I Gene Byrnes Says: 'Thanks for the Advice." - TOM STALOS Groceries & Meat Market We Deliver Any Place and Any Time PHONE 753 Quick Service Electrio PHONE 260 ' Under Hlghhutd-Holloway Co. Alliance - Nebraska SOWg.. WANT TO BUY somcthtnK? Hun dreds of people ncan thefie Want Ad columns looking for what you or others have toKifTer. Get quick results bv advertising In The Herald Want Ad department. HATE: lc a word. Count nearest multiple of five, 17 words 15c. 18 words 80c, etc. No ad less than 16c. Display Be per brevier line. FOR SALEAUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1919 Buick Light Six touring car, good as new. Floyd Lotspelch. tf FOK SALE ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE Alfalfa, BUdan grass and cane seed. FARMERS' UNION. tf FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Two lots, 13 and 14, In Thompson addition to Antloch, block 12, for jsale cheap. Address J. R. Van Wagener, Beaver City, Neb. 40 FOR SALE A 5-room house In first class condition. 615 Big Horn. In quire H. L. Sims at Thlele's. tf FIVE room Bungalow, all modern, close In; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf . FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR SALE Range, dresser. Duo fold, library table, and other furni ture. 210 West Third. 42 FOR SALE HOUSE FIVB ROOMS and bath. Compara tively close In. Want to deal di rect for cash; no agents. Price $4200. Inquire No. 605, Alliance Herald, tf FOR SALE LEGAL BLANKS LEGAL BLANKS All kinds, at The Herald Office. , FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS OLD NEWSPAPERS 5c a package, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE ON TERMS FOR SALE ON TERMS My 12 room, modern house, 2 baths. Nettle H. Campbell. Phone 712; 606 Cheyenne Ave. tf FOR SALE TRACTORS, ETC. FOR SALE Fordson Tractor, prac tically as good as new; Btubble and breaker bottom plows; very rea sonable price. Oeo. B. Orr, Heining ford, Nebr. 40 FOR SALE One 10-20 Interna tional Titan good as new; one Mogul International, A-l condition; 12-25 Avery, good shape. F. A. Clark. tf FOR SALE USED OARS FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. Jones Company, Masonio Temple Bldg. tf FOR SALE WAGON FOR SALE A good wide-tired wagon. Inquire 136 Yellowstone, tf FOUND FOUND Good pipe wrench, on streets of Alliance. Owner may have same by applying at The Her ald office. tf WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Man to work on lawn, garden, etc.. In odd hours. Phone 1050. tf WANTED RAGS THE HERALD will pay To a poind for sood, dean, white rags. WANTED SALESM EN WANTED Salesmen Jo handle our line of goods in Alliance and sur rounding territory. Write Grand Union Tea Co., Denver, Colo. 4 Op WANTED CRANK SI I API -R WANTED 15 or 2 inch back geared crank shaper. Must be in good condition and cheap for cash. Porter Motor Co., Broken Bow, Neb. 40 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT BRYAN DEMOCRATIC TICKE V The following named national can didates support the principles advo cated by Mr. Bryan and should be elected with him. Ask the election judge for a Dem ocratic ballot ajid mark an X in the square opposite the name of each of the following candidates: For Preference for President of the United States, write in the name of YOUR CHOICE National Committeeman: W. H. THOMPSON Delegates at Large to the Democratic National Convention: WILLIAM J. BRYAN . DAN V. STEPHENS UKORGE W. BERGB J. J. THOMAS Write on your ballot the names of the following Alternates at Large: DIC JENNIE M. CALLFAS CATHERINE M'GEER ELMER E. THOMAS CHARLES W. BRYAN Delegates to National Convention, Sixth District: FRANK J. TAYLOR C. W. BEAL Give these slips to men and women who are going to vote the Democratic ticket. Carry the slips to the polls so as not to forget the names. PRIMARY ELECTION APRIL 20 , 4 Op NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: The commissioner appointed to lo cate a road commencing at the south west corner of section 30. township 26, range 47 and running thence east on section line common to sections 30, 31, 29, 32, 28, 22, 27 and 34 and terminating at southeast corner of section 27, township 26, range 47, In Box Butte county, Nebraska, has re ported In favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed In the County Clerk's office on or before noon of the 20th day of May, 1920, or such road will be established. W. C. MOUNTS, City Clerk. April 16 NOTICE ' Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., March 23. 1920. Notice le hereby given that John T. Burke, of Alliance, Nebraska, who. on December 18, 1915, made Home stead Entry, No. 017425, for Lots 1, 2. 3. 4, Stt NE4. SE NW i , NE hi SEX Section 3, Township 23; EH SE4. SWUSEtf . SEtfSWtf. WVi SW4 Section 34; WV4SWK flec tion 85, Township 24 North, Range 51 West, Sixth Principal Meridian has filed notice of Intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the ance, Nebraska, on the 10th day of May, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses Charles Tiernan, George Burke, James Bradshaw, John Nolan, all of Alliance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE, itp Register. vs? "ess- -Jsr PUBLIC LAND SAIJ3 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., April 1, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of Eugene A. Hall, Serial No. 019272, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $5.