TIIE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1920. ft I i , r I i Random Shots With no iloslre to pir our erudi tion, we ttfl Impelled to loint out that the word "suspicion" U not a verb, alrS ouch nine out of ten le potrers setvi to bo coppIcuv It. Ora maticaily speaking:, you t-un't "suspicion" anything. i'oa mny "suspect," or you may 'havo your suspicions." ' W"i iiiaK? no charge for (Jus infor mation. Youth has Its troubles. Hoim.o haB been moping around for ihr-r? whole days, simply bemus he saw Her reading a letter. She wouldn't tell him the name of th vrii.rr and he, too, "suspicions" (apologies to the grammarians) something. Today's Best Story The preacher making his Sunday morning announcements said, ' Next Sunday morning at 10:30 sharp I will baptize Mrs. Swift's little baby." Looking over the congrega tion he noted Mrs. Swift In her pew and smilingly bowed to her, saying he hadn't noticed that she had com In, and then In a tone of serlour.n-iss be said, "Remember the hour, 10.30 sharp you know you were iate last year." ' The man who is moaning because there have been no "drives" for the past two weeks must have referred to excursions after the stuff that cheers. For have we not the Ne braska memorial to soldiers on our hands 7 ' Romeo has been stung again. He went down to one of the Alliance gents' furnishing stores and they worked off on him one of those heavy woolen ties that are utterly unfitted for wearing during the hot Summer months. The poor fish didn't know he was getting a winter tie. Hanged if we can see what ad vantage there is in the Lady Boarder leaving off a waist to keep cool, and then wearing a bulky coat to cover up. It's crazier than the summer fur stunt. We know now why they call It "Happy" Hollow. Again our advice Is accepted. We told 'em to be careful to whom they gave it meaning that month's free subscription and so they cut off the Herald printer. There's no excuse for boneheada like that. Only love could make a man or woman scratch' off a twelve-page letter dally. We see by an exchange that some girl, at a commencement exercise, sang "I'm Forever Blowing Bub bles" "In a most touching manner." How do they get that way? The only Bong that can be sung In a way to cause the throat to choke with sobs is: "Little Brown Jug." Iff paper keeps getting scarcer, liberty bonds, because of the mater ial they are engraved on, should go to par. American Printer. And Cuba is thousands of miles away. 1920. "Sing a song of breweries, ' Malt and hops and yeast. Pour and twenty bottles Ready for the feast; When the case was emptied No one felt a kick Nothing there but near-beer; Don't that make you sick? The Funny Want-Ad WANTED A Job whero I can get board and room. Can milk and drive Ford car. Joe Montgomery, X-1145, Dallas (Texas) News. FOR SALFj Cow and folding bed combined. W. F. O'Roar, Olen Rock Station, Ashville N. C.) Citizen. We should fret if they give it away. But If they try to claim that all these free monthly subscriptions are bona-flde, or cash-ln-advance, simply because they are marked paid on the books, we'll have to print an other one of those odious compari sons. They're great n this "claim" stuff. Would they give it away If they could sell it T Let's see wasn't there someone who once remarked about how little value there is in "free" circulation? The bodies of all American col dlers burled In Germany will be brought to tho United States for re- burial whether bo requested by rela tives or not. The ouja board whispers that one of our early fashion notes willead: "Hallotinj? coats in trlcotlne and Koorpctto crepe will bo popular this fall." The small Investor who Is worried r.bout the price o fhis- Liberty bonds may sootho himself with the reflec tion that he can't lose money on them unless ho sells them. The flu never Attacks airmen, be cause of the purity of the air at hlRh altitudes. Hut the averapo citizen would rather chanco the flu than havo to bo up in the air all the time. Citizens of this country have learned not to take the Instructions of president lal conventions delegates too seriously. Instructed delegate have been known to forget every thing they knew. Demand of every common thine that it shall bloom into the results in your own soul and in your infglu enco on the world. name