The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 20, 1920, Page SIX, Image 6

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An Ordinance fixing lie fees of
the Garbage Collector of the City of
Alliance. .Nebraska, and repealing
Section 3 of Ordinance No. 'io'l, ot
the City of Alliance. N?bras!;a.
He It Ordained, by me Mayor and
City Council of Alliance, Nebraska:
Section 1. Tbo garbage collector
hall be entitled to collect not to ex
ceed the following fees for hla serv
ices: Removing and burying dead
horse or cow one year old. ...$5.00
Removing and burying dead
horse or cow under one year
old 2.50
Removing and burying dead
hog or dog 1.00
Removing and burying dead
cat or fowl 10
Removing and disposing of
refuse or garbage per load of
two cubic yards 1.50
Removing and dlpposlng of a
barrel of slop, per bbl. over 30
gallons "5
Cleaning vaults, per cubic loot .20
Cleaning cess pools, per cubic
foot 05
Section 2. That Section 8 of Or
dinance No. 202 of the City of Alli
ance, Nebraska, entitled "An Ordi
nance providing for the disposition
of carcasses of animals which shall
die within the City of Alliance, Ne
braska; Providing for the disposition
of offal, filth, swill, refuse, animal
and vegetable matter and non-decaying
garbage which may accumulate
within fcald city, and all substances
removed from vaults and cess pools
within said city; Creating the office
of garbage collector, defining duties
of eald offico and fixing bond and
fees of Bald officer; Providing a pen
alty for violation of the provisions
thereof, and Repealing Section 4 of
Ordinance No. 6, Ordinance No. 7,
Ordinance No. 69, and Section 3 ot
Ordinance No. 184 of tho City of
Alliance, Nebraska," and nil other
ordinances or parts of ordinances in
conflict with the provisions thereof,
be, and the same hereby are re
pealed, i
Section 3. This Ordinance shall
tnke effect and be In force from an 1
after Its passage, approval, and pub
lication according to law.
Passed and Approved this 14th
day of April. 1920.
A. I). RODGEttS, Mayor.
(Seal) City Cleik.
In the County Court of Box Dutte
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter cf the Estate of Alva
Roy Halslup, Deceased:
Notice to all persons interested In
raid Estate is hereby given that A.
Thomas Lunn, Administrator of the
said Estate, will meet the Creditors
of said Estate at the County Court
Room in tho City of Alliance, Uox
Butte County, Nebraska, on the 25th
day of August, 1920, at the hour of
Ten o'clock, A. M. for the purpose
of hearing, adjusting and allowing
claims or demands against said Es
tate. All persons having claims or
demands against said Estate must
Me the same in said Court on or be
fore the 23rd day of August, 1920,
or said Claims will be forever barred.
Dated this 14th day of April,
(S"al) County Judge.
Iico lJasyo, Attorney. May 21
Producers of woolen materials
have assured the New York fair
price commissioner that the supply
Is becoming normal and decided re
ductions in the price or clothes are
certain. However, tho customer will
be expected to believe the sing-song
of the salesman, "The next lot will
be higher."
Al Wlker, of Alliance, sells
monuments for the Paine-Flshburn
Granite Co. See him for best
prices. 64
Just Where and How
Is the Money
to be Spent?
lA businesslike Answer to
m busintssWt Question
THIRTY denomhmtioM cunprrmng in the Inter
Cbarch World Movement bsrr budgeted their
needs. No business could have does It mora rr-
They have united to prevent the potIUfref cteplkav
tioa or waste. At least a million dollars wQl be saved
by the fact that thirty todhidual btsaeif & Jdttad
in one united effort.
III illlttl HI itlHiii , tmuj
flsaaaBW ti yeaajav 4aT eW CseaB
tia artiaa) UvMmI
raUctaaatraiaiaaat a!L
I r-niiiii.ii. ui
Each denomination has arranfed its twiitp under ats
mam beads: -s- t-- r-yvW
Iroa ma cnuaors wouc
aoaar tteia kw4. CmM anly m
ftaaaaa-a kalf hUHwhiiiIi tatha
Unit Saataa aaaaa nw ml a4
vrtMltolatttiklracMf. Whto In tha fete
Me ntimik af . Uaaala, a raa tha. that At
A amalialln U tba atrnraa aaaa larUI aaatiaaa la m htm. Wi
' taoaa Uaaalaa tfvSfcaa mm
' af taahaanaaf luraauf
.... ,
5 to nrs cHuaars won
AaOaJ3. Ufluaaaa nr Arat
fran tba OrUtU thirty pajara Mat
aarl an ,a;ae ajr Oriantai
BJaaaaa. S. laoa, aa Chlaa baa aoly
aoa aiyatctaataaai aaoaaaia)
aba Ortair will cantlaua ta fca
. Aa Una; aa pi ittiM af tba
babiaaaflaala ata Mara tbat aaa.
