The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 18, 1920, Image 10

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    r3T7Q " ' ' THE ALUANTK HKTIALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 1ft, 1920,
' . .. I I
On or about July 1 we will be moved to our new location at 124 East Third Street, where we will have
ample room to handle any or all of your business you wish to give us.
Dealers in Hides, Furs, Wool, Rags, Rubber and Metals of all Kinds.
iUiionrc IHcrala
Kntered t th poetofflce at Alliance,
Sfeh for tranamlsalon through the
aaJIa aa second elaaa matter. Published
Tveed&r and Friday.
SDWIN M. BURR Business Mr.
Official newspaper of the City or
Alliance; official newspaper of Box
Batte County.
Owned and published by The Burr
Ptinttnr Company, George I Burr, Jr.,
President; Edwin M. Burr, Vice Pres
ident. Jifce.ilstlea, S9.B0 per year In advance
Ontalda at IH radios, $3.00 per year
man deported was a member of the
federated union of Russian workers,
the communist party, or an anar
chist? If he waa lined up with any
of them, he ahould hare been sent
to some other place. There Isn't any
choice between rotten eggs. It ! bet
ter that five thousand aliens be de
ported wrongfully than that one
"red" remain. Somehow, we hare
an Idea that America should stand
first for Americans, and someone
ought to Impress on these alien
brothers that they are here by suf
ferance, and that It would be Just as
well if they should wait until they
are naturalised before spouting
about "their rights."
The American cItII liberties union
- is the name of the newest organisa
tion to assist In filling the editorial
wastebaskets of the land. The union
la now engaged In ruining tons of
perfectly good white paper, that
might be used for the dissemination
of news and Information, In an at
tack on the department of justice
auid a veiled defense of the "reds"
who hare been deported. The center
f the attack Is, of course, A.
Mitchell Palmer, attorney general,
And the department of Justice. The
... Ctril liberties bunch confines its pub
-liclty to Instances where aliens were
imprisoned wrongfully and treated
. cruelly. It Is possible, of course, that
in a country-wide campaign against
autarchy, some mistakes were made.
It la possible that, now and then,
some police officer or department
gent lost his head and didn't show
that quality of mercy for which
' police departments the world over
Are famed. The civil liberties union
doesn't put up any howl about cruel
ty In penal Institutions; it has noth
ing to say about miscarriages of
Justice anywhere else. Only when the
poor "reds" are maltreated Is there
cause for complaint. There are
plenty of cases nearer home where a
real civil liberties union might bring
About some needed reforms, but
-oniehow we can't manage to find
.much sympathy for abused alien rad
icals. We're getting rather tiredvover
the splitting of hairs where un
Americantsm is concerned. What dif
ference does it make whether some
Warren O. Harding, the republi
can nominee for the presidency, ful
fils the requirements for a compro
mise candidate. He has never been
a commanding figure in politics, and
therefore is more or less of an un
known Quantity. The trouble with
the three leading candidates waa
that they were too well known.
Leonard Wood would, in all prob
ability, have received the nomina
tion had it not been for the campaign
expenditure disclosures. These same
disclosures also hurt Lowden s
chances. Johnson, because of his
stand on the league of nations and
radical views on other subjects of
political Importance, was distasteful
to most of the delegates, including a
number who were pledged to him by
the votes of their states. Senator
Harding Is known as a standpatter.
He has followed the voice of the
party In all things. He favored the
peace treaty with reasonable reservations.
Say what you will, there is a dis
like, almost a distaste, for military
candidates. Despite ' his splendid
civil administration record, and de
spite the fact that he was not a West
Pointer, nor a prominent war figure,
Leonard Wood lost ground because
of his uniform. General Pershing
didn't get to first base in his own
(adopted for the occasion) state. It's
unusual when the voters won't rally
when the flag is waved, cnpecially at
the close of a great war, and may
be explained by the fact that some
many of the voters were in that war,
and don't fancy that style of government.
The republican, as a
whole, is a disappointment to union
labor. Governor Coolldae first came
into prominence through his activi
ties in the Boston policemen's strike,
which he handled admirably from
the point of view of the public, but
he won thereby the enmity of union
labor. Senator Harding' attitude on
the labor Question is not known
Indeed, his attitude on most ques
tlons is unknown but his support
ers say that when the time comes,
the public shall be told of the way he
gets along with the workmen In his
own factories, which ought to be a
reasonably fair test.
