The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 18, 1920, Image 7

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    THE ALLIANCE HERALD, I'll 1 DAY, JUNE 18, 1920.
We'll Supply Your Fruit and
Vegetable Wants
Elks' Convention well have a sufficient supply of -
Fresh Fruits
Fresh Vegetables
By Will t. ames
Well also have a complete line of LUNCH MEATS. Housewives can
simplify the problem of cooking for the folks during the busiest of days, by
calling up Phone No. 54 and giving us their order.
We will have your orders at your kitchen door before you are ready
for them. Try it once and be convinced.
, JI10, by McClur Nowaptpor SradlottO
The crowd on Broadway at Times
Square Is at many kinds of a crowd
as there are pairs of eyes to watch It
and winds to speculate upon It Take
It on a Saturduy afternoon when the
theaters hare poured out their mati
nee audiences to rwell the already
teeming "multitude, and a hypersensi
tive temperament Is liable to shrink
from It In something much like ter
ror; for then It becomes a mere mov
lng mass, the Individuality of each
component human atom merged and
lost In It like that of a pebble in a
stream of lava. To the less Imagina
tive, the crowd Is likely to be only an
Inconveniently large number of per
sons going home from shows or
headed for places to eat. To the cynic
It Is a crowning example of the folly
of man, that he should choose to jam
himself Into eighteen Inches square
of shifting space, and be elbowed and
as well have eighteen miles If he so
! elected.
! To Edna Stearns the Times Square
crowd .on the particular afternoon
'when she found herself a part of It
l(swyed to coiittist entirely o( ogling
I eyes.
I Now there Is a type of woman, gen
' .ernlly very young, sorely given to find
ing. In the most casual glance of a
'man any man a wicked Intent to
; flirt Be It stated definitely and once
for all that Edna Stearns was. not of
this type. The reason she felt that
'she was being nnduly stared at lay Id
the fact that she was Indeed being
stared at In Just that way. And the
reason for that fact again Is to be
; found In the further fact that she was
tau unusual looking glrL '
! For Edna had very beautiful red
hair and a great deal of It, and big
'tawny eyes with surprising dark
lashes and brows. Men of a certain
'stamp will always stare at a girl like
that; and perhaps more openly and
! : J IV It PI I fU.y
Rodger's Grocery 'ljlf
"For Quality and Service" BJ 1 ' ''
Household Funitere
..'.. a
On Sale at 10 Reduction
During Convention Week
We want to make Convention Week
our banner week of the season and reduce
" our excessively heavy stock. Our store is
full of bright new goods. We have ship
ped in four full carloads of new goods so
for this year.
This sale means that $90.00 will buy $100.00 (full value) of furniture or
rugs during all next week.
Sale begins Monday morning June 2l, and ends Saturday evening June
26. These reductions apply only to cash purchases.
Geo. D.
115-117 West Srd St
Alliance, Nebr.
1 10
won't have you speaking to me,H she
hla::pd. "If you don't go away I shall
call a policeman I"
Two or three men In the crowd,
looking curiously nt the pnlr as they
momentarily Imported the stream of
sidewalk trafllc, showed signs of stop
ping and taking In the show. In an
other moment tliore would be a crowd.
Edna's temper was at the point where
Mio would have welcomed It and the
Inevitable policeman. The young man
faced an emergency. Hut Instead of
slinking off, he met It by seising the
girl's hand, tucking It tinder his elbow
and speaking Very rapidly but dis
tinctly Into her ear: "If you're not
Edna Stearns, I'm In wrong; dead
wrong If you are, I'm In the biggest
luck of my life. I'm Hob Fellows !'
"Oh. 'my goodness I" cried Edna.
"Hurry I. Let's get out of this, quick P
You see, along about the beginning
of the war, when the boys were start
ing overseas, the particular boy who
belonged to Edna's girl chum had
mentioned In a letter that his bunkle
had no sweater and no mother or sis
ter or sweetheart to make him one.
And the chum had rend the' letter to
Edna. And . Edna had knitted a
sweater and sent It to the bunkle.
That's how It started. And through
the correspondence that followed Edna
and the soldier had become wonder
ful friends. Such fine, frank, manly
letters the boy had written; and
toward the Inst such Intimate, hope
ful ones, that seemed to take It for
granted that when the war was over
Uiey wet U) be very, very . dear
friends Indeed. Then he had goo
across. Edna had one letter after that
telling that he had been sent to the
motor transport service, and then si
lence. Months Inter the name of Rob
ert Allison Fellows, "degree undeter
mined," appeared in the list of wound
ed. Dut Edna could learn nothinr
more. Mnmehow ifta never Te1Ieverj
that the boy had died. He bad Just
forgotten her, she sndly concluded,
over there Ih all that exfltement atul
stress. I'erhnps thst, together with
the fact that she did not got along
well wllh her stepmother, helped to.
bring on the discontent that brought
her to New York.
