EIGHT THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, AriilL 13, 1920. rasoc r IKTV TEAl 11K1W KNTKHTAINU) The Alliance teachers held their usual monthly social mention at the home of Miss Theresa Morrow last Friday evening. It was In the form of a "kid" party, some of the choolma'ams going as little RirU and four as little boys. The host sses were Mrs. Claud McDonald and Mle Gertrude Mcllugh. Miss Jose phine Ganson and Mrs. Fred Carl son were guests of honor. COYS KXTKUTAI.V UIRLA Tho Central basket ball goya en tertalned the Camp Fire girts at the lionie of Mark Anderson Saturday night. Gaines were played and light refreshments were served. MISCKLLANI0OUS SHOW Mi . Edna Benedict and Avis Yoder Tire re hostesses at a miscellaneous shower given Friday evening for Miss Myrtle Watt. Dainty refresh ments were served. Miss Watt has been employed at the poslofflce as clerk for the past several months. She returns to her home this week and will be married in the early part f May. Sta.mi TtMkCoUffea 2r GasramWl rj tacnura 11. Bottle i ICY-HOT. Tou will Bnd bhf WMSfor J It day Ud night iadoc aa sad f Outdoor. A air ity la Bur i mtv Bad Btck room fnrllananal ' bt wban traTBling or on asjr owting. ICY-HOT Lunch Kit for all vrbo carry lunch. Kata' hineh aaoirt. whila ICY-HOT UotUala Kit provtdwbot Uaor i coaaa or coi4 nilk. Coma la mad aeatba many atyke el icy-IIOTSvs Price $4.25 : at - HOLSTEN' OKUANIZtt CAMrFMM A number of high school girls met at the home of Mrs. Dert Ponath and Inaugurated a Camp Fire organiza tion with the following officers: Vice president, Leila Mulrhlrter; secretary, Ruth Hawes; treasurer, Irma Hills; Mrs. Ponath, captain. IM3CIIT-LH LA CI1KVR Clauns y.. Pecht and Miss Alta Le La Cbeur of Mullen were united In marriage by Rev. Stephen J. Epler Monday morning. ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Matthew's guild of the Eplseo pay church will meet at the parish house Wednesday afternoon, April 14. Mrs. Percy Cogswell will be hoBtess. The Woman's club will meet In the library basement Friday, April 16. There will be a literary program, subject, "Helen Hunt Jackson." "Life and Writings." Mrs. Bennett. "Review of Ramona" Mrs. Acheson. Music. Mrs. Lunn and Mrs. Thomp son will be hostesses. MrTTHODIST CHUKOir. The M. E. Ladles Aid will meet with Mrs. Frank Shreve, 719 Lara mie, on Wednesday afternoon. A large attendance is desired. The ladies of the society will hold a food sale next Saturday April 17. COMIW-OAaSIXlNQ A marriage license was Issued on Monday morning by County Judge Tash to James W. Combs and Rose Mary Gassellng, both of Hemingford. BAPTIST CIUJKCII All members of the church are urged to be present at the annual roll call and business meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Before the meeting, at 6:30, a basket sup per will be served in the basement. All members of the congregation are Invited to come and bring their baskets. PERSONALS Harry Anderson Is spending a few days with Alliance friends. Miss Marie Falon has accepted a position In Denver. Smith P. Tuttle has sold his prop erty Just north of the new Lowry and Henry garage to Joe Blake. Mr. Tuttle expects to leave soon fox Cal i'ornla, where he will make his home. . Senior class play "Safety First comes April 23. 41 J. O. Walker came down from Osage Saturday night, returning Sunday afternoon. "Safety First" April 23. Miss Victoria Wilkinson spent the week end with her parents In Antloch. Mrs. Frank Miller of Denver Is spending a few days with her bus band. Save 25 oa your Spring Outfit at our Discount Sale. High-land-Holloway Co. Mrs. Nettie Wilson of the treas urer's office Is spending a few days in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Eastburn of Kansas City are In Alliance on busi ness and the guest of friends. C. M. Looney came down from the Wyoming oil fields Saturday to spend a fe wdays with bis family. Mrs. Lydla Kagle and son, Ora, of Mitchell spent the week end In the city visiting Mr. Nagle, who is In the local hospital. Mrs. McAnally, representative of the Mother's Jewel home at York, Neb., delivered an able address at the Methodist church on Sunday morning. Jack Hawes returned on Friday from Fremont, where he had gone to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hawes' father. Don't forget to see "Safety First," a three-act comedy to be given by the senior class April 23. 