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 24th day of May, next, at this office, tho follow ing tract of land: Si SWli of Sec tion 22, Township 23, North of Range 49, West of the Sixth Prin cipal Meridian. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated (or sale. J. C. MORROW, Receiver. T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. (May 7) PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of "the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., April 1, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provi sions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application pf Albon B. Hall, Serial No. 019280, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $5.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 24th day of May, next, 'at this office, the fol lowing tract of land: NE4 NE4 of Section 10, Township 23, North of Range 49, West of the Sixth Prin cipal Meridian. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named hare ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver tha amount thereof. ." Any persons claiming adversely the above-descrlged land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. J. C. MORROW, Receiver. (May 7) PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., April 1, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provi sions of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of Albon B. Hall, Serial No. 019278, we will offer. at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $5.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 24 th day of May, next, at this office, the fol lowing tract of land: SEK SE of Section 85, Township 23, North; and Lot 1 In Section 8, Township 82, North of Range 49, West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will be i nquired to Immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. J. C. MORROW, Receiver. T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. (May 7) "Safety First," three-act com My by borne talent players, April ss. senior close play. THANKS FOR THE. ADVICE POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT I am a candidate for State Senator, Twenty-eighth Senatorial District, on the Republican Ticket, Primary Election, April 20. 1920. 1 have lived In the district the past thirty years, and have been Identified mostly with the mercantile trade, from which I have Just retired. I have given some study to the community interests of country and town, bo that In matters pertaining to the farmer and the business man I believe I can serve both acceptably. Below Is a digest of the primary low for 1920s Precinct primaries, April 20, 1920. County conventions, May 11, 1920. State convention, Ma7 13, 1920. Each voting precinct shall elect delegates to the county conven tions at the primary election; also shall elect one man and one woman as member of the County Central committee for a term of two years. Women can vote only as follows: For school officers, presidential pref erence, municipal officers, county of ficers, except judge; delegates to the national convention, precinct office! s, except justice of the peace; for coun ty bonds and for township officers Cut this out and keep it. Soliciting your votes, I am GEORGE E. GORTON, 40 Crawford, Neb. POLITICAL ADVERT ISEM EXT TO THE INDEPENDENT WOMEN VOTERS OF NEBRASKA OMAHA, Neb.. April 10, 1920. The women of Nebraska are entitled to vote In the coming primary elec tion for their choice of presidential candidates and for delegates to the national convention, also for na tional committeeman. The women heve acquired the ballot at a most opportune time. The combined liquor Interests of the country are making most determined and insidious at tempt to modify, nullify or repeal the grandest moral and economic re form prohibition. The liquor power has undertaken to concentrate its forces in the Dem ocratic primary for the purpose of electing wet delegates to the na tional convention so as to write a wet platform and nominate a wet candidate. They believe that they could carry the solid south and wet east and elect their wet president, and he would be expected to use his powerful Influence to restore the manufacture and sale of beer and wine with all the debauching, de grading and demoralizing effect. Women are not Democrats and Re publicans because their husbands or fathers are. If they were, equal suf frage would be a farce. Women are yet Independent first voters, and as such we lay before you the situation and urge you to meet your worst en emy liquor on the battlefield se lected by the liquor Interests the Democratic primary. If the liquor interests can be pre vented from capturing the Demo cratic party In this