THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1920. FAinviisw K arge crowd attended the barn fincft til lltriuan Trcnklo'a 8iturdaj .night. Mies Maud Mason Rare a ;irty Sunday for the pupils who at nonded her school ait term. Grandpa and Grandma Lawrence, 'visited at the John Frazlej home Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Brlst, Jr., and eon Hall Sunday. W. I. Lawrence and wife spent Sunday at the home of Fred Craw ford west cf town. Ralph Mason la helping Ray West cut spuds this week. fred lladley rrturned here the .fore part of the week after spending pvoral months on his homestead In I'Viiorado. Mra Ruth Baker and son Billy of hbtrldan, Wyo., arrived here Wed nesday for a visit with her parents, -Mr, and Mrs. A. S. Gordea. Loren Rlcketts returned after a three weeks visit with his parents at Hansa, Col. Mrs. Don Latham and two sons of Springfield, Neb., arrived hero Tr-urrfday for a visit with Mrs. Lath am's daughters, Mrs. D. It. Lawrence rf this place, and Mrs, Chaa. Wilson or Datulap. Jennie Lawrence received Injuries which will crippe her for sometime whin the horse she was riding after tho cattle ran Into a barb wire fence. Ross De Wester returned home Thursday from a ten days' business trip at Yuma, Co. Hl'CKSTKIl HAS A HIT OF HARD LUCK Observing citizens will note that jne huckster wagen In the city has lost a canopy top the past week. In .'1 dentally, they will note that the as untmeiit of fruits and vegetables Isn't no large as It was a week or ro ago. There is but one Lorso where there should be two. And thereby, m they hty in the story book, hangs . tale." Once this huckster had a big r.gon with .wo or three shelves all :ov:rea with a canopy. Last Thurs day afternoon se was driving down nrcmle. stopping t houses where he perceived the high sign and leav ing a batch of new potatoes, a crate or eo cf apricots, green onions or strawberries Recording to the desire of the housewife. Business was good. Everything was lovely and the goose was suspended at a favorable allttude, as It were. Then came disaster. He had turn ed In a a driveway. A bunch of chil dren swarmed In the yard. In driv ing out, the horses plunged, turned too short, and the wagon turned over on its side. From Its depths, as from a horn of plenty, came the finest fruits and the choicest vegetables. When the huckster arose, ruin star ed him in the face. A doxen or more youngsters thad gathered around. Boxes of strawberries were spilled on the pavement. Oranges were rolling down the road. Anu the kids, with out waiting for a special invitation, helped him pick things up. When tne huskster departed, his stock In trade was diminished by over, half. Happy children, with that stuffy feeling, were lolling lazi ly In the grass. . And then, at the close of a per fect day, he arrived home, to dis cover that hs had been presented with twin. R AT -SNAP KILLS RATS Also mice. Absolutely prevents odors from earcass. One package proves this. RAT-SNAP cornea in eakes no mixing with other food. Guaranteed. 25c size (1 cake) enough .for pan try, Kitchen or Cellar. AOo size (2 cakee) for Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. f l.OO siae (0 cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by F. E. Holsten. 56-64 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE -9 room houBe, about three blocks from ' high school. Phone 1056. 68-61 FOR RENT Room Tor light house keeping, furnished or unfurnish ed. Phone 922. 5 GIKLS wanted at Alliance Steam iAondry. 58 Girls wanted. Steam LaonOry. 01 "A 1' I 7- SBBMPW' . . 7 m -rr.f:x- wv- 4 " " . -I ' Sr. ' l mZ?:i.'-'"?'- IlEYVOLDS DAS LONG STRING OF VICTORIES Jack Reynolds of Cedar Rapids, la., who wll wrestle Pete Bufukos of San Francisco at tho roof garden June 25, the last day ofthe race meet, has a long string of mat vic tories to his credit, as well as evi dence that he Is In reality the welter weight champion wrestler of Ameri ca, There Is now on display in the Thiele show window a championship belt given to Reynolds by the citi ens of bis home town. They sure spread themselves when they bought It, too. There's enough gold In It to make a double handful of wedding rings. It is in three sections, the central one being ornameuted with a raised plaque showing two wrest lers, modeled from an actual photo graph of the champion and one of his opponents. This belt goes to the winner, so the announcement states. Among the victories to Reynolds' credit may be listed the following: Joe Stakes, at Falls City; Logan Clark at Cheyenne; Walter Keegan, Rochester, N. Y.; Vernon Breedlove, Cedar Rapids, la.; Joe Novak, Min neapolis Young Jordan of Chicago; Pete Buzukos, Cedar Rapids, la.; Joe Rlsburg, Galesburg, 111.; Matty Mat euda, Cedar Rapids;' Billy Romanoff, Cedar Rapids; William Halas, Can ton, O., and, as Reynolds' manager modestly puts It, "aver a thousand others." Those who attend the race meet on the last day, as well as the Elks who stay, over, will have an opportunity to see a real rassle.. There will be two good preliminaries, Ray Trabert vs. "Dutch" Mannler, and Ed Green ys". Steve Cannon. Glrla wanted. Steam Laundry. 61 FARM IMPL EMENTS Everything to Lighten Your Work Race Meet visitors are invited to look over our stock. We make a specialty of having the stuff on hand. You can look it over then drive home with it. 1 - .. -I . Our stock Includes: Moline Gultiva tors Wagons, Haying Tools, Fuller & Johnson Farm Pump Engines F. W. MELICK ALLIANCE HEMINGFORD t for the Race Meet We Have What You Want In Our Line . Everything To Make The Hours Speed-Instant Service . The Coolest Place in Town rnxrpcormT a nmc r a vt ArrkTTp I am wholesaler of the famous Hek Near Beer CONCESSIONARIES TAKE NOTICE and Richardsons Maid of Honor Crushed Fruit To those who conduct stands my wholesale stock of RICHARDSON'S CRUSHED FRUITS, as well as Cones, Etc., offers a chance to play safe. See Me Sure If You Plan to Run a Stand HEK Drink It and Keep Cool " A Very Near Beer" In ancient days the Cereal Beverage of the Egypt ians, today the wholesome soft drink of the Ameri can people. Wholesale and Retail Sold Exclusively Here Cigars and Tobaccos Candy Pipes The. leading brands of cigars and tobaccos. You Woodward' Fine Candies. All high grade most complete line in the city. Get want prompt service during the races YouH get it I carry a line of "Woodward's box candies. Try a your gentleman friend that pipe he has been wanting for here. package of "Twin-Eights" oV "Chocolate Cherries." weeks. . . Lunches . To please the most refined, everything will be ready .Chicken Sandwich SpeciaL 135 feet of counter. No waits, but you get prompt and appreciative service. $800 Billiard Table $800 Finest this side of Lincoln ( The latest model, most scientifically constructed table that can be bought today. Play on it. Use It Once and You'll Want no Other. . Soda Fountain Enlarged counter space and added help will give you almost instant service. Our regular fine fountain menu and CHOCOLATE AND STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM. PINEAPPLE ICE. 202 Box Butte Alliance JOE MIT NO RAISE IN PRICE ONLY BILLIARD PARLOR ON THE CORNER.