The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 20, 1920, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Uljt AUImw Herald
Entered ftt the potofflr at Alliance,
fiab., for tranauiinrilon - through the
malla as second rlaaa matter, i'ubllahed
Taeadar and Friday.
EDWIN M. BURR Dualneaa Mgr.'
Official newapaper of the City of
Alliance; official newapaper of Box
Uutta County. ,
Owned and publlahed by The Burr
rrintlnir Company, George I Burr. Jr.,
Prealdent; Edwin M. Burr, Vlca Pres
ident. ffcritla, 2.50 per year la advaaee
OataMe f ISA raaMaa. $3.00 per year
American Legion, regrets exceeding
ly htat the state officers should have
felt impelled to this step. The legion
Is supposed to be non-partisan, and
to endorse no candidates. While this
list Is not, on the face of It, in vio
lation of the rules, it la a plain at
tempt to elect men who will stand
for compensation. As If a politician
uad to vote the way he promises.
The "intelligent committee" of the
American Legion, department of Ne
braska, has submitted a report on all
Candidates for state, congressional
nd legislative offices. The report
hows that most of the candidates
took part in hove activities and
"helped to win the war." Evidently
the committee Judged the candidates
principally on their attitude toward
the compensation bill, favored by the
league, and the record that that the
majority of them are In favor of It.
The Republican gubernatorial candi
dates have a pretty fair record. Five
et them either were in the flervice,
tried to enlist or advocated or signed
the iman language bill, which seems
to have been taken as a test. The
Democratic candidates for governor
are not so fortunate. Shumway and
Clark are given as favoring the sold
iers' compensation bill, but Jackson
nd Morehad are down as lukewarm.
Sixth district congressional candi
dates, Beam and Klnkald, are in
favor of compensation, but the first
la down as a non-partisan leaguer
nd the second as having voted
gainst the declaration of war, the es
pionage act and the draft bill. The
Uerald's editor, a member of the
The highjackers have changed
their base. Iustead of confining
their efforts to the cities, they are
now making Inroads Into the smaller
totwns, and Droken Bow reports the
robbery of a drug store in that city
by men who were undoubtedly
searching for booze. The druggist Is
a mighty mean man, though, for he
has passed the word about that in
stead of stealing booze, the thieves
had made away with grain alcohol
containing a deadly poison corro
sive sublimate. And then, tot make
the highjackers more uneasy, this
druggists states that this poison Is a
slow one It may not show its ef
fects for days. If the thieves have
swallowed any of the stuff, they'll be
In deadly mental torture for the next
two weeks, whether the druggist was
spoofing or not. For our part, we see
no reason why perfectly good alco
hol should be ruined with bichloride
of mercury, but druggists are pecu
liar people.
Some fiery Britons declare Europe
will not submit to the financial ty
ranty of the United States, the Infer
ence being that America Is selfish and
grasping in refusing ot lend any more
money to Europe. There seems to
be an Idea "over there" that they
have every right to our cash because
they need It In their business.
There a rent's any signs present out
our way that a depreciated foreign
exchange has brought down the price
of foods, but, at that, one can be
tickled to death If he wants to, we
suppose, that It didn't go up.
An exhibit opened In ' Chicago
showed novelty goods largely of
American make. Before the war
Germany was making these goods to
be sold here. The war has developed
a reliance on our ability to supply
all our own wants, which Is another
blow at the business supremacy the
war started to establish for Its
Reported by J. Emerlck, bonded
abstracter. Alliance, Neb.:
Vivia Gibbons et al. to Fred Berg
fleld, s2 21-27-48, $16,000.
Ira E Tash and Evan M. Tash,
husband and wife, to Elisha D.
Henry, lot 18, County addition to
Alliance, $9,500.
Keith L. Pierce and Anna M.
Tierce, husband and wife, to Edith
Burns, lots 4 and 5, block 9, Pierce
& Jenkins addition to emlngford,
William F. Hart and Marie E.
Hart, husband and wife, to Chester
C. Rodgers, lot 11, block 6, original
town of Alliance, $3,000. ,
Frederick W. Melick and Alice
Mellck to Elmer O. Beller, sw4 of
18-27-49, $9,600.
Even before the present Is
unwrapped, the bride thrills
with delight when she sees it
came from Thiele's for
brides, like the rest of
humanity, are most pleased
with the rich quality, fine
taste, great beauty and prac
tical usefulness of a Thiele
You, in turn, are pleased
with the experienced help
we give you in selecting
from the many splendid gift
things, exactly the right one
for the particular occasion.
Cut Glass Pieces, '. -,
$2.00 to $20,00
Jewelry Watches Dnxgi
Brunswick Phonographs
Watch Inspectors C, B. & Q.
Try a General Alongside of
Any Other Tire in the World
Buy a General Tiro Today
Every driving hour you delay usinjj Ccncril Tn , you loaing .
General Tire Stifaclion a hard noftcr tt exprebt on paper
but an eay one lor your speedometer to prove.
The General ii Akron'i great tire ifi producer a-e th pick of
the tire profession i!i manufacture to modernized Hint your mile
age is the first and Init consideration.
