THE ALLIANCE IIERALD, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1920. t 4 Random Shots Who Want the Fat Boy? For Rent Large modern double roommate for next semester. Daily Illinl. Fashion magazine Bays that "sim ple clothes are the fashion In TarU and not many of them." A few more days of this warm weather and it will be safe to take em off. To be sure, better wait until the paving gang actually starts grading. That'll be next week maybe. More fashions: Men's coats will have no waist line this year. Cheers us up to know we are strictly in style. Despite two whole days of weather, there are some folks persist in telling mud stories. nice who We heard one this noon at the boarding house. It seems that some rancher and his wife were driving a team to town, when one of them dis appeared, harness and all. They have fished In that mud hole for two days, but have finally given It up. Mule couldn't live than that, anyway. much longer Another mud story: Man walk ing along Dox Butte avenue saw a hat floating on top of a mud puddle. He reached down to pick It up, and uncovered the head of a man who was gasping for breath. "I'm stand ing on the automobile," he ex plained. That's one we don't believe. Shortage of silk and woolen mate rials leads a brother editor to decide This Bank and Women Every woman should come in and get acquainted tritK this Bank and its facilities for helping her in her finances. Household expenses are very important items nowadays. Instead of paying bills with cash, pay them by Check and then you have a sure receipt. It is the ideal way Safe and Convenient. If you wish to open a savings account, we will be glad to explain tha various plans we have perfected along these lines. If you cannot quite make up your mind as to just how you wish your account handled, come in and talk it over with one of our officers. They will be glad to give you their most courteous attention. First National Bank Alliance, Nebraska to spend his vacation at the beach this year. Vice Fresident Marshall declares that the dry law wouldn't have re ceived twenty votes if the senate had voted in secret session. What was to hinder? Experts are always taking the Joy out of Hfe. Here comes some brother who announces that enough energy is exhausted In one wrestling match to plow two hundred acres of corn. A comp (outrageous lingo for a compositor) newly arrived In our town and who Is an artist with type, on Monday morning beheld on the ground as he came to work the still form of a robin which had made a bum guess and ran into the snow storm and freeEing weather. The comp stopped and contemplated the scene. "Fore little fellow," he said. You couldn't stand the cold. There are lots of good folks around here who would have taken you In, had they known." Then, as he walked away: "I would like to have shak en hands with you, little pal." Mt. Morris (111.) Index. Today's Best Story: linptor." said the notorious tight wad, "do you think you can get this tooth out without causing a buock to mv nervous system?" "I'm afraid not," replied the den tist, dryly. "It will cost you a dol lar." FOR SALE Two full-Mooded ro- land-China boars, six months old. Inquire John Kauntz, St. Joseph Hospital. 4" You can save a dollar by sending in vonr order for the Dally State Journal before June 1, at the old nrlre. 7 for daily and Sunday, or $5 for dally only. On account of the ereat rise In the price of paper an increase muBt be made after that date." You will enjoy the fairness nnd indeDendence of the Journal. Mark Sullivan and David Lawrence, two of the greatest free lances In the country are contributors. The Journal has three leased wire serv ices, Associated Press, United Press and the International more press services than any other newspaper In Nebraska. This will be a stirring vear for newspaper reading. The Journal has always printed more state house news tnan any otner pa ner. Its features and Its fiction with colored comics and magazine sec tions make it a most entertaining paper. Send In your order at once If you want to save a dollar. Address state Journal. Lincoln. 49 HOW TO HEAL LEO SORES A wonderful treatment that heals leg sores for Varicose Ulcers without book which readers may get free by writing a card or letter to Dr. H. J pain or knife is described In a new Whlttler. Suite 19. 1109 McOee. Kansas City, Mo. (Junel2) That suggested airplane mall serv ice to the frozen north might help to take the "alas" out of Alaska. nnnnnnn i c 3 y 1 f c 3 h CROWN 3 RED CROWN GASOUNE nnnnnri JLlwqys the Same Clean-burning:, hard-hitting, power full Red Crown Gasoline is always the same uniformly good from the first drop to the last. Red Crown vaporizes readily ignites instantly burns up completely. It means quick starts; prompt, smooth acceleration and plenty of power and punch for high speeds and the hills. Standardize on Red Crown Gasoline every gallon mile-packed every gallon the same. Polarine, the correct lubricant for every car, keeps the motor young and powerful. Fill up at the sign of the Red Crown. STANDARD OIL CO. (NEBRASKA) OMAHA RED CROWN GASOLINE Steelier ET3C3 Caddock Championship Wrestling Picture . jr. v r . tt.-SBl .Liu r r. .v,':w4 J'. . -, ''Os The remarkable pictures of the match for the worlds wrestling championship title which was held at the Madison Square Garden, New York, January 30 will be shown for the first time in the mi MPERM Alliance, Nebraska MONDAY MAY 24th These pictures come direct from the first showing at the George M. Cohan Theatre, New York, where large houses acclaimed them the most remarkable films of their kind ever offered to the public. New York Sport Lovers Are Fairly Wild Over Them After what sporting experts consider to be the most spectacular as well as sci entific wrestling battle that has ever been fought since the days of ancient Rome, Joe Stecher was proclaimed the undisputed champion of the world, and he is a greater attraction than ever. JOE STECHER is the world's champion heavyweight catch-as-catch-can wrestler. He wrestled the title from Earl Caddock, reversing the result of their previous meeting in Omaha three years ago, in two hours, five minutes, and thirty seconds of competition in Madison Squart Garden last night. Stech. effected the victory by the use of his noted specialty, the body scissors and wrist lock. ...There was no fluke or fault about the result, Stecher won clearly and decisively. A good sized fortune was spent upon the taking of these pictures. As the bout pro gressed the two gladiators were bathed in a brilliant flood of light from the batteries of huge arc lamps that moaned and sang from the platforms perched on the girders of the Garden. Both Stecher and Caddock saw the pictures and were deeply interested in the screen version of the battle in which they were the principals. The pictures will be shown for one day and special arrangements are being made by the management to handle the large crowds which will turn out to view the films. They are drawing record-breaking crowds wherever they are being shown in throughout Nebraska and Iowa. Ernie Holmes in securingSthes match less films was put to an expense little short of $25,000 Mr. HOLMES is one of the States best known and most popular advocates for clean manly sport. ONE DAY ONLY Monday, May 24 MATINEE 3 P. M. 15c and SOo NIGHT 7:30 and 9:30 P. M. S5e and 55o