FOUIt TUB ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1920. Step Out in the Newest! Just cas easy to be the best dressed fellow in your crowd as to stand back and let the other chap set the pace. Let us show you how! OUR NEW LINE OP Capps 100 Pure Wool Clothes offers bright new fabrics, tailored in the latest styles A big variety now ready Capps Clothes cost you LESS. Made with only one profit, from the raw wool to the finished garment, all in one big factory. WILL BE GLAD TO SHOW YOU $45. to $70 E. G. Laing "MODERN CLOTHES FOR MEN" Money Cheerfully Refunded ! RAILROAD NOTES Machinist Helper C. P. O'Brien has gone to Mason City for a short tar. Miss Helen White Is (pending few days In Scott sbluff. The high wind of Saturday night and Sunday did considerably dam age to electric wires and telephone wires, but the trouble la being rem edied as fast as possible. Mrs. W. A. McKune, wife of Ma chinist McKune, has been on the sick list for the past week. George Llndeman and little son ex pect to go to Lincoln this week to stay for a few days. Save 26 on your Spring Outfit at our Discount Sale. High-land-Holloway Co. Mrs. J. O. Parsons id spending a few days In Denver. Miss Pearl Trabert of tne master mechanic's office returned to work Monday after a two weeks' illness caused by having her tonsils re moved, i Mrs. L. L. Smith and Mrs. Wil ton are doing some special clerical work In the master mechanic's office this week. VCarl Roessler, who has been in the master mechanic's office for the past year first as timekeeper and re cently as assistant chief clerk, has gohe to Plattsmouth to visit his pa rents for a short time. When he returns he expects to work In the car department for Mr. Tracy. Money Saying Prices at Our 25 Discount Sale. Highland Holloway Co. W. J. Connors, pipe shop foreman, and his wife are planning to make a visit to Des Moines soon. General Foreman Urbach returned Monday from Denver. He expects to return there about the fifteenth to take up his new duties as general foreman at that place. It Is not defi nitely known who will take his place here, but It has been reported that R. B. Lesh of Edgemont will be the new general foreman. FREE Drive-rin Service on Tire and Batteries The Schafer Auto Supply offers this "Service Plus" to everyone. We know you will readily appreciate instant, painstaking and intelligent service on your Tires and Batteries. Both are essential to your motoring success and we will do our share to relieve you of these cares and responsibilities. If you have not yet had your Tires and Batteries cared for this Spring it will pay you good dollars to let us put them in shape for "care-free" service. ! SCHAFER Auto Supply Mrs. O. W. Johnson, wife of En gineer Johnson, and daughters Mar garet, will leave soon for a visit to Omaha. W. J. Kneist, who has been work ing In the storehouse for the past few months, has transferred to the drop pit as machinist helper. Loco-carpenter Frank Radjka 1 spending a few days at Mtnatare. XUchln'st Carl Hopkins was "sent to Mitchell to make some repairs to the rail layer at that place. Engineer 0. C. Ruth and wife left Saturday for a week's visit In Dead wood, S. Dak. Mrs. J. W. Edwards, wife of En gineer Edwards, Is planning a trip to Omaha soon. Travelling Engineer J. J. Waddell left for Chicago on Saturday to spend several days on company business. Machinist Helper M. W. Huston spent the week end In Denver. Raymond Lewis went to work In the supply room at the round house and is working the night shift. R. B Lesh, round house foreman from Edgemont, S. Dak., spent Sat urday In Alliance on company busi ness. Boilermaker M. P. Ryan and Ma chinist Elliott Strand were sent to Whitman Saturday to do some spe cial work. Money Saving Prices at Our 25 Discount Sale. Highland Holloway Co. C. L. Munti has taken a three months' leave of absence and will go to prove up on his homestead. Harry Klnnear, machinist helper, was painfully Injured Sunday when a wrist pin he was putting up slipped, hitting him over he left eye, mak ing a deep cut. Roundhouse Foreman McGlll acted as general foreman during the atnence of Mr. Urbach In Denver. Air Room Foreman Jack Connors took Mr. McGlll's place