TIIE ALLIANCE ITER A LP. TlKSnAY, JUNE 1, 1920. Ojx? iUUmtrc Herald rtv,'frVl cunn pniNTiNO co own Entered lit the pnntofllce at Alliance, ffob., for tranamlnalcn through th fnatla mm mtconA rlaaa matter. Published Tuesday and Friday. OKORGE3 I BURR, JR.. ....... .Edltoa EDWIN M. BURR Business Mgr. Official newspaper of tha City of Alliance: - official nawapaper of Box Owned and published by The Burr Frlntlnr Company, Georg-e I Burr, Jr., Presidents Edwin M. Uurr,,VJce i'rea MeOt. . afcaerlatten. S1.SO per year In advanee Oatalae of IN radius, 93.00 per year Comment - -and Discomment the year 'round. He rets to loaf through the winter months and when the heary spring and aummer worK arrlres, he has the pleasure of seeing hoboes come In and draw down t? and $10 a day. A strike of hired tnen Is practically unknown, although such conditions in any other trade would be the signal for a walkout. How do you treat your hired man? In these days when erery kind of labor Is demanding a fair share o! more of the gross, as well as the profits, this Is an important question. It Is especially Important on the farm, as folks who are trying to get through rush seasons with Weary nd Wild Wobbly assistance hare realized. For, if we are to Judge by -recent learned dlscuslons, the reason there are so few hired men is be cause the position is especially dis tasteful. . For the title of "hired man" has teen one in which there has 'been little honor- and less wages. The klred.man is the fellow who works At any rate, there is now a big to take care of thel hired men, and all of us should feel good about it. The farm magaiines are filled with Instructions as to how they should be treated and . what measures should be adopted to over come the shortage of farm labor. Out In this part of the country, where farms may be obtained for a nominal rent, a hired man .: doesn't ronialn a hired man but a year or two, ordinarily then he has a farm of his own. But in some of the other agricultural states, farmers are drlT en to such lengths that they will adopt sets of rules for' their guid ance. Here Is a set formulated by a Wisconsin agriculturist: merely tell hlni of it in a kind way, and the tame mistake never happens the second time. Eight. When work Is not pushing 1 let him have a day off once in a while; and in the hot summer days I let Mm go to the shade for a few minutes each day. Ninth. If my hired man leaves his work for a few minutes without my permission, I do not quarrel with him as many bosses do; and I believe I get as much out of my hired hand as any one does. Tenth. Last, but not least Impor tant, I pay a fair wage the last day of each month, even if I have to borrow money to do it. ; First. , "l make the rest-hours of my hired help comfortable ones by good sleeping quarters and a com fortable Bittlng-room of his own. Second, I furnish" him with a reading-table with plenty of good books, newspapers, farm papers, and magazines, which he greatly enjoys. Third. When a friend calls on our hired man, the man knows he is wel come to take his friend to his room. Fourth. Our hired man greatly enjoys music, so our phonograph is at his command at any time. Fifth. We furnish him regularly with good, nourishing food. Sixth. When we go to church or viaittng, we always ask our hired man to go along with us, and seldom does he refuse. Seventh. If he makes a mistake, I do not get angry with him. I "More Home to the House" I -C NO - WM I F Mwaa. I Sizes in Stock 4 feet wide, 7 feet 6 inch drop ; Price 1 5V4 feet wide, 7 feet 6 inch drop; Price .. 6 feet wide, 7 feet 6 inch drop ; Price 8 feet wide, 7 feet 6 inch drop ; Price Bee Our Window Display .4.00 .6.25 .7.25 ...9.50 - GEO. D. -DARLING 115-117 West Third Street Alliance Nebr. Why ..Do We .Advertise our Business? Because we feel that we actually have a "superior tiro service". " : ' . We have unbounded confidence in our ability, to "fix" Tires so much that we feel we can give you the most for the money you spend in tire repairs. ' This ad is published with the expectation that it will cause many automobile users to give us a chance to demonstrate the truth of our statements. . . . ; . Complete Stock ot General and Firestone ' Tires and Tubes in Stock ; " Alliance Tire Works Among the tales of gratitude, the following, taken from the Ooligist, beats anything we have ever read and is nearly as wild as some of