EIGHT TflR ALLIANCE ITEHALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1920. .W. R. HARPER, Prop. HARPER'S. W. R. HARPER, Prop. I V, f V l !5 It ii w i jt- if I- 1 I 3 it . f it' 5) It '! a:ovK-ni"imsti A pretty homo wedding took place Tuesday evening at thehom of Mr. mnd Mrs. R. R. Reddish, 810 Cner--nni aTenue, when thvir oaunntei, rtulah, wa Riven In marriage to ITillllp T. Grove. The rowina wr beautifully decorated and the bridal - couple took. their places under the large flower-covered bell In the arch way to the atralna of Lohengrin's wedding march, plave d"By Mlas Zel v 'ma Zoble. The single ring ceremony was performed by Rev. A. J. Kearna. The brld ewaa attired In white, and carried a bouquet of white rcmcs. 8he waa attended by Mi tut Kh her Na tion. alo In white, carrying pink roat. Mr. Arthur Grove, brother of the groom actc3 as beat man. A delightful lunch waa served by Misses Ruth Sturgeon, Olen Mounts, Jfutfi Nation and Kate Graham. About thirty guests were present, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rheln, Mr. end Mrs.' Frank Cantwell," Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Gregg, Rev., and Mrs. A. J. Kearns, Mr. and Mitt. W. C. .Mounts, Mrs. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. , Opal, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Soulen, Mrs. Sioblo, rs. Maysco. Relatives present from out-of-town were: Mr. and Mis. W. L. Vernon, Mrs. William OaVes of Clay Center, Kas. Mrs. J. H. Rheln reudered a pleading ocal BOlO. Mr. and Mrs. Grove left Wednes day noon for Denver and, other ioliU. They expect to be gone two wvckb, after which they will live on Mr. Grove's ranch near this city. N. IL CLtU ENTERTAINS N. II. club entertained Thursday evening at the theater in honor of Mlas Theluia Wessley, who Is leaving for Long Beach, Cal. After the thea ter the girls were entertained at the home of Miss Alta Dye.. Music, games and dancing were the chief diversions. A luncheon was served at the close of the evening. Those present 'were the Misses Thelma Wessley, Loretta Hodgklnsoa, Fran ces Collins, Grace Spate, Marie How ell, and Alta Dye. FICKIO AT GROVK One of the first crowds to enjoy the line summer weather for picnics comprised: Misses Marjorle Stevens, Alta Dye and Thelma Wessley, and Messrs. Glen Joder, Edwin Lund dulst and Howard Lotspelch. The cccaslon was a farewell for Miss Thelma Wcscley. The picnic was held on Tuesday evening at Purlnton prove. LIGHT TCNTI.UTAINKI Misses Janet and Mable GrasHinan entertained eight guests on Thursday evening with a lltilo Informal party. Bridge was the amusement: The following Is the gues Mat: Marga ret Harris, Mathilda Frauklu, Julia Frankle, Teresa Morrow, Josephine iriinson, Mildred Griggs.' MUDAY LUNCH I)N MIfa Edna Mae Miller Is entertain ing eight of her girl friends this' eve x.lng (Friday) with a party. 'An at tractive luncheon will be served, to consist of heart-shaped cakes and Ice cream and candlea. Those who will be present are the Misses Katherlne Zlerlf, Theresa Looney, Dixie Mc Mannts, I.uclle Butler, Janice Adams, Derna Do"w, Gladys Sturgeon, Mauel Sturgeon, Dorothy Stephens and Edna Mao Miller. COYER-GOULD James M. Dover and Irene F. Gould, both of Lakeside, were mar- 'rled by County Judge Tash Thursday afternoon. They were accompanied1 by W. B. Ryland and Mrs. Edna M. Carlson. TSCHACUER-CHURCII John F. Tschacher and Mrs. Ber tha Church, both of Hemlngford, were married by County Judge Tash Wednesday afternoon. l'ICNIO AT llRONCHO LAKE Mrs. Cole Thursday afternoon en tertained seven little boys and girls it a picnic on Broncho lake, those present being: ... Bruce Stephens, Irene Epler, Fred Hunzlcker, Fran cis Hacker, Delbert and Falba Cole. ! All of the kiddles present had a fine time. LADIES' CIRCLE Mrs. F. Miskiman entertained the ladles' circle of the Christian church 3 f sterday afternoon. The ladles' auxiliary of the Fres- byyrLaa church were entertained by Dr. D. L, Sturgeon,, assisted by Mrs. c targe E. Potter, at the home Of Mrs. Sturgeon. About thirty ladles were preaeat, representing the dif ferent states as delegates to the na tional convention. A straw vote was . taken and it was decided that Gen eral Wood was to be nominated for president. At the close of the after noon a two-course . luncheon was served. -- . Mrs. Oscar O'Bannou entertained on Tuesday In honor of Mrs. A. C. Croffman ot Omaha, who baa been touring the west. Mrs. Croffman came here from Los Angeles, CaL The color scheme of pink and white waa carried out very prettily. Twen ty-five guests were present The evening was spent In kensington and those rendering - musical selections The Cash Plan Get the Habit A Business Talk By W. R. Harper Alliance, Neb., June 11,' 1020 ' Thai wan an Interesting Interview given recently thru K Washington dUpntrh by It. O. lierTlngwell, AftHlatant Secrrtary of the Trenmirj. Pointing out that the one sura method of reducing the cost of living In tor people to atop hu)lng things they do not need, Secretary Letting well sold: "The public la buying too much of every- thing. Everybody has a Job and can get an other. This situation always brings over-spending and overspending brings high prices." Ovcr-ending not only bring high prices, but It crip ple the piirthnxing power of the buying public. Thus It Interferes with that normal and regular trad so de sirable for the good order of communities and desirable, nIm, for the permanent welfare alike of merchant and ciifttomcr. 0 ' . hpRHinodlc reductions without concern for the possl Lie pnrtliase price or the ability to replace goods at ret mutable prices would encourage Increased buying, but It would encourage also nxklewfl spending and the pur chaao of good not really needed at the time. . The caKh plan Is a eytteiu devised for mutual and per manent benefit to buyer and Heller. It works automat' leally in saving to both, for the obvious reason that peo pie buy more carefully on conn than they do on credit. The argument which Harper's has so'often presented to the public ore well summed up by Secretary Letting, well when he says, "Over-upending brings high prices." Only through systematic effort on fundamental Hues will the pun basing public obtain permanent reduction in tho cost of living. That the cash plan brings these results Is Indicated by the fact that Harper's thronged these days Is well satisfied customers alluded with the quality and the price of good offered at our counters. Do nt forget that men and women are creatures of habit. The man habitually in debt suffers through worry a well as through depreciation In his capital. Once having adopted the cash plan for himself and family, he , finds m much relief that he wonders that he did not long ' ago adofit tlio simple ex km! lent of buying for cash as a means for unloading rare. Harper's caah plan has not only rendered direct service to Harper's customers In t the way of reduced price, but it lias provided an exam ple which many of those customers have followed to ' ad vantage. Numerous letters have been received showing how many of these customers have carried the plan Into their general affairs. As a result considerable money has been saved to these customers. More than that, many of these letters acknowledge the very apparent fact that the cah plan makes for serenity on the part of Individuals, who thus avoid the ierplexltles of debt. Likewise It mokes for senenlty on the part of the mer chant, who, buying and selling for cash. Is able to make permanent reductions and 1 not disturbed by any of the storm on the commercial seas. W. It. HARPER. . .. , T ' 1 11 " 1 1 9 in Out of this seasons bewildering dictates of Fashion,one thought stand clear you must appear natural Uncorsetedt No I Emphatically No! Certainly frocks and suits never more definitely demanded thefounda--tion of a clever corset. When Paris says you should look "uneorseted," Paris means you should wear a cor set so deftly designed to be a part of yourself that it merely accents the natural beauty of your figure and the most critical observer will not be able to trace your charm to its subtle support. Lucue, Ltd. 1 x'1lT Hit. A- The Different, the "New" in Shirts The distinction of showing more famous shirt makers' lines and more of their lines than any western store is arousing attention. . Earl & Wilson's Distinctive Weaves and Colors ; Beau Brummel, Glen dale and Salesbury Fine Shirts Silks, Silk Mixtures, Madras, Per cale, Novelty Weaves. PRICES RANGE $2.50 TO $18.50 NECKWEAR LUXU1U0USNESS A NEW IDEA OF PAO-TO IT TIIIS SPRING A NEW IDEA OP VARIETY, T00-JU Cooper's and B. V. D. Union Suits. Prepare for a warm summer. Soft latest Hosiery Headquarters Following the footsteps of hundreds to Hosiery satisfaction. Eiffel Silks, Lisles, Plain and Novelties correct for Spring and Summer wear. WE SELL " FOR -CASH ONLY WE SPECIALIZE on Quality Shoes Florsheim Shoes every pair we sell will x give a full round dollar's worth for every dollar you pay. Our sole idea is to give the men of this city such good, depend able shoes and service that we may have a per . manent claim on their pa tronage. i $18.00 Shoos NOW $16.50 Shoes NOW $10.00 Shoes NOW ..$12.50 ..$12.00 $ 5.00 . " r"H HERE is not the woman but ) V II will be interested in what the - 2 JL world-famed House of Lucile has , to say about - corsets. t There is not the woman but will appre , ciate the specialized service of our corset department; a, service that offers you selection from- an all-comprehensive stock jof the unequalled , CiOSSAED' . Front Lacing I COESETS and the careful attention of expert corset ieres who will take a personal pride in your satisfaction. ; . : Fitting Room in the Dry Goods Department $5.00 collar styles YOUR Style GLENRIDQE. BIG STORE CORRECT. APPAREL FOR MEN AND - THE FLORSHEIM 'SHOE Be Careful-How You Buy Shoes These Days Prices are deceptive. Ordinary shoes that cost almost as much as Florsheims are not worth half. Some almost as good are offered at. fancy prices. ', . . Stick to a name you know and to value you are sure of and you'll get style, fit, comfort, character as well as quality. Florsheims give value for what you pay. FOR THE MAN WHO CARES FLORSHEIMS Men 's Shoes and Oxfords' Special for Saturday at $9.00 to $10.00 Men, you will like those hcav models in the newest lasts and leathers. We offer both Shoes and Oxfords BLACK AND BROWN CALF ' AND VICI KID LEATHER AH new, up-to-date lasts with hand-sewed soles offered just now when you need oxfords or 6hoes for' Bummer wear. Real values, for Saturday, at $9.00 to $10.00 For Just One Week Longer We Offer 30 DISCOUNT - ON ' ;V Ladies' High-Grade Footwear OXFORDS 'TIES PUMPS BOOTS. PUMPS In a variety of Leathers $12.50 Less 30 Per Cent $8.75 r The entire stock fo Harper's creations, including Krippendorf Dittman famous models, is offered in this reduction sale of the finest custom-made and hand-made footwear produced in this country, or abroad. Wilh'no exception we offer critical comparison of prices.; . This Smart Oxford In Various Leathers $16.50 Less 30 Per Cent $11.55 - No Returns No Exchanges WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY WOMEN1 mi y i j were Mrs. C. E. Ilershmaa, Mrs. Wil liam La Von and Miss Edith Fagln. t'v. 1 " ' y ' . T::::3