ua a hoof nnd a horn twice a week. With one's tailor willing to make him a really good suit of clothes for $200, he may well envy the Eebia Lis permanent stripes. Two requests, antagonistic each to the other, are always before a street railway company; higher wages and lower fares. With some places saving daylight and others wasting it, there Is noth ing left for Old Sol to do but go on a strike. The dark horse Is favored by the fact that the early boom encounters the hardest knocks. 7J'T JfrJLOK OIL COOK STOVES , CLEAN, neat, compact. Burns kerosene. Bakes, cooks and roasts. Heat automatically con trolled by lever handles. No wicks, no valve3. Let U3 show you how simple the Florence ia and how its intensely hot blue flame ia directed close up under the cooking and why the Florence mcan3 more heat and lcs3 care. rv- Vf7 li a. IIP! lMjgj!-. i f More Heat I S( Less Care NBMM'.J,') roil, Mi mmmm i WsF AasVjjj IBS tf GLEN MILLER ssnasQ Nice line of Kimonos, ftladeira and. Silk Hose. Western Oriental Store. 61 Elmre Scott of Antloch. wps in Al liance Wednesday on business. In part payment of Its debt France threatens to give the United States one- perfectly good volcano Mont Pelee. However, having all the exer cise he requires in dodging strikes, organizing excursion parties for homesick bolsheviks and Jobs of that sort, Uncle Sam does not seem to need any new; volcanoes. A Wholesome Food Carefully Made and Delicately Flavored At the present time when prices on food stuffs are so high, parents cannot be too careful of the things they buy for their children to eat. .The combination of vacation days and hot weather cause young folks to continually want "something good" besides their regular meals. Too much candy is a drag on the youngsters' vital forces. Encourage them to eat ICE CREAM It has a distinct food value. Physicians everywhere recom medn ICE CREAM to invalids because of its easy assimilation and high food content. Buy it by pint or quart, at soda foun tains or. by the gallon or more at the Creamery and have it delivered. - IT IS TI1E MOST WHOLESOME, "EASY TO EAT" REFRESHMENT OBTAINABLE Alliance Creamery Co. PHONE 545 Sa e I I- H SHOP Ecoeomy .NOW. IN PROGRESS . Drastic reduction of prices are the features of this event giv ing the prudent buyer of summer wear the opportunity of buying their summer wear at a great saving Summer Sport Skirts Of fancy silks, of plaids, flowered and plain effects at prices below factory cost. $36.00 skirt value for $34.00 skirt value for $45.00 skirt value for -6U00 skirt value for - 424.00 .$22.67 430.00 440.00 See them in &e window. Summer Voats, Suits and Hats at less than cost. SAVE ON UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY See our line of baby wearing apparel - House Dresses and Aprons Of gingham, percale and crash for women, misses and children in a large assortment of patterns ranging in prices from $1.75 to $7.50. PORCH SETS Two piece garments $4.75, $6.00 and $7.50 Dresses, Waists and Skirts Less 25lo of regular price. Half Hose, 35c, 55c, 75c Highland-HoUoway Go,