The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 18, 1920, Image 4

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' 1
nxtj AuuiAiMsto linivALtU, xiuuAi, JUXNhi J.8, lyU.
Miss Mildred Grlgps has acceted
A petition in the office of the County
Dr. O, J. Hand .was in Ashby, Wed
nesday on business.
Q. Larson and family left Wed
nesday for Ravenna to make their
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Totter of
Feoria, lit., who have been Tlsitlnii
their daughter, Mrs. A. W. Brost, for
the past two months, loft Wednes
day for their home. - '
W. Luti left Wednesday for a
Visit to friends In Omaha.
' ' Mrs. II. I). IUker of Sheridan ar
rived Wednesday for a visit with
lira. Everett Cook and her mother,
Mrs. II. D. Baker.
Mrs. P. 8. Swann of Denver, ar
rived Wednesday for a visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Henry M. Roberta.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Weld.vnlia'i..r
left Wednesday for a visit to tela'
fives at Burlington, la.
Mrs. J. R. Basktns is visiting her
., sister, Mrs. F. C. Fulner.
H. A. Martin left Wednesday lo
. - make hta home at Fort Collins, Col.
Viola Severe and Donald Me
- Donald left Wednesday for a visit to
relatives at Dalton, Neb.
Mrs. C. O. Stewart of Casper,
Wyo., who is going to Sheridan, has
been visiting Mrs. W. II. Boland en
route to that place.
Mrs. II. A. Balrd and daughter,
JJuelah. left Wednesday for a visit
' to relatives at Red Lodge, Mont
'' J. R. West stopped over In Al
liance oa business en route from
Omaha to Morrill, Neb.
Mrs. O. F. Hester, who has been
visiting her son, Mr. Witowack and
' family, returned to her home at
Marsland, Wednesday.
Misses Ida and Margaret Ubrlg,
who have been shopping In Alliance,
returned to their home at Hemlng
ford, Wednesday,
Mi's Ines McCain of Spearflfth, S.
D., uiorped over In Alliance on her
wsy lo Torrlngton, Wyo., for a visit.
Mesdames Hubble and Banks, who
ea'me here to see Mrs. Elgut&t at the
St. Joseph hospital, returned to their
home at Mitchell, Wednesday. The
friends of Mrs. Elquist are pleased
to know that she is getting along so
Mrs. Frank Noble of Haxtun, Col.,
stopped over la Alliance en route to
her home at that place from a vthlt
with her brother, Dan Thompson of
iirl wanted. Steam Laundry. 61
Mrs. K. B. Nelson left Wednesday
for Sidney to meet her mother, Mrs.
W. J. SI pier, and sister, Elva, of
Given who are coming here to visit
Mrs. R. Phelps of Trumbull, Neb.,
is visiting Mrs. Radenbaugh.
Mrs. A. T. Lunn left Wednesday
to attend the convention at Gerlng.
While there she will be entertained
at the home of Mrs. S. K. Warrlcks
at Scottsbluff.
Mrs. L. D. Blair of Anselmo, Neb.,
mother of Mrs. Berry, is visiting
here. .
Mrs. R. L. Johnstone returned the
first of the week from a auto trip
through Wyoming with her husband.
They stopped at Gillette, Newcastle,
Moorecroft and other places.
Mrs. Ed Eldred returned Thurs
day evening from a visit at Hastings.
Mrs. Frank Doolittle of Anselmo,
fs visiting at the home ot her brother
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Berg of this city.
She will remain until after the race
Madison Rogers from tha Battls
Mountain sanitarium at Hot Springs,
S. V., has been Visiting Mrs. , Edna
Benedict of thla city for a few days
on his return from a family reunion
at his old home at Central City. Neb.
Gerald Rlpgins who has bumi m m
the hospital at Alliance, went to
Scottsbluff Thursday to visit with
his mother, Mrs. W. R. Rigglns, for
on month.
W. J. Johnson of Alliance who has
been In Scottsbluff attending the
i;tocknien's convention, returned to
Alliance yesterday.
Dr. L. W. Eowmsn, formerly over
Morgan's grocery, is now located in
the First National Bank Bldg.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Droegemueller on Wednes
day, June 16. She has been named
King Dobry, record foreman, has
gone to Omaha to Join his family.
Wm. Corbett and son, Gaylard, are
going to Seneca Sunday on a fishing
trip. -
C. C. Bayard and C. H. Jones' are
going to Seneca on a fishing trip.
James Dobry left Wednesday night
for Omaha to be at the bedside of his
George Duncan returned Wednes
day from an extended visit in Van
couver, B. C, Just in time to alt on
the board of equlllzation, and has
taken up business cares again. Mrs.
Duncan will remain in Vancouver for
some weeks. . ;
Moses Wright and family accom
panied by Jerry Rowan and family,
are leaving the first of the week for
a camping trip to the Black Hills.
Mr. and Mrs. acob Dompart, who
have been in Alliance to consult the
doctor, left for their home Friday.
J. B. Byer of Bonard, Neb., who
has been in Alliance on business, left
Friday for his home.
Uris Richards of Des Moines, la.,
arrived Friday for a visit to James
Kims ins and family. .
J. R. Kelly left Friday for a visit
to relatives at Los Angelos, Calif.
Z. E. Ballard, who has been to
Douglas on business, returned Fri
Denver Black from Beggar Field,
Cal., is here for the races.
Mrs. Stanford and daughters re
turned to Hemlngford Friday from
a shopping trip to Alliance.
Mrs. C. M. Krumtum accompanied
by her son and daughter, left Friday
for a visit to her brother at her
mopolis, . Wyo.
Manila Mickey of Scottsbluff, who
has been visiting the Misses Ryan of
this city, returned to her home Friday.
The Campflre girls of Alliance
will havo a booth during the races
and will serve pie, coffee, dough
nuts, and other eatables to the faint
and weary. The guardians of the
various Fires are: Mesdames T. A.
Gross, E. R. Harris, Fred Carlson,
and Misses Avis Joder and Josephine
Ganson. They will take turns in
superintending the booth.
flattery, but it is difficult to couvlnw,
a girl that ruch Is the ease when she
Is presented with an Imitation dia
mond. : liittf
Few things taste as good when
warmed over, a pretty good argu
ment against letting your love grow
cold. Philadelphia Record.
The best remedy for a heart-at
tack is another girl.
Let , us bo thankful for our lot.
even if It is not a lot
People hate to get a reputation for
what they really are.
The last thing you want is general
ly the first thing you get. -'
A stolen kiss has cost many a man
60 years of matrimony.
A man likes to fetl tbat he ia lov-
a woman likes to be told.
(lie ladien aid society of Here
give a bazaar and food data at
lumber yard office Thursday aft-
oon and evening, June 17. They
also serve a creamed chicken
;-er, tho proceeds ot which will
to help build tho Berea union,
irch. The price of the supper will
r0 cents, Mr. Cass of Berea will
donate a residence lot 60x140
, which will be auctioned off la
evening. ' Everybody Invited. .
A roughhoune occurred in a local
pool hall, the other evening, accord
ing to rumors. Some brother, a
trifle under the Influence of Joy
Juice, attempted to demonstrate to a
cook how he Bhould slice pickles. The
cook didn't ask for suggestions and
resented receiving them. . No arrests
were made and the ambulance was
not called.
Some men hustle almost as hard
for a Job as some women hustlo for
a husband.
Scientists tell us that people
should wed their opposites. That is
why so many people are anxious to
marry money.
Imitation may be the sincerest
Expert Kodi
Buy your Eastir
Van Grav
And have them (llveloped Free
Van Gravpp Studio
3rd and Box Butte l Alliance, Neb.
x Finishing
i v films at the
; ' ... 4 t . . . .
Big RedBCtions GoMi
Race Meet Visitors to Profit All Next Week
tained Price-Slashing at The Horace Bogue
y Sus-
H VVlrpir -
On Our
Second Floor Stock
Includes All Our Ladies Ready-to-Wear-Spring
Suits, Goats, Dresses
and Separate Skirts
; Many charming garments with distinctive style,
j A very good selection remains for you. Look at
them.: :" . ,; , : : :; :;
I-'! l) M:Jf At .v.--
Save The Cost of Your Visit to Alliaince
Out of town Visitors to the Race Meet and Elks' Convention Can Easily Save the
Entire Expense of their trip by buying judiciously at these Compelling Reductions
First Floor Bargains End Saturday Night
The close of business Saturday, June 19, sees the end to the 25 Reductions on Dress Goods, Undermusl
ing Hosiery, Silks, Silk Underwear, Sheeting, Ginghams, Voiles, Nainsooks, Shoes, Corsets, Underwear,
Etc, Act before you reget it.
1 ne
oraee Bo
Otto Zamzow, Mgr.