of the sagely said: scatters your And what's the brainy gink who "Sample circulation shot"? ... It must hurt to know you have the smallest circulation and to fear that others are finding it out. The Herald had no circulation records to beat but its own. Boy, we've got 'em. There are but few sensible people In the world yet they all agree with you. If a married man is looking for an easy Job he has no time for any thing else. You never " can tell. A suit of clothes may look rusty and still wear like iron. R ATS' DIE so do mice, once they eat RAT-SNAP and they leave no odor behind. Do not take our word for it try a pack age. Cats and dogs won't touch it. Rats pass up all food to get RAT SNAP. Three sizes. 25c size (1 cake) enough for Pan try, Ktlchen or Cellar. 50c size (2 cakes) (or Chicken House, coops, or small buildings. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by F. E.Hol sten. 56-61 AMERICAN LEGION NOTES Regarding the Legion's proposed beneficial leglslirlDi, nil those un informed on me BubJ -ct shculrl con sider that the Len'oa aalis first of all for practical assistance in oa'ab- lishing the x-Boldwr on the turin; second, in nelpiig li.m etablish him self in a home; third, 'n assisting him in learning a vicatlon; and, fourth, the sfall tsh ; "iiuinoraMoii to those who do not avail themselves of either of :ho nther provisions. It will be to th interest of the large majrity of x -service men to lako ad vantage of unn of the Tirst thne iio vislons rather than ih- mer-a cash te muneration, p.nd thosn expressing themselves are ;Uruo.tt unanimous in favor of a4d'3ti;iC3 in obtaining a home, farm or vocal loual training. It la estimated that about 120,000 crippled veterans are entitled to training under the law known as the Vocational Rehabilitation act. Of this numbtr the federal board, which has functioned for nearly two years has placed In train'ng a little more than 26,000. TH I ASBESTOS BREAKER STRIP PREVENTS TR BAD StPARATlOM AG13ESTOG TPTTTn Ml the Asbestos 'Breaker Strip ASBESTOS-AMirieral Woven Into a No-Burn Fabric The Breaker Strip that Make$ the Difference Is the Asbestos Breaker-Strip used exclusively ia Perfection Tire Ponstructioa. Ui pVtnt4 "Perfection" feature Thavbraaker-ttrlp used la ordinary tire consrructkm U a looM-wevca rof tl that forma ih union wnwn th tread and outside ply of cocao fabric of all standard tint it ia so pro i ret the carcass of the tire a fa i rut shocks, to prevent tread separation and incase of a cut is the ply of fabric first subject to moisture, acids and grease and bears the brunvof hard usage and jil tire trouble. Ptrftctitn Aiitstu Brktr-Slrit is not ffected by moisture, acids, grease oe heat generated by road friction. U former a perfect union with the rubber In the vulcanisation of the tire, so aa to be almost inseparable, thereby over coming to the greatest enentihe anoet common ailment ia automobile tires BlUtcu and Tread Separation. PERFECTION TIRE DISTRIBUTING CO. 413 Pearl St. m Slew City, la. PERFECTION TIKE at RUBBER CO. soar aiAONOM. mwa ALL PERU CTIOW TIRES ARB All IITOI STRIP PROTSCTSg mpr-. ... . ' J 4 - t f r I I iYwi in inn 1 '"' Championship Wrestling Match $1,000 WORLD WELTERWEIGHT BELT Alliance, Neb. June 25 AT ROOF GARDEN, 7:30 P. M. j Under the Auspices of B. P. 0. E. 1 JACK REYNOLDS Cedar Rapids, Iowa VS. PETEBUZUKOS ! of San Francisco ' """ Each Man Has One Victory It's a Fast Go, Sure 2 Good Preliminaries J r RAY TRABERT vs. "DUTCH" MAUNIER 'V. ED GREEN vs. STEVE CANNON Ringside $5.00 Reserved $3.50 ' General $2.00 Seats at Holsten's an King's Corner 0 0 0 0 for Highest Tossible Quality at fywest TossibU Trice j o MjL' Med. are H ere is the topmost cigarette the highest point of smoking enjoyment and satisfaction the spur cigarette. Studied "from the ground up" in seed, soil, plant and culture. Studied in blending, studied in making, studied in packing. Spurs are blended in a new way from American and Oriental tobaccos, bringing out to the full that U good old-time tobacco taste. The ; satiny imported paper is crimped, not y pasted, making an easier -drawing, . . . - slower-burning cigarette. You 11 approve of the smart brown and silver packef, threefold, that preserves Spur's taste and fragrance. 0 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co,