The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 01, 1920, Page THREE, Image 3

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. Once la a while It happens that a
man thinks he la building his house
on .solid rcok and people find out
that It is only a bluff.
Bluffs aren't solid rock. '
4 ..... 3 . .t i . m.H mm
a wuuiau uiuyyeu tuiu viieu iuii-
ler's the other evening and was
telling about the terrible cold her
husband had contracted. "And
Just think," she said, "Me has a sure
cure for It and won't use It." Olen
was interested. "Why Won't he use
ltT" he asked. "It's too expensive
435 a quart now."
. Up at a church party the other
evening they collected a cent for
every Inch Waist measurement. And
the proceeds were $27.
.Wonder how much they would
have taken In If they had measured
feet? The oCDee heartbreaker offers
odds that It wouldn't be a cent less.
He's a wag, that office heartbreak-
After you cat always take
Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat
d Gaiiy Feeling. Stops food souring,
repeating, and all stomach miseries.
Ami dltlkm mmd appattta. Kaepa ctomach
eweet and tronjf. Incraana Vitality and Pep.
EATONIC ia the beat remedy. Taaa of thoo
ande wonderfully benefited. Only eaata eeot
or two a day to oaa it. Positively guaranteed
to plaaea or wa will refund money. Got a M
tws today, YoawiUeea,
--' Alliance, Nebraska
An Alliance Romeo was writing a
missive to his girl. Something had
occurred to interrupt the course of
true love. Romeo was gnawing the
end of the pencil, and would make a
start on a new piece of paper every
twenty seconds. Finally he wrote
feverishly. .On the floor, after the
storm had cleared away, was found
a fragment that read like this: "The
Ship of Love is slowly sinking and
on the horizon looms the Ship of
Let us hope that the Ship of Iove
gets through sinking before the Ship
of Friendship arrives otherwise
these might be a collision.
If they should collide, would it be
a case for a wrecking crew or a
stomach pump? , ' .
, Today's Best Story,
A man and woman were walking
on the Coney Island boardwalk In
animated conversation. But this
conversation grew more and more
animated. It rose to shouts on the
man's part and shrieks on the
woman's. .Then the man up with his
fist and knocked the woman down.
She took the blow calmly enough,
but as she rose she was heard id say
in rather bitter accents:
- "Ah, Joe, ft I'd knowed this was
a-comln' I'd never have hocked me
Ne. a, 1920 Sertae.
Omaha Real Estate
Grows in Value
An Investment in Omaha Real Estate is Safe,
pays a Good Income, and Increases in Value.
Omaha Real Estate Is not dependent upon any
one man, board of directors, or other group of
men. ,
It cannot be wrecked or destroyed It will con
tinue to become more valuable as the city grows'
because .do more of tt can be manufactured."
J. E. Chadwlck In 1910, paid $60 a foot for ES
feet at 3920 Farnam, March 30, this year, he.
old It for $400 a foot '
Advise with Realtors. They can put you in touch with -property
that mil increase in value Write to a Realtor at once.
Omaha, Nab., U. A.
06 So. 18th St.
white-topped shoes to give T holi
day down to the sborv." Washing
ton Star.
Little Lesson in Etiquette: An
unmarried gentleman who is anxious
to obtain the privilege of calling ou
a young lady may ask some mutual
friend to effect the opportunity.
When the .desired advantage has
been secured, however, he must not
make his first call alone, but must
be 'accompanied by the man or wom
an who obtained him the favor.
Thereafter, with the lady's permis
sion, he may call alone.
All the above dope is regular high
society stuff. If, however, you can
date her up for the movies, there Is
no real reason why he should have
to buy a meal or a seat for the inti
mate friend.
In ca'ling a gentleman friend, be
reasonably certain that you have the
best hand. . . - -
- If quite certain, don't call
raise. ; "
Fair Figures from a Fair Guy: In
the issue when we were credited
with having 1? headed articles
(which is a great way of comparing,
incidentally) we actually Luu -
and there were a number of w'r
articles which we did not consider
worth heads, although our friend
down the street "played 'em up.
In other words, discount this
"fair" guy's knocks on The Herald
60 per cent and discount his claims
at least 25 per cenj..
The gent who manufactures fig
ures to suit his case can make a
pretty good showing, whether he Is
talking about his circulation or his
news service.
The other newspaper, we'll r con
cede, la the only one In Alliance that
has ever Issued sworn . circulation
stttlotaents, audits or statements that
made It appear that an issue which
the press counter showed to be a
trifle over 1,700 amounted to half
thousand more than was' printed.
Duplication spells (fupliclty. ,
The Herald's circulation state
ments are cold facts not hot air.
As we said once before, we have
no circulation record to beat save
our own.
For the same week that oar.
com pet. submits figures we find the I
following (you don't need to know I
the discount combination to appraise'
their value, either): Live reading
matter, 300 Inches; our knocking
competitor, 290;. boiler plate. The
Herald, 20 inches; our k. c, 10Mn
ches. This Includes all live reading
matter, editorial, features, etc.
You can understand now why we
Bay that The Herald's news service
is "superior."
In an effort to capitalise the lat
est form of dementia Americana, an
eastern firm will build a 36,000
square-foot addition fop the manu
facture of the ouija board.
Shall Nebraska Keep Her Promise?
