THtJ ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1920. Comment - and Discomment Is the "hope" ehrst going out of fashion, these days, and if so, whit happened to knock the props out from under It. The furniture dealers report that they are still sll'ng I) ram-bound cedar boxes and inci dentally getting higher prices and less profit than ever out of the sales but has the hope chest, as an in tltutl'on, perished from the earlhT We should hate to think so. Dut this week we have evidence that young ladles of that age are Investing thtlr avings In something else besides hopes. We were talking with a bunch of frills only this morning, and fcelln rather chipper and reparteelsb, w mentioned oh, it makes no dlflrr- nce how the subject came up and the young lady gave us ono of those "I can't be bothered" looks. "Oh. . Tea," she said, "I did hav one of those things in my youth, but there's nothing in It now but underwear." Since she must be all of twenty-two . .years of age, and Isn't at all hard to The Popular Song that simply Carries You Away The first time you hear it Usually bores you to death BUT la a short time The song that seems to im prove with each playing Is the one that you will enjoy For many months , "La Veeda" S Is that kind of a song Outer mignty good numbers "RAQADORA" "MISSY" "OLD FASHIONED ' GARDEN" "THE MOON SHINES ON THE MOONSHINE" "THRU AZURE BLUE" "A SOUTHERN LULLA BYE" "JUST WE TWO" "PALE MOON" MANN MUSIC & ART STORE look at, this attitude cam as some thing of a shock. It hasn't born more than twe or three years since every young lady past Hghtecn hnd one of those cher ished chosts. I!y the tlmi she reach ed twenty, It was pretty Well filled with all sorts of stuff in readiness for the day of days. But if lhi young lady with whom we were talking fairly represents the members f her Bex at her age, It's going to bo bard 01 the marriage market. l!y the fme the bridegroom bui the licetipe the rtr,: and the itekca to NMgara, le k nothing of paytrf mu? Install ment on t ho furniture and a month's rent in advance, he's done. Whatever Is responsible for the Ions of interest in hope Chests ought to be found out and punished. Trob ably it's tbe-'prof liters. They have taken the Joy out of everyhlng clsi but some things ougfft to be sacred, even to profiteers. Put ui down on record as favoring bollta the cul prits in oil or anointing thorn with turpentine, reserving the right to Vote for some worse punishment if one should be discovered. The civil liberties Union sends us another grist of publ'.city dope this morning. They are still trying toTPt the goats of the department of Jus tice and A. Mitch Palmer, the at torney general. This article la headed "Political Prisoners Torturi-d," a.ut It Is a hair-raising account of the way in which one McCoshem, whoso name sounds like he might be of Irish Iltbrew descent, confined at loit Leavenworth, had been punished for refusing to work by being placed la solitary confinement with the hands manacled to the bars Of hla cell dur ing regular working hours. The war department, to the- civil liberties league states, used to have this "Inhuman" punishment, but abolished it. The department of jus tice continues It, and In a letter to the league officials, says that "It is entirely satisfied and desires no change." We refuse to get worked up over McCoshem's wrongs until we know more about tne case. There are some offenses for which this would be a rather light punishment, and It Mae Is one of those red radi cals who (ancles that the bolsheviks have an Ideal government, we're rather glad he's getting his. One of the leading lights in this league is Jeanctte Rankin, the Montana con-gresswoman-that-was, and we dimly recall. In the dark days before the war, how this old girl sobbed In the house of representatives at the time she voted against the war resolu tions. Her soba now over the fate of the "redB" and her tears then over the boya who were to be cannon fodder have about the same value. Another Indication that the world is either growing better or at least that its point of view Is changing la seen in the report that comes from Chicago. William Burkhart, deputy public works commissioner, whose duty it Is to supervise the public parks and beaches of the Windy City, has openly announced that there will be no restrictions on the styles of bathing suits. "Let your conscience be your guide," says this public spirited brother. And now if other guardians of the public morale follow suit, won't there be a roar from the reformers. There are two sides to this I. e til ing suit question. It all deronds on whether the suits are worn for swlmm'.ng, or for exhibition pur poses. When ono swims, clothes are in the way. The more he wears, the Icbs headway can a swimmer make. Our theory is that if one of the fair box wants to make a show of herself, she'll do it anyway; and if she wann to swim, nobody ought to stand in her way. Now that the movies afe spreading the California bathing styles broadcast over a helpless land. It may be that the Chicago .con science has been hardened. A Scottsbluff colored woman has been given considerable prominence in the Denver newspapers because of a row with her son-in-law. It seems that she went on a visit to her daugh ter in Denver and wasn't in any hurry to leave. She was enjoying herself. It didn't take long for her to wear out her welcome with her son-in-law, however. Sometimes It doesn't, in cases like this. But this brother was wise. He didn't care to enter Into any open warfare, and bo he showed his sentiments by playing the phonograph. The phonograph can be an instru ment of torture unwittingly, and when played by a man with malice aforethought, it sometimes ' drives good people to murder. This son-in-law selected one record, and played