biXv A i'l S 1 i i l! 9 mmn rniNTtvo CO.. 0nr Rntrr.d St the pontofflrn at Alliance, Wb., for trsnnmUalcn Ihroiifth th Mil as armnil rim matter. Published Tvaday and Friday. OBOnOB I BURR, JR. Editor DWIN M. PURR Duilneu Mr. Official newnpaper of the City ef Alliance; cflJcUl newapaper or box StuU County. Owned nd published by Tha Burr Printing Company, Qeorire I Burr, Jr., President; Edwin M. hurr, Vice rrea Went. , StafcaerlHUn, Sl.sA ret year In ad ranee . Oatalde ef ISO rartaa, S3.00 per year PERSONALS Miss Ethel Jam is ill at her home. Dick Spanpler of Antloch, Is vlsit Injs Robert Anderson. R. M. At of Edgemont, will be In Allinnrn for two days. Martin King of Bayard, waa in Al llauco Thursday on business. M. E. Helms of Sheridan, was in Alliance Tuesday on business. Mrs. E. J. Illckey of Marsland, is Tislting Mrs. Nation of this 'city. Miss Minnie Willis of Hemlngford, was In Alliance Thursday shopping. Mrs Jap Woodard of Lakeside, was In Alliance Wwlnoiduy on busi ness. Miss Lux at the Alliance hotel, had her tonsils removed Thursday morn ing. Mrs. E. E. Eskew of Whitman, was in Alliance Wednesday on busi ness. Misses Avis Joder, Emma Benedict and K. II. Hamilton spent Sunday in Bldney. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leavitt of ' Hemlngford, were in Alliance Wed nesday. Wni. Moravek of Lander, Wyo., was in town Tuesday for the Chau tauqua. A. W. Tetring of Nebraska City, pent a few days In Alliance with friends. W. L. Ouy of Bingham, waa in Alliance Tuesday and Wednesday on business. Misses Hazel and Ruth Caten have gone to North Platte where their sis ter is ill. C. E. Ballard left Wednesday for Blansvlhe, Wyo., to start a shoe re pair shop. Miss Stacha Rochfort of Ellsworth is at the 'St. Joseph hospital .win pneumonia. Raymond Lewis, Harold Dickinson 'and Pat Bicknell spent Sunday In Hot 8prings. Mr. and Mrs. William Sowers "of Bridgeport, were In Alliance the first ejf the week. Ifiss Delia Swanson left Wednes 4ar for a visit with friends and rela tive at Denver. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hooper of Long Lake, spent a few dsi lnH Al liance this week. - Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Law of Ells worth, who were in the city on busi ness, left Tuesday. Miss Katherine Fletcher has gone to New York, Chicago and Wisconsin to spend the summer. J. K. Vance was in Denver ' Sun -day and Monday visiting friends and attending to some business. F. W. Rehder of Scottsbluff, is in Alliance on business and also visit lna: with his son, J. IL- Rehder. Tom Theophilos, who was In Al Uanre on business, returned to his home, at Scottsbluff Wednesday. J. Johnson and family left Friday for a return trip to Sllverton, Ore. They will make an overland trip Miss Alfa Young is in Portland, Ore., and reports a good time and also that she likes the country fine Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Joedeman and daughter, Minnie, left Wednesday for a visit with friends in Columbus, Sara Leishman of Dixon, 111., arrived Wednesday to spend the sum xner with her aunt, Mrs. N. D. Cole- tick. Misses Lydla and Alice Foley' left Bunday for Gillette, Wyo., to spend the summer on a ranch with their aunt. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Willsle of Hem lngford, were in Alliance Tuesday for a treatment for Mr. Wlllsie's yes. J. M. Rent fro of Bingham, spent Thursday and Friday morning in Al llance tending to a few matters of business. Miss Bonnie Stewart of Guernsey, who Is confined In the city contagi ous ward with diphtheria, la greatly Improved. . Mrs. I. W. Barnes and eon, Tin my, of Ashby, who were in Alliance on business returned to their home Wednesday. Mrs. J. Johnson and daughter, Alta. returned to their home In Mitchell Wednesday after a shop ping trip here. Misses Agnes Newberry, Margaret Dwyer, Messrs Ed McNulty and P. L. Patton spent Sunday and Monday at Hot Springs, 8. D. Mrs. B. M. Johnston of Lakeside, who has been confined to the hospi tal following an operation, returned to her home Friday. Misses Louise and Geneva Good rich, who have been visiting their aunt, returned to their home at Lakeside Wednesday. Jamea Newton of Hyannls, and J. C Ekipper of Bingham, were In the city Thursday afternoon and Friday morning on business affairs. Miss Margaret Brahler, who has Vrn visiting In Denver, was In Al Mance Thursday on her way to make her future home in Antloch. S. P. Jnckcon, proprietor of the Mlianoe Cundy Store, spent the fori part of the week In Denver on f "andy-buylng and pleasure trip. C. C. Smith, horse-buyer ai the Urandell livery barn, was In Grand Island on business from Sun day to Wednesday of this week. The two children cf Mr. and Mrs Harry Salisbury, who were visit In at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Klrod. were taken III with the measles. The Misses Knthrlne Hucschsen stein, Helen Newberry, Messrs Jack Walker and Muriel Trice spent Sun day In Hay Springs and Rushvllle. Jake Herman, rancher of Lake side, was in Alliance Wednesday ci. business CoWCtd ith the ranch ers' telephone company, of which or ganization Mr. Herman is the secre tary. Mrs. C. P. Myers, who was hev 'a see her little son whb la at th St Joseph honpltnl, returned to hu home at Ashby Wednesday mid re ports that the boy Is vei-7 much Ini proved. Mrs. J. J. Dixon and two children, Faith and Joseph, left Monday for 1 two months' visit with relatives and frlendB in Milwaukee, Wis., Duluth, Minn., and as far north as Illbblng. Minn., In the Misabbe ranee. Miss Anna Cord of Sandpoint, Idaho, who is visiting Mrs. T. Skar voe of Bridgeport, accompanied by the latter's son, Harry, were in Al liance shopping Tuesday. They re turned to Bridgeport Wednesday. F. H. Palmer and W. D. Rylamls of Lakeside, were in Alliance Thurs day settling up the insurance on th-. garnge, owned by Mr. Palmer aria leased by Mr. Ryland, that burned to the ground a week ago Tuesday. Mrs. Nabb of York, Neb., state president of the Rebekah lodge, is here for the installation oT officers. Large delegations will be present from Antloch and other places. All members are requested to please be present. Sheriff J. W. Miller left Friday for Hot Springs, S. D., to be present as witness in the robbery case at Ard more, the sheriff having made the arrest of the accused negro two months ago. The sheriff expects to be gone two or three days. George Harkness, wire chief for the Nebraska Telephone company, wife and daughter, Mary, in com pany with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stevens returned Tuesday from a ten days' motor trip, one week of which was spent in camping in Estes Park, Col. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Harry and little daughter, Rosamond, left for Cen tral City, Neb., Sunday evening where Mrs. Harry and Rosamond will spend the remainder of the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hollenbeck. Mrs. Harry returned to Alliance Wednesday morning. Mrs. K.. L. Olson, wife of Super intendent of Paving Olson who has been, visiting her parents for six weeks In Kansas City, returned last Hi' Saturday evening. Mr. and., Mrs. Olson will make their home at the residence of Clay Harry during the absence of Mrs. Harry In Central City. Fred Atkins, accompanied by Miss Virginia Thompson and Mrs. H. F. Quoala, of North Platte, Neb., were visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Eu wards Monday and Tuesday. Mr. At kins is connected with the Allied Contracting company and left Wed nesday for