The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 15, 1920, Page THREE, Image 3

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    Tim ALLIANCE IIETUM). TltKsDAY, JUNE 15, 1920
I Errla Macken, formerly assistant
Mef clerk In the master mechanic's
I- office, but who was recently appoint
ed chief clerk" at Wymore, Is In the
)- Jty this week. lie was called home
I jy the sad news of his brother's
Vath. The old time fellow workers
it M Mackin ghre him much sym
athy In this bereavement.
L Austin Urbach "of " Fort Morgan,
1., came to Alliance a few days
go and has taken a place as ma
h Inlet helper In the round house.
? Locomotive Carpenter Frank
adjka was Injured last Sunday, but
has not been determined how se
ously. The workmen were, coup
ling a tank on an engine, and the
I ink slipped off the blocking, so that
' I he engine and tank ran together,
; -catching his shoulder between them.
!f lt Is not thought' any bones ,are
"t. token. ,
-' ' Ask Machinist Bill Connors It he
f "jinks a democrat should be elected
a jt president this year; also If he
f alnks women should be allowed to
ate. Bill is some political speaker.
j Fireman L. K. Poole will leave
xn for a trip to Kansas city.
Buddie King, the genial road fore
"an from the Sterling division', was
Alliance Monday.
(Engine Dispatcher Claud RennanJ
fent to Scottsbluff the first of the
frees: for a day's stay.
Mrs. Hugh Batrd and little daugh-
r expect to make a visit to Billings
the near future.
P. S. Abar has gone to Sheridan,
John McCormack
Picked this number for
the July Release of Victor
I Records.
A master of the art has re
corded it for ' ,
Q. R. S.
- Strongly Recommend
"The Barefoot
Q. It. S. Roll No. 1001
V to the
Jazz Weary
Believe Us, Phil Ohman is
Some- Recorder
Other equally good rolls :
Wt Grind Our Own Unset
I $cs Y If 5ca 1
.we V " :JTM
B. G. Bauman
Phelan Opera House Block
Francis Tynan resigned last week
and will return to his mother In
Ohio, where they expect to make
thelt home In the future.
C. R. Murphy, chief clerk In the
master mechanic's office, left for a
two weeks vacation to be spent at
Orange, Calif. He Was accompanied
by his wife. v,
Jimmle Williams', who has been
chief clerk at the store house for
Borne time, resigned the last of the
week. His place was taken by J. A.
Sharchug of Galesburg, 111. We
have not heard what Jimmle Intends
to do.
Harry Arrlson and family re
turned the last of the week from a
three weeks' visit to points In Iowa.
Machinist Robert Ats of Edge
mont spent Sunday with relatives
and "friends" In Alliance.
Mrs. H. H. Urbach, wife of Gen
eral Foreman Urbach, expects to
leave this week for a three weeks'
visit with relatives and friends In
Lincoln, Sutton and Wymore. She
will be accompanied by the two
children. '
Ilessle Campbell, locomotive car
penter, Is planning a trip to Omaha
in the near future. - . -
Miss Frances Fletcher has gone to
Edgemont for a short stay.
Fireman Dwight Boring will leave
In a few days for Ashland, Neb.,
where he will visit his parents for
a short time.
Hostler and Mrs. Wheeler are
spending a few adys in Denver.
Boilermaker Helper H. A. McCor
mack resigned the last of the week.
Miss Isabella Steinman, sister of
Blolermaker Helper Noah Steinman,
will leave In a few days for her
home in St. Joseph, Mo.
Engineer L. Jensen was called to
Kansas City Tuesday on account of
the sickness of a member of his
v The ball gam ewhlc hwas to have
been played between Hemlngford
and the shop team Sunday fell
through when the visiting . team
failed to appear. The boys did not
get much practice, either, . on ac
count of the windstorm which came
up in the afternoon.
Peter Yount and family returned
Sunday morning from a three weeks'
visit with relatives and friends In
A goodly number of 'the foreign
laborers left the first of the week,
the greater number of them going
to the beet fields In the valley, while
.some of them are going to the har-
vest fields In Kansas. '
luacnmiBi tu. j. juenror expects to
go to Broken Bow for a few days'
stay In the near future.
Switchman O. Smith lefy Monday
night to resume his work ' In St.
Switchmen O'Donnell and Show
ers, who have been working here,
went to Denver Monday.
R. M. Lang has returned from a
business trip to Kansas City.
Conductor R. M. Weidenhelmer
Is taking a vacation.
R. a Beach has gone to Plalnview
for a visit with friends; at that
Brakeman F. E. Larvey fa on the
sick list.
Conductor R. E. McKenzie and
family spent unday In Hot Springs.
Conductor Gus Larson has moved
to Ravenna where he will take a
turn In the Ravenna pool.
Conductor J. W. Ellis Is on the
sick list;
Brakeman Reynolds Is laying off
on account of the Illness of his wife.
Miss Ruby Campbell is leaving
Thursday for a visit with friends in
Messrs. Griggs. Irwlo, Rex Pear
son, division engineer, and Mr. Ham
ilton, district engineer, were In Hot
Springs Friday on business. .
, , Messrs. Tory and Roope of Chi
cago and Lincoln were . in Alliance
Thursday on business. :
Royal and Floyd Irwin left Sat
urday on a fishing trip to Seneca.
Firemen Bremer, Robert, Am
brose, O'Keefe, Brown and Thorn
skar were set back due to a slack in
C. A. Lledloff, night round houaa
foreman; has gone to Mlnatax e tor
a visit. 1
J. L. Oberman is acting round
house foreman during the absence of
Mr. Lledloff.
C. A. Hopkins has gone to Chi
cago as a delegate from the niachln-
IBia uiiiuu id niivuu tucir iuu i en uuu.
Expert Kodak Finishing
Buy your Eastman films at the
Van Graven Studio.
And have them developed Free
' -
Van Graven Studio
3rd and Box Butte Alliance, Neb.
You Have Just
IE. IJil
of these Record-Breaking Price Reductions
Never before have this territory been
offered such money-saving values. We are actually
letting many items go at prices below what we have
to pay to replace them in today's market. This chance
to make your money go 25 to . 50 farther "Mii
. Ends Saturday June 19
S Note these Discoief s
III .1 i. ;v "VK' V-Jfl 1 r. 1 - ' k I'
i 3 Ti -
. ' ' ' ' '
25 Discount
u Everyth
333 and 50 off
on all Ladies'
vv ear
Includes our entire line of Ladies'
Spring Coats, Suits, Skirts ; arid
Dresses. You will find here many
garments of choice design and ma
terialat very convincing prices.
Sale will positively close Saturday
-z'Xs June 19, when your opportunity to
take advantage of these prices will
be gone. Act now. rf U:
Buy at Real Money-Saying
Prices K
mg on our
First Floor
All the numerous articles needed in
every home Silks, Dress Goods, Ging-
hams, Voiles, Linens, Sheeting, Muslins,
Nainsooks, Shoes, Hosiery, Underwear,
Corsets, Waists, Silk Underwear and no
tions. There are plenty items to save your money. Look over the
lists. Plan your purchasing.
" i ,
The Horace Bogue Store
' OTTO ZAMZOW, Manager V
v - -
. -