it about forty times a day, and heaven knows how many times at night. The name of It was sugges tive of the son-in-law's thoughts: "Come After Breakfast, Bring 'Long Tour Lunch and Leave 'Fore Supper Time." Mother-in-law got hostile, some hard words and harder crock ery were passed, and when an of ficer of the law arrived, both sides were ready to sign a peace treaty. But the mother-in-law will cut short her visit. This Is the first time on record when one of them was de feated. This record is on sale In Al liance, and we offer this hint free to husbands, who may be suffering; DOW TO HEAL LEO 80R3 A wonderful treatment that heals teg aores or Varicose Ulcers without pain or knife is described la a new book which readers may get tree by writing a card or letter to Dr. H. J. Whlttier, Suite 19, 1109 McGee. Kansas City, Mo. (JunelZ) Watch It Grow Every dollar you add means another step nearer the goal toward which we are all strid ing financial independence when our days of production are over. And we assist you by allowing interest at 5 per cent on all deposits. v Today is a good time to start your sayings account come in and get your book by making a first deposit of $1, or more. r The FIRST t National Bank ORDINANCE NO. 283. An Ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers forthwith in Sewer District No. 11, within the City of Alliance, Nebras ka, and providing for the. assess ment of the cost thereof to the abut ting lands and lots. Bo it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Alliance, Ne braska: Section 1. 'That sanitary sewers be constructed forthwith .n hwi district No. 11 within the City of Al liance, Nebraska, without cost to the city. Section 2. That upon the com pletion of the construction of aaid sewers the cost thereof be absessed aganlst the property abutting upon the streets, avenues, or alleys, or parts thereof, within which said sew er main has been placed, accordiug to the provisions of the statutes of the State of Nebraska. Section 3. This ordinance shall bo In full force and effect from and after Its passage, approval, and pub lication according to law. rassed and approved this 11 day of June, 1920. A. D. RODGERS, Mayor. SEAL. Attest: GRACE H. KENNEDY, City Clerk. June 18-Jul-22 Tlict which a man- really Is be comes hla truest reward or his direct punishment. If we all found it as natural to at tack our own faults as to see the same shortcomings in other people, what a delightful world this wculd be I All our sowing looks toward the day of reaping. The trouble with much of it is that we demand the sort of harvest that is utterly for eign to the kind of seed we sow. Na ture will not work that kind of miracle. The woman who turn men's hair gray are the women who turn their own golden. Pearson's Weekly. NO MORE RATS or mice, after you use RAT-SNAP. It'a a sure rodent killer. Try a pkg. and prove It. Rats killed with RAT SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch It. Guaranteed. 25o size (1 cake) enough for Pan try, Kitchen or cellar. 60o size (2 cakes) for chicken House, coops or small buildings. 91.00 alae (5 cakes) enough for all farm and 'out-bulldings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Bold and guaranteed, by F. E.Hol sten. C6-61 Ami ImvitatioE' You and all your friends are invited to attend the opening" of the new roof garden of the Lowry & Henry garage building, Saturday night, June 19. This, the official opening, will be free to all. We want you to enjoy this special occasion as our guests for the evening and we will leave nothing undone to make it an occasion long to be remembered. i Good music, an ideal dancing floor and a pleasant reception will be com bined to make it an event worth while. Those who do not dance will be welcomed, as well Comfortable seats will be arranged for your convenience. Don't forget the date and tell all of your friends. Help us make it the, biggest event of the year. Next Week's Dances Commencing Tuesday night, all next week the Roof Garden will be head quarters for dancers. Cool air, fine floor, almost unlimited space and COLE M'ELROY'S orchestra will furnish the musical inspiration. Be Sure You're There Lowry & Henry FREE! FREE'! During Race Meet and Convention The big crowds here during the three days next week will get the chance to learn first hand information that has cost hundreds of others many good round dollars in experience. We have arranged to have two experts at the Schafer Auto Supply who will give demon strations on -j ' THE CONSERVATION OF TIRES and BATTERIES These men will, with no cost on your part explain the construction of both tires and bat teries, in language that you ran understand. In learning how these are built, you will natur ally learn some things that will make you know how better to take care of them. The demonstrations jrill include every angle of the subject that will make you get the most in mileage and months of use from your Tires and Batteries. There will be two separate demonstrations, arranged so that you need not come at any particular time JUST COME WHEN YOU CAN But Come. In these explanations, THE KEYNOTE IS "SERVICE" Vulcanizing Too much cannot be said for the proper and conscientious care and repair of your tires. LET SCHAFER DO IT and assure yourself that all expert and scientific workmanship can do will be d)ne. GET THE MOST IN MILEAGE WE ARE ALLIANCE AGENTS FOR HYATT, LNG3 FOR CARS YOU Free Drive-in Service During the Race Meet next week will be an excellent opportunity to avail yourself of our Free Drive-In Service. Satisfy yourself by having your Battery tested that it is in working condition. We will do this free It's Part of tho Service you get at Schaferlfc JdiijJJm FREE ATR AND ADVICE TIMEEN AND NEW DEPARTURE BEAR. CAN'T BEAT THEM Schafer Auto Suipply