TUB ALLIANCE IIERA1D, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1920. TEN NEIUtAKKA NKWS NOTIfl TIIIIlTY-roUil YKAIIM AUO Items That.. Intrre t d Ilos Butte County Folks II: fore (he H I roml Tame TliroiMt'i Kearney wants water works. Fremont will pare Its streets. . Tobias- is anxious to' bond itself for a cheese factory and another rait road line. Bogus note swindlers are beating farmer In the neighborhood of Table Uock. A reduction of $10,000 of the rail road debt of Cuming county took jplace last week. Four Chinamen bare been re ceded into the membership of the 8t. Taul M. E. church at Lincoln. The Elk creek "phantom" who was struck in the stomach with a brick, has gone out of the ghost business. Sereral . Idle young gentlemen were arrested and heavily fined one day last week at Odell for throwing stones at a passing train. Three doctors worked three hours on the neck of Mrs. Ella Drown In Fremont the other day and success fully removed a number of distress ing tumors. The west Nebraska Methodist con ference will build a university at the new town of Hartley. Two thousand acres of land have been donated for that purpose. Nebraska was twenty years old as a state March 1.- When the state was organlfed there were but twenty-two organised counties; now ihere are seventy-three. Jacob Koover, an old man of sev enty years residing about seven miles southwest of Tecumseh. had his left leg broken last week while aiding in nutting a ring in a bull's nose. The expert sent to Cedar county to examine the coal holes there re Dorts that the vein discovered then will not pay to mine, and recom mended that the reward of M.00 offered by the state be not paid. The prohibitionists of Adams county are making extensive, prtft aratlons for a grand rally and mass meeting to be held in Hastings on Saturday, July 3. It Is prophesied to make it the greatest political dem onstration ever held In the Btate. An Auburn Justice opened a new road to the pockets of saloon keep ers last week. A man who had been fined for drunkenness sued the sa If You Have Not Asked Us To Show You This Wonderfuf Anker Holth SEPARATOR You are the, loser. Bowl balance guaranteed thruout life of machine. Any member of your fam ily can operate it, it's so easy. No oiling troubles; Always Satisfactory. M HARDWARE GO. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE VEEDOL OIL Buy your Auto and Tractor Oils while you can get them at an especially attractive offer. For Auto and Tractor ; WE SELL TO CONSUMER AT THE : ., WHOLESALE QUOTATION i ' $ V Call-arid Get Our Prices BUIGK GARAGE 0. L. KERR, Mgr. loon keeper for the amount of tLi fine and costs. The official dispenser of law held the claim to be a just one and gave Judgment accordingly. A Congdon farmer wants a wife, i but not bad enough to tie up with a slim." She must weigh 250, must be red-headed and six feet in height. Freckles and warts he thinks are beauty spots, and a hankering for onions and atheism will be consid ered favorable additions In the prem ium girl. - Theodore Heasley, an Edgar B'.ock man, failed some weeks Ago, settled huge piles of debts at CO cents on the dollar, and pocketed a snug fortune. He continued to live and put on style amond his swindled neighbors t their patience gave out. At the sol emn midnight hour of Thursday night a delegation of masked male citizens called on Heasley and in vited him to leave. The summons was obeyed without ceremony. An interesting story that hails from kangaroovllle says there is liv ing la that burg a most remarkable woman. She was born thirty-two years ago and was well formed, with the exception of her tongue, which was slit in two at the center, making what appeared to be two tongues. She has since experienced no diffi culty In speaking, but on the con trary, her pronunciation la dear and distinct. The mystery of this seems to lie in the fact that her tongue, or tongues, never tire, as she uses one part of the tongue for a while and then allows It to rest while she uses the other. Her conversational powers are wonderful, as she can talk Incessantly for any length ol time. persuing will accept NOMINATION IF THNDEKKb WASHINGTON, April 14, 1920. (Special.) John J. -Pershing def initely announced here tonight that he would accept the republican nom ination if his people called upon him to do so. He stated that which he was not actively seeking the nomina tion he appreciated the effort his friends were making for him throughout the country and especi ally