4 1 Lillle Tounley returned from Kan sas, whiether she had accompanied her parents. Mrs. R. L. Harris returned Satur day from Gordon, where she had at tended a convention of the Presby terian church. D. F. Sweet of the Alliance Pack ing company, was a passenger on No. 44 Monday for Mullen. Rev. J. O. Gould was called to Lincoln Monday In the Interest of the Inter-church world movement. , . E. Mooney of the Alliance bakery was looking after business Monday In Mullen. Dr. Wm. Mahaffy left for Mullen Monday to look after business. He expects to take up his practice at that place Boon. Girls wanted at Alliance Steam Laundry. tf - Money Saving Prices at Our 25 Discount Sale. Highland Holloway Co. Jack Metlln and brother-in-law, William Johnson, left the first of the week for Wheatland, Wyo., where they will look after business In terests. The excursion to the Lower Rio Grande Valley leaves Alliance Thurs day, April 15. See O. M. Barns for Mirt!culars. 89 E. C. Drake made a professional vlBlt In Hyannia the first of the week. Fred Leavltt, wife and daughter were Alliance shoppers Monday. LIBERTY SIX . There b a percbxul and a friendly side to the tmsi nets of eelling the liberty ear, that if very pleasant? People are usually mere than half in love with the beauty of the Liberty before they come to u. When that first favorable feeling is confirmed by a quality of performance that delights them, it estab lishes an intimate and cordial relation that is out of the ordinary. We have perfect confidence that if you will permit us to place you at the steering wheel of a Liberty, it will be the beginning of a long and profitable association between us. Liberty Sedan and Coupe Now Being Delivered. THE DOUGLAS TRUCK J. C. BERZINA OPPOSITE STEAM LAUNDRY LIBERTY SIX Cal Cox returned Sunday from Grand Island, where he has been for the past three months. . -Victor L. Thompson Is opening a Blacksmith Shop at Berea, Nebr. First class work guaranteed. 42p Mrs. Ella Richardson left Frldav for Ogalalla, where she will Join her husband. E. C. Barker and family motored to the Frank Palmer home near Lakeside and spent the morning on Sunday. The excursion to the Lower Rio irande Valley leaves Alrrance day, April 15. See Q. M. Burns for particulars. 89 The Methodist ladies' aid will meet with Mrs. Frank Shreve on Chey enne avenue. Girl wanted at Alliance Steam Laundry. tf W. O. Barnes was shaking hands with old friends Monday. He Is en gaged in the automobile business In Crawford. For Sale Nine room house. Best part of town. Modern. Priced right and good terms. See Nebraska Land Company. tf Mrs. Anna Baling of Hemingford accompanied her sister, who was on her way to Colorado, to Alliance on Saturday. The excursion to the Lower Rl Grande Valley leaves Alliance Thurs day, April IS. See G. M. Burns for particulars. 89 Mrs. J. C. Glnther, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Detrich, of Gering, arrived home Saturday evening. Al Wlkcr, of Alliance, sella monuments for the Paine-Flshburn Granite Co. See him for best prices. 64 Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Brayton were over-Sunday visitors with friends in Scottsbluff. Girls wanted at Alliance Steam Laundry. tf I Harper 9s- isintfur The West's Largest, Millinery Store Presents for the Delectation of Style Lovers AN EVER-CHANGING PANORAMA Newest Millinery Fashions Dress Hats Defining the Vogue for Late Spring and Summer in Street llats Sport Hats STYLES OF DISTINCTION DESIGNS OF EXCLUSIVENESS $10 $15 $18 $20 and Upward Catering to women of refinement and good style judgment, who gave first considera tion to character and individuality in millinery, so that their finest apparel may be worn to best advantage necessitates the Metropolitan Millinery Shop 'a showing at all times the newest millinery fashions. That the discriminating dresser appreciates our style supremacy is proved by the re markable growth of this business one of the marvels of mid-western retailing. SEE OUR INTERESTING DISPLAYS OF .. . New Navy and White Hats In taffeta and straw combinations off the face styles poke bonnet, mushroom sailors trimmed with new summery white wings white fancies pom poms fr F till . 07 Cft and ribbons, at pl d.UU TO $H aDU New Dressy Leghorns Fine Italian bodies combined with Georgette crepe in pastel shadings, large graceful styles, trimmed with velvet ribbon, flowers and some with CI 9 Cft ft ft hand embroidery, at ylaCaJv TO tpaWaUU New Ribbon Sport Hats Fashion authorities predict that sport apparel will be more in vogue this summer than ever before. We are prepared with a large variety of Ribbon Hats in high sport shadings, small to large styles, made of all ribbon M A Aft C9C ftft combined with straw tJlUaUU TO JJ.UU New Transparent Hats Ever a most interesting summer hat, and more attractive to day than ever before, of maline and hair braid, all black, many combined with high colored Georgette Crepe facing in pastel effects such as French blue, ' CI ft, ftft COC f rose, maize and coral, at plUavU TO paWUU w. We Sell For Cash Only R. Harper Dept. Store Alliance. Neb. Big Store Metropolitan Millinery Entire Bear Section, Dry Geods Dept. We Sell For Cash Only