THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1920. NINE When A manj j eqfianurtnaitjHt hew Toinvtma mtj)s in miJMJi Voo DO Wook V'Look TirztD -v ITCT. WANT TO BUT something? Hun dreds of people scan these Want Ad columns looking for what you or othera have to offer. Get quick results by advertising; In The Herald Want Ad department. RATE: lo a word. Count nearest multiple of five, 17 words 15c. 18 words 20c, etc. No ad less than 16c. Display 6o per brevier line. FOR SALE SEED FOR SALE Sudan grass and cane seed. FARMERS' UNION tf FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE A 5-room house In first class condition. 615 Big Horn. In quire H. L. Sims at Thlele's. tf FIVE room Bungalow, all modern close In; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf FOR SALE nOTJSB FIVE ROOMS and bath. Compare tlvely close In. - Want to deal dl rect for cash: no agents. Price 1 42 00 Inquire No. 605, Alliance Herald, tf FOR SALE LEGAL BLANKS LEGAL BLANKS All kinds, at The Herald Office. RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR REN T Two rooms. Phone 718. unfurnished 45tf RESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE IN best residence part of city on Big Horn avenue; six rooms and bath clean and In good shape to move Into at once. Attractive prici for Quick sale . Call No. 508. Herald office. tf FOR SALE USED GARS FOR SALE Good used ears. A. H. Jones Company, Masonlo Temple Bids. tf LOST 33x4 chain for Ford truck Thursday. Finder return to Rodg er's Grocery. FOR SALE 'Evans potato planter, In good condition. Phone 495. P. O. Blaln. 61p FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE CheaP. 4-room house In West Lawn. Terms. Phone No. 965. 49tf FOR SALE TRUCK FOR SALE 1919 Ford track, good as new. Bur Quick. Phone 965. I 4ltf j - -ft- NOPE" u.y J MB. OUT WANTED BREAKING WANTED Breaking. Have three large outfits. Good work guaran teed. S. A. Schmltt, Hemingfcrd. 61p FOR SALD AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Ford Sedan, 1918 modi el, in good condition. ,Call " Laramie. 60tf FOR SALE Car 95 forsa shr ss CAR for sale, or will trade for small tract of land. Call O. Forbes at Nebraska Rooming House, between 12 and 1p.m. 49-50p 'FOR RENT ROOMS " THREE furnished rooms for light housekeeping; no children. . Call about noon. Phone 242. 49tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Five cows, .two milch cows with calf; one yearling; one three-year-old steer; cheap. W. H. Dacey, Jr., phone 234. 46-tf FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Two lots on Platte, close to Emerson school. For par ticulars call at Fourth Street Mar ket 51p MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE A Sorghum mill will be erected here this summer and will For further Information write, SID MASON. Box 264, Alliance, Neb. 50p WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 100 head of cattle to pasture for summer; fl per head. Write II. S. Fulliton. Ellsworth. Neb. 56p PUBLIO LAND SALE . Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, April 30th, 1920. NOTICE Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of George F. Cantwell, Serial No. 019 S 57, we will offer at public sale, to the highest . bidder, but at not less than $5.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 21st day of June, next, at this office, the fol lowing tract of land: WUNEU of Section 12. Township 22, North of Range 48. West of the Sixth princi pal meridian. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be re quired to Immediately pay to the Re ceiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. J. 0. MORROW, Recorder. Mayll-Jnll AWVU-Y . . 5 1 "FRIgKEQ HE.1.'. J Marked . HOW weft tH,DfjuC LAND NOTICE. Department or the Interior, U.'S. Land Office a'. Alliance, Nebraska, May 3, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Phil- lpp Will, of Alliance, Nebraska, who on September 11, 1916, made home stead entry, No. 017994, for 8V4 SEVi of Sections 21, Township 25 north, Range 60 west, Sixth princi pal meridian, has filed notice of In tentlon to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before the Register and Re ceiver of the United States Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 15th day of June, 1920. , Claimant names as witnesses: Ed ward Schwaderer, William Hashman, Jacob Rohrbach, John Vogel, all of Alliance, Nebraska. June 4 T. J. O'Keefe, Register LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing on the Petition for Appointment of an Administratrix. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank D. Gilleran, Deceased. To all Persons Interested in the Estate of Frank G. Gilleran, deceas ed: YOU -ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 27th day of April, 1920, Sarah A. Gilleran filed her petition in the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, praying for the appointment as Administratrix of the Estate of Frank D. Gilleran, deceas ed, and that the-same will be beard In the County Court Room In the City of Alliance. Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 81st day of May, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. It Is Further Ordered that Notice of said hearing be given to all per sons interested In said Estate by the Publication of this Order for three successive weeks In the Alliance Herald, a legal newspaper, printed, published and circulated In Box Butte ounty, Nebraska. Dated this 27th day of April. 