the tales we've heard: Some doubting Thomases may not be Inclined to believe the story, but C. M. Wells, Helen, N. M., says that the gratitude of New Mexico rattle snakes is quite well known, and he relates the following: ' ' 'While doing certain topographical work along the line of the Eastern Railway of New Mexico, Jerry Mos kovitz, an instrument man, noticed the rattle population was being rap idly depleted by the paisanos (road runners), and he frequently witness ed battles royal between the bird and the reptile. Crossing a candy waste one day, Moskovltz came upon a par ticularly fine specimen of snake fighting for its life, and without any ado went to the rescue, driving off the bird. The snake, evidently, thinking that it had found a friend for life, followed him Into camp and made a home in one of Jerry's old boots, Now Jerry is a partlcularlsound sleeper, alarm-clocks notwithstand ing, and this the snake soon noticed, so, festooning himself on the head of Jerry's bed, he thrust his head in to the sleeper's watch-pocket, so as to get the correct time, hung his tall by Jerry's ear, and promptly began to rattle at 6 a. m. Jerry has now becomo famous for bis early rising. "THE CONFKSRIOX" A FLAT YOU WILL REMEMBER "The Confession" which will, be shown at the Imperial theater on Friday and Saturday, June 4 and 5, has been proclaimed by all who have witnessed it . the wonder picture of the age. '- It is a story of a tense dramatic action, of wonderful scene effects and has the added value of being a decisive moral messenger.! In presenting ''The 'Confession," the Imperial will show the most talked-of picture of the age. A photoplay production without flaw, without an unkind , criticism against it and only friends and ad mirers left in its path. The story of "The Confession" is built around the fervid faith of a man's belief in God and how that man, a priest, is sustained in his belief and rewarded for his faith in the power and mercy of the Almighty. Father Bartlett, after hearing the confession ot a murderer, Qnda that his own brother has been accused of the crifne. He can save his brother from the gallows by revealing tna confession as it was made to him He has the opportunity, in open court on the witness stand to testi fy that the real murderer has con fessed his crime to him. Vaih-r Bartlott's course in this grave crisis is one of tha most grpp.'ng, dramat ically told stories ever depicted ou the silver sheet. It is a talo of ttl most constant tenia expectation. It is one ptcturo yo i will always re member. Alliance, Nebraska Times Bldg. A UIO RUSH FOR TrtK OSAGE FIELD , ' Wells Drought in Ry Alliance Syndi cate Have Canned Stir Anions Oil Men. The bringing in of a second gusher estimated between 1,000 and 1,500 barrels dally In the Osage 'field Mon day, May 24, has resulted In a stir in the oil field which marks a new era of development, sale the New castle News-Journal. A recent test on the first gusher which showed a production ot 1,728 barrels started a rush which Is without precedent In the distory of the Wyoming fields, The bringing In of the second spout- er by the Adams company on sec tion 19-46-63 has resulted in the greatest wave of development which has struck the huge acreage. The well, which was reported In last Thursday was not brought In until Monday afternoon. It came In with a spurt throwing oil fifty feet over the derrick. But unlike the first hole, the drillers were prepared and the hole capped. with little difficulty. Great excitement has followed the spouter, which is said to have come in with a much stronger flow than the first one. It was struck at a depth of 1,440 feet. The holdings are on the Adams territory which it is rumored have been disposed of to the Sinclair Oil company. Charles Brlttan, DeLos , Barber and Jim Thomas went to Newcastle Monday morning to look over the new gusher, returning late Monday evening. They report that well No. 2 Is still capped, awaiting the ar rival of material for the pipe lines. The mud is Just as deep as It has been In Alliance, or deeper. Hund reds of men are pouring Into the field from all over the country. The report that the Midwest bad brought In a well on section 11 In the Osage field, they say, Is an error. The drilling crew lost their tools, and while trying to recover them got to kidding around. It takes little to cause a report to go out, and within a