TT1K ALLIANCE TTKRALT). FRIDAY, .TUNE 11,' 1920. iun'.n-siftrHiMSTMi The mnrrlapo of Miss Hazel Mc Collinter and Mr. Frank KpM of At llance via solemnized Tuesday even ing at R:30 at the home of the bride In Gordon., Promptly at C:10 the wedding f arty took their places before a beautifully decorated buy window, where Iter. Mr. Miller, pastor of the Presbyterian church, pronounced the words that mads them man and ' wife. . The bride wore a white crepe de chene gown with veil and she carried a bride's bouquet of sweet poas and rosea, ' ' ' ' After the ceremony the eighteen guests found their places at prettily flororatcd tables, where a fine wed ding dinner was nerved. The bride went to schoel here in Chdron and graduated from the Normal and her friends join us fn wishing; her much happiness. Mr. Reed Is employed In the 'Forest lumber yard at Alliance, and the happy couple will make their home In that place. Chadron Chronicle. . . , imnon m Kchixjn club Mrs. E. H. Boyd entertained the Bridge Luncheon club on Thursday af .ernoon. ' Tho house was very prettily decorated In pink and white rweet peas. Those, present were: Mosdaraea, Harry Gantz, V. B. Bar nctt, William Mitchell, Elmer Mc Minls, Dr. Morris, Tercy Cogswell. Floyd Hlvely. Fred Helpbrlnger and Howard Reddish. Sunday morning at the Christian cfcurch three pieces of special music were played by Mrs. Clyde Fosdick, piano; Messrs. Howe, vollln, Harllng cornef, and Whaley. clarionet. The rnuBlc was greatly appreciated. SUNDAY riCNig ' " One of the crowds to enjoy a pic nic Sunday at Hot Sprlnls were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKenzle, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Walk er, Mesdames Frank Roberts, Joe Case, MIbs Emma Pilster and Mr. Lawrence Roberts. ' ' CAMTF1RB GIRLS The Campflre girls Monday hiked to a grove two miles east of the city. The members of. the chapter who vent were: Mlswes Kathrlne Harris, ' Edna Mae Miller. Teresa Looney, Janice Adams, Dolly Dalley, Florence Baker- and Etheline Ellis. Mies Josephine Ganuon, guradaln, accom pamea me gins, rncre will be a meeting of the various campflre guardians ton'ght (Tuesday) at the home of Miss Oanson. v Mrs. Ceo. Davis, Grand Matron of . the Eastern Star, will leave Tuesday evening for Lincoln and other points on a business trip in the interests of that organization. After a few days visit in Lincoln she will go to Bee tier, Neb., where she will institute a chapter of the Eastern Star. Ou Fri day, in company with the Erand patron and grand secretary, she will visit tne Eastern Star home in Fre inont. Later she will yislt Omaha on official business, where they will dis trict the state for vistaton durng the -coming year. The following week they will visit the Masonic and East ern Star home at Flattsmouth. Neb. Mrs. Davis will be accompanied by oer daughter, Dorothy. . ANNOUNCEMENTS LADIES' AVXIIilAHY ' The Ladles' Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church will meet at the . home of Mrs. R. R. Reddish, 810 -neyenne Ave., on Wednesday after .noon at 3. Mrs. Jack Miller . and Jirs. R. R, Reddish will "be the Hostesses. The program will be as follows: Song. , " Devotional Mrs. B. Sturgeon. nespona to roil call With some Bcriptur text. Song Mrs. Rhein. Remarks Mrs. Kearns, Sr. Music Mrs. Ponath. Reading Mrs. Rowan. Instrumental Duet Misses Esther , and Hutu Nations. Closing with short guessing con test, Mr. Adams of the state bureau of health Is to be In Alliance for a meet ing June 28 acocrding to an an rouncement Just received. He will present some very Interesting films mac evening. . Next Sunday morning the pastor of the Bartist church 1b to give an tbject sermon to the children of the toagregation. The Junior choir la to tins, t ' ANN ' ine uenekah Circle will meet with Mra. O. P. Herbaugh at 424 Mia eourl FTlday afternoon. Ail members License to wed was issued Tuesday moritg to Edgar E. Howard and TbuJuiu N. Allen, both of Alliance. ONK MIJCVTK STOHK TALK Wh?n this ftore urot Ml pr cedent a few weeks ago with this sale, it developed a variety of' VmoMons never experienced in all the history of western shoe sell ing. No political bandwapon ever raw such a final scramble for eats. We said in the opening announcement To Put a Stop to Hint. it Price." We were laughed at, scoffed at by wholesalers. Now from every corner of the country they say "Harper was right," the PEAK (hos been reached at last on shoes. TliotiMindg are giving thanks , to the store where the thanks are due. The Past Matroni and Patrons club meets Wednesday evening with ' aicm. a. j oasLQ, 7x1 Toluca. . . , . Itoautlf nl patterns la silk kimonos, aIm a, fine line of silk hose at the