The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 09, 1920, Image 4

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    icp n? a hp toirtww" a t
Tfte Greatest Sale Ever Held in Alliance
Entire Stock Sacrificed Nothing Reserved Everything going at a 20
Buy for your future needs.
You will never buy
as cheaply again
on entire stock
We will soon move into
our new store which will
be the most up-to-date de
partment store in western
20 20 20 . 20 20 20
Women's and Children's Shoes, Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear, Notions, Ribbons, Gloves, Children's Dresses,
Muslin Underwear, Silks, Hosiery, Underwear, Caps, Shirts, Shirt Waists. Nothing reserved; everything goes
Trade in the morning, we
can give better service.
You save twenty cents on
every dollar you spend.
At the morning service next Sun
day, the pastor will speak on the,
The. Two Commandments." This
service will be at 11 a. m. Sunday
cbool at 10 a. m. Remember this is
the "Home-liko Church." and every
body Is always welcome. The eve
ning service will be held on the roof i
garden at 8 o'clock and the pastor;
will give his lecture,' "Mormonlsm i
From the insldo." This will be a dis
cussion from personal contact, twen
ty years with a colony In Wyoming.
Let us make those services the
events of the day.
J. OKK1N GOLD, Minister.
held at the Baptist church. Come
out and enjoy these Union services.
There will be a largo chorus choir.
The Service song books ordered for
these open air meetings have arrived
and will be in uhp next Sunday.
All are cordially invited to attend
these services.
A. J. K EARNS. TaBtor.
The first Sunday evening service
on Lowry and Henry's roof garden
will bo held next Sunday evening, be
ginning at g o'clock. There will be
a big union choir led by Mr. Charles
Bpacht. . A number of special selec
tions are promised. The address of
the evening will be made by Rev. J.
Orrln Gould, pastor of the First Bap
tist church. His subject will be,
"Mormonism from the Inside." The
public is Jnvited.
Who is thero that does not despise
debt? The Good Book says, "Owe no
man anything but to love one an
other." What is the greatest debt
you owe? Is it the mortgage on your
home or on your land? The minis
ter will preach next Lord's Day
morning using the following subject:
"Our Greatest Debt." It is our de
ire to make the services brief and
helpful during the warm weather.
The Bible school and C. E. prayer
meetings will find a 'place fur you.
These are always open forvyou and
welcome you to all sessions. In the
vening we Join.ln the Union services
at the roof garden. Mr. Gould will
preach the sermon. His suoject is
"Mormonism, the Islam of America."
No mid-week meetings this week on
-account of the Chautauqua. Come
to the church with a message and a
, STEPHEN J. EPLER, Minister. .
The pastor is enjoying a visit from
his brother, the Rev.. It. V. Kearns
and wife and little son Raymond,
who are on a vacation trip to points
In the west. Rev. R. V. Kearns Is
the pastor of the First Presbyterian
chnrch of Canton. 111., and wll preach
for us at the morning service next
Sunday, at 11 a. m. There will be
special music. Coma.
The Union Evening Service will be
held at the Roof Garden Sunday
renin at 8 p. m. Rev. J. O. Gould
will speak from the theme, "Mor
monism the Islam of America." At
: 45 the Toug people meet at the
Roof Garden. Leaders: Mrs. Kearns,
Mrs. Gould and Mrs. Smith. Theme,
"Christian Brotherhood among races
and Nations." In cas v molement
weather the onion services will be
Sunday the Lutheran cnurch will
celebrate Its annual mlFston-festlval.
Two Kervlces will be conducted. The
ilrst In the morning at 10:30 In the
Kngllrth language in which the pastor
tloUvtis the sermon. The second
ao.viv-c will bo In the afterloon at
2:30 In the Germtm language. In
this service Rev. Titus Long former
p.iHtor in Alliance will deliver the
normon. Don't miss these services.