on the round house, and Machinist Will Connors took charge of the air room. Machinist Berton Hlbbard, wife and son, will go to Spearflsh, S. D., about April he 15th for a visit with relatives and friends. Save 25 on your Spring Outfit at our Discount Sale. High-land-Holloway Co. A telephone has been Installed In the machine shop for the special benefit of George Bloom. And-that's not the only honor that has been con ferred on George lately. He has fceen appointed food Inspector by the com mittee because of his accurate sense of good eats. Glasses accurately fitted at ral sonable prices. Drake ft Drake, Optometrists. tf IXANN1MJ FOIl A LAItOK TKMPLH At the late meetings of the unions the question of building a labor temple has been discussed. All the' lodges that have taken the matter up seem to be strongly in favor of It. There are. but four more organtza tlos to w and' It Is expected that the , decision will be unanimous In favor of the temple. ' : i This will necessitate forming a aoor icmpie company which must bo, Incorporated under the laws of Ne. braska In order to make the sale of tne shares lawrul. The present fig ures show that the stock will sell for, about f II per share and every lodge will be expected to buy. The lots that have been chosen are back of Hlghlnad Holloway Co. but they have made no move toward ob taining an option on the property be cause there has been no final decision as yet. It Is certainly to be hoped that the plan Is successful, for it will be an, all around uplift to the community.. The plans have not been made as yet but they figure that the assembly and lodge rooms will take up most of the upper floor and the lower floor will be eccupled by business houses, and professional men. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MKX POSTPONE! EXCLUSION Owing to railroad troubles, the ex cursion of South Omaha livestock men to western Nebraska, Wyoming and Monatna has been called off. These men, to the number of two hundred, had chartered a special train, which was to have been In Al llanc April 14. It. P. O. KLKS FILMS TO HE! SHOWN THURSDAY Thursday, the Imperial's attrac tion will be the two great Elk films. "The Way Back" and "The Spirit of Elkdom." The Elks and Uncle Sam have Joined forces to take care of the wounded soldiers, sailors and marines, and the first of these films shows what Is being done, and Just how It is accomplished. It's a big pic ture, and one that will Interest every one who views It. The latter play Is particularly Interesting to Elks. Senator J. W. Good has again filed for the Republican nomination Tor Senator of the Twenty-eighth senatorial district. Being one of the substantial progressive stockmen and farmers' of western Nebraska, nl neighbors will probably send ,htm back to Lincoln for another term. Stockman's Journal, Omaha, Neb. it Opportunity Hundreds of Box Butte County shoppers are saving dollars on every) chase at our Remodeling Sale. Our reductions are real. - ' WE MUST HAVE ROOM FOR FIXTURES j . -, t - This Great Sacrifice of Our Rightful Profit comes at a peculiarly opportune tinier-Right in the Heart of the Buying Season when every household manager knows she must replenish the' family wardrobe. In this sale she will find positively the best values obtainable. We have been receiving new shipments of goods'since the sale opened and These Goods Will be Included Everything Goes Regardless. t Oer Misf orteee is -'Your' GaieEeds Sat O X TiiU V 1 LADIES' COATS SKIRTS v DRESSES LADIES' SUITS Splendid, Stylish Models that command Attractive Creations which merit the con- Anything you may desire from Party Positively the Last Word from Dame admiration from alL ' sideration of careful buyers. Dresses to House Dresses and Aprons. Fashion. Pre-season values at Post-season ; Prices. . HOSIERY CORSETS UNDERGARMENTS : Luxite and Holeproof, in every popular La Princess and Henderson in both front Of such captivating charm that every WAISTS shade obtainable. and back lace. woman will satisfy her desire for them. Wanted Styles in All the Latest Materials. 0 Special Invitation Is Issued To Out-of-Town Patrons The Fashioi Shop Careful Attention Is Taken With All Hall Order Business j