THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1920 AKGOltA ' T. J. Shanpman and wife are lh r-roud parents xf a, baby ton who William and Charlottn Barber, con f nd daughter of Mrs. Mabel Barber home last week from Omaha to i pend the vacation, M!b Lucile Hull left Moniay for ItemhiRford affer a short vlelt with Lome folks. She will Vork tu a mil linery store and a drug storo this t umraer. . 1 Mrs. B. M. Kelly and sister Miss Itarjorlo Fletcher went to Bridgeport 'i uorday of last week. Austin Dodgem and wife are the frouj parents of a baby son who nma to gladden their borne last vec k. Loenard Tious is the name of the now young man at the George Klock Lome. Leonard is rlx weeks old now t.nd a rery fine baby. Tuby Mirjorie Perkins was ill last week with measles. " f L. D. Carmine and wife were Tayard visitors Sfurdya. Lonle Lawrence and Niel Miller went to Bridfeport on business Sat urday. , W. V. Dove isr.d wife of Lynn, at ten led the Sclii uibeck tlanco Thurs day night. Mrs. J. C. Atwell returned Thurs tl.y of last week from a visit at Tor i inton. ' Sho was accompanied by Mr. At well's mother, Mrs. Henry At vell. Virgil Atwell came for a brief Mslt Sudnay night. He was on his way to Kansas where be expects to i,pend the summer. Mrs. J. W. Perkins had as Sun day dinner guests, the H. A. Glaa family and the C. M. Dove family. William Lawrence and; wife were Sunday guests at the home of their daughter Mrs. L. D. Carmine. News has been received pf the narrlage of , Glen Miller and Mrs. Georgia Bradbury, The wedding took place at Mullen, Nebraska, and I hey left at once for Omaha where Mr. Miller holds a position as Band Inspector. This popular young couple have many irienas here wno wish them a long and happy married Ife. Little MIbs Velma Shoapman had n, birthday party at her Jiome Thurs t y of last week. The guests, little (iris her own age proclaim to have .'cn the finest time they had had this year. Mrs. Shoapman served dainty eats to the crowd of young- . Vrs.. Velma received many pretty ' l rfRflntu to remind hrr nf thn cnml wlBhes of her friends. . Sheinbecks orchestra of Denver, through the efforts of C M. Dove tame again Thursday night of last veek to furnish four houra if tie Lest music for the Dove hall Thftw vaa a good crowd and several on lookers who did not euro to dance but wished to hear the od music , rut out by this j!"iu'd band of i uslclans. Anpora peopla ioel for tunate In being able to get this nr cUestra as they do not often ccnaent 1'; stop at a umall 'oath. Thy will llay at a resort out'of O- nver for the ummer and will bEin -vorx for the I'-lumbU Phonograph ptui'ti' itus iAl. x ' Watch It Grow ' t - - , 4 ' ; Every dollar you add means another step nearer the goal toward which we are all striv ing financial independence when our days of production are over. And we assist you by allowing interest at 5 per cent on all deposits. Today is a good time to start your savings account come in and get your book by making a first deposit of $1, or more. The FIRST National Bank The Anprra Community club h Id its regular meeting June Sth a the home of Mrs. Jamo Boudry. She b:,inrB meeting w hH st 111 o'clock. At noon a fine dinner waa jsnvea to about thirty-six pvopie. At itwo o'rlock the lesoon "Color l"i I Clothing" leJ by Mrs. A. B. Marsh provod most Interesting. The club laccfDtPd Invltotlcn of the Ward Miles family to hold an all day picnic at their home on July 4th. The pic nic is to be general and the entire community will be exposed. There will bo a stand to buy Fourth of July goodies and a dance In the barn in the afternoon and 'evening. The next meeting cf the club will be at the home of Mrs. Floyd Friend. The lesson will be "Food and Its Rela tion to Health" led by Mrs. J. W. Perkins. "How We tlenrwl Onr Summer Home ' of II IV by Mm. Perry "When we opened our seaside home last May, it was alive with rats. They'd gnawed all the upholstering. We cleaned them out in a week with UAT-SNAP. I prefer this rat killer because it cames In cake form, no mixing. Saves dirtying hands and plateB." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by F. E. Hol- sten. 66-61 Bolshevism has accomplished many Btartllng changes In Russia but no changes that would justify renaming the country "Utopia." The government will urge consum ers to buy articles of cheaper qual ity. But that's what the consumers have been doing all. the time, isn't It? IT'S ONLY DOING MY DUTY, SHE SAYS Wants Others To Know How She egatiied Her Health And Happiness "Everytime I' tell anyone about Tanlac I feel ' that I am doing no more than my duty for I can never pay the debt of gratitude I owe this medicine for the good It has done me," said Mrs. George P. Dilges of 72C Chester street, Milwaukee, Wis., while telling of her remarkable re covery, recently. ' " v' "About a year ago I Buffered a complete -nervoua breakdown," Bhe continued, "and was In bed for. -three weeks. After I did get up I was so weak I could hardly get around. My nerves Just seemed to have collapsed completely, even my children playing around me nearly drove me distract ed and often I would break down and cry. The pains In my head were awful and I ust hate to think of the agony they caused me. My digestion was so bad that the little I ate fer mented and I could taste it for hours afterwards. I had sharp pains in chest and around my heart and there wm a continual burning in my stomach. My kidneys seemed to be badly disordered and I had a con stant, cutting pain across the small of my back. My sleep was always restless and I would have terrible dreams through the night. I was weak and thin and finally got so I could hardly take care of my chil dren, and I was so discouraged I al most lost heart. '"As long as I live I will always feel greateful to my friend who ad