primary the liquor business is down and out for all time. If they win In the Demo cratic primary, they may undo all the good work that the temperance and moral element of the country have accomplished In the past twen ty years. The women have It in their power to deal the liquor Interest its death blow. There is no "wet and dry" Issue In the Republican party this year. The women have the same prive'ege as the men; they can reg ister in cities, giving the party afffil latlon of the party they desire to vote in, in the primary, and they have the same privilege as the men of se lecting whatever candidates from any of the party tickets and vote for them In the fall elections. In cities of less than ten thousand population and In the country voting pr'nets women the same as men do no. aave to register but can call for whatever political party ticket they want to vote. National platform are written by . -1 I -k the delegates to the convention from th cscveral states, and the delegates also select the presidential candidate. The important thing, therefore, Is to elect dry delegates in this stato to the Democratic national convention. Mr. W. J. Bryan Is a candidate for delegate to the Democratic national convention. Mr. Bryan declined to stand as a candidate for president In order to go as a delegate and make the fight on the convention floor to prevent the liquor Interests from capturing the Democratic party. The moral dry forces of the country, and especially the women, are looking to Mr. Bryan to fight their battles for prohibition and suffrage. The com bined wet, anti-suffrage element, un der the leadership of Hitchcock and Mullen, are trying to defeat Mr. Bryan and the other dry candidates for delegates and national commit teeman. The names of the Bryan delegates-at-large are W. J. Bryan, Lincoln; Dan V. Stephens, Fremont; George W. Berge, Lincoln, and J. J. Thomas, Seward. National comit Ittecman, W. H. Thompson. District Delegates for First District: Charles A. Lord, Joseph II. Miles. Second District: Mrs. E..B. Towl, Lieut. Albert E. May. Third District: Seymour S. Sldner, Mrs. Marie Weekes. Fourtn District: George Landgren, V. E. Stahl. Firth District: Geo. E. Hall, W. M. SomervlUe. Sixth District: Frtnk J. Taylor, Charles W, Deal. You are entitled to vote for four delepates-at-large, one nitlonal com mitteeman, and for two district del egates from the congressional v dis trict in which you live. Independent Women Voters The undersigned committee appeal to you to go to the polls on April 20, call for a Democratic ballot, and put a cross mark opposite the names of each of the names given above as the Bryan candidates and help hold tlie moral ground that we already have conquered. Yours truly, t Mrs. Dr. Jennie Callfas, Omaha, - Pres. Neb. Women's Dry Fed; Mrs. Lela Dyar, Boone, , Mrs. Mamie Claflln, Unl. Place, Mrs. Edna M. Barkley, Lincoln, Mrs. W. E. Hardy, Lincoln. Mrs. P. T. McGeer,! Falls City,' Mrs. Chas. Roberts, Omaha, Mrs. Frank'T. Ramson, Omaha, Mrs. W. T. Graham, Omaha, Mrs. Geo. W, Covell, Omaha. 4 Op HOW TO HEAL LEO SORES A wonderful treatment that heals leg sores for Varicose Ulcers without pain or knife Is described In a new book which readers may get free by writing a card or letter to Dr. H. J. Whlttler. Suite 19, 1109 McOee.l Kansas City, Mo. (Junel2) The bureau of markets reports that last year there were 113,000,- 000 pounds of wool consumed In tho United States. We wonder If half of It nsed wasn't used in pulliug It over the eyes of the ultimate con sumers? Glasses accurately fitted at rea sonable prices. Drake 4b Drake, Optometrists. tf John Wallace Transfer and Storage Co. Service and Satisfaction Not Medicine Not Surgery Not Osteopathy Dr. Annie Oraham Jeffrey Chiropractor Graduate Palmer School Telephone 863 Wilson Building Alliance - - Nebraska GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat rnoitto tsr Call were f roat Oflea day at alcbt L. A. BERRY Lawyer ROOM 9 RUMMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA HAVE IT WELDED with the OXY-ACETYLKNE PROCESS Cljindcr Blocks, Frames and Transmission Cases a Specialty George H. Breckner The Old Weaver Garage L, W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon S18V4 Box Batte ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER IJve Stock and General Farm Sales ' Phone 064 Alliance J. D. EMERICK . Bonded Abstracter 1 kara tha aal? act Abstract Baaha ha Baa Batta Caaat?. First National Bank Bldg. Dr. E. B. O'Keefe DENTIST Over Harper's Store Phone 1028 Alliance, Nebr. O. E. Nelson Lawyer DENTON BUILDING) L. E. Bliss FARMER AUCTIONEER live Stock a Specialty Phone Birch 8182, Alliance Real Estate, Loans and Injur. ance, 7. S. REDDISH, Reddish Block. tf MOVE FURNITURE SAFELY We hare equipped our dray wag ons and aato truck with the latest appliances for moving furniture with out marring, scratching or damaging; Up-to-date wagon pads will be nsed by us on all moving jobs. tf JOHN R. SNYDER. Phone II. Wken in Antioeh Take Tour Meals at fid LIBERTY OAR2 ISeab at All noon Jcha Ctrate