The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 07, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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Warren Lottpclch Is up from hit
bone la Cole, attending to some bual
bmi matters. f
Mr. and Mrs. Plane were Alliance
business visitor Friday between
Mrs..Chas Price Is recovering from
tier recent Illness, we hope to see her
cut again in tbe near future.
Will Enyeart was In Alliance Sat
ttradr looking after some business
Miss Clara Chrlstenson came up
from Alliance Saturday and re
mained with home folks until Mon
day forenoon, when she returned to
her duties at Alliance.
Mrs. Wellington Lyons was In Al
liance Friday baring her eyes treated
Mrs. Lyons has been suffering with
her eyes considerable of late, It 1
hoped she will soon find relief.
Earl Rockey had business at the
County seat one day the latter part
of the week.
Mrs. Alex Olds returned Saturday
from a three weeks visit with her
parents over at Sterling Colo.
Saturday's Savings
We are closing out our line of
Early Springllats. This includes
the much-favored Transporent
Rim, good looking Sailors, and
fancy Milans and Hemps.
Bbck's Furnishing Store
120 West Third Street
Painted Walls
Are Cleaner
This lustreless oil paint finish on your, walls will give you
lasting satisfaction and better service than any other finish.
Paint is cleaner and more sanitary than wall paper. It is more
economical because it lasts longer, and it forms a hard, smooth
coating, that is a protection to the plaster itself .
Lincoln Walamo
is made especially for walls
and ceilings. It is furnished
in shades suitable for all
kinds of interior decoration.
We have in our store large
color samples which show
just how the finish will ap-.
f tear in your room. Call and
et us give you color samples
and estimate how much ma
terial will be required.
Mrs. Oakley Stephenson of Alli
ance visited with parents and friends
here over Saturday night and Sun
day. Mrs. Fred Hucke spent a couple of
days In .Alliance the latter part of
the week.
Mrs. Alex Mulrhead and daughter
Miss Ruth were Alliance shoppers
Miss Leona Baldwin came up from
Alliance Saturday and visited over
Sunday at her home.
Mrs. Stephenson visited In Alli
ance last week with Mr. and Oakley
A. M. Miller and P. J. Mlchall were
Alliance visitors Saturday between
Mrs. D. U. Shepherd was an Alli
ance visitor a couple of days last
Bill Walker left Monday for
Shawell Wyo., where he will spend
some time on bis homestead.
Miss Baker of Mass. a niece of Mr.
Geo. Baker arrived here Thursday
for a visit with her uncle and aunt
she expects to remain indefinitely
and should she like the country may
decide t sotay for some time.
t Mr. Mae Phillips and Mrs. Belle
Enyeart returned the last of the
week from Rochester where th$y
went to consult a physician. Mrs.
Phillips condition is not as serious
as was thought a fact hen friends
will be pleased to know Mrs. Enyeart
was less fortunate and will be oblig
ed to reman n bed for at least three
weeks we are very much pleased to
know Enyeart did not have to sub
mit to an operation and will be glad
to see her out again.
Mesdames Connors and Scott of
Antioch came up Monday and re
mained until Tuesday. They attend
ed Rebekah Lodge and were guests
of Mrs. S. A. Grimes while here.
Mesdames Sallng, Walker, Carter
and Dlst. Deputy Grimes attended
the Anniversary meeting at Alliance
last Friday night, it being tbe one
hundred and first birthday of Odd
Fellowship in the United States.
They report a very pleaosant time
and a very interesting program was
rendered after which a delicious
luncheon was served.
, Scoffers are the people that men of
faith have to succeed in spite of.
The straight and narrow path , Is
wide enough for all who seem to
want to travel on It.
Any crook will tell you that he
wishes he had held onto the first
honest Job he had.
The less some people know the
louder they shout their opinions on
technical subjects.
A good-natured man never wastes
his temper on little troubles; he
saves It all for the big ones.
Sometimes we think that if ' some
people we know did worry a lijttle
more they would be better off.
This Is the season when the rich
write those wonderful "wish you
were here" cards from the sunny
The man whd can Set you an ex
ample Is a better teacher than 10
men who merely tell you what you
ought to dd
We've heVi"F made a million dol
lars, but If we live to be 100 years
old wv'll never quit thinking that
perhaps some day we may.
The Ford Sedan is the favorite family car. Siats five comfortably. While
an enclosed car with a permanent top, it may, in a minute, be , changed to a
most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the sun. In in
clement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-proof. Finely
upholstered. Equipped with demountable rims with 3V-inch tires, tire carrier
and an electric starting and lighting system. A real family car. Anybody
can safely drive it It has all the conveniences of an electric car, with the
economy which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of
operation and maintenance. Leave your order with the dealer listed below.
Coursey & Miller
A Worthy Ideal
Lincoln once said:--
I will be prepared and when my
opportunity comes I will be ready.
To the Young Men of today this Bank offers
its facilities to help them prepare for thetime when
their opportunity arrives.
But you must do your part by depositing regu
larly a portion of your earnings. We will guard it
for you, pay you interest on it, and then when the
time comes when you need it, you will find it
Start Preparing Now
Start now preparing for your opportunity. It may come any day and you want to be
ready. The one sure way to do this is to open an account at once--TODAY. , Come in and
see us. We will be glad to co-operate with you in every way possible. Don't wait to say:
"How I wish I had begun a bank account six months ago. I need money hgdly. It would
have been little or no trouble and I would have had enough by this time totart on."
The First State Bank
Whatever is of household con
venience in the hardware line,
we carry. We have innumer
able things that take the drudg
ery out of housework which
any housewife will recognize the minute she lays
her eyes on them. .
Right now we have a fine line of labor-saving
washing machines just received. Standard quality
and very reasonable. Come and see them in
order to really appreciate what they mean to you.
DeLuxe Jr. Electric Washing Machines with Revolving Bench
DeLuxe Jr. Electric Washing Machines with Swinging Wringer
Jewel" Vacuum Sweeper, $32.50
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