The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 21, 1920, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Clean-Up Week
For next week's clean-up and
paint-up campaign we will give
you the best we have in workman
ship or advice.
Many years' experience in
Tainting and Paperhanging make
us feel competent to figure on any
size or- character of job.
Can We Help You?
Ray, Ray & Darvue
PHONE 593 -
Marjorle McConnell, who has been
employed at Atchison, Kas., stopped
off In Alliance on a visit this week
with her aunt, Mrs. O. W. Nation,
and her uncle, T. D. Roberts, on her
way to her home In Spokane, Wash.
Verne Jenkins and Mjrrl Swanson
of Henilngford were Alliance visitors
Wednesday evening.
' Mrs. W. W. Wood of Lincoln Is
visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
M. S. Hargraves.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. L. Griggs returned
yesterday morning from a visit with
their daughter at Chandler, Am.
Mrs. W. W. Wood, formerly of Al
liance, now a . resident of Lincoln,
stopped off here for a visit with old
friends on her way home from Call
fornla where she has been spending
the winter.
Deputy Scrlff Mlsktmen returned
from Kansas City the first of the
week, where he had been In attend
ance at the eighty-fifth birthday an
nlversary of his father. Twonty-or.e
children, grandchildren and great
grandchildren were present.
Mrs. D. J. Kenny ' of Pocatello,
Idaho, Is visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Donnc'.l
Mr. and Mrs. August Kroeger left
Wednesday for Seward, Neb., to
spend a few days with Mr. Kroeger
mother. From there Ihey will go
to Trenton, Mo., and visit Mrs. Kroe-
ger's mother and other relatives
Miss Dolly Dalley delightfully en
tertalned about sixteen of her friends
at an Informal dancing party Thurs
day evening. A delicious lunch was
served and a most enjoyable time
was had by all present
No. ft, 120 Strlta,
This Realty
Deal Paid
An Investment in Omaha Real Estate is Safe,
pays a Good Income, and Increases in Value.
New Industries are locating in Omaha every day.
They are operating successfully.
New and successful Industries make cities grow.
j A growing city creates demand for Real Estate.
uk. i mvcinn In 1Qft houoht DrooertV
. f villi sm rivw-jwf - r r i
near 24th and Harnty for $50 a front foot H
recently refused $600 a foot for It
Advise with an r Jf aha Itealter. He can show you how and where
to purchase pro ejf fhat will Increase In value. Act now.
List of Omaha R ial& i furnished en application.
Omaha, U. . A. 1
SCHOOL COXDrCTED .and she was given the closest atten-'
The morning session was devoted
to a review of Miss Schaffner work
over the state and general instruc
tions on the duty and responsibility
of women as citlsens. A picnic din
ner was enjoyed at noon.
The afternoon was devoted to the
selection of captains for registering
the women of Box Butte county for
100 per cent citizens.
The following captains were se
lected: First ward, Mrs. C. C. Smith;
second ward, Mrs. L. S. Dye; third
ward, Mrs. C. It. Welse; fourth ward,
Mrs. S. J. Cole. The precinct cap
tains will be chosen later.
The discussion In the afternoon
was on the ' constitutional amend
ments, led by Miss Schaffner. Judge
James E. Hewitt was also present and
Miss Margaret Schaffner of Chi
cago spent Thursday in Alliance
where she conducted a school for
women voters in the First Baptist
hurch. Three sessions were held.
morning, afternoon and evening, the
ast being a mass meeting for both
men and women. Miss Schaffner
urged the women to take advantage
of their right to vote on the new con
stitution, declaring that there was
considerable propaganda being put
out in an effort to dissuade them on
the grounds that it might be held
illegal. She said that It was possible
that suffrage might be defeated if the
women trusted the male voters too
Implicitly. Her remarks were very
well received by the mixed audience,
The original feast of Pentecost
was instituted by God as a me
mortal of the day on which He
gave the law to Moses, and de
clared the Israelites "a peculiar
treasure, a kingdom of priests,
and an holy nation," But the
prominent character of the day
was that of a soleniu harvest fes
tival. On the morro wof the Sab
bath, fifty days before, -the first
cut sheaf of corn was offered to
God, waved before the altar, with
supplication for a blessing on the
harvest then commenced. On the
day of Pentecost two loaves of the
first bread made from the new
corn were offered (with appointed
burnt-offerings). In thanksgiving
for the harvest now ended.
It was on this day that the Holy
Ghost descended to sanctify a new
Israel, that they, too, might be ."a
chosen generation, a royal priest
hood, an holy nation, a peculiar
people;" and this separation of a
new Israel from the world began
to be made when three thousand
were added to the church by bap
tism on the first day of Pente
cost. On this day also the "corn
of wheat" (which had fallen on
the ground and died on the day of
the PasBover, and had sprung up
a new and perpetual sacrifice to
God on Easter day) sent forth the
Holy Ghost to make those fire
thousand the "one bread" of the
Lord's mystical body, a first fruits
offering to God of the church
which had been purchased with
spoke of the work of the constitu
tional convention, with reference to
amendments offered which had
caused heated discussion in that as
Alliance women "were"" previously
organized some weeks ago with the
following officers: Chairman, Mrs..
J. J. Vance; vice chairman, Mrs.
Moses Wright; secretary and treas
urer, Mrs. G. L. Fernald; assistant
secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Charles
Henry; chairman of program com
mittee, Mrs. J. W. Reed; chairman of
publicity committee, Mrs. H. D.
Next week has been designated as
Good Citizenship and Enrollment
week, when each, woman will be
called upon to pledge nerself prayer
fully and conscientiously to the right
use of the ballot.
Make It A
Thorough Clean-Up
The week of May 24th to 29th has been designated by the city officials as the proper
time to "slick up" everything about the homes. The Mayor this week urges that a con
certed effort be made to keep the City of "A" lliance with the proper mein of the small
city that she is.
The Forest Lumber Company can aid you in this work by furnishing you with ideas re
garding Paints. You have long intended to brighten up many corners and places about
the home. There is no better time than the coming week. "We can give you ideas
about the proper selection of paints, Tarnishes, oils, etc., and supply you with those you
decide to use. .
Many odd jobs of repairing have been put off too long. Take it upon yourself, in a
spirit of community helpfulness, to order the necessary repairs, and have them on hand
so they may be put in in the coming few days.
Forest Lumber Co.
It's Time to
Next week will see an organized effort on the part of Alliance citizens to clean up the
yards, alloys, and streets, as well as paint up the old, disreputable-looking buildings
that have been needing paint for long months.
It is the wish of the city officials that this be done for the general good that will re
sult in the appearance of the town. Alliance has been in the city class in size for some
years and should keep up its appearance in true city style.
For your convenience in selecting paints we have charts showing different colors, plain
and in combinations, as well as personal advice based upon years of experience. We
handle only reputable merchandise that we are confident will please you.
This is the proper time to make those little repairs that you have been planning for
weeks and have never taken the time to get to them. Call up right now, order the lum
ber you want and do the work yourself if you can't get a carpenter.
Fred Hargarten, Mgr.
Dresses' Dresses
Values up to $50.00, at
With the returning favorable
weather housewives thoughts natur
ally turn to the problem of buying
for the family. As a specially at
tractive offer to Ladies and Misses
we will sell a limited number of
Georgette, Satin, Crepe Meteor,
Crepe de Cine, Serge and Tricotine
Dresses, some of them valued as
high as $50.00, for the remarkable
price of 422.50
This is just one of the great values now offered at The Fashion Shop.. Due to delay in the
arrival of our new fixtures, the Great -X n. .
Remodeling Sale Continues
See The Great Price Reductions Made on Seasonable Gooda " T
iron? Tff AQlOTffW QIUTAID)
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