1920. IRA E. TASH. (SEAL) County Judge LEE BASTE. Attorney. (Pub. May 7-May Xt-Inc) ASK If you are an unfortunate, afflict ed with that dreaded complaint. Piles, la any of its forms, to be re stored to your usual good health, you no doubt feel that your only salva tion Is an Immediate operation. Do not be too hasty In making this move. The Whitney Treatment for Piles, a new remedy, easy to apply and wonderful in Its results. Sold under a guarantee. Ask Alliance druggists to show and explain. S0-51-52P Bull-fight spectators who escaped arrest in a raid by Jumping over the boundry from Texas Into Mexico were lucky not to find a squad of bandits ready to hold them for ran- 10001. a NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Box Buttt County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Alva Roy Ualslup, Deceased: Notice to all persons interested In said Estate Is hereby given that A Thomas Lunn, Administrator of th said Estate, will meet the Creditor of said Estate at the County Court Room In the City of Alliance, Boi Butte County, Nebraska, on the 25th day of August, 1920, at the hour of Ten o'clock, A. M. for the purpose of hearing, adjusting and allow In j claims or demands against said Es tate. All persons having claims or demands against said Estate must file the same In said Court on or be fore the 23rd day of August, 1920, or said Claims will be forever barred. Dated this 14th day of April, 1920. IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County Judge. Lee Rnsye, Attorney. May 21 Al Wiker, of Alliance, sells monuments for the Palne-Fishburn Granite Co. See him for best prices. 64 NO REASON FOR IT. When Alliance Citizens Show a Way. There can be no reason why any redacr of this who suffers the tor tures of an aching back, the annoy ance of urinary disorders, the pains and dangers of kidney ills will fall to heed the words of a neighbor who has found relief. Read what an Al liance citizen says: Hrs. J. M. cott. 714 Missouri St.. Alliance, says: "Though it has been some time since I have used Doan's Kidney Pills, I gladly recommend them. I have known of many peo ple, who like myself, have found them good. I suffered from kidney disorders for quite awhile. I had backache, felt tired and languid and at times was very nervous. Then, too, my kidneys acted irregularly. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me relief from these ailments." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply act for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Fills the same that Mrs. Scott had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. For Sale Nine room house. Best part of town. Modern. Priced right and good terms. See Nebraska Land Company. tf Piano and player pianos tuned and regulated byE. P. Merrill of A. Hospe Co. Call Wiker Music Houce, Phone 239. Reference, St. Agnes Academy. 53 For Sale Two six room houses Price and terms right. See Nebraska Land Company. " tf Lilac toilet water may have a 79 ptr cent "kick," as explained by two men accused of drinking it, but the trouble IS that most men object to its 100 per cent fragrance. Perhaps the former kaiser would be glad to be enterned almost any where if the allies would agree to let him him "sty put," leaving him alone with his saw, bis sawbuck and his memories of former power. Why should Germany worry If Its debt is $204,000,000,000 marks? A mark is worth practically nothing and what does 204,000,000,000 times nothing amount to anyway. The more we read about sudden and mysterious lllneBS and deaths following social affairs the more In clined we are to pass up recipes for lemonade. Predictions of price drops are great stuff. They cheer up the ulti mate consumer without interfering with anybody's profits. Some people's idea of the height of epulence Is to be able to go where It is too hot in winter and where it la too cool in summer. "How to use monev the school problem," says a newspaper headline How to get the money is the problem soys the teachers. Girls wanted at Alliance Steam Laundry. tf Goatskin clothing is. interesting, but certainly not new. We Grind Our Own Lenses Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted All the Latest Styles In Frames and Mountings Clean Up Now and AVOID THE BUSH A little later to the you'll have to wait four tsnn. Use the phone today. PROMPT SERVICa HOW' - SamShelton- 071 jg WANDA-ROSE p jttj By MILDRED WHITE. WWWW (Copyright, lilt, Wvtttra Ntwipapar Union; The little girl who had been wander Ing uncertainly nbont the corridor ol the great ofllce bulldlns paused at last before a glass door. James tarrlmer," she spelled audi bly: "Attorney and Counselor at Law." Then the little girl opened the doot and peeped Inside. A young woman bending over a type writer looked up and smiled rcasxur- Ingly. "That's Mr. Lorrlmer, isn't It, sit ting there In the farthest room behind a dcski Ml ko and find him myself." "Who sent you in herer he asked. "No one sent me," the little girl quietly returned. "I Just came." She sealed herself in a wide chair at the opposite side of the desk. "I came by myself on the street car; I found your name Inst night among the lawyers In our telephone book. It's a business visit and I brought all the money to my bank to pay you. I've got over a dollar. Please tell me how to get un adopted." "To get unadopted," be repeated. "So you don't like the adoption busi ness, eht Well, how did It happen? And what Is your name, young lady?" "I'm Wanda-Rose," the child an swered with dignity, "andl don't like being adopted very much. It happened when the beautiful lady visited our orphanage. She liked me because I made her smile; It bad grown very hard, she said, for her to smile, so she managed with the directors to adopt me and took me home with her. She was the first mother I'd ever had. Some one found me long ago In the orphanage garden, when I could hard ly talk at all, and what I called myself bounded like Wanda.' so that's the name they gave me. My beautiful lady added Rose ; she says I'm like a rose to her. But, please, will yon make me unadopted 7" The big man got up and lifted the tiny figure to his knee. I'm afratd that I don't understand all this, Wanda-Rose," he said, whlmsl cslly. "If your beautiful lady Is also kind, why wish to be 'unadopted? " The child raised reproachful eyes. "As If I'd ever wish to be," she said, "It's for her sake that I'm doing It So that he will come bnck again." James Lorrlmer shook his head. "I will have to ask you to, explain further. Wanda " "Itose." the finished, severely. "He went away two years ago; you see he whs my beautiful ladys husband, Ellen, that's the cook, says that they were very happy together until my lovely lady's sister died and she took ner little boy to raise. She was so fund of thut boy ; he was delicate, El len says, and my mother I call bei mother, you know had to stay with him a great deal. The boy's name was Roger, and Ellen says that my moth er"s husband got very 'noyed about Roger. An' he'd talk crOMs when he wanted her to go some place nn' my mother couldn't because of Roger, nn she'd cry, and then by an' by her hu band went away, an' my mother told Ellen he was never coming back, an he never did." The lawyer arose abruptly and put the child from him. Ills brows were drawn together again end his gaze was darkly piercing. "Well?" he osked. Wanda-Rose settled herself again quietly In the big ciinir. "Well, Rog er's father married after that, Ellen says, an' he took Roger away ; an my mother used to cry a great deal, she was so dreadfully lonely. Not for Roger, Ellen says, but for her husband, He didn't know that she was lonely. of course, or even that Roger had gone; he just kept on staying away, Then my beautiful lady began to visit the hospital and orphanage, an' brings us toys an' roses, an' she called me her rose.' I liked to make her laugh ; she had such a pretty - laugh like birds singing when you bear them In the morning. An' one day she took me home with her to be her little girl. But I couldn't keep her laughing because she cried so much over the photograph In the frame In her room ; an' I asked her was It her husband's photograph and was he ever coming back? She Just put her bead down then and cried harder than ever an' she said : 'Never, darling, now I'm afraid.' So I thought that 'now' meant me that he'd never come 'now you see, 'cause I was here like Roger. An' he'd gone away be cause of Roger or Roger is what started the trouble, anyway, Ellen says. So I came down bere to get un adopted. Lawyers do such things, don't they?" Wanda-flose paused. "You ought to be gladder to do It than anyone else," she said, shrewdly. James Lorrlmer stood for a long time looking down into the street be low. Then he came to bend over the little watting glrL and his face was very tender. "So you'd give your own happiness for the sake of your beautiful lady, Wanda Rose?" he said. "And do you think that she could still find happl Bess with a husband who had been so unkind? For tf you do, we are going together, you and I" The child sighed happily, "She'll w ant us both," she said, "be cause, you see, she loves us. "Me?" abked the big man. The one tremulous word was all that he could ssy. Wanda-Rose nodded confidently. "She told me that she loved you. That's why I thought you'd be glad to know, when I hunted you out In the telephone book Quick Service Electric Under IliRliliuxl-IloiIoway Co. Alliance . Nebraska Mot Medicine Not Surgery Nut Ooteopnthy Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey , Chiropractor Uraduate Palmer School telephone 80 Wilson Building Alliance Nebraska GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Hnr, Noso and Throat rnoKB tor CaHs answered frim Otle 4a mm might L. A. BERRY Lawyer " ROOM 9 RUMMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA HAVE IT WELDED with the OXY-ACETYLENB PROCESS Clrlnder Blocks, Frames and Transmission Cases a Specialty George H. Breckncr The Old Wearer Garage Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER live Stock and General Faroe Bales Phone 604 Alliance ; J. D. EMERICK Bended Abstracter I have the air Mt mt Ammtrmm SMki ta B Batf Osastr, First National Dank Bids;. Dr. E. B. O'Keefe DENTIST Over Harper's Store Phone 1028 Alliance, Nebr. O. E. Nelson Lawyer DENTON BUILDING L. E. Bliss FARMER AUCTIONEER Live Stock a Specialty Phone Birch 8182, Alliance Real Estate, Loam and Xnsar Mice. T. E. REDDISH; Reddish Block. tf MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We have equipped our dray wag ons and aoto truck with the lateel appliances for moving furniture with out marring, scratching or damagta Up-to-date wagon pads will be tues by us on all moving Jobs. tf JOHN R. SNYDER- Phans. IB When In Antlock Take Your Meals at THE LIBERTY CATS Meal at All Hour John Strata John Wallace Transfer and Storage Co. Service and Satisfaction FtkOSs 1 e -