Oriental Store. -W. R. HARPER, Prop, HARPER'S. -W. R. HARPER, Prop. This Whirlwind Event !?Myured www' vi rrj' e e 0 It's by long odds tho bluest shopping sensation Harper lias ever experienced. Go where you will and you'll find enthusiastic groups discussing THIS STORE'S big daily doings to sell $15,000.00 WORE IN JUNE. We are certainly making Ihc H. C. of L. dance to our tune of "PRICES CUT TO LOWEST LEVELS." The past week's business greatly exceeded our expectations. Enthusiasm is now at "top-notch" among the thrifty people of Alliance. Wednesday we open the throttle wide watch us' Kpced to our goal. We have left no stone unturned to make the second week even greater than the first. .. PLAN TO BE HERE EARLY WEDNESDAY DOORS OPEN AT 8:30 A. M. SHARP Men 's Florsheim Shoes at Less Than Wholesale -Price ft.'Jl'AW.'V JJLORSHEIM Shoes never were a ? better buy. Cheap shoes you would not consider four years ago now cost almost as much. No shoe could be bftter made, better wearing. No shoes have better style, more character are more comfortable and pleasing from start to finish. So why debate? Drop . In here and settle the shoe (question. 'yy Florsheim Shoes $18.00 Values at $16.50 Values at 412.00 -$12.00 Arab and Senator lasts, in Vici Kid and Calfskin in ' Black and Tan AnotherPair YOU may be one of the many men who will ap preciate the opportu nity of getting another pair of shoes or oxfords of the same style and size that has " given you comfort and satis faction. We can! assure you of an exact duplicate any time in the future of anv Florsheim. shoe you select .here. HARPER'S SPECIAL Men's 'Shoes, ' Her man's Tan Vici Kid, High shoes ; " . , ' $15.00 Values $9.65 $3.00 Children & Misses, $1.98 $2.50 Children & Misses, $1.50 $2.00 Childrens & Misses, $1.25 .HE best shoe'lin the world needs something more than mere merit to make men like it. It needs that vitalizing quality about it which men call personality. Florsheim Shoes have both good rugged, stalwart character that sees you through to the end, and a style and dash about them that make them good company for you -and ypur friends. Florsheim Shoes $10.00 and $12.00 Men's Shoes at .$4.98 Vici Kid and Calf Skin Button and Lace MEN'S WORK SHOES $7.50 and $8.00 Values at .$4.50 . NOW FOR A PHENOMENAL WINDUP OF THE SALE OF ' s 2,800 Pairs of ' " Shoes and; 0 AT LESS THAN 50c ON THE DOLLAR ' .'!' :;;''- : ' ' Saturday will be the last day of this record-breaking event and your last opportunity to share in the greatest shoo bargain in years. Value-wise shop pers will make it their business to supply their needs for many months to come for no such exceedingly low prices for such high quality shoes will be quoted again. Plan to be "here 1 ;t ; :' ''. ' Children's $4 White Canvass Mary Jane Slippers Excellent quality white canvas, ankle strap clippers with white ribbon bows. Have sewed leather soles, low heels. Slzs 8 to 2; ' Qf QQ actual 14.00 values, Wednesday only, at pair ... 3X"0 Women's $5 White Canvas Pumps Women's $7 White Canvas Oxfords And Mary Jane slippers. Choice ot an kle strap with ribbon bow trim or plain pumps of line Quality canvas; have sewed leather soles and military heels. ALL SIZES; Actual Ol" 7C f 5 value, Wednesday .... O. D Very attractive lace oxfords made of fine quality canvas on dressy last. Have medium vamp with tip. sewed leather soles and military heels. ALL SIZES; ACTUAL 7 C C Q C VALUES, at per pair ..: .3.DO Here's Good Shoe News Thousands of Pairs of Stylish Summer Shoes Offered at Savings You Cannot Afford to Ignore Women's $12 and $14 Stylish Low Cuts All the newest and most stylish models are included In this vast assortment: Black kid, patent kid and brown calf one-eyelet Ties; plain pumps of black kid. Cleo Pumps with high French heels, brokn and black calfskin and light brown Oxforda, Imita tion tips or plain toes, with Louis or Cuban heels. All have, hand-turned leather soles. These shoes are A-l grade, not Im perfect in any way. All sizes of Qualities that you'd expect to be priced at $12.00 and $14.00. CQ Ar. 1 Choice Wednesday only, at . S?H.4U Men's Dress Oxfords Every new Vyle and shape in cluded; made of fine Quality black or tan calfskin. Have genuine welt sewed leather and Rhinex sewed soles. Hun-, dreds of pairs ot actual $8.00 sale priced Wednes- qq day only, at ,.........-.54.yO Men's Work Shoes Made of pliable brown elkskln in the popular U. S. Army last. Hard or soft toe caps, bellows tongue, heavy leather or elk soles. All sizes of ACTUAL $0 values, especially priced for Wednesday . . at only . 34.4D WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY BIG STORE WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN