THE ALLIANCE GERALD. -FRIDAY, MAY 7, 192a (liiii- V I; I li Pi n ) v J. ; 4 "3 in J. UUUliN UUULU, MIBIBIT. I r I . 8 SOCIETY HKRHKAH CONVENTION The dtHtrlct convention of the Re bckah's will be held at llemlngford the 24th of this month. The state president, Mrs. Laura Knspp, will be present and there will be a morn ing, afternoon and evening session. of Installation. Rev. S. II. King, pas- vw .n... tor of the Tresbyterlan church of P. a: You are asked to ear a llri.lftf.port. Neb., will give the "mall flag Instead of a carnation this charge to the pastor and Rev. Samuel rear In memory of mother. D., pastor of the rresby Miss Mary Ryan, rinployed at the Bron nan's Drug Store, and Miss Florence Whnlry, employed at thej stock yards office, will leave on 42, Sunday night for iKansas City, Om aha, and points in Iowa. Miss Maude ( Twllegar will take Miss Ryan's place at Rrennan's while she Is gone. Light. I) terlan church of Sidney, Neb., will give the charge to the people. The local ministers of other churches will also assist In the serv ice. There will be special muflc by the choir and a solo by Mrs. J. S. Rheln. All are, cordially Invited to attend these services. First Tresbyterlan church, corner of Box Butte avenue and Seventh street. A. J. KEARNS, Tastor. Tin: first iwmsi tin imii. METHODIST CHURCH The Mother's Day Service will be held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. A carnation should be worn In honor of Mother. You can honor her, first by attending a special service in her honor; second, by writing her a let ter If she lives elsewhere; third, by showing some special kindness to her if she Is living; and If her mission of love and she has gone to the heaven ly home, show some special kindness to some other mother. The evennig service will be at 8 o'clock. ANNOUNCEMENTS . CHIIUII OF CHRIST Next Lord's Day Is Mother's Day. The morning service will be In honor of Mother. The subject Is: "Moth- er's Last Tiayer." If your mother j Is living with you bring her to the service. If she Is not living here, come In honor of her. Make this day one of worship and reflection upon the debt you owe your mother. The evening hour Is devoted to the frvangelistlc srrvlce. The aubj ct Is: "The key that Unlocks." We are happy In that we are Hear ing the goal In our financial drive. The purpose of the drive was to raise funds for education and missions. Every cent of this will be sent to state headquarters to J. K. Shellen berger, Bethany, Neb. Our quota was $3,000.00 and we will go over the top. The spiritual results of the campaign are great. When man re alizes his stewardship In that a por tion of his Income Is sacred to God, then giving becomes a part of our worship. According to apostolic In junction let us "grow In grace and In the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." Come to the church with a mes sage and a welcome. STEPHEN J. EPLER, Minister. Have you ever stopped a few min utes and considered what "mother" has done for youT Next unday Is "Mother's day" and It would be a splendid thing for you to attend some church service somewhere, If for no other reason than to show your ap preciation for what your mother has I been to you. The service at eleven o'clock will be appropriate to the oc casion, and the subject for discussion will be, "Mothers." At 8 o'clock In the evening the service will be In the Interest of the world-wide evangelism, the subject for discussion being, "From Easter to Pentecost." Remember our church Is the homelike church and you are Invited to Join the family circle. Strangers are always welcome. Bring your friends with you. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE L1X7TURE A free lecture on Christian Science will be given Tuesday evening, May 11, at 8 o'clock in Adlers hall, 310ft Box Butte avenue. The lecturer will be John W. Doorly, C. S. B. of Leeds, England. Mr. Doorly Is a member of the board of lectureship of the mother church, Tho First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Everybody Is cordially invited. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to the many friends who so faithfully aided us dnring our recent bereave ment, by their personal assistance, kindly ministrations and beautiful flowers. Mrs. J. II. Lunsford, 46p ' and Family. FOR SALE Two full-blooded Poland-China boars, six months old. Inquire John Kauntz, St. Joseph Hospital. , 49 Piano and player pianos tuned and regulated by E. P. Merrill of A. Hospe Co. Call Wlker Music House, Phone 239. Reference, St. Agnes Academy. C3 ITtESRYTERIAN CHURCH Next Sunday morning the so.slon will proceed to ordain and install the ncwly-clcctcd ciders, extending to them tho right hand of fellowship to take part In this office with them. J. II. Vance, ntwjy-clected elder, will bo ordained and installed and J. L. Overman, re-elected tlder, will bo in stalled. Tho morning theme will bo appro priate to Mother's Day and there will also bo cpcclal music for the oc casion. Theme: "Sons of the Spi rit," and cur duty to our children. Christian endeavor meets at 7 p. in.; eftniug aervice, 8 p. m., "Back to tho Shepherd Lover;" Wednesday evening, May 12th at 8 p. m. A com mittee of the Presbytery of Box Butte will be present to officiate in the installation service of the Rev. A. J. Kearns as pastor of this church. Heretofore Rev. Mr. Kearua has been stated supply with pastoral over sight. ' Rev. R. W, Taylor, D. D., assist ant secretary of home and aabbath school missions for the Synod of Ne braska, will preside at the Installa tion service. He will also preach the sermon and propound the constitu tional questions and make the prayer OUR business is men's shoes, conducted on a basis of quality, service and satis faction. We specialize on The Florsheim fens you know the quality by reputation. You will be served satisfactorily by the best, cjiterienced shoe men in the city given the Individual attention that you expect at a first cbs men's shop. You're entitled to value for your money w tee thrt you get it. A y"U"C irnn's prrfert fitting r.r. w tie u . w ' I : XM TheQtrlton j ( .'11Z MT HIMITril 1 - -- ' W. R. Harper Big Store Dept. Store Alliance, Neb. U -"v 2 c careful about the corset yet: r it will 'make or mar your attract! v mess ONE MINUTE STORE TALK "You. folks. 'and. your good clothes innda Mich an upstanding American citizen out of me when I first came to this country th tl thought I had liv ed hero all my live," said a good "friend today, one of the many thousands who lmve had similar ex perlenccfl at this store. HARPER'S HERVICE HAS BEEN HEAL SERVICE! HARPER'S- OF one thing be quit; sure; the day of the obviously corseted woman has gone. Buy your corsets with the idea of accenting the natural Jbeauty of your figure. Buy the corset thavvill give you comfort; the corset that-witl give you poise and per fect body proportions without a moment's feeling of restraint.- There is not a type of figure however un- usual or difficult to fit but cau be success fully corseted in GOSSARD Front Latmg CORSETS The admired woman who wears a Gossard has an unconscious grace that can only result from priceless comfort and her corset is so much a part of her that the most critical observer cannot trace her charm to it$ deft support. t , Our expert corsetieres will spare neither time nor effort in assuring you the Gossard best suited to your needs. W. R. Harper Dept. Store Big Store Alliance, Neb. I The Pride, Progress, Prosperity of America HAS EVER BEEN MOST EFFECTIVELY DF-MONRTTJ ATF.n TO THE WORLD BY THE MILLIONS OF AMERICA'S WELL-DRESSED MEN. No single establishment anywhere has been a greater factor than this store in extending tfce good influence of good clothes and in maintaining a policy of lowest pssible prices, to place clothes of character within the reach of all. A MATCHLESS EXPOSITION OF AMERICA'S SUPERBLY STYLED Spring Suits, Top Coats, Motor and Utility Coats THE CREAM OF THE FINEST MAKERS' , NEWEST STYLE PRODUCTIONS - INSPECT the many new variations of the double breasted idea in men's and young men's suits and top coats. INSPECT the many original, exclusive models in younger young men's spring and summer suits and utility coats. INSPECT and compare "customized" clothes, ready for service a revelation in satisfaction for the busy man of affairs. Springs Suits Top Coats $35 to S75 525 to $65 Motor and Utility Coats S25 S30 S35 $40 S45 Smashing Raincoat Values at $7,50 $10 $15 Good, practical, serviceable raincoats at less than wholesale prices 33 per cent less than we replace them for. All colors all sizes. 8EB cm w. R. HARPER WINDOWS TODAY Department Store DIQ STORE ALLIANCE, NEB. COMPARE OUR VALUES LLWATS CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN li : V u if