vised me to try Tanlac, for it Is just simply wonderful what a change It has made In me. It was no time after I started taking It until my nervps began to get calm and now they are Just as steady as can be and I like to have the children playing around me. I enjoy my meals be cause I can eat just whatever I please without th9 slightest trouble. I am free from headaches, my kid neys are In splendid condition and the pains have Just about left my back entirely. Already I have gain ed ten pounds in weight and I am sleeping soundly every night. I am doing my housework now and It Is a real pleasure because Tanlac has given my new strength and energy." "Tanlac Is Bold in Alliance by F. E. Holsten, in Hemlngford by Hem ingford Merc. Co., in Hoffland by Mallery Grocery Co." TOPICS IN BRIEF (Literary Digest) ' "Dollars to doughnuts " now means about even money. New It is quite Impossible to tell what the war made the world safe for. Los Angeles Times. , Wearing overalls won't turn the trick unless you do something to wear 'em out. Associated Editors. The Vice-Presidency as usual will go begging, yet what ' a place for some tired business man. Nashville Banner. Whatever other meats may be scarce, crow will be unusually plenti ful this year. Greenville (S. C.) Piedmont. 'Strange how a man earning $500 a day can get blue in the face be cause another demands 5 a day. Associated Editors. Germany would have no trouble raising that Indemnity if she'd Just push William HoheiTzollern Into 'the movies. Philadelphia Record. Some say oil played a part In the Mexican revolution. That might ac count for Us running so smoothly. New York Morning Telegraph. , A servant girl and $10,000 disap peared from the same house the same day; the report does not so state, but it probably was her pay day. Philadelphia North American. While the railroads are no doubt badly bruised and weakened from their war-service, that demand for a flat 30 per cent Increase in freight rates indicates that their nerves are all right. Kansas City Star. NO MORE RATS or mice, after you use RAT-SNAP. It's a cure rodent killer. Try a pkg. and prove it. Rats killed with RAT- SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Guaranteed. 23c plze (1 cake) enough for Pan try, kitchen or cellar. OOc size (2 cakes) for chicken House, coops or small buildings. $1.00 size (O cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by F. E. Hol sten. - 56-61 After you eat always take ATONIC Instantly relieves Heartbara, Bloat d Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Aid lti m4 ptU. Kcepa tomaeh wwt and atieo. Iocr Vitality and Psp. EATONIG Is Um bant remedy. Tens of thou sands wonderfully benefited. Only eoataaeaat or two a day to m H. Positively goaraatoed to pUan or wa will refund money. Cat a big; hat today, Yes will see. F. J. HRRNTfAN ., Alliance, Nebraska Alliance Chautauqua Dates July 5-10 Inclusive Outstanding Musical Attraction is the Celebrated Jaroslav Cimera and His Czecho-Slovak Band 1 Famous Trombone Soloist and His Band to Give Two Big Concerts On 5 Another Royal Suggestion PIES and PASTRIES From the New Royal Cook Book CHEER tip! There is no further reason for worrying about table va riety. The new Royal Cook Book gives new suggestions for every meal every day. The book is so full of sur prises there will never be another "dull meal in . the home. Here are a few sug gestions from the new Royal Cook Book. Plain Pastry , This recipe is for one large pie with top and bottom crust 1 ctip flour U teaspoon calt 2 teaapoons lioyal Baking Powder V4 cup ihortenlng cold water 61ft together flour. Salt and bak ing powder; add ahortpntng and rub In very lightly with tip of flnKcra (the lca It la handled the better the paste will be). Add cold water very slowly, enough to hold dough together (do not work or knead dough) Divide In halves: roll out one part thin on floured board and us? for bottom cniBt. After pie la filled roll out other part for to?. Rich Pastry I copa pastry flour teaspoon Royal :JUng Powder v H teaspoon salt ft cup shortening i cold water ' Sift flour, baklnff powder ar.d alt; add one-half shortening "Bake fourth Uay urnAh BAKMG FWPEM ''. with Royd end : r . ' . " ' ; ' " ' ' ' V BUY satisfaction when you buy tires. Fisk Tires meet any comparison, any competition. Then there is the assurance of the Fisk Ideal. "To be the beat concern in the world 1 to work for and the squ&rest concern 'n existenco to do business with. " Next time BUY FISK from your dealer im9 fiej iniiiiiiiiilln or Chautauqua and rub In llRhtlr Kh flwrsrtj add water slowly Until of right consistency to foil out. Divide In halves; roll out one half thin; put On In small pieces half re maining shortening; fold upper and lower edges In to center; fold sides In to center, fold aides to center again; roll out thin and put on pie plate. Repeat with other half for top crust. Apple Pie 1H cups flour 1 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder A teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening 4 apples, or 1 quart sliced apples t tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon milk Sift flour, baking powder and salt; add shortening and rub In very lightly; add Just enough cold water to hold dough to gether. Roll half out on floured board, line bottom of pie plate; fill in apples, which have been washed, pared and cut into th!n slices; sprinkle with sugar; fla vor with cinnamon or nutmeg; wet edges of crust with coid water; roll out remainder of pas try; cover pie. pressing edges tightly together and bako la moderate oven SO minutes. FREE tty all means get thn new Royal Cook Hook Just out. Contains these and 400 othf-r delightful, helpful reetpen. Free for the asking. Write TODAT to -JU7YAL BAKING POWDES CO. lift f olloo trek Kcw oik City be Sure . , A L i r J