Omaha on company busi ness. Miss Thompson and Mrs. Queale will remain . In Alliance for some time. PEGGY INLAND GETS is ti POINTS FROM SLEUTHS Six men of the detcctlvo force of San Francisco were detailed to re ceive Peggy Hyland when ehe went there for several scenes in her de tective satire, "The Web of Chance," the William Fox production which will be shown at the Imperial theatre on Friday, July 9. "I am going to San Francisco In a few days to complete my picture, 'The Web of Chance.' a detective story," wrote Miss Hyland to the chief of police before she left the Fox studios in Hollywood. Cal. "I am going to inakesome fun over a woman detective in the story Just harmless fun, which won't hurt the irtiuins 01 anyooay. wont you help meT I would like several good detectives to consult with, because I believe I should know something about the business I am going to satirize." Miss Hyland also had consulted wun los Angeles detectives. As a result, she injected Into the picture some comedy detective work which will make old sleuths who see It think she has had considerable ex perience In the business of sleuth lng. IOO LATE TO CLASSIFY foil SALE Complete set of hay tools, also new John Deere man ure spreader and 2 good flve-year- oia mares, u E. Bliss, Birch 8132. 65 ALLIANCE city property to trade for Box Butte county farm. See Ne braska Land Co. 64tf FOR SALE Fine astor and cosmos plants. Phono 41j, Sit Cheyenne, HE Ann n JL Ul1LJLJLJL And Opening of The greatest sale in the history of the store. Il 25 DISCOUNT ON EVERY ARTI Our Bargain Basement has been remodeled to make it light and airy, all fihi Combining this opening with our Annual Ladies ' Shoes Ladies Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps in Patent Leather, Brown Kid and CaTf Skin, also Black Kid. $16.50 values now $15.00 values now $12.50 values now $10.00 values now $ 7.50 values now $12.33 $11.25 $9.40 .$7.60 $5.63 Misses9 and Children y Shoes Oxfords and Pomp $7.50 values' now , -! $5.63 $6.00alues. now , $4.60 $5.00 values now $4.00 values now ; $3.00 $3.00 values now $2.25 Sale Begins Saturday Morning July 10 - O SECOND FLOOR At cost and less than cost on a great many garmerits. Our original price tags y showing substantial savings, on every garment. Coats, Suits arte All hats in this department s Every price is an honest reduction. HORACE regardless of cost. All s the state and we are going to make it all that nam! Ladies9 Underwear Ladies Silk and Lisle and Cottau Union Suits in all styles. Bodice top, tight knee, no sleeve, loose knee also short sleeve, tight or loose knee. $4.00 value glove silk top lisle union suits now : $3.00 $3.00 Mercerized silk lisle union suits now . $225 $2.00 value lisle union suits $1.50 $1.75 value lisle union suits $1.50 value cotton union suit. 95c value cotton union suits . .$1.31 .$1.13 77c 57c 75o value cotton union suits Ladies 9 and Misses 9 Vests 85c value lisle vests now .64c -49c 36c 65c value cotton vests now 45c value cotton vests now All Ladies9 M have been put into two big lots all hats valued 7ft $10.50 will be sold at $3.50. Your opportunity rhe Horace fly r (I Our Barf July Clearance Sale n Ladies9 Hosiery $5.00 Ladies Pure Silk IIosc, now $3.75 $4.00 Ladies Pure Silk Hose, now $3.00 $3.50 Ladies Pure Silk Ilose, now $2.75 $3.00 Ladies Pure Silk Hose, now $2.2 $2.50 Ladies Lisle Top Silk Hose, now $1.88 $2.00 Ladies Lisle Top Silk Hose, now ; : $1.50 $1.50 Ladies Lisle Top Silk Hose, now $1.00 Ladies Lisle Hose ... . , -$1.13.. 75c Ladies Lisle and Cotton Hose 56c 50c Cotton Hose 37c'' Silk nose in all shades, Lisle and Cot ton Hose in black, white and zrown. Misses9 and Children 9s Hose Hose all going at 25 discount In Black, White and Brown. MI QLLII 13 tc a to t C6p i