FOUR TIIE ALLIANCE HERALD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1920. j i i Random Shots AmuKlnK. Isn't It, when a man who habitually uhpi the tactics of a Dago Maekhander talki grandloielr of "splintering Uncos on the Field of Che Cloth of Gold." Bless your heart, that was the place where the fighting was done 7 men of honour. The man who whetted a stiletto to stick his opponent In the back wasn't considered fit to be eren a ponge holder. Most folks hare just as high Standards today and they feel the sunt way about unfair fighting methods. The man who plays the game the quarest will win out. And don't you forget it. We didn't Btart this "petty person alities" stuff, Dennie Doy, remember that But We have an idea we can finish it. We did before as you will recall. We heard a rather interesting con versation the other day. A preacher called attention to the fact that B. S. (you know who we mean a case where a man's initials furnish a good description of his nature) had been appointed chairman of another fi nance committee. This preacher was asked why all this prominence ahould fall on a man with strong boulders and a weak mind, and this was his reply: "I think it was on account of his war record." And then everybody laughed. Eren the preacher. For preachers bare a sense of humor. Then he qualified his statement: "Well," he said, "he did buy Liberty bonds and be talked a lot for the loan drives." In other words, free with the air that he "hesitated" to fight to keep free. rage the latrine sergeant. Let's talk about something more appetizing for a while. But don't think there's no more to come. An Alliance school teacher Is still fond of the military life. In talking with a fellow slave, she said: "I think military commands are Just perfectly grand." (Bum, buti, buss these busies represent the Inti mate particulars.) "And then he gare these commands," she continued: "Attention!" Present arms!" "Fall In!" "At ease!" During "at ease," we hare been glren to understand, you keep one foot In place, but don't talk. Today's Ilest Story Two negroes were arguing about their respectlre "toughness." "Why, man, I'm so bad that where I come from they calls me Wood Alcohol." "That's where YOU come from. Where I live you'd answeh to de name ob Sweet Cider." Lumber dealers do hare some Joy in life. An Alliance yard manager was resting quietly in his upholstered easy chair, back of the varnished desk, and a friend came In. "Want you to figure on a boat for me,"tie said. The manager arose, took out his pad and pencil, and for thirty min utes the air was full of talk about di mension lumber, nails and calking material. Finally a price was set. "Where you going to use her when you get her built?" was the query. "I'm going to set up a ferry across Box Butte avenue." Then somebody swore. We saw a picture of Bergdoll, the nlimy slacker from Philadelphia, the other day. His millions kept htm out of war, by furnishing him means to travel over the country. - He pre ferred to run away rather than try the exemption route. No friend on the board, probably. Yet he might have got away with it. Others did. Peculiar thing about Bergdoll's pic ture. It shows that he has eyebrows so heavy that they run clear across the bridge of his nose, somewhat In the style of a South African ape. Justifies one In believing that this streak of hair runs around the head, down the neck and along the spine, where It hides another streak of a certain color that was particularly unpopular during the war. Where have we seen that style of eyebrow before. You guessed It. Wonder if Again, let's talk of something more appetizing. Nother lumber dealer Joke: Man ager Lucas was asked the other dar to figure on a house. The builder wanted a big cellar, he said a real big cellar. "Just how big?" asked Lucas. "About twenty barrels long and sixty quarts wide," was the reply. He got it. Did you read the apology? Wasn't it a beauty? Talk about kissing feet we'll say so. Remarkable In that, Just twenty four hours before It appeared, the man who made It was spouting loud ly that he was "unalterably opposed'' to the man to whom It was mad'?, and saying other things. Then came the apology. These "trifling things" have been adjusted. If we may be permitted to hnzar l a guess, we'll say that it was printed as written or dictated. Not the first time, either. Nor the last. Always "for the good of the town," so long as you guessed it. Always