Nebraska Has Never Erected & Memorial to. Her Sons Who
Fought in All the Wars
The Time Has Come for The Patriotic People of The State
to Pay This Lasting Tribute to Our Fallen Heroes
' The Nebraska War Memorial Association has planned a magnificent memorial building'
to be erected on the university campus at Lincoln. It will cost $1,000,000. It will be paid
for by the contributions of the patriotic men and women of Nebraska. Each county will
pay its due proportion.
The Memorial Flail will be the big feature of the great edifice. Upon its marble walls will be
engraved the names of all Nebraska soldiers and sailors.
The Museum will afford a safe place for all war trophies, relics, battle-flags. Insignia, etc., etc
The Assembly Hall will afford a meeting plaace for all patriotic societies, composed of men and
women who wore the uniform or who did. war work.
The Stadium will appeal to the young men and women who delight In athletics out-door sports.
The Gymnasium will be fully equipped with every facility for conserving the physical well-being
of the veterans.
The Memorial building will provide headquarters for all associations of veterans of all the'wars.
It will be a splendid tribute to the valor and heroism of Nebraska Soldiers and Sailors.
Every man and woman in Nebraska wants to have a part in thi stribute.
Get in touchwith your local committee. Contribute liberally through your local bank.
ses and Lots
In Alliance
The demand for suitable houses and lots in Alliance exceeds the supply. This company
makes it its business to secure for its customers the bargains. We do not ask our customers
to waste their time in looking over high-priced, unsuitable places. You can feel certain that
every Jot described below is well worth the money and we will be glad to take the time to
show them to you. Read over this list Then call at our office and let us show you
Houses and Lots
No. 8-a. Six-room, all modern
house in best part of Alliance. Full
cement basement and laundry. Lot
is 60 by 140 feet. rospnulon In
thirty days. Trice, If taken soon,
No. 10-a. Modern 8-room house
on 60 by 150 foot lot, close In. South
front, trees, parage, etc. Possession
80 days. 15,600.
No. 17-a. All modern, five-room
bungalow, east front, best part of Al
liance. Oarage, fine lawn and trees.
Price. $5,200, with cash payment of
- No. 11-a. - Six-room, all modern
houBe on Box Butte avenue. Between
Central school and high school. Ce
ment basement hot water heat;
good lawn and trees; house In ex
ceptionally good . condition. Tho
room and coal bins for 14 tons of
trance hall, parlor, dining room, sun
porch with Murphy bed, two bed
rooms, large bathroom, kitchen, but
ler's pantry, front porch and large
rear porch. The large cement base
ment Includes a fruit cellar, furnace
room and coal bnls for 14 tons of
coal. It will take $4,000 cash to
handle thts desirable residence. The
price is $7,000, or owner will sell
with furniture for $9,000.
No. 12-a. Completely modern, 41
room apartment house .In western
Nebraska city. On corner CO by 150
feet, 4 blocks from school. High full
cement basement; big laundry. - Fin
ished throughout In hard woodoak
and pine; all floors oak. Built In
1917. Owner will exchange $25,000
In second mortgage or farm land.
This is a well-paying proposition and
can be handled for $15,000 cash.
Houses and Lots
Write for price and further particu
lars. No. 2-b. Well located lot in Bel
mont Addition, facing south. Low
price of $250.
No. 6-b. Four lots on Dodge
Street, near Roosevelt Avenue, Bel
mont Addition to Alliance. These
four lots, all adjoining, will make an
excellent garden tract as they have
been In crop and no breaking Is nec
essary. Owner wants one-half cash,
balance $25 per month at 8 per cent,
or will sell lots separately for cash.
Price $400 each. If sold separately.
No. 6-b. Four lots In Duncan's
Addition at $260 each. Will sell One
or all at above price for cash. These
lots face east and are very desir
able. ' .
No. 8-b. Three lots, five blocks
east of postofflco. One corner, two
Inside, sewer and water.- Will sell
separately for $650, $600 and $550,
or will sell the three for $1,600.
No. 8-b. Seven lots on Mississippi
close In. All level. , Will sell the
three corner lots for $450 each and
the other four for $400 each. Wat
er and sewer. These lots excellent
for garden purpose.
No. 4-b. 60 by 140 foot lot, one
and one-half blocks north of Central
school. Faces east Very desirable
, and will sell soon, so you must act
Quick. Price $825, easy terms.
No.- 7-b. Two desirable lots on '
Yellowstone,1 directly east of Central
school. Will sell corner lot for $475,
lot adjoining for $425.
No. 9-b. Two lots, one block west
of Emerson school; corner and ad
joining. Very desirable at a low
price of $2,200 for both.
Phone 20
Room 8, Reddish Block
' sytVi? TORIES
31 - TFIlLLorUFE fMMfe .. ....
j f I U users, we have to J ffftjlp tilflfs. :
- admit, are prejudiced
Having experienced the H j fl&fefePl -'
superior service of Diamonds s I f f fill
I for years, they usually refuse J J fo? f(jf UplUj
' to listen to a suggestion of a if ffpO h jf jffj
'-; change. - liffMUj :
"Why give up the old we BM lift
KNOW for the new we fl fm Ifi f 1 1 rtfiX '
f DONTKNOWrtheyargue. . UflrUllJl"
It's a hard argument to beat. lljU i h jl fl I
It's easier to buy Diamond : V X.'
' Tires and avoid all arguments. Illr I ''7 V
.-VI i mfe' ,.A;
I 1 z 3
Biiick Garage . ,
-J f s ' JTT J