few hours the news had spread that another gusher was in. The crew is still fishing for the tools. Dependable Alarm Clocks ) A good alarm clock that '. adds 'an hour, to your work- -ing day and in addition fur nishes correct time- for any . room in which it may. be con venient to have a clock, is an " actual money-maker for you. You can't afford to, be without such a timekeeper. '. We have a lot of them . Westclox and New Ilaven, clocks the best there are You can get the style you want large or small, with top or back bell alarm, and steady or intermittent ring. All have a lever for shutting off the alarm. $2.50 to $100 Thiele's - j Jewelry WatchesDrags Brasirick Phonographs Watch Xnx?etorf O, B. A Q. Peter Kicken, and his daughter, Martha, are spending a few days in Alliance, on the return from Omaha, where they were present at the ceremonies at Our Lady of Lour'deS church, Omaha, when a cousin, Rev. Fr. James F. Borer, was ordained a priest. Mr. Kicken recently remov ed from Box Butte county to Denver, where he is the owner of a five-acre fruit farm. He says the apple trees are now In blossom and that pros pects for a good fruit year are excel lent. He has planted some 1,600 strawberry plants, among other things, and believes that he can sup port his family despite the profiteers. He will stop off at Deadwood on the return to Denver and his daughter will return to her home In Wyoming. HAROLD ItTOS NOT AT ALL DESPONDENT OVER ACCIDENT Harold Hurst, the switchman who lost a leg in the yards about two weeks ago, is getting along in fine shape. His leg does not give him; much pain and his outlook on the fu ture Is far from black. He expect to get considerable money from th railroad,' and will use It to. go tc school and from there toa Job that does not take physical labor. His room at St. Joseph's hospitaf has been filled with visitors - ever since the doctor would allow them. He has been given all varieties of flowers and nice things to eat. He says he especially likes the young: ladles that come up to visit him be causewell, why does a guy always like the ladtea? He has received a couple of clever letters from a girl in his home town, Beatrice, Neb., one written on the Inside of a No. 12 en velope and the other written In? blank verse style on about a yard, and a half of adding machine roll.. . Not a few housekeepers need to learn that a cow is not all Birloin and porterhouse. The Burlington railroad Is In a peculiar position. It has in its pos session a carload of tractors, and. neither the consignee or the con signors are willing to accept them Tuesday an Interpleader suit wast filed in district court against Mellcfc. & Redmon and the Emerson-Brant-lngham company of Omaha, In which a receiver and foreclosure of lien were requested. The Herald, $2.50 a year. RED CROW N.GAS Gives more mileage and motoring satisfaction BecauseRed Crown Gasoline. is. a straight distilled,- all-refinery gasoline that produces a uniformly powerful explosive mixture. Because -the low boiling point factors in this mixture ignite instantly. ' . . ' ' - Because the mixture burns quickly and com pletely every drop of Red Crown Gasoline is converted into alert, energetic power. It means more miles per gallon of fuel and more satisfac tion per mile. , Use Polarine for efficient lubrication. Keeps all the power behind the pistons and minimizes ,your carbon troubles. ' . Look for the Red Crown Sign. , -.V n - ... : , STANDARD GIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OMAHA UUU ImiU Li a P '. ; M n n n 12ED CROWN GASOUNC a tTAMBAIIB Oil COMMUn OMAHA t r t L C c c c c DO YOU REMEMBER The Hours Spent Over the Old Cook Stove Last Summer ? The wearisome drudgery, of preparing meals in the sweltering heatf Thous ands of women have learned the pleasure of cooking and baking in cool sum mer comfort during the summer months with the ALCAZAR Kerosene Gas Stove The Alcazar Kerosene Gas Cook Stove and Kerosene for fuel will answer your summer cooking problem. . There are so many special features about this stove which recommend it to the careful housewife that we give you 'a special invitation to come in and see it. We want to have the pleasure of explaining to you just how the Alcazar Has Distanced the Ordinary Kind of Oil Stove as the Electric light Has the Candle. . Rhein Hardware Company FEOUPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE. ' I