in hla home state. In his ad dress, he completely established the fact that if his home state of Ne braska instructed for him next Tues day he will accept the nomination. The announcement was made at a reception. tendered Pershing by sev eral hundred members of the Ne braska association, in response to an inquiry as to whether or not he would accept the nomination provid ed his home state instructed for him April 20. "Speaking of the great honor witn which you have been kind enough to connect my name," Pershing said, 'it seems fitting that I should say to you, my friends, htat my whole life has been devoted to the service of our country, and while In no sense seeking the presidency, I feel that no patriotic Americau should decline to serve In that high position If called upon to do bo by his people." Further expressing his apprecia tion of the hono r being done him by Nebraska, Pershing said: "The home ties that have bound me to Nebraska since 1886, when my par ents took up their residence in Lin coln, hare grown with every succeed lng year and such meetings as htls Intensify my longing to spend more time with my family and people out there at home." Speaking on current Issues of par tloular Importance to Nebraska, Pershing declared: "Abhorring mil ltarlsm or class aristocracy of any sort, the people of Nebraska have de voted themselves to the pursuits of peace. The farmers must not In the future b esurrounded by hampering restrictions, onerous regulations or adverse market conditions. The foun datton of progress and prosperity in our state has always been its agri culture interests." , , Our regular prices on Spring Coats leas 85 is below present fac tory price. HighUnd-Hol'oway CO BEREA The ladles' aid society will gtve a bazaar and food sale on Thursday, April 22, at the lumber yard office They will also serve a chicken pie dinner and supper, the proceeds or I which will go to help build the Berea Union church. Mr. Cass will donate a residence lot, sixty by 140 feet which will be auctioned off about o'clock in the evening. Everybody to Invited. Snappy Spring Suits at 25 lees than actual value. Highland Hollow ay Co. 40 FUNERAL SERVICES FOR HENRY LOWELL STERNBERG Henry Lowell Sternberg, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sternberg, died Wednesday, aged three months and six days. The little fellow bad never been very strong. He was taken with spasms Wednesday morn ing and passed away. Funeral services wr econducted by Rev. Stephen J. Epler at the homo on 607 Sweetwater avenue, Thursday afternoon. The burial was In Green wood cemetery. R?rU Skirts from $6.89 to to SOO.OO, less 25. . UlghUnd-Hol loway Co. 40 Senior class play "Safety First' LUMBER LUMBER There is a vast difference in Lumber. One- kind will cut to advantage on a job and thus save you a great deal more than some other you may have been .figuring. There are many kinds that would be entirely wrong and generally there is only one RIGHT kind. Again QUALITY OP LUMBER varies considerably. We are careful in buying lumber to secure the best grade possible for a certain specified class '. .of work. . ir t M In view of these facts, will it not be advisable to call at our office and go over these questions with us. Perhaps we may be able to offer some sugges tions that will represent just so many dollars to you. Let us try. FOREST LUMBER GO W. M. BEVINGTON, Manager Extra Good Cash Market FOR BUTTERFAT AND EGGS The Alliance Creamery Company gives to the producers of this locality an extra good Cash Market for their Butter and Eggs. Top prices are paid on delivery of pro duce. The fact that the cream is manufactured into butter and the eggs are put in cold storage right here in Alliance makes it possible for these higher prices to be paid. Present market quotations are : Churning Cream - 62c Sweet Cream ------ 67c DELIVERED AT CREAMERY OR CITY STATION At 118 W. Third Street, E. I. Gregg in Charge In these days of modern machinery if is no longer profitable to churn cream and sell butter. Less machinery relieves you of the care and inconvenience of churning, besides getting you more actual cash. Alliance Creamery Co. Moliee Plow Company's Line MOLINE, ILLINOIS We have everything good that Molirie Plow, Company makes Moline-Grain Drills Moline-3 Lever Disc Harrow Moline-Drag Harrows Moline-Lister and Planters We are here for your Business. A comparison of prices will convince you. Every Thing Guaranteed and Repairs on Hand Melick & Red-mom f comes April 83. 41