remember, Sonny, that you started all this. It's meaner than we like to be but you had it coming. Those navy overcoats are bunchy we'll admit that. And we do huddle up on cold days and pay loss attention to our appearance than th average Boudoir Battler. There'B no reason, in our case. The man who never wore a uni form can't appreciate how poorly they fit. There are no real tailors in the navy. At that, we weren't so crippled that the navy refused to accept us. Yet one particularly stalwart, lusty (especially in the lungs) fellow lacked let's be kind and' say that he lacked the desire to even face an examining board. An armchair warrior crippled in the courage. If this sort of stuff is what is called "invective," we're full of it. Ain't we "gifted?" As we said before, we didn't start this "personality stuff," but we have a good hunch that we'll finish it. We can give as good "invective" as any South African Ape can send. If more Is desired, there's one sure way to get It. We're set out to "wipe off that smile," as they say in the service. Foreign language to some people. If this be advertising, make the most of it. We shall expect to read another one of those editorials making a big smypathy plea. It'll tell about an ambition to make the city have 10, 009 population in three years, and all the sob stuff stops will be pulled clear out. It may fool two or three, and it may not. We almost forgot. Another fam ily living at the corner of Third' and Big Horn, is down on The Map as a regular subscriber. They never ordered it and it isn't delivered. As one man publicly said at a meeting not long ago: "Mr. Sallow does not happen to be a gentleman. Next week (If needed) our new serial will begin: "The Hero of Hundred Battles of the Boudoir." For Sale Two six room houses on Sweetwater. Modern except hoaL. Price and terms right. See Nebraska Land Company. tf. As sure as you are a foot high- you will like this Camel Turkish and Domestic blend! s t J -SmS SBf?.:jf. IT- m r w YOU never got such cigarette contentment as Camels hand you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic Tobaccos make this goodness possible andmakeyou prefer this Camel blend to either kindof tobacco smokedstraight! Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation! Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste ! They leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor I Give Camels every test then compare them puff-for-puff with any cigarette in the world I Cames ara aold ararywhara in acjentifically aralad packajaa of 20 citarattaa for 30 eanta: or ten eackaiam llOOeitaratlaa) in a glaaaina-papar-covarad ear ton. Wa atrongly raeommand rii'a carton for tha noma or of fiea aupply or whan you travah R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wln.ton-8a1.rn, N. & atam TURKISH b DOMlSTICffi ' 7 BLEND fU a mmms-tm -a-' j 25 Discount - Great RedmctioE OF SURPLUS STOCK Sale 25 Discount We have 100 delivery of most of our Spring goods and having placed orders for large amounts anticipat ing only about one-half to be delivered. We find that we are overstocked and are putting this large collec tion of Women's, Misses', Childrens' and Infants' wearing apparel an sale at LESS than our remarkable low prices. All new goods, nothing carried over from last year in this stock. 25 Dresses and Frocks I Waterloo House , women, misses and children's I SKIRTS FOR AFTERNOON, STREET DreSSeS Hosiery 200 SEPARATE SKIRTS . DINNER OR PARTIES BUNGALOW APRONS SILK, LISLE, MERCERIZED QfAUthe Popular Shades and Models PRICEsTlOO TO $95.00 TO $5.75 AND COTTON " AT S6.89 TO $60.00 ' 25 Off Less 25 Less 25 Less 25 Every Suit OF OUR NEW SPRING LINE GOES INTO THIS SALE AT 25 LESS THAN THE VERY LOW PRICES THAT HAVE MADE OUR GOODS THE TALK OF THE TOWN :- : :- :- : MILLINERY NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THAT NEW HAT AT PRICES THAT WILL SHOW A BIG SAVING ON ANYTHING THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BUY LATER ALL OUR WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR HATS AT 25 Discount COATS FOR ALL OCCASIONS OF THE NEW AND STAPLE FABRICS IN THE DESIRED SHADES SIZES 16 TO 48 25 Off PRICES THAT ARE NOT TO BE DUPLICATED Have the workmen stop that are putting in the new work in front of the store, so you can get in, or come to the door on the north side. 25 discount on every thing in the house. 'ffigMaed-HoBoway Co, Nothing reserved in this 25 Discount Sale. I