The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 08, 1920, Image 6

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C )mment - - and
ber the time when a bunch or prudes
frtw excited over the words and
tl ey didn't like the iihibIc, elthi r
cf 'Hail, hail, tho pans'" all here!"
Outwardly the crusade to stop the
singing of th's wicked song was aj
success. Unfortunately, the only
;lac where the university could
put, Its foot down was on the cam
i a ., ... 1 nJ ordrra were Insuca mat u
gained the reputation , ... dIstlnclly re.
niurv v . - - w
11 K,u-vap itf Koii-1 nf merry
1 - The rtimta,.!-!;,, ;;K;ng lt an, tllen
; f-V- .:r Zj , rloiwly disappearing when anyone
r'o. this sort of a litle-and so ;ulhorl(y hore in .eight. Once
f'"h VP.ull,nll,r.,0,f ,hC P0Iu,a:la prof, in the law school led such a
w. u .ur ,,,,u ! i rhorus. And another time this mu--.tnlsters
and good old Alber ; fa d wKMn ,he Racred ftnd
v-ns. Every now and then a tart, . . ,h rh-toPl- dfii
.... . 1- 41. t '! VJ .
which toll of the way the Lincoln
city council sat down upon repreaent
atlves of the American Legion, who
wanted to sponsor a carnival. For
the mention or a carnival la like
flaunting a reg rag In the face of an
Infurioied gpntlemao Durham.
T.'reoln hna
papers, aimed at the "detract
or Nebraska's fairest city. Some-.
his word "holy" gravels to beat)
Then, as now, there was a bunch
i. nrl fanivlnlt when nnnllari In nf rf nrnirra who thoUKht tnat StU-
y or to a man unless, of course, 1 dents should not dance but one night
j to do with the - man's pro- a week. And so, when they got to
. n. the ear of the powers that be, such
, ' an order was Issued. Dullard never
Lincoln, however, has earned the better business, and the Joint
i fairly. It's one of those goody- jt Sixteenth and O increased Its pat
y places where the reformers ronage wonderfully. University
the upper hand. This Is ex- dances are under the strictest sort
n d by the fact that it is the seat ' supervision, with chaperones in
. great university. When any- every corner and on every porch, but
Vis a grouch at anything, or de- they didn't use to be particular at
v,o Inflict his private convictions Sixteenth and O. And thus another
tn noDulace. ne roes at it n i 'u"uuo ""u,
o of protecting the students, and
a simple matter to enlist a big
h of followers under that ban
Everybody Is willing to help
p someone else from temptation.
Nobody knows Just when the op
position to carnivals in Lincoln first
began, but probably it was about the
time that the reforms began to ob
ject to the styles of bathing. suits at
Capital Beach, by which you; can
guess that it was a long lime ago
Carnivals there were no worse or
better than those which come to
other parts of the state. In the
words of Lincoln's master mayor
"The worst thing, lt seems, that caa
be said of a man is that he belongs
to a carnival. In the case of a
woman, It Is beyond redemption."
A wonderful treatment that heals
teg sores for Varicose Ulcer without
pain or knife Is described la a new
took which readers may get free by
writing a card or letter to Dr. H. J.
vVTilttler, Suite lt. 1109 UcQee.
Kansas City, Mo. (JonelS)
The girl who uses a gold hook
when fishing for compliments needs
no bait.
' For Sale Two six room bouse
Price and terms right See .Nebraska
(.and f-ompany. " tf
When a woman talks nothing but
small talk she Is almost as bad as
the man who always talks big talk.
The fellow whose corns hurt every
time he has a headache certainly
goes to extremes.
The Herald ooMs f2.50 n year.
You enn't buy more news for 92.50.
There'B a lot more we might say
of the things that have given Lin
coln the name It so dislikes and de
serves, from the absence of any sort
of Sunday entertainment save the
f-'fm mertinrlna tt nnp fctiiHant ffiiirvhrta t tha repent war nvpr the
."V - - . V--....V- ' " -
" .;, we don't feem to recall that j licensing of cats. What struck our
tlfne efforts were ever any, more, eye and called forth these remarks
tl an a surface success. We reniem- was a short article In the Journal
- j
128 We st Third Street
It's easy to find arguments against
the things you don't . approve of.
Carnivals are a little more vulner
able than Sunday movies or base
ball. A good many of the things
aaid about them are true. .Maybe
some of the men who travel with
them are the kind that burn orphan
apylums and pick pockets. Maybe
some of the women are of careless
morals. The same thing can be said
of more or less reputable citizens of
any community. Not all the bad ones
travel with carnivals.
But people are bo constituted that
they like carnivals. They like to
see Zozo( the wild girl, who eats
mud black mud.) They like to have
the kids rldo on the merry-go-round,
and some of the older ones don't ob
Ject to a spin in the lovers' tub.. The
ferrls wheel Is an attraction, too, and
the shows aren't as rotten, some
times, as ybu think they are going to
be. Some people would rather lis
ten to a Jass band than hear an or
chestra play "The Moonlight Sonata'
and others prefer looking at . the
dance of innumerable Tells to ap
plauding wildly when some Chau
tauqua lecturer perspires arid per
forms. It takes all kinds of people
to make, a world and while each of
us could lay out a better course for
our neighbor than the one he has,
It's doubtful whether our course
would be much of an improvement
over his, at that.
Telephone Day 311
Night 522 Red 520
j Internal Medicine, Surgeni, Eije Ear Nose & Ihroat J
TWonlcndid Hospitals v Medical 'Block
v . r. it' v
To Keep American Ships
on the Seas
For the first time slm-e the Civil War we have a real
merchant marine. It coat us 1,000,000,000 to get It.
The farmer, manufacturer, laborer every American is
Interested in holding our position on the seas.
As a first step In this direetlou It Is necessary to modify
those articles of existing con.merclul treaties which' have
operated to tliwurt Hie upbuilding of our merchant marine
15y glvlug the notke of termination for which the several
. treaties provide. '
This action is .directed in the constructive Shipping Dill
now bvfore Congress ;
Which declares It to tie the policy of the United States
Mo d. whatever may be necessary to develop and eu
courae" u merchunt marine.
TM policy deserves the support ef every American.
Luikii'i thin Bitpitort the present effort to tmiintuln our
merchant marine may suffer the fate of many Ineffective
"attempt tf the past. - , ' ,.
SeruJ for a copy ef "For an American Merchant Marine."
Committee of American Shipbuilders
Another Interesting feature of this
Lincoln story is the fact that the car
nival company appealed to the Amer
ican legion (or backing.. The man
agers knew that -they didn't have the
ghost of a show with the council.
Dut they hoped that the council
wouldn't turn down a request by the
ex-soldiers. They made the service
veterans a liberal (?) offer .pf five
per cent of the net proceeds, and
I guaranteed them at least $400 and
: the legion needed the money. They
didn't have to do a thing to get this
j 400 except put it up to council.
J , And there are a lot'of other grafts I
j that are being worked through the
legion, most or tne posts are try
ing to get money to equip club rooms
or for some other purpose -and the
legion will usually come across with
an endorsement of any scheme where
by they get a few hundred dollars
without doing any work. The Alli
ance post had such an experience a
month or so ago, when an ex-soldier
Joined the local post and unfolded an
advertising "scheme that would net It
several hundred dollars for simply
endorsing the scheme. It was the
best advertising graft we ever saw
and we're gazed on a lot of them.
But less than a dozen merchants fell
for It, and some of these went In be
cause they wanted to help the legion.
More than that, they didn't want to I
offend the legion.
But merchants are rapidly coming
to realize that everything that Is
called advertising Isn't. More money
is spent In the average city on vari
ous fake schemes during the course
of a year than is spent for legitimate
publicity. The merchants who fall
for this sort of thing wonder why
they don't get results and somn rf
them decide that advertising doesn t
pay, when they have never tried It.
Some day every chamber of com
merce will have a department de
voted to advertising schemes of all
kinds. . And we don't care how
soon lt comes.
For Sale Nine room house.
Best part of town. - Modern. Priced
right and good terms. See Nebraska
Land Company. tf
Men's trousers prtfsstfl on the side
rather than the front would nevef do
in these day of revolving doors.
Alliance Houses and Lots
We are offering for quick stile a nnmWrof Allien oe residences at bargain prices and
on easy terms. If you are a renter We would suggest that you investigate at once. We have
bargains in cheap but desirable lots fax choice residence districts. Alliance lots are a mighty
jood investment today. Houses for rent We look after properties for non-residents.
... . . . J
Lloyd (J. Thofnas Harold . Thomas
to be sold
All these animals arc good, reliable stock; fit for anybody's ranch. Take
advantage of this opportunity to supply your needs at reasonable prices.
See Me Personally Don't Wait
too Long
Lakeside, Nebraska
i ilk ft Jrj laflJP "j HPHE DUmond lires jj
: iSS?1 uU ZK -jr j I known as the owner's
I ll F ; I: pi !IH I tire never to '
f 1 i ' 1 l! Jlic I manufacturers as original v
k l R F equipment. It Is sold only
l Q 1 s 1 1 W I; to cat owners who know ...
I I i 5 S ; S ; 5 ; - fc by experience the superior
j ;A g f; A service found in Diamonds.
'xM & fsHtl ll ll1 I" ' Tou have -no Diamond V
gv UlUll I on your car now let '
W M 15 1 ; 2 1 Mfe I your next purchase be a
f i" el ' i hr I Diamond. It will prove its
WQ W P IPlMl 1 uPerio,:ity-. ' . W
III g if Bf 1 Buy Diamond Tires- and
fyft I ' VrC Adjuttm$nt Basis 'ffiM
lli slfm feli4wSf?r'd! I ' e.000 mac fot Cord ' f. 3
' ' "