Alliance citizens who have been
inclined to look on clean-up cam
paigns in the light of a Joke, so far
as actually rkanlng up was con
cerned, are due for a great shock,
if they haven't already received it.
City Physician Hand isn't putting on
his campaign to oblige a newspaper
friend by furnishing a basis for se
curing advertising. He's putting it
on to make the town not only sight
ly, but sanitary. He knows the law
fairly thoroughly, and is prepared to
lay it down on occasions. Inciden
tally, he interprets it most strictly,
and the average business man will
find, on inquiry or sooner than that,
that he has transgressed In some
way. It comes, as we say, with con
siderable of a shock, but Alliance
ought to be a cleaner city when the
city physician and his aide-de-camp
get over the ground. Better begin
to mop up the back yard and paint
out the flyspecks before you are told
to tell It to the Judge. This isn't a
make-believe campaign. It will come
hard after several years laxness in
enforcing the regulations, but it
ought to make Alliance a City Sani
tary, and likewise a City Beautiful
The Best Pants in the World
at the Cheapest Price
u. s.
Per Pair
Wilson Bros. Alliance, Neb
JUNE 21 TO 26
Next to Herald Office
There is almost civil war at Chad-
ron, where the struggle between the
city manager and the mayor had
lined the town up into two factions.
each intent on victory. The mayor
is unfortunate In that the council is
with the city manager, but the law
appears to be slightly in his favor,
which fact seems to hearten him
wonderfully. At a recent meeting
the council voted down each pro
posal made by the mayor with
clocklike regularity, and overruled
his every objection. In short, the
proceedings remind one very much
of a democratic governor and a re
publican legislature. The mayor's
adherents have finally dragged the
matter into court by means of an in
Junction suit. The city manager
Idea is fine, no doubt, but in cities
like Alliance, the safest way to work
it is to make the mayor the city
manager. Otherwise, there'll be
war, Juding from the experience of
the two cities nearest home. When
ever too much power is conferred in
the name of efficiency, either by
city ordinance, state legislature or
congress, there's always a good deal
of competition to see who can exer
cise the most of It.
"How We Cleared Our Summer Home
of Rata," by Mn. Perry
"When we opened our seaside
home last May, it was alive with rats.
They'd gnawed all the upholstering.
We cleaned them out In a week with
RAT-SNAP. I prefer this rat killer
because, it cames In cake form, no
mixing. Saves dirtying hands and
plates." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, 1.00.
Sold and guaranteed by F. E. Hol
sten. 56-61
The dollars buys only 54 cents'
worth of stuff, right now, but don't
forget that when it is invested. It
draws interest on 100 cents.
The Herald, 92.60 a year.
On account of the more or leu stringent financial conditions we now have the opportun
ity to offer some exceptional bargains in improved and unimproved Box Butte county
farms, as well as in some choice western Nebraska stock ranches. It will pay you to write
or call on us for detailed information regarding some of the bargains which we have at this
time. Easy terms can be secured for you. If you have western property for sale and want
it handled quickly, list it with us. We look after properties for non-residents.
Phone 20 Beddish Block Alliance, Neb.
The Ford Touring Car is literally the pioneer in the solution of the Good
Roads problem, because three million or more in operation brought up to the
millions of America the necessity of good roads if quick transportation at low
expense was to be enjoyed. The simplicity of the Ford car, its stability in
construction, the famous heat-treated Vanadium steel with its marvelous strength
and flexibility, the low cost of operation and maintenftncri, its ease in operation,
all have made the Ford car the great favorite in every land in the world. It's
the one car that always satisfies and serves. A utility beyond question that all
can afford. We sell them and will be pleased to have your order. Don't delay,
because the demand is heavy all the time. We have almost everything in motor
car accessories, carry the genuine Ford Parts, and assure the best in mechanical
repair work
See What A Bank Ac
count Can Do For You
This is just one of the world of possibilities open to depositors in this bank. Any
one can do wonders with even a small account. A trip to the seashore, a trip to
the mountains, an electric sweeper for the wife, new furniture for the house
in investment that will pay you money, any of the number of things you wish to
buy but feel the expense is too great.
The secret is this: Save now, a small amount at a time, while you have no
special urge to spend the money. Then later, when you really want or need some
thing, you will be in a position to have it Sickness or unexpected finnancial difl
eulties will have no terrors for you.
You Can Do It If You Start
Just Don't Stop
We will be glad to explain to you at any time how the plan works out what ia
terest you receive, in fact all about it
The First State
Alliance, Nebraska
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