It was over one of those belated tea
room lunches that with bo many New
Yorkers serve for dinner that It eln
came out
"I hud awful luck," nb explained!
"First thing, my company's clerk madw
a mistake In the transport unit I had
been sent to, and I never got any mall
And the very first time I had to drive
up to the lines a high eiploslva shell
tore my truck to pieces and I went to
the hospital for two mouths. You've
heard of shell shock. Generally It's a
fake. Dut besides my broken arm and
leg I got a dose of that fool thine.
The way It affected me I couldn't rs
member lots of things that I'd always
known. Aud one of the things waa th
name of your town. I tried and tried,
but I couldn't And it never did come
back to me till about sis montha ago.
Then I wrote and didn't get any an
swer. After a long time the letter
enme back, marked 'Sot at' " t
"My stepmother r exclaimed Edna-.
"Exactly. And when I got back I
went up there, and she pretended she
didn't kndw your address. Neither din)
anybody else I could find; only they '
said you were In New York. And I've
been hanging around here for tare
solid weeks. Just on the chance oC
finding you."
"livUT . ' '
"Surest thing. I woa certain I'df
know you from your picture. I never
thought about your neTer having seer
me except In a snapshot In uniform,
and a fool grin. Hut now I'ts got you
and, by Jinks t you don't get away."
"Well, you needn't be so fierce about
It" said Edna ; "nobody wanta to,"
Edna Tried to Avoid the Fellow.
more hopefully, on Times Square, If
the girl be a small-town girl and
hasn't been In the city long enough to
have acquired the habits of dress and
the assurance of manner of the Ini
tiate. , And that waa the case with
this glrL
It was a new experience for Edna,
for she had never been on this pnjt
of Broadway before In her six months
of bread-winning in the metropolis.
And the manner oi the experience's
effect on her might have been forecast
.by anyone who has noted the color
of her hair.
"If Just one more of those dressed
up rowdies looks at me In that awful
way," she stormed Inwardly, "I TU
surely scratch him."
Now, of course, Edna might have
turned the first corner and gotten off
Broadway altogether. But she bad an
appointment to meet a girl from her
own town at exactly five-thirty at the
entrance to the building where the
friend was employed. The building
was on Broadway between 44th and
45th, and the friend had directed:
"Walk up Broadway from 42d street"
Edna knew no other route; and, be
tides, It was almost five-thirty. Where
fore Edna stuck to Broadway.
It was at 44th street that Edna,
walking with her head high and a
danger signal flashing In the tawny
eyes, encountered the most persistent
starer of them all. As she stepped
from the crosswalk to the curb the
girl's progress was fairly blocked by
a young man, who not only stood
stock still and devoured her with his
eyes, bat who actually had the temer
ity to speak to her.
"Beg pardon," he said, "but Tm very
sure that you and I are old friends."
Trembling with Indignation, Edna
tried to avoid the fellow by stepping
around him and hurrying on almost at
a run. But the man was not to be
shaken off. He was at her side in an
Instant "Really," be exclaimed, "you're
making a mistake, I think I Aren't
you "
. Edna stopped. In her tracks. "I
Fun for
We'll Help You Have It
We will be able to hqjp you enjoy the time neit week
during the liace Meet and Elks' Convention. You are going
to have some spare time in the mornings and at meal times and
a good, quiet game of Billiards or Pool will hit the spot with
you. Our tables are kept up in good condition and the con
genial crowds make it a pleasure to play here.
Meals and Lunches
You'll have to eat. And we can serve you. Plenty of good,
finely-cooked food will be served to you promptly, at any.
hour of the twenty-four. "We never close. We wUl have what
you want And we will give it to you in a hurry:
Cigars and Tobaccos
An excellent line of Cigars and Tobaccos to choose from. '
, We keep them right and sell them the same way. ,
Soft Drinks
All flavors of Pop and plenty of Near Beer to keep down
your thirst.
Allinnrp Rilliarii Parlri'r
117 Box Butte Avenue v"' :T" -
The demand for farm electric light and power plants Is
growing with amazing rapidity. It seems that almost every
up-to-date farmer wants this great convenience. The adran
tagea of safe electric light in house barns ryard and other
buildings running water under pressure, and power for all
lght machineryare too apparent to overlook.
We are distributors in this territory, for the famous
M II ' IMl
This Is the. remarkable plant that is demonstrated at the
fairs, running under full load, with three ordinary drinking
glasses as a foundation. It is the plant that Is absolutely free
from ruinous vibration needs no special foundation runs
Quietly without being anchored has so many wonderful fea
tures that it practically sells itself. ,
We want a live dealer in every locality
the chance of a lifetime.
' i
We will give this dealer exclusive territory and back Lin
to the limit with the stuff that makes sales.
This Is the fastest growing business In the farm Held. live
light plant dealers are all doing, a big business. Silent Alamo
dealers are unusually successful.
Write today for dealer proposition. Act now before your
territory Is closed.
Western Rock Island Plow Company