ao4 vaar aar awa baMaa ara cat
aaia. A Chrtatiaa aacta ar taachai
aant aaraa4 ia warklss Aw awaraia
aa tndy aa tbouafc aa ah at
traaaaar ia aalla4 tha "ajmttaa
2oa Hosrrr axs and hoots.
Baary raartbauaaaaaaf Maaaa'
waaaanaartaul jr III ara taraa awar
fran Cbarcb haaattala aacaaaa af
lack W root. Tba chlldfaa aaawa
ara eaoaaUad ta tara awar awra
abflaaaa tbaa hmy aaa raearra.
thaSWM0 Aoaarteaa ataaaota ia
laaUtattooa af bibar arada, aaa
haW araia iaatattaaa fcuDda4 and
anaaartad bjr taaCbarcbaa. Man af
tbaaalnatftatlaaabavabad nagraat
aaaWaaaat caaaataa, bat tbair
Bada ara fciat aa prmaio aa tha
aaada af largar arhoola; aad ra
bava aaly ta raad tbatt Url .1 alum,
al aa4 ahinwaa ta maaaara tha valoa
af Utair aaatilbaUaa U ajaartca.
Eech denomination has its own detailed budget, and
will administer its own funds. Your pastor has copies
of the budget: examine them for yourself. In the week of
April 25th-May 2nd you will be given your opportunity
to help. You can do it with the full satisfaction of know
ing that every dollar of your gift has its post assigned
to it in advance.
Every dollar for better AmericM and a better world,
when your church calls on you give and give with
your heart as well as your pocket-book.
aaa waU ha ait bm. klwht
aat af taa praacbara ara aaia lata
tbaa Wtaiill , ... , .
Unit ad
May 2nd
"World Movement
Tit iJtalii M WaWaf a mm fmiik rtrmgt tm
Rnillh P. Tuttle, who last week
sold the building on Uox Dutte ave
nue containing his law office, which
has also been his residence for the
past several years, was one of the
Uox nutte county pioneers, and his
prospective removal to California
rtirs a reminiscent vein in one of Che
men who came to the county about
the same time. And when old
timers talk about themselves or one
another, it behooves us youngsters
to listen. Mr. Tuttle has a large
number of friends here who have
known him for a long time and liked
him and who will miss him while he
is enjoying himself In California.
Mr. Tuttle came to old Nonpareil
In 1887, about the time It was made
the county seat of Box Butte county,
which tpllt off from Dawes. He re
moved to Hemlngford . when the
county scat was moved to that town,
following the coming-in of the rail
road, lie served as deputy county
clerk under Judge Tash in the early
days and In the fall of 1898 helped
move the county records to Alliance.
Later he was elected county attor
ney. He formed a partnership with
Judge Tash in 1892 which lasted
until 1900, when the Judge wen'
back to railroad construction work
for a year. He remained active In
the practice of law until five or six
years ago, and since then has been
finishing up his cases, the last one
being docketed a few months ago.
Smith P. Tuttle saw a whole lot
of service In the civil .war, being ser
geant-major of the famous First Ne
braska, which had the lungest serv
ice record of any of the volunteer
civil war regiments, five yearB and
Of teen days. They were not dis
charged until some 'time after the
war ended, being at work Indian
fighting. Mr. Tuttle lived in Iowa
at the outbreak of the war and left
for Council Bluffs intending to Join
tho Fourth Iowa, but It was com
pleted before his arrival, and his
company was placed with the First
Nebraska. Ho was wounded at the
battle of Shlloh, his breastbone be
ing severed, but he rejoined his regi
ment later. In '64, when the Indians
were murdering travelers on the Cal
ifornla trail, the First Nebraska was
selected to put a stop to It and were
placed on a steamboat and sent down
the Missouri river to Omaha. They
had the sector from Fort Laramie to
Fort Kearney.
After the war, Mr. Tuttle Joined
the internal revenue service. Later
he lived in Hastings, where he was
cashier of the First National bank.
He then removed to Mlnden, where
he was in the hardware business, but
the' ; grasshopper years 1874 to
1878 broke him. In 1885 he came
to northwestern Nebraska and pre
empted on land In the Pine Ridge,
north of Rushvllle. He's had a long
life and an Interesting one, and at
the age of seventy-eight is In gpod
health with the prospect of enjoying
himself for some time to come,1' if
only half they say about California
climate la true. .The Herald hopes
that it Is. and that he will.
An Ordinance requiring a permit
preliminary to erecting or adding to
any building within the corporate
limits of the City of Alliance, to the
value of One Hundred Dollars or up
ward; providing for the Issuance of
such permit; prescribing the form of
application therefor, fixing a license
fee therefor; providing for a report
upon the completion of the work for
which a permit Is Issued, and provid
ing a penalty for its violation.
Bo It Ordained, by the Mayor and
Council of the City of Alliance, Ne
Section 1. That any person, per
sons, company, association, or cor
poration Intending to erect or add to
any building within the corporate
limits of the City of Alliance, Ne
braska, to the value of One Hundred
Dollars (1100.00) or upward, shall
make and file in the office of the City
Clerk a written application upon a
blank to be provided therefor by the
City Clerk, designating the kind of
building he proposes to erect or the
kind of addition he proposes to erect
to a building, the material to be used!
in erecting or adding to such build
ing, the location, size, and Bite of the
proposed building or addition and
the estimated cost thereof.
Section 2. 'That upon the filing of
such a written application, the City
Clerk shall issue to the person, per
sons, company, association or corpor
ation filing such written application,
a building permit granting permis
sion to such person, persons, com
pany, association, or corporation, to
erect or add to such building, and
particularly stating tho material to
!e used In erecting or adding to such
building, and tho location, size, and
site of the proposed building or addi
tion. The City Clerk shall charge
for Issuing such permit the sum of
One pollar ($1.00) for each and
every such permit, to be paid in ad
vance by the applicant applying
Section 3. That any person, per
sons, company, association or corpor
ation receiving a permit as is pro
vided in this Ordinance, shall, with
in thirty days after the completion
of the worlc for which Buch permit
shall be Issued, file in the office of
the City Clerk a written statement
that such work has been completed,
a statement of the material used In
erecting or adding to such building,
and the location, size and Bite of the
building erected or added to, and the
actual cost of erecting or adding to
such building. -
Section 4. That the City Clerk
shall keep a record of all permits
issued and reports of completion
filed In accordance with the provi
sions of this ordinance.
Section 5. That it shall be un
lawful for any person, persons, com
pany, association, or corporation, to
erect or add to any building within
the corporate limits of the City of
Alliance, Nebraska, to the value of
One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or
An Ordinance approving the plat
of Home Buldlers Addition to the
City or Alliance, Nebraska.
Whereas, Alliance Home Bnllders'
Association, a corporation, and R. E.
Knight, the proprietors of certain
land within the corporate limits of
fbe CMy Aniance.' NebrafM. have
laid oat said' land into 'lots, blocks,
trwta.f arennev alloy. 'fad other
grounds "under the name of Home
Builders' iadditlon'jto- the pity of Al.
liance, Nebraska, and"' nave caused
an accurate map or plat thereof to
be made out, designating explicitly
the lands bo laid out, and particular
ly describing the lots, blocks, streets,
avenues,- "and -alleys, ; " and" other
ground' belonging 'to such ' addition',
the - lots ' being" designated by num
bers, and streets,' avenues, or other
grounds by names or numbers, such
plat having been acknowledged -before
an 'officer authorized to take
acknowledgements of deeds, and con
taining a dedication of the streets,
alleys, and public grounds there In
to the use and benefit of the public,
and have appended a survey made
by R. E. Knight, a competent sur
veyor, with certificate attached cer
tifying that he has accurately sur
veyed such addition, and that the
lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys,
parks, commons, and other ground
are well and accurately staked off
and marked, and
Whereas, a copy ot such plat and
such certificate has been filed with
the City Clerk ot the City of Alli
ance, Nebraska,
Be it ordained by the Mayor and
Council ot the City of Alliance,
Nebraska, that such plat be, and the
same " hereby is approved by the
Mayor and City Council ot the City
of Alliance, Nebraska, and that the
Mayor and City Clerk ot such city
be, and they hereby are, authorized,
empowered, and directed to endorse
upon the original ot such plat the
fact of its approval by the Mayor and
Council of such city.