Get a General Tire todny compor- its price enj r.iitcfl wih any
other make then watch it wipe out adjustments ly performing
better than its promise.
goes a long xzay
to make friends
mJ- wm mm
jrzJl as? Cud .'V&rte
VW V.' ! ? .7vg7
Suitt in A iron,
Ohio, ly
.The General
Tire anJ
Rubber Co.
II. If. Giles and Ethel . Giles, hus
band and wife, to V. . Acheson, lots
3 and 4, Box Butte addition to Alli
ance, $450.
Ethel S. Giles and II. II. Giles,
wife and husband, t oW. S. Acheson,
lot S, block 2, Box Butte addition to
Alliance, $225.
F. A. Bald and Ella K. Bald, hus
band and wife, to Effie AH Wells, s2
of n2 and n2 of s2, 30-25-48,
Jerusha E. Baxter to F. A. Bald.
s2 of ne4, n2 of se4, s2 of nw4 and
n2 of sw4, 30-25-48, $8,250.
Warren V. Beal and Eva V. Beal
husband and wife, to attle C. Burns!
nw4 of 25-25-49, $6,400.
W. S. Acheson, unmarried, to
Lewis N. Worley, sw4 of 29-26-47.
Mary A. Cook and Inex M. Cook,
husband and wife, to W. A. Carlile
and May L. Carlile, se4 of section 11
and ne4 of 14-26-47, $11,360.
George Gabus, single, to Fred
Pecfl, ne4 of 5:5-26-51, $4,640.
Smith P. Tuttle to Joseph L.
Blake, lot 19, County addition to Al
liance, $4,000.
B. H. Grimm and Edith Grimm,
husband and wife, to William
Watteyne, lot 2, block 1, Falrview
addition to Alliance, $225.
T. A. Hawkins and Sarah A. Haw
kins, husband and wife, to Edwin
Whitaker, lot 2, block 7, townslte of
Berea, $1.
Leora Walker and husHnn'l to Iia
E. Tah lot 13, ',lojk 3, Second
Cj'mij addition to Atlhn.c, 7.ri.
A. ;. Bullock and wife to Charles
T. Hanley, w2 10-27-52, $11,000.
Amanda Hutton and husband to
Charles T. Hanley, w2 9-27-52, $11,
000. ' Tearl M. Clark and hushind to
Charles T. Hanley, e2 3-27-52. $11.
000. James M. Kennedy an4 wife to S.
B. 'right, lot I, t.ubdivU'n of lot
2, County addltlm t- Alliance,
$!.:( 0.
HV Grin J Our Out Ltma
I Sea y If 5ec 1
Your Eyes do More
Than Earn Your
Your happiness, comfort, and
pleasure cannot be complete
without good vision.
B. G. Bauman, O. D.
Opera House Block.
Details ofHowthe Herald's Cam
paign Will Close April 24
yrv " cc the final one of the campaign, no subscriptions whatever will be ac
r - M y n-'i the campaign departinent of Tlie Ilernld; but. Instead, candidates
i i 1 deposit their final collections in a sealed ballot box, located in The
Moiuhr- i timing the ballot box, locked and sealed will be placed In the vaults
of The Fir? . State Bank, where it will remain until 8 o'clock P. M. Saturday. At
that time s . i will be broken, the tax uulnrkmt npl invuelit!v thr'"fUr tlei
final count viil take place.
Tlie winners will be determined by meif.y aUSing ttie publhraed vote totals, as
they will appear in Tuesday's issue, to the reserve votes and subscriptions contained
in the sealed box. There will be no waiting, no complicated count, but simply a
matter of adding the vote totals and announcing the winners.
AH contestants should be sure to get their final collections in the ballot box
before 8 p. m., because the campaign will close promptly at that time not one minute
before nor one minute later.
Put only cash, drafts or certified checks in the sealed ballot box. Per
sonal checks up to $10.00 acceptable, providing no two are signed by
the same party. This ruling is made in fairness to all contestants, and
will be strictly adhered to.
It Khali be the privilege of encli of the leading contestants, and it is the desire
of this newspaper, that they avail themselves of this invitation; to select someone be
be father, brother, husband or friend to represent them on the last night; to sit
w ltli the Judges, and to assist in the flnAl count.
' J , " - . . : ' ' - . :
; Members of the Advisory Boaord-, selected at the beginning of the campaign, will
be asked to act as Judges; to canvass tlie findings la the box, and to award the prizes.
The personnel of this board Is as follows:-
t. ' - v . '.y -.. " ' ' '
Mayor A. D. Rodgers. - .
s Glen Miller, President Chamber of Commerce. ;....(
Lee Basye County Attorney. .. . '
W. It. Harper of W. It. llaner's Department tore, ' '
Charles Brit tan. Cashier First State Bank. -::.;
i , . .
Sooner or later you want to own a home of your own. No one feels that he is
truly a part of the community in whfch he lives until he does own his own home.
The country as a whole and Box Butte county in particular have never been more
prosperous, With the great increase in the city's population and commercial ac
tivity, the value of all properties built and building will certainly not depreciate
The time to build is now, while you can get material and the workmen. We will
De glad to give you any assistance we can.
Fowler Lumber Company
- FLOYD LUCAS, Manager