Everybody welcome.
rollsh workmen say they are will
ing to have their wages reduced it
profiteering will be made a hanging
offense. Now, that's the sort of eco
nomics that gets somewhere!
Cheer up! Eggs may be fairly rea
sonable in price Just now but an ad
vance la predicted Just as soon as the
weather pets a little warmer.
Jazz Is reported to have "com
pletely captured RusBla." It ought
to. The namrs of the towns over
there are set to It. .
Jubi at present" Worship among
Christians is at a very low ebb. Care
ful statistics show that fully- two
thirds of our church members do not
take the trouble to attempt to wor
ship with regularity.
Too many desire to be Christians
In secret, while others resort to mis
erable subterfuges to hide their In
dolence or timidity. A terse and ap
posite rejoinder ot Buch persons was
made by the late Theodore Roose
velt, in reply to a man wno gave the
usual threadbare excuse for Sunday's
outing, that "he could worship God
as well in the fields as in the
Church". "Yes", snapped Mr. Roose
velt, "but no one will suspect you of
There is the whole thing in a nut
shell. Merely to be good in private,
if such a thing were possible, does
not measure up to the Christian
standard. We must add to such
goodness public testimony, evidence
before men of our discipleshtp and
loyalty to God, and one important
way of doing this is by regular Pub
lic Worship. v
Nothing short of absolutely regu
lar and constant participation In
public worship will fulfill the duty of
a Christian. Nothing short of that
will render appropriate honor to God
in the sight of men.
The folloyingETAOIN UNUN UNN
Services July IX, Sixth Sunday
after Trinity:
Holy Communion, Evensong, 8 a.
Processional, "Sweet hour ot Pray
er". The Our Father. Responses.
Psalms. -'Gloria, First Lesson.
Magnificent. Second Lesson. Nunc
Dlialttis. Credo. Responses. Vocal
Solo, Miss Janet Grassman, with vio
lin accompaniment. Sermon, subject
"Spirit Communication". Text
"Father forgive them for they know
not what they do." St. Luke, XIII:
4. Anthem, "Now the day is over.'
Benediction. Recessional, "Sun of
My Soul, Thou Savloor Dear."
Mrs. EL J. Oans of "Hemingf ord. Is
visiting Mrs. Nation of this slty.
It seems to be particularly repre
hensible for the other candidate to
raise more money than your man has
to spend.
A London dancing teacher has
been exposed as a thief. She was not
only light on her toes, but light
Symbols of war have nearly all
passed. For example, shoes built on
comfortable lasts.
It doesn't take a very big piece ot
meat in these days of housebreakers
to bribe the dog.
Vacuum Bottles for
Summer Outings
The lukewarm lemonade and
cool coffee of ' the summer
outings are a thing of the
past. Now, your lemonade
is ice cold and sparkling
your coffee as steaming hot
and fragrant as it comes
from the percolator.
To have things hot that
should be hot, and cold that
should be cold, that puts the
zest in eating and that's
what vacuum bottles do for
your picnic lunches.
Pint Bottles $2.75 to $100
Quart Bottles $100 to $7.00
Lunch Kits $100 to $5.00
Misses Lela Cutts and Sylvia Dc
Moss have returned from a fw day3
stay at Hot Springs. While ihey
were gone Miss Cutts visited the Qll
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yants of
Columbia, S. D., en route to Califor
nia, are in the city visiting Ed Camp
bell and family. They are making
an overland trip.
Mrs. Anna Chaffee, chief operator
for the Nebraska Telephone com
pany, spent part of her week's vaca
tion visiting friends at Crawford. She
left for that city Thursday.
The pots and kettles
need the heat but you don't
Cooking is perhaps the most unpleasant
thing anyone has to do about the house in
summer. It need not be
. will blow away the heat with it goes all the
discomfort summer normally brings to kitchen
work. ' "
Does your husband care enough about your
comfort to buy you a G-E fan ? Ask him and
find out I . '