This Ordinance shall be In full
force and effect from and after its
passage, approval, and publication
according to law.
passed and Approved the lath day
ot April. lMOVii v
"t 1 - .VC D. RODGER. Mayor.
Attest: GRACE 11. KENNEDY.'
(8eal) r'-' Cify Clerk.
upward, without first procuring from
the City Clerk the building permit
provided for in this ordinance, and
that it shall be unlawful for any
person, persons, company, associa
tion or corporation to erect or add to
any building within the corporate
limits of the City of Alliance, Ne
braska, to the value of One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00) or upward, after
procuring a building permit as pro
vided for 'in this ordinance, in any
other manner than is provided by the
permit bo issued.
Section 6. That any person vio
lating the provisions of this ordi
nance shall, upon conviction thereof
be fined in any sum not less than
Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than
One Hundred Dollars ($100.00),
and stand committed to the City Jail
until such fine and the costs of pros
ecution bo paid or otherwise dis
charged according to law.
Section 7. That all ordinances or
parts of ordinances In conflict here
with be, and they hereby are, re
pealed. Section 8. That this ordinance
shall take effect and be in force from
and after Its passage, approval and
publication according to law.
Tassed and Approved this 13tl
day or April, 1920.
A. D. RODGERS, Mayor.
(Seal) City Clerk.
A dispatch from Johannesburg,
South Africa, says that reports of
rich diamond discoveries in Bechu
analand have circulated recently with
the result that great numbers of
men are preparing to make a "rush"
Into the territory. It has been a long
time since such a treasure field has
been opened, and if the reports from
the first diggings bear out the pros
pect probably another drive will be
witnessed, with tens of thousands of
seekers after wealth staking every
thing upon the chance of locating
productive claims.
Harry L. Cook, for many years
member of the Nebraska state board
of agriculture and active in the af
fairs of Nebraska for thirty years, ia
republican candidate Tor railway
commissioner. Primaries April 20.
For Sale Nine room house.
Best part of town. Modern. Priced
right and good terms. See Nebraska
Land Company. " tf
11 iM-TST Ili-lPj
rt i
Auld Lnnz Syne
Star Span,;. Dnuner
Annie Lnune
Knhin AH:tir
OM Oaken Hurket
Blue Delia Scot I d
Dixie's Ijinri
When the Swallows
The Vacant Chair
Sweet Alice
Old Kent'v Home
Last Kom! Summer
Sweet anrj Low
Yankee Doodle
Swanee River
Lead Kindly Light
Has of the Free
Glory Halleluiah
Swing Low
- Rocked in the
Coming Thro' the
TJ urn Am.r ir
Home, Sweet Home
'o vou icnow
these Q6 sors9
YOU should know each and every one of them.
You would have the pleasure of hearing,
playing and singing these old favorites and
all the popular hits of today if you would let us put
a piano or player-piano in your home.
cA cName thai Stands far lxkal "WarOt in
Baldwin unconditionally guarantees every instrument we selh They
can do this because every Baldwin-built piano and player-piano is made
in their own factories. They know that it (s right before it goes to you.
You know what you are getting when it comes from Baldwin. The
Baldwin line consists of the Baldwin, Ellington, Hamilton and Howard
Pianos and the Manualo, "the player-piano that is all but human".
Com in, hmar and try thm
A special $7,000,000
plant was built and
a specialized organi
zation was gathered
together to make
this tire exclusively.
Such specialization
is typical of
The plant capacity
is 16,000 a day.
. : j ; , i i 1 i i : i . ' j it
The results are all
irr' favor of the car
Quality at low cost;
strength and scien
tific balance; car
protection; long
life; most miles per
Stop tire shopping.
Buy Firestones.
Uott milts tr dollar is m Firuton pUdt$ to tin big
owner as tvttl is to' owners of light cars. S IMf
mnr Standard OvmUt Firrttona Cord. ' ,