ID A. iraces to their lowest possible we give you extra s Order to level these pecial values A late shipment of Men's fine Percale Shirts i Sizes 14 to 18 ' Special $1.65 ; . OUR FINE: ; ; : ; Hats are ready for your inspection Stetson Crofut, Knapp and Borsalino. Special values in $5, $0 and $7 values, for $5.6o ; Ask to see our Fifth Avenue Straws. Men's Standard Work Shirts . - . $1.25 . , Men's Overalls Heavy Weight, Union Made V $2.95 Hosiery Specials Fast Black Sox ,V ,. ... 15o Double Soles and Heels -" " ... , ' ' ,.; ?R A 50o Sox, Special 3 for Silk Stripes $1.50 grades, some imperfect Army Cashmere See those Jazz stripes, 3 pair for .$1.00 50c L75c 50tf .$1.00 Finest Lines of Men's Neckwear Priced 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and up to $5.00 See the new Jazz bow, only 50c We are showing a fine French all wool, dark blue Serge Trouser, value $15.00 Special $9.85 I , . ' " - ' " Other Trousers .. $3.50 $5.00, $6.00, $6.50 'and $7.50 Largest line in the city. 50 styles of Men's Summer Underwear Wilson Bros., Munsing; Cooper, Hatch 1-But- ton, B. V. D., Prices, C8o, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 $2.50 and $3.00 Bargains in . .. ' Stouts and longs besides regulars. Men's Shoes Work Shoes Dress Shoes Fine Tan Special English Last, $9.00 values .$2.75 .$5.00 $6.50 $6.50 A large new assortment of Men's and Young Men's Ml Wool. Hand-made collars, real snappy patterns and every suit with The Famous guarantee ''Money pack if you want it." These suits are worth up to $50, : none less than $40, we are putting in the whole lot at one price i . - Special Bars Boys' Waists $L50 values ; Saturday 98c Boys9 Overalls Sizes 3 to 14 Saturday $1.19 ams m Boys9 Tennis Shoes Sizes up to 13Va Saturday 98c : Our Boys Department Boys9 Suits Saturday O discount Boys9 Shoes : All Leather Shoes Saturday 20 discount Boys9 Hose Special Fast Black Sizes 7y2 to 10 "." '.; 3. pairs for $1.00 - 1 I